Antinomy of Common Flowers/Spell Cards/Hata no Kokoro

< Mamizou Futatsuiwa   Spell Cards   Kasen Ibaraki >

Story Mode Cards

Spell Card Story Mode 1
水面符「ミズバクマスカレード」(Sui-men-fu "Mizubaku Masukarēdo")
Water Mask Sign "Water Bomb Masquerade"
Spell Card Story Mode 2
面風符「喜怒哀楽風水術」(Men-fuu-fu "Kidoairaku Fuusui-jutsu")
Mask Wind Sign "Four Humors' Feng Shui Art"
Spell Card Story Mode 3
面符「喜怒哀楽発狂マスカレード」(Menfu "Kidoairaku Hakkyou Masukarēdo")
Mask Sign "Four Humors' Maddening Masquerade"

Spell Cards

Spell Card 1
怒面「怒れる忌狼の面」(Dofu "Okoreru Ki Ookami no Men")
Angry Mask "Mask of an Angry Hated Wolf"
Spell Card 2
憑依「喜怒哀楽ポゼッション」(Hyoui "Kidoairaku Pozesshon")
Possession "Four Humors Possession"
Spell Card 3
憂面「杞人地を憂う」(Yuumen "Kijin Chi o Yuu'u")
Melancholy Mask "The Man of Qi Worries about the Earth"[1]
Spell Card Last Word
*これでもアタシ、キレイよね?*(*Kore demo Atashi, Kirei yo ne?*)
*I'm Still Pretty Like This, Right?*


  1. A wordplay on "杞人天を憂う" ("the man of Qi worries about the sky"), which is a (Chinese and) Japanese proverb used to describe groundless fears. Qi was once a minor state in ancient China. In a parable from Liezi, one man in Qi was said to have worried about the sky falling. The proverb is usually abbreviated into "杞憂" (Qi's worries).