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Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red/Three Fairies

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Illustration by Chiha Ayami.
第百二十季 葉月の三
Season 120, Hazuki issue #3 (est. 2005/09/04 ~ 2005/10/03)
Strange Reversed Rainbow in the Summer Noon
Even long after the rain stopped...
○月○日、雨が止んでから半日以上経ったのに神社上空に虹が現れ、目撃者を驚かせた。しかもその虹はただの虹ではなく、弧の向きが上下逆になった逆さ虹だったことに二重に驚かされたのだ。 On X the Xth, a rainbow was visible above the shrine, but the fact that it was still visible for more than half the day after the rain stopped surprised eye-witnesses. And this was no ordinary rainbow, as the direction of the arc was reversed, so rare sight of a circular rainbow added another layer of surprise.
雨が降っていないのに虹が出ること[sic]訝しく思った神社の巫女は、この虹の正体を突き止めたところ、三人の妖精達の仕業だと言うことが判った。 When the shrine maiden, suspicious of this unnatural rainbow, went to ascertain the cause behind its presence, she found it was the work of three fairies.
そのお騒がせな妖精達は、サニーミルク、ルナチャイルド、スターサファイア(共に妖精)。何のために虹を出し、またどうやって虹を出したのかを聞いてみた。 The ones who caused this stir were Sunny Milk, Luna Child and Star Sapphire (all fairies). I asked them why and how they created the rainbow.


"Huh? That was Sunny collecting light to heal herself. She bent the light to make it easier to collect, which made a rainbow around her." (Star Sapphire)

「全く、怪我が酷いのは私の方だって言うのに……。雷は私に落ちたのよねぇ。あいたたた! あーあ、早く夜にならないかなぁ」(ルナチャイルド)

"Really, even though my injuries are much worse.... I'm the one who was struck by lightning. Ouchie! Aah, I hope it will be night soon." (Luna Child)

事の起こりは、昨日の雷雨に空を飛んでいたところ、雷の直撃を受けたのだと言う。その怪我を癒す為にに日の光を集めていたところ、それが逆さ虹に見えた。その治療中のサニーミルクはこう述べた。 The whole affair started when they were flying during the previous day's thunderstorm, and they were directly struck by a lightning bolt. Sunny Milk gathered sunlight to heal her wounds, and that made an upside-down rainbow appear. While still undergoing treatment, Sunny Milk had this to say:


"Ahhhh, this feels good. I'm sorry the other two can't do like me and heal myself in the sunlight, but sunny days are all about sunbathing. I got scratched up a bit yesterday, thanks to Star, so now I'm taking care of myself." (Sunny Milk)

サニーの近くは異常に眩しく、夏を凝縮した様に暑かった。落雷の直撃を受けるとは妖精らしい間抜けさではあるが、虹を生み出して治癒を行う辺りは、その辺の妖精にはないダイナミックさを感じられた。 It was incredibly bright around Sunny, even radiating heat like the concentrated essence of summer. Being hit by lightning is usual fairy stupidity, but producing a rainbow to heal oneself gives a sense of dynamism not seen in common fairies.
ただ、どう見てもサニーミルクの怪我は浅く、むしろ一緒にいたルナチャイルドの方が大怪我に見えた。その所為か、治療中のサニーミルクはただの昼寝にしか見えなかった。 Even so, Sunny Milk's injuries were minor. Luna Child was the one who appeared to have received much more damage. For that reason, Sunny Milk's therapy seemed to be nothing more than a regular afternoon nap.
(射命丸文) (Aya Shameimaru)


Illustration by Chiha Ayami.

Sunny Milk


It's hot. Really, it feels like summer.



It is, isn't it? Did you recover fully from your earlier injuries?

Sunny Milk


I'm fine, thank you. I bathed in the sunlight as much as I could to make up for all the time I couldn't during the rainy season.

Luna Child


That's right. I finally recovered, too.



How did you do so?

Luna Child


I can recover as long as there is the moonlight.

Star Sapphire


These two are both weakened when it rains.

Sunny Milk


It's the end of the rainy season so there's no problem now!



Even so, being hit by a lightning bolt must have been disastrous. If I recall correctly, it was because it struck your umbrella, wasn't it?

Luna Child

そう思い出した! アレに当たったのはスターの所為よ!

That's what I remember! Star was the one who wanted to bring it, so it's her fault!

Sunny Milk

そうよそうよ! スターは雷が落ちそうだって事に気づいてたんでしょ?

That's right! You noticed that it looked like a thunderstorm was coming, didn't you?

Star Sapphire

あら? 何言ってるのかしら。だって、まだ悪戯を続けるって言い張ったのはサニーじゃないの。私は黒いのを騙した時点で満足だったし

Huh? Whatever do you mean? Sunny kept insisting we continue with our mischief instead of seeking shelter. I was satisfied when we had tricked the one in black.

Luna Child

そうだ! サニーの所為よ! 私が痛い目に遭うのは大体いつだってサニーの所為

That's right! It was Sunny's fault! Whenever something terrible happens to me, it's usually because of you!

Sunny Milk


It's already summer now, so we'll be fine.

Luna Child

まぁ良いけどさぁ。いつも言ってるでしょう? あの巫女の勘が一番危険だって

Well, I guess it doesn't matter, but I keep having to tell you that the shrine maiden's intuition is our greatest threat.

Star Sapphire


Even though we were struck by lightning.



Pardon me. I'm not fully following your conversation, could I perhaps have you explain it so I can understand?

Sunny Milk


It's good that mess is done with, but it was still kind of fun, wasn't it?

Star Sapphire


It was.

Luna Child


I guess so, but I'm always the only one who comes out worse for the wear.

Star Sapphire


Your senses are just dull.

Sunny Milk


But you still recovered from it. Anyway, why don't we start thinking of our next prank?

Star Sapphire


Good, good. That's the spirit.



The three of you are completely ignoring me, aren't you?

Luna Child


The next one will go much more smoothly!



This is why fairies cause so much trouble. They're always only thinking of themselves.

Sunny Milk


What? So do you want to join in our next prank, too?

Star Sapphire


Yes, a prank that will leave that red-and-white shrine maiden black-and-blue.



So you continue with these thoughtless pranks not knowing your own abilities... I don't know if that's because you're fairies or just...

Sunny Milk


Well, it's okay. We can do something fun even without your help.

Luna Child


Even though you can't do much all by yourself, Sunny.

Sunny Milk

きー!って怒ると思った? 頼りにしてるわよ二人の力には

You thought I'd get mad at that? Of course, I'm relying on both of your powers, too.

Star Sapphire


Hmhmhm. Next time, that shrine maiden won't know what hit her.

Luna Child


We won't fail.



Good grief... They don't listen to others at all, and they don't make themselves clear to others, either. Is this the world of fairies...?


Sunny Milk
Luna Child
Star Sapphire
それぞれ日の光、月の光、星の光の妖精。3人で協力して悪戯をしかけてくる。 They're the fairies of sunlight, moonlight, and starlight, respectively. The three work together to cause mischief.
出演作:『東方三月精』(角川書店刊『コンプエース』連載中) Appearances: Touhou Sangetsusei (Serialized in "Comp Ace", published by Kadokawa Shoten Publ.)

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