Double Spoiler/Translation/Spoiler
Spoiler Scene 1
BGM: あなたの町の怪事件 |
BGM: The Mystery in Your Town | |
Aya |
さーてと、大分写真も溜まったし ふむふむ、この写真、何だっけ? 真っ白い写真に弾幕に 訳の判らない写真が多いわねぇ まあ、記事内容なんていくらでも |
Now then, I've got a whole bunch of pictures Hm hm, what's with this picture? A pure white picture where the subject That's a lot of pictures where you can't make anything out of. Meh, I can always make up the content |
Hatate Himekaidou ENTERS | ||
??? |
そこまでよ! |
That's as far as you go! |
Aya |
あら、あなたは…… |
Hey, you're... |
??? |
私が出てきたからには |
Since I came out here, |
今どきの念写記者 |
Modern Day Thoughtography Reporter | |
Aya |
「 |
Aren't you Hatate of the Kakashi Thoughtographic Report? |
Hatate |
妄想新聞はそっちでしょ? |
Surely yours is the delusional newspaper? |
Aya |
念写も大差無いけど、その弱小新聞の |
Though that doesn't make a big difference, what does a |
Hatate |
弱小新聞って……その余裕も今日までよ |
Puny newspaper...that arrogance also ends today. |
Aya |
宣戦布告、まあ新聞大会が近いからねぇ |
Declaring war, well, the newspaper competition is coming up. |
Hatate |
私は今日から念写じゃなくて、実際に |
I won't be doing thoughtography from today on, |
Aya |
今頃気付いたの? |
You only realized it now? |
Hatate |
だから、文の取材をこっそり念写して |
So I'll secretly take your interviews by |
Aya |
あら、私のネタ探しの素晴らしさに |
Ah, you realized how wonderful |
Hatate |
文の新聞の被写体は良いけど 私がもっと面白く書いて新聞大会で |
Your newspaper's subjects are well and good, I'll write more interesting articles for the |
Aya |
って、被写体泥棒って訳!? |
Eh, you mean you're gonna steal my subjects!? |
BGM: 妖怪の山 ~ Mysterious Mountain |
BGM: Youkai Mountain ~ Mysterious Mountain | |
Hatate |
新聞のテリトリーは元来自由であるべきだ 最高の被写体を最低の記事で纏める だから、私が「 |
The territory for newspapers should be free for all from the start. There's no need for a newspaper with the best subjects bundled So I'll eat up the Bunbunmaru Newspaper's articles |
Aya |
ふん、ひよっこが! |
Hmph, fledging! |
Spoiler Scene 5
BGM: 妖怪の山 ~ Mysterious Mountain |
BGM: Youkai Mountain ~ Mysterious Mountain | |
Aya |
どうしたの? |
What happened? |
Hatate |
まだまだー! |
I'm not done yet! |
Aya |
百戦錬磨の私にとってこの程度は 引き籠もって念写をしていたあなた |
I've been hardened by a hundred battles, I'm not like you, holing yourself up |
Hatate |
記者は動き回るだけが脳じゃない 取材を生かすのは推敲を重ねた記事が |
A reporter's talent isn't just to move around. To create a good interview you need |
Aya |
記事の内容など、事件の質の前には 本当に興味を惹く事件は、写真と見出しだけで |
Things like an article's content is nothing The truth is that an incident that really catches interests can |
Hatate |
それでは記事を書く意味が無いじゃない! |
Then there's no point in writing articles, is there!? |
Aya |
記事で意味があるのは文字数くらいね |
If there's a point in writing articles, that is to fill up words. |
Hatate |
ふん、文はそんなんだからいつまで経っても 写真に似合った記事は、読者の興味を惹き |
Hmph, that's why you never get into An article that suits the picture can catch the reader's |
Aya |
青いわね 人間が、どの位文字を読んでいると思う? 毎日生きるのに必死で、少しの娯楽で満足した 見出しと写真をざっとなめて、それで 記事の内容を眺めこそすれ、本質を理解する |
You're still green. How many words do you think humans read? For those humans who say they work seriously everyday and and those humans who scan the headlines and pictures and feel they won't have the leisure to read the contents of the |
Hatate |
じゃあ、私が人間が記事まで読むような |
Then watch me make a newspaper that even |
Aya |
面白い、出来るものならやってみなさい |
Interesting, show me if you can. |
Hatate |
ふふ、私のスポイラー記事が文を越えて お互い |
Huhu, my spoiler articles may surpass We'll become each other's competition newspaper (double spoiler) and aim for the best! |
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