Febri/Ten Desires and Touhou Project interview with ZUN Part1

A special 2-volume feature on the
ever-evolving popular doujin shmup and its draw!
まずは『東方神霊廟 Ten Desires.』を
It starts with an interview regarding the characters of Ten Desires!
Introduction - The latest in the series was released in its completed form at this year's summer Comic Market. The system was an attempt to take the best parts of previous releases and continue to build upon the setting from before. First, we have a brief overview of the stages and characters along with an interview with ZUN.
A mass of divine spirits has sprung up in Gensokyo
What is the true form of the danmaku sleeping beneath Gensokyo?!
From this point forward, each of the game's bosses will be introduced. Spoilers ahead.
幻想郷を襲う春の珍事 A strange happening attacks in Gensokyo's spring
本誌にてコミック連載もあるので、はじめましての人以外で知らない人もそういないであろう東方Project最新作が、今回紹介する『東方神霊廟』だ。当初3月に公開予定だった体験版が東日本大震災発生により延期されたり、そのショップ委託分の売り上げが寄付されたりと作品以外のところで紆余曲折があった本作。ZUN氏は震災という傷ましい事象を受けて、人の死をテーマに取りいれた本作を発表するべきかどうか、開発のかなり後の段階まで悩んでいたという。そのことがゲームの内容に影響したかどうかは、作者のみ知るところだろう。 As this magazine features a Touhou serialized comic, only first-time readers may be unaware of the new game. The demo was scheduled to be released in March of this year, but it was it delayed on account of the Great Tohoku Earthquake and later sold on consignment in shops with proceeds being donated to relief efforts. Its troubled history did not stop there, as ZUN was conflicted on whether or not it was appropriate to release a game dealing with souls so close after a major tragedy. As to what effects this had on the game itself, only ZUN himself knows.
さて本題のゲームだが、春の訪れとともに幻想郷のそこらじゅうに現れるようになった神霊を不思議に思った霊夢らが、その原因を突き止めに行くうちに、意外なことに巻き込まれていく、といった内容。今回はひさびさに魂魄妖夢が登場し自機の一角を担っている。 As for the game itself, it is set around the coming of spring. Reimu and the others are puzzled by the appearance of the many divine spirits, and as they search to stop the source, they find themselves wrapped up in an unexpected situation. On another note, it features Youmu Konpaku as a playable character for the first time in a while.
Reimu Hakurei
空を飛ぶ程度の能力を持った博麗神社の巫女さんで、本作の主人公の一人。人間にも妖怪にも分け隔てなく接する。天才型で超然的な性格の持ち主だが、俗っぽいところも。 The main character, shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine who can fly through the air. She treats both human and youkai equally. Although she has supernatural powers, she is aloof and somewhat worldly.
霧雨 魔理沙
Marisa Kirisame
魔法を使う程度の能力を持つ普通の魔法使い。収集癖があり、いろいろなものを集めている。霊夢とは対照的に努力型で、彼女のだいたいの行動原理は好奇心から発している。 A normal magician who can wield sorcery. A bit of a pack rat, she collects all sorts of objects. She is a hard worker in contrast to Reimu, and she usually acts due to her wild curiosity.
東風谷 早苗
Sanae Kochiya
妖怪の山にある、守矢神社の巫女さん。奇跡を起こす程度の能力を持つ。幻想郷には最近やってきたため、妖怪退治はまだ苦手。以前は現人神と慕われていた割に、軽い性格。 The shrine maiden of the Moriya Shrine on Youkai Mountain with the ability to cause miracles. As a relative newcomer to Gensokyo, she is not yet experience in exterminating youkai. Although she is a living god, she has an easygoing personality.
魂魄 妖夢
Youmu Konpaku
冥界にある白玉楼の庭師にしてその主人・西行寺幽々子の剣の指南役。本作にしては珍しい、素直でまじめな性格。主人である幽々子の奔放さにはたびたび翻弄されている。 She is the gardener of Hakugyokuro of the Netherworld and sword instructor to her mistress Yuyuko Saigyouji. She has an honest, serious personality, and so she is occasionally teased by Yuyuko.

STAGE LECTURE Stage Explanation
STAGE1 Stage 1
1面のボスがラスボス? The first boss is a final boss?
幻想郷のあちこちに出現するようになった神霊たち。神霊も例のうちなのだから、詳しい人に話を聞こうということで、霊夢が向かったのは冥界にあるお屋敷、白玉楼。そこに住まうのは1000年以上も成仏せずに亡霊を続ける主人・西行寺幽々子だ。しかし、おとぼけ者の幽々子がはいそうですかと情報を教えてくれるはずもなく、弾幕ごっこに興じる羽目に……。 As the divine spirits appear all over Gensokyo, Reimu goes to speak to someone who knows about spirits in general. That would be Yuyuko Saigyouji, a ghost who has not rested in peace for over 1000 years who lives in the estate of Hakugyokuro in the Netherworld. However, she feigns ignorance and instead asks for a danmaku match under the pretense of jogging her memory.
西行寺 幽々子
Boss - Yuyuko Saigyouji
妖夢の主人で、死を操る程度の能力を持つ亡霊のお嬢様。『東方妖々夢』ではステージ6のボスとして立ちはだかったが、今回はRPGで主人公に行き先を教えてくれる町人役。 Youmu's mistress, she is a ghost princess who can manipulate death. In Perfect Cherry Blossom, she was the final boss, but now she is more like a guiding townsperson in an RPG.
STAGE2 Stage 2
境内に響き渡る読経の声 The voice of the echoing sutra chants
強すぎる町人こと幽々子にどうにかヒントをもらった行先は、つい最近建てられたお寺、命蓮寺の裏の墓地。この命蓮寺、前作『東方星蓮船』がきっかけで建てられた幻想郷初のお寺なのだが、そんな場所に一体何が? やってきてみれば、朝の静かな境内……をぶち壊すような大声の持ち主が待ち構えていた。最近仏門に入ったという幽谷響子、山彦の妖怪である。 After receiving a hint from the too-strong-to-be-a-villager Yuyuko, Reimu heads to the recently built Myourenji to investigate their graveyard in the back. It was Gensokyo's first temple, built in the events following Undefined Fantastic Object, so one can only wonder what is there. But the peaceful morning calm is broken by a loud voice. It is the recent Buddhist acolyte, yamabiko youkai Kyouko Kasodani.
幽谷 響子
Boss - Kyouko Kasodani
音を反射させる程度の能力を持った、山彦の妖怪。早朝いつものように命蓮寺の境内を掃除していると、突然の面倒で乱暴な来訪者がやってくるのだった……。 This yamabiko youkai has the ability to reflect sound. As she was cleaning the temple grounds early in the morning, she saw a violent visitor causing trouble...
STAGE3 Stage 3
墓場に響くヤツの足音 Shuffling feet in the graveyard
幽々子がヒントを出した場所は命蓮寺の「墓地」だった。境内で通りすがりにとりあえず倒された響子の気の毒なことよ。それはさておき、ようやく本題の墓地へ。途中、唐傘お化けの頼みを突き返すどころか彼女ごと張り倒し、辿り着いた先にいたのは中国のゾンビ、キョンシーの宮古芳香。頭が(物理的に)腐っている彼女は、話の通じない相手だった。 Yuyuko hinted at Myourenji's graveyard, so Kyouko was merely an unfortunate bystander. Leaving her behind, Reimu finally reaches her destination. Accepting the request of a wayward umbrella youkai as she defeats her, she finally reaches a Chinese zombie, the jiangshi Yoshika Miyako. As her head is (physically) rotting, she doesn't listen to Reimu's demands.
宮古 芳香
Boss - Yoshika Miyako
何でも喰う程度の能力を持つ、キョンシー。ゾンビとヴァンパイアを足したような存在と言え[sic]わかり易いだろうか。主人の命を守ってある場所を守っている。頭はかなり悪い。 A jiangshi with the ability to eat anything. Simply put, she is like a combined zombie and vampire. She protects a place as ordered by her master, but is otherwise rather dimwitted.
STAGE4 Stage 4
芳香を操っていた主人が出現 The one controlling Yoshika
芳香が何を言っているのか不明ながらも、何かの入り口を守護していたことだけは確かだった。守られていたらしき穴をくぐると、ずいぶんと先に続いている様子。長い洞窟を進んでいくと、仙人を自称する怪しいヤツが現れた。彼女こそが芳香を操って、洞窟への道のりを阻んでいたのだ。騒動の原因に辿り着いたかに見えたとき、倒したはずの芳香が現れて……。 Although Reimu can't understand what Yoshika was talking about, it was clear she was protecting the entrance to something. Passing through the hole, she finds a deep cave with a self-professed hermit on the far end. That suspicious character was the one who had placed Yoshika at the entrance to obstruct others. Just when Reimu things she's on the verge of uncovering the cause of the disturbance, the once-defeated Yoshika reappears...
Boss - Seiga Kaku
底をすり抜けられる程度の能力を持った仙人。芳香を操っていた主人であり、ある意味で今回の異変の遠因とも言える。仙人らしく、善悪よりも力を求めるような性格。 A hermit who can pass through walls and can control Yoshika. She has a distant connection with the actual source of the incident. She seems more interested in power than morality.
STAGE5 Stage 5
ついに本拠地に到達! The base has finally been uncovered!
青娥と芳香の同時攻撃をしのぎ、大仰な扉をくぐった先にはさらに多くの神霊たちが集まっていた。なぜ神霊はどこかへ行こうと集まっているのか? そして目の前にある建物は何なのか? 途中襲いかかってきた強力な亡霊を退け、進んだ先に現れたのは、またしても仙人。彼女は自らを尸解仙と称し、神子復活の邪魔はさせないと立ちはだかってくるのだが……。 Surpassing Seiga and Yoshika's dual assault, Reimu passes through the huge doors to find an enormous swarm of divine spirits. Why have they gathered and what is the building before her eyes? Defeating the powerful ghost who attacks her en route, yet another hermit appears. However, she refers to herself as a shikaisen and declares she won't tolerate anyone intruding with Miko's resurrection...
蘇我 屠自古
Boss - Soga no Tojiko
雷を起こする[sic]程度の能力を持った亡霊。名前の通り、日本の古代豪族・蘇我氏の亡霊だ。布都との因縁で人間としての復活を阻まれたままでいるが、本人は気にしていないらしい。 She is a ghost with the power to create lightning. As her name implies, she belongs to the great Soga clan. She was supposed to be revived along with Futo, but failed due to her meddling. She seems to like her current form regardless.
物部 布都
Boss - Mononobe no Futo
風水を操る程度の能力を持った、自称尸解仙。尸解仙とは、死んでから復活してなるタイプの仙人のこと。仏教の崇拝に反対して、時の権力者と反目していたと思われたが……。 A professed shikaisen with the power to control feng shui. She is a hermit who died and then was revived. She opposes Buddhism, and was said to be opposed to the ruler when she was alive...
物部氏・蘇我氏とは Soga & Mononobe
物部氏と蘇我氏は、古代日本を代表する豪族。軍事を司っていた物部氏と、渡来人系の氏族と深い関係にあったとされる蘇我氏は、仏教を崇拝するのか否かをめぐって激しく対立。蘇我氏が勝利を収めた。 Both are ancient Japanese clans. The Mononobes controlled the armies while the Soga had deep connections with settlers from the mainland. Whether or not they opposed Buddhism, they clashed fiercely with the Soga clan prevailing.
初めましてじゃないキャラたち Returning Characters
本作にはプレイヤーキャラクター以外でも数名、初登場ではない人物がいる。ステージ1のボス、西行寺幽々子、ステージ2の中ボス、多々良小傘、Exステージの中ボス、封獣ぬえだ。それぞれ『東方妖々夢』『東方永夜抄』『東方風神録』などに登場し、活躍を見せてくれるのだ。 Besides the playable characters, there are a number of returning characters from other games. The stage 1 boss, Yuyuko Saigyouji, the stage 3 mid-boss, Kogasa Tatara, and the EX stage mid-boss, Nue Houjuu.
STAGE6 Stage 6
誰もが知ってるあの偉人 The great figure everyone knows
布都の仙術を打ち破ると、彼女は神子様が復活すると言って去ってしまう。追いかけた先では、まるで星空と見まがうほどに大量の神霊たちが集まり、神秘的な空気が漂っていた。そこにたたずむ一人の人間、彼女こそがこれら全ての神霊を引き寄せる魅力と神々しさ、そして溢れんばかりの能力を持った聖人、豊聡耳神子であった。彼女は人間の持つ十の欲望を瞬時に見ぬくことで、相手のことを全て把握するという。青娥から道教の話を聞いた神子は不老不死に惹かれ、布都とともに裏から神仏宗教戦争の糸を引き、道教の力で仙人として復活して再び世を治めようとしていた。しかし仏教の僧侶に封印されてしまったことと、思ったよりも仏教の信仰が長引いていたため、今まで復活が遅れていたのだった。だが、神子の数々の偉業があまりにも超人的だったので現代人からは次第に信じられなくなり、復活へといったのだった。 After defeating Futo's hermit arts, she runs off saying that she will resurrect Miko. Racing after her, Reimu sees a huge gathering of divine spirits resembling a starry sky. As the air fills with a mysterious atmosphere, a single person appears, her divinity and attraction the only thing that could have drawn so many divine spirits in a single spot. She is Miko Toyosatomimi, possessing overflowing power. Able to see the desires of 10 different people in an instant, she immediately understands her opponent. She came to desire immortality after hearing about taoism from Seiga, and working with Futo, they staged a religious war between the Taoists and Buddhists. Although she was to be reborn like Futo, she was sealed by a Buddhist monk, and due to the continued influence of Buddhism, her resurrection was delayed considerably. The fact that her feats were so historic that it took much longer for humans in the Outside World to forget her.
豊聡耳 神子
Boss - Miko Toyosatomimi
十人の話を同時に聞くことができる程度の能力を持った聖人。10人の話を同時に聞いたり、母の胎内に救世観音が入って身ごもった子だとする話等、数々の伝説に彩られる古代の偉人(がモチーフ)。 A saint with the power to listen to ten people at once. Additionally, when she was still in her mother's womb, she was imbued with the power of the goddess of salvation, among other incredible tales (or based on one such figure).
二ツ岩 マミゾウ[sic]
Boss - Mamizou Futatsuiwa
化けさせる程度の能力を持った狸の妖怪。神子復活に恐れをなした妖怪たちが外の世界から呼び寄せた「切り札」で、いまだに健在なその妖怪としての力をもって、霊夢たちに弾幕十番勝負を挑む。 A tanuki youkai with the power of transformation. She was called by youkai fearing Miko as a trump card against her resurrection. Still in high spirits, she challenges Reimu and the others to a danmaku battle.


TD Interview with ZUN


The first part of a interview about the newest game in the series, Ten Desires, in which we asked a variety of questions concerning everything from character design to inspirations.


ZUN Interview


New Challenges in Making Ten Desires



This is the first time you've created a character based of an actual person, isn't it?



Yes, but Prince Shotoku is practically a god at this point, so it barely feels like he was just a regular human.



It seems like you were challenging yourself in that way this time around, so do you think you'll keep it up for future games?



It was actually by chance that it turned out that way, so it's not like I'll purposefully do it again. As far as other new things, I wanted to try to bridge all the games before and after Mountain of Faith together. Ten Desires is the first time I did something like that, linking Undefined Fantastic Object with Perfect Cherry Blossom.



It's true that there seems to be a clean break between Imperishable Night and Mountain of Faith, so it felt you were trying to establish connections between them.





Sudden Reappearances



Pretty much right after the trial was released, you had people saying "Breaking news -- the first boss is the final boss."



I even got the name "Shinreibyou" from the spirits ("rei") that populated the Netherworld. When you started the game, you'd think a divine spirit would be the last boss, but it had actually been named that for a different reason.



I see. I remember that you did the same thing with "Fuujinroku" (Mountain of Faith) and that one had a divine spirit for the last boss.


New Characters & Their Designs



What did you have trouble with regarding character design this time around?



More like what didn't I have trouble with? There was so little specific imagery to work with, since most of them aren't youkai I can't attach youkai-like attributes to. Animal-based characters are the easiest, because they have distinct ears and tails, but everything else is pretty tough since it's so abstract.



Kyouko is a yamabiko, but she also has the appearance of a novice monk.



Because that's simply what a young monk is, reading an unlearnable sutra before the gate, repeating it in a loud voice like a yamabiko's echo.



What a nuisance of a temple.



No, yamabiko have the ability to repeat something as soon as they hear it, so they're probably no different from savants. Most people can't recall exactly what they hear, but they can.



But it's not like they can store it up, right?



Okay, so they're more like parrots then, haha.



So did the fact that Yoshika is a jiangshi make designing her easier?



Yes, it did. As well her pose.



It was more or less settled right away.



I just had to make her Chinese.



Having the third-stage boss as a Chinese character is sort of nostalgic, isn't it?



If I told you I wasn't intentionally trying to make them similar, I'd be lying.



But unlike Meiling, Yoshika can recover so she's harder to beat.



She is a pain to fight, especially if you're score attacking, which is admittedly a common scenario.



Have you seen TV shows with a jiangshi character?



I have. When I was in school, we'd play pretend jiangshis a lot.



First you had "Mr. Vampire", and then the "Yuyu Hakusho" anime series, and there was also "Rai-Rai Jiangshis," right?



I get the feeling there were a lot of things that used "Mr. Vampire" as a springboard and made something of a boom. But afterwards, the only jiangshi I can think of is Hsien-Ko from Darkstalkers. I actually had her in mind when making Yoshika at first, giving her a more agile, kenpo-like pose, but it seemed too cliched. Besides, Hsien-Ko is a bit too capable, and I thought a more brain-dead character would be better.



And so you came up with a cliched zombie.



There are a lot of games with zombies. They're really popular.



They say zombies are popular during a recession, so they're still going strong.



The reason why they're so popular in America is because they aren't actually human so you can kill as many as you want. Just make their blood a different color and use whatever other excuse you can imagine. But in the western games as of late, you can sort of tell they just want to shoot people anyway...



This conversation has taken quite a turn.



Well, that's the story behind Yoshika. And since the trial version is only three stages, I wanted to create intrigue for the coming story without giving too much away. It's harder than you think. Basically, you have to get across "She's messed up in the head so talking to her won't get you anywhere, but she has to hint at the reason why she was sent to fight you since that sets the game's theme" without overwriting things and including extraneous info. That way when the full version is released, you clearly understand the actual reason for her presence. That unexpectedness is important. Not making it too obvious, but making her necessary. I only realized that fairly recently, although I had an inkling before even though I wrote the story so things could be read in a number of different ways. The trial and the finished versions to me are like two-part novels.


Seiga's "Nice" Personality



The 4th stage leads into the meat of the story. It was quite a surprise to see that imposing door at the end of the tunnel beneath the graveyard.



It made quite an impact. And since someone had to have been controlling the jiangshi, I had to bring that someone out at some point. She could've been the last boss, or even the next-to-lass boss, but I thought it was best to reveal it early.



Did you decide to bring back Yoshika from the start?



That was why I made her a jiangshi. It's not like she could die.



I remember you mentioning something about her being buried again since she didn't have anything else to protect at the end of the story.



That's probably what happened, but Seiga won't have any problem reviving her should the need arise, since Yoshika's basically dead. When you think about it, there were a lot of dead people who managed to revive from stage 3 on.



And there are a lot of hermits, too.



Some are hermits by birth, and some train to become hermits, but those who become hermits after dying are impressive. They're all oddballs though, haha.



That makes sense though, unless there's some other reason why she's called "Nyan-Nyan."



In China, they call all their goddesses that. Her design has that orthodox, sage-like appearance, but her personality is nice. And I mean that in a sarcastic sense.



And you see that clearly in one of the endings.



She'll follow most people she takes an interest in, but she won't do them any favors. She's someone who turned traitor against her own family. But it's not like she's trying to fulfill some ambition; it's just how she is. Like someone who's popular and disliked at the same time. Touhou doesn't have many characters like her, someone you might find in real life who gets carried away. Well, she doesn't get carried away so much as goad others into doing it. Rather than using people, she'll hasten things to their natural conclusion. I thought someone like her would be good.


Lots of Revivals



From stage 4, all of the characters are those that have been resurrected.



It was quite a fuss. They should've let them sleep longer, but they came back because the temple was built on top of them.



So they wouldn't have otherwise?



The ones who built the temple were trying to seal them underground, but they ended up waking up because of it. Taking preventative measures only to rile things up is a common story mechanic.



I guess they got too close.



That's right. I was going for that sort of cause and effect. The temple, formed from the Palanquin Ship from Undefined Fantastic Object was freed from the underground in the events of Subterranean Animism. One stimulus results in another. And the reason Reimu & co. had to go to the underground anyway was because of the gods who arrived into Gensokyo in Mountain of Faith. The one who is truly at fault is Kanako.



So she's the reason why everything up to now has happened. Fearsome.



Even though she doesn't actually show her face that often.



What was the reason for having Tojiko as the midboss?



I had decided on Futo, a Mononobe, as the boss, since I wanted someone who probably wouldn't like Prince Shotoku, and she was a natural choice given her clan's anti-Buddhist stance. The reason for that, is when you discovered that Prince Shotoku, a Buddhist, was the final boss, you got an extra shock. Then, for yet another unexpected twist, I added someone from the Soga clan as well.



So she was just an extra surprise. But wasn't she also supposedly Prince Shotoku's wife?






But now they're both women after coming to Gensokyo...



Though their names are similar they are different people. This person's name is a dreadful and cringy kind of name that means: "Kill Herself".



So she's a masochist?



No, she might appear that way since she's a phantom, but my image of her is more as a vengeful spirit.



Why is she the only one who looks like a spirit?



Basically because of the people who opposed her are able to easily handle vengeful spirits. The others are hermits, but Tojiko ended up as a spirit. But it's not like she holds a grudge against them. I just gave both clans different settings within the game. If I didn't, then I'd get history buffs mad by trying to assume I knew how they treated each other. So I just used history as a base and made it more fantastical.



So it's a Gensokyo-like interpretation of history.



Of course. If I didn't make it like that, there wouldn't be any point to it.



It's always exciting to see how you've reinterpreted history for your games.



Combining history and fantasy based on myths skillfully is fun. But sometimes you just have to avert your eyes to any inconsistencies, or you'll just get hung up on them and not get any further in the story.



Sounds like a different sort of fun than making shmups.



It is; not just the story, but the setting as well.



Now, what about Futo?



I didn't change too much, although she was called a "harsh guy" at first.



It's true she has a boyish look.



But the clothes she wears were worn regardless of gender. Anyway, I'm just glad I was able to have her ride a boat. That was all I needed to be satisfied.



Surfing on the Ama-no-iwafune, right? Hahaha. You packed a lot of little references into her spell card names, too.



If anything, it reminds me of how I named them in Mountain of Faith. I came up with some crazy names, but just for her, I used a lot of already existing things.



Like the burning of Sakurai Temple, or Ohmiwa Shrine. I can't even figure out how to pronounce the Japanese characters.



It's rather difficult, yes. I was looking forward to seeing the different ways people would try to read it, haha. How it got that reading in the first place is a mystery.



I know it has something to do with Mt. Miwa, but I don't know why they went with completely different characters.



Mt. Miwa itself is worshiped like Suwa is, so they were trying to combine the two. It's easier to call the god of the mountain there instead of the god of the sea, although they aren't gods at all. But the Mononobe clan has a close connection with Mt. Miwa, so I thought it would work for the game. And even thoughe Futo is pretending to be a Taoist, her techniques are Shinto and rooted in Shinto gods. That's how I imagine Futo. Even as she claims to follow Taoism, she is still loyal to the gods.



And on the other hand, you have Reimu who claims to be Shinto but uses Taoism-inspired techniques. That explains the jab. But her interactions with Sanae, who also have close connections with the Mononobe, are also amusing.



Both their characters and in the story. I think Futo was a very good match for this story, even if I did just want to have her ride the boat. The Inafune in the game is actually based on the plates they use to serve sashimi on, since I had nothing with a more primitive design that still resembled a boat, but I still had to make it a bit more boat-like. And it still sunk, haha.


Similarities Between Lasers and the Constitution



I think Futo has a snazzy design but why did you give Miko her distinctive features?



The image of Prince Shotoku is pretty much set in stone by now, so I sort of had to go with something more radical. Although the reason why everyone has the same image of him is because there's only that one historical picture, but I couldn't just use that. It'd be like using the picture from the old 10,000-yen bills. So I just went with some general motifs...and the disciplining rod, haha.



I don't think that's what shaku are used for though, haha.



That's what I imagine her doing. She'll go, "Enough playing around!" and smack them around a bit.



You're kidding, haha. But that line with the other mid-fight word bubbles are new, aren't they?



That was why I tried to change messages into lines, so they wouldn't seem out of place. I'm not sure if it's the best idea, but I like them.



They also showed up in Fairy Wars to warn the players of enemies coming from off-screen. But before "Enough playing around!" there was "Royal Clan's Chaotic Dance" to catch everyone by surprise. "Have at it!"



I don't think of that spell card as anything but a reference, but that's sort of a running theme with my final bosses. Not only do you have the surprise of seeing old bosses again, but then I added a bunch of other references in her spell cards. If I didn't get that level of detail in there to get the point across, it wouldn't been meaningless. Nowadays, you have even elementary school kids playing them, so I wanted to make things are clear as possible.



Like "Emperor of the Land of the Rising Sun." That was a rather tough spell card if I recall correctly.



Some people will think it's hard, and some won't. I actually wanted to start with "Laser of Seventeen Articles" but there was no way I could. I really just wanted to use that name, and made that pattern as a benchmark of sorts.



And you even colored the bullets appropriately by the 12-rank system.



At first, I just wanted to include it because it was so familiar, but I couldn't imagine what kind of danmaku it would make. On the other hand, with the constitution, you count each statute, so it was simple enough to just have 17 lasers, but beyond that I don't know why I put them together. Still, once I learn of such ideas, I have to use them. The fact they have the same units makes it really interesting.



And isn't "Prince Shotoku's Out-of-Place Artifact" just a little harsh?



Once you get the hang of it, it's pretty simple. It was actually a lot easier to begin with, but I thought it was too much so I made it so you had to narrowly dodge stuff. You're probably too far down on the screen, since it's easier when you're closer to the boss. The bullets actually aren't entirely random, so figuring out the pattern will help. If they were entirely random, you'd get trapped by unavoidable walls.


The Story's Bosses & Extras



What was the hardest part in making Ten Desires?



There are few things that aren't hard when I make a game, but in this case it was coming up with the story. I don't really know much about Taoism, so I read a bunch of books about it. Honestly, I don't think I had read a book that mentioned Prince Shotoku didn't exist so I thought I should find some that did. People know him because of his famous quotes but the fact that he never existed becomes sort of common sense. That's the part I wanted to analyze the most, and confirm if the tales about him were true. The most mainstream of which is that not even Prince Umayado existed. I think so as well, particularly since the anecdotes about him listening to 10 people at once are baloney. That's why I made him the focus of the story, and put those headphones on Miko to make it seem that she values her hearing. While that might be because she didn't like hearing too much, I wanted to emphasize that part of her character as much as possible.



And her hairstyle makes it seem like she's stopped caring about it...



No, they just serve as replacement for her ears covered by the headphones. It was pretty hard coming up with that.



Did you have trouble writing the songs, too?



I normally just compose where the music leads, but Mamizou's theme was hard. I wanted to do something completely different from the rest of the soundtrack and trying to bring out a more playful feel.



Can you say some more about Mamizou?



I didn't give too much thought to the EX Stage this time around. Of course, I had a rough idea of what I wanted to have happen, but the EX Stage in general doesn't have that much of a bearing on the main story so anything goes, which is why lately I just look at the rest of the game and decide on "X" sort of character. EoSD was made like that too. The only exceptions were PCB where I even had a Phantasm Stage and IN. But I consider most EX Stages their own self-contained stories. They take place a few days after the ending and serve as like mini-sequels or bonuses, strengthening the possibility of how they might be connected to the next game.



Was the boss originally a tanuki in development?



There are other vague characters I could've used. I considered Kasen at once point, since that was the level of vagueness I was going for, and there's no shortage of characters that fit that level where they aren't tied hard and fast to any particular story. If they were, it would've complicated things. I couldn't done it like a rich person financially backing the venture, but then there's no way they could be so unrelated. So, at first I thought a Buddhist monk would've been good, but I just added one, so I went with a youkai, but then I had to decide on which kind of youkai. The stage title, "Raise the Flag of Rebellion," was decided while I was developing the game. The temple was built to prevent a resurrection, and since that resurrection was successful regardless, they would have to fight back. Byakuren was a natural choice, but I felt like there weren't enough new characters, given Yuyuko & Kogasa's return. So I went about making a new youkai that would be sympathetic to Myouren Temple's cause and stronger than the other youkai. I figured they would have to be several other enemies from outside Gensokyo who were still able to live and thrive while retaining their youkai status.



And Mamizou thrived that well in Sato?



Yes, she represents how tanuki still have that image there.



I was wondering, do you have any plans to connect this game to how Reimu's powers are derived more from Taoism than Shinto?



I'm not sure if I will or not. I just reaffirmed that Shinto has adopted a number of facets from Buddhism among other things. Originally, Shinto wasn't an organized religion, but focused on folklore regarding the native gods. It was only when Buddhism and Taoism came that they all came together and created this strange belief system. It looks like Shinto, but people seemed to feel awkward in how primitive it was, so they organized by standardizing the gods and their origins as well as the rituals. Beforehand, Shinto was much more unrestrained, with as many ways to worship the gods as they are myriad in number.



Have you started figuring out the plot for later games?



It's coming along bit by bit, but it's easier to decide on a theme first and then research it. You still learn a lot, and you have greater freedom in picking out supplemental bits. Don't sift through everything, judging what's good and what isn't. Just find out everything you can without thinking about it. Then, once you hit a dead end, you've opened up a long tunnel behind you. It's time-consuming, but that's the majority of game development, coming up with good ideas. Unfortunately, in the industry, they aren't so kind as you give you the allowance to do that, since they have the schedule framed out in advance. Due to the time loss, they'll refer to past data, which will result in a less-interesting game. Even if they're able to come up with something unexpected, their starting position was based on what's been done before. I think that's still how they do things now, but that's just the world we live in and nothing can be done about it. If it doesn't sell, it wasn't worth making, and they aren't doing to pay people until they can properly have a fleshed-out idea. In the professional world, once you've come up with an idea you can present to a dev team, they already have you thinking about the next idea even if you're stuck doing various tasks for the current one.


Going Back to Seiga



What's your favorite new song?



I've taken a liking to the Stage 5 boss theme. The main melody gives you this feeling of malaise, but it sounds lonesome as well. I didn't have to think about it too hard, and once the bass was set, I recorded it in a single take. I seem to like most songs I make like that.



I see.



And the Stage 4 theme creates a great sense of speed, and its boss theme also has a nice groove. It's almost trance.



Yes, it does have a nice, upbeat rhythm.



Going back a little, Seiga's ability lets her pass through walls, but she never uses it in the game. It just sets her up to be an evil hermit (lol), and whenever she does use it, everyone is surprised. The chisel she wears as a hairpin opens and closes holes in any wall, as seen in one of the endings. It's like one of Doraemon's gadgets that briefly opens holes. I don't know what that means for Touhou as a whole, but that was something I gave her to establish her image. And she's based on another character, but she doesn't go through walls. I just took the name of her husband, "Kaku."



Many Chinese hermits were rather unkind.



Because they all learned how to use their skills to fulfill their own selfish desires, but that was seen as acceptable. They were used like Japanese legends to teach lessons, but are much harsher. Although Japanese legends are more like folklore. Most of the stories collected by Kunio Yanagita just leave you unsatisfied, but they were probably based on true occurrences so that's why they come off as strange. If you're going to study folkloristics now, you have to look into modern ones too. The spreading of false rumors is very pertinent to that field, so you should study that if you're interested.



That might be good motivation for younger scholars.



Sports players drive interest in their game, like how a lot of people picked up golf due to Ryo Ishikawa and baseball because of Ichiro. When it comes to culture, you need to adapt to modern trends. The same is true for games. That's why I think admiring game creators and comic artists is different from admiring athletes.


Kyouko attacks with bullets that bounce back like reflected echoes. They was apparently loud enough to cause Marisa to shout with surprise. However, the yamabiko is merely an innocent bystander.


Kogasa's attack merely touched on in the last page and a bit of ZUN's full-focus (?) zombie joke. Depending on which character the players chooses, they will have different reactions, so see for yourself.


Seiga attacks with her jiangshi underling. Although it's a tough fight, they drop a ton of items.


Although she looks boyish in her old-fashioned clothing, Futo is a girl like the rest. As she shares her name with the character that inspired her, it should be easy to look up.


College-aged students and younger may only recognize Fukuzawa Yukichi as the face of the 10,000-yen bill, rather than Prince Shotoku. Since they only see him in history class, his impression may have grown faded.


Mamizou's spell cards create bullets that change into the shape of all manner of creatures. Although they are fun to watch, they are harder to clear than they look.
