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Imperishable Night/Story/Barrier Team's Extra
< | Boundary Team's Scenario 2 | Translation | Afterword | > |
蓬莱人形 |
Doll of Hourai | |
満月の下の、草木も眠る丑三つ時。 |
Under the full moon, even the trees and grass are asleep in the dead of the night. In the Human and Youkai's 'Gut-Trial', what will scare them? The victim of the biggest sin, where is it? ["肝試し" is a kind of 'courage testing', usually done in summer. Simply speaking, it's traditional version of 'Ghost House' in theme parks. The word '肝試し' is composed of '肝(Liver)' + '試し(To test / trial)' That's why '肝(Liver)' is frequently mentioned through the whole Extra Stage. To keep the pun in original Japanese transcription I will use '肝' as 'guts', '肝試し' as 'Gut-trial'] | |
BGM: エクステンドアッシュ ~ 蓬莱人 |
BGM: Extend Ash ~ Hourai Victim | |
Keine Kamishirasawa ENTERS | ||
Keine |
待っていたぞ。 満月の夜にやってくるとはいい度胸だ。 |
I've been waiting for you. Challenging me on the night of the full moon... you've got guts.
Reimu |
これが肝試しの肝? |
What, is this a trial of guts? |
Keine |
あの人間には指一本触れさせない! |
You won't lay a single finger on that human!
Keine Kamishirasawa DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
なんだったのかしら。 |
I wonder why. |
?? |
今夜の月は、また一段と強い。 妖の者が騒ぐのも無理が無いわね。 |
The moonlight is especially strong tonight. That's why the fairies and youkai are noisy. |
Huziwara no Mokou ENTERS | ||
Mokou |
こんな夜に出かける馬鹿者も居るんだねぇ。 |
It's foolish of people to go out on a night like this. |
Reimu |
誰? |
Who? |
Mokou |
お前だよ。 |
I'm talking about you. |
Reimu |
いや馬鹿者の事じゃなくて。 |
No, I'm not asking who's a fool... |
Yukari |
馬鹿者ってところは認めるのね。 |
So are you admitting to being a fool? |
蓬莱の人の形 藤原 妹紅 |
Human form of Hourai | |
Mokou |
私はずっとここに住んでいる人間。 |
Well, I may be human and I'm here now, but that doesn't make me a fool. |
Yukari |
人間? |
Human? I'm not so sure... |
Reimu |
この竹林の持ち主か何かかしら。 |
Maybe she owns the forest or something. |
Mokou |
で、目的は何? お馬鹿さん。 |
So, what are you doing here, fools? |
Reimu |
肝試し。 |
A trial of guts. |
Yukari |
肝とか色々試し。 |
And of various other things. |
Mokou |
なんと肝試し! ああ、何時から人間はこんなに馬鹿に こんなに狂おしい満月の丑三つ時に、 こんなに妖怪が沢山出る処まで来て、 事もあろうか肝試し! 妖怪に殺されなかったのが不思議ね。 それに死んだら、妖怪達に生き肝を |
What! A trial of guts?! I never realized humans were this foolish... This night, during the full moon, at 2 A.M.?! In a place where all the youkai are raging! And of all meaningless things... a trial of guts? It's a near-miracle that you weren't killed by youkai yet. If you die, it's your guts they'll be feasting on-- |
Yukari |
言われ放題よ。 |
Seems she's just babbling. Reimu, any counterattacks? |
Reimu |
いやまぁねぇ。肝試しったって、 |
Well, but this trial was Kaguya's idea, not mine. |
Mokou |
今なんて? |
What's that now? Did you say "Kaguya"? |
Reimu |
言ったっけ? |
Did I say "Kaguya"? |
Yukari |
か・ぐ・や、言ったわ。 |
I certainly heard a ka, gu, and ya. |
Mokou |
むきー! やっぱりあいつの仕業なのね。 そうか、今度はこいつ等をけしかけて あいつったら、いっつもいっつも私を 全く、こんな不便な体にしたのは |
Ahh... I figured your gut-trial was rather suspicious. So, she was the one behind this... She's trying to get you to kill me? She always, ALWAYS tries to kill me! And she's the one who gave me this horrid body!! |
Reimu |
なんか、一人で盛り上がってるわね。 |
Seems she's getting all worked up on her own. |
Yukari |
ほら貴方も便乗しないと損よ。 |
You should keep your tension as high as hers. |
Mokou |
ふん、輝夜の使いがどれほどのもん あいつが遣したって事は、あいつよりは |
So, shall I test the skill of Kaguya's new assassins? Since you've beaten her before, you must be more powerful than she is. |
Yukari |
強気な人間ね。私みたいな妖怪相手に 3人位しか知らないわ。 |
How brave. It's a wonder a human doesn't get scared by a youkai like me... And to think I believed there were but 3 brave humans in the world.
Reimu |
でも、人間相手に戦うのはちょっと |
I'm having doubts about fighting with humans... |
Yukari |
何言ってるの。 |
How can you say that when you happily crushed Marisa just earlier? |
Mokou |
私を普通の人間だと思うな。 私は死なない。絶対に死ぬ事が無い。 そうよ、いくらあいつが私を始末しようと あいつはそれが判ってて使いを遣して来る。 |
I'm more than an ordinary human. I can't die. Nothing can kill me. No matter how much Kaguya tries to kill me, it's impossible. But she KNOWS it, and keeps sending assassins... how irritating. |
Yukari |
ほら、霊夢。 |
Well, Reimu... |
Reimu |
よく分からないけど。 死なないって事は、 |
I don't quite get it. If she's the sort that can't die, I can go all-out on her, right? |
Yukari |
中正解ね。 |
More or less. Seems invincibility is her pride and joy. |
Mokou |
思いっきりやらなきゃ、 もう戻り橋にも戻れない、 |
If you don't try your best, it'll be "game over" for you. There's no turning back. It's the one-way battle at 2 A.M.! |
BGM: 月まで届け、不死の煙 |
BGM: Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke | |
Mokou |
お望みどおり。 |
So, here's the trial of guts you wanted. |
Huziwara no Mokou DEFEATED | ||
Mokou |
あーれー。 |
Oh-my-. |
Yukari |
あらほんと、まだ生きているわ。 |
Look, she's still alive. |
Reimu |
最初は何度も死にかけて頼りないから |
I'm surprised, she seemed close to death several times. |
Mokou |
痛い痛い、死なないけど痛い~。 |
Ow, it hurts! I don't die but it hurts~. |
Yukari |
霊夢、この娘面白いわ。 |
Reimu, she's very amusing. |
Reimu |
いや、痛がってるのを見て面白い言うのは |
I'm not sure your sadism is so inspiring. |
Mokou |
こんなに強いんじゃ、肝試しもへったくれも |
You're too strong. What's the point of a trial of guts for people like you? |
Yukari |
そう? |
Well, there are still some things that are kinda scary. |
Reimu |
まんじゅうとかでしょ? |
Like manju? |
Yukari |
そう、あの丸いフォルムが大きな蟲の卵を |
Yeah, their shape is like a giant insect egg... And the jelly inside, it reminds me of... |
Mokou |
いやぁぁ。まんじゅう怖い。 |
My god, jelly donuts are so scary. |
Reimu |
それはともかく、肝試しはこれで終了かしら? |
Well, anyway, is our trial of guts finished? |
Yukari |
あれ? |
We haven't done it yet. |
Reimu |
? |
Eh? |
Yukari |
ほら、目の前の人間の生き肝。 |
See, pull out the guts of the human here. It's a trial. Of her guts. |
Mokou |
ひぇぇ。 |
Aaaah, I won't die, but that's scary... |
Reimu |
なんで私がそんな妖怪じみたことしなきゃ |
Why would I do such a Youkai-like thing? |
Yukari |
あら、不老不死の人間の生き肝を食せば、 |
Well, if you eat an immortal's guts, you might gain eternal youth. |
Reimu |
というか、人間やめるのは |
But... to cease being human... I'd rather not. |
Mokou |
あら酷い。私は人間じゃないって言うの? |
That's too cruel. Are you saying I'm not human? |
Reimu |
人間……、なのかな? まぁどうせ、今の幻想郷は人間なのか いまさら、魂を入れる器の違いなんて |
Human.... is she? There are too many philosophers around anyway. The difference between containers of souls doesn't matter much these days... |
Yukari |
でも博麗の仕事は妖怪退治。 |
But the Hakurei Shrine's mission is youkai-crushing... Isn't that discrimination? |
Reimu |
前言撤回。妖怪は退治されるもの。 これは動かせない約束事ね。 |
Okay, so I take that back. Youkai must still be crushed by humans. It is my destiny. |
Yukari |
大・正・解。 |
Absolutely correct. |
< | Boundary Team's Scenario 2 | Translation | Afterword | > |