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Labyrinth of Touhou 2/Dungeons/5F

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< 4F   Labyrinth of Touhou   6F >


5F: The Cerulean Ocean that Drowns Everything


The floor is mostly straight forward albeit annoying at times with the roaming FOE in the center of the floor. Other than some treasure, there's several events towards recruitment of characters to be had.

  • There is a rock at the start of the level that requires you to have recruited Minoriko back in 2F to get past it.
  • If you've done everything concerning their quest, you'll run into Mokou and Kaguya near the start of the floor. After the conversation, you'll be given a prompt to recruit one of the two. The option on the left is Kaguya, while the option on the right is Mokou. You'll be able to recruit whichever one you don't choose later in the game.
    • This will also affect the recruitment of Eirin and Reisen. You can recruit Eirin sooner if you get Kaguya here, and Reisen sooner if you get Mokou here.
  • The West staircase of the two staircases in the center leads back down to a section in floor 4 with Satori in it but only if you started Rin's event before hand. After talking to her, the previously impassable barriers will disappear and you can access the way to Floor 6 with Hina blocking the stairway. After you talk to Satori, a boss will appear on Floor 5 and 6. Defeating those bosses and Rin and Utsuho will join you respectively. After that, return and talk to Satori again to recruit her. She is required to remove the rock blocking the way to Floor 7.
  • The Siren of Silence, a powerful FOE, is patrolling the center-area of the floor. You'd need to proceed to 6F first to reach her area proper, but she can also be aggroed from outside and her movement is not obstructed by walls, so be careful.
  • A Sanae event is located somewhat at the of the middle of the map, which will start the chain of events involving the Moriya Shrine family.
  • If you've spent more than 255 skill up levels across all characters in the Magic Library, Patchouli will give you a quest to kill 5 different magic stones in the Great Tree in floors 5 to 7. The Fire stone would be the first one you have access to and can be found directly North of where the Siren of Silence is.
  • If you have picked up 3 Mysterious Scrap of Iron from previous floors, Nazrin can be found and recruit at the end of eastern part from where you start.
  • A little south of the entrance is another Lamprey Serpent. Directly South of the serpent lies an extremely powerful sub-equip guarded by a rock that will only let you pass if you have 10000 Money on hand.
  • Like with floor 4, this floor continues to the chain of events towards the recruitment of Ran. The event can be found directly Southeast of where the serpent is.
  • To the northeast of the exit is an event with Wriggle. If you activate it with 120 or more BP on her, The event will disappear and clear one of the bushes blocking your way to the optional boss on 8F.


Elemental Affinities Status Resistances
Ooze 15 1888 ONI OTH × × × × Worn-out Magic Wand (3.5%), Kedama's Fur Bundle (3.0%), Viscous Liquid (2.5%), Black Sticky Paste (2.5%), Lucky Horseshoe (1.1%) Slow chunk of HP. Can inflict Heavy and Poison and debuff Defence and Mind on your party members
Electric Oarfish 17 772 YOU BST AQA × × × × × × × × Wind Sand (4.0%), Charred Ashes (3.2%), Sea of Trees' Fish's Fin (3.2%), Spellbook - High Hurricane (1.0%) Fairly fast. Has high Evasion and can inflict Paralysis on your party members
Aquamarine Sword Devil 18 800 HUM INO ONI × × × × × Fragment of Refined Metall (4.8%), Hemp Amulet (3.0%), Oni's Long Horn (3.0%), Piece of Magic Armor (1.2%), Blade Cusinart (0.8%) Has very high Defence and low Mind. Can increase either its Defence and Mind, or its Attack and hit your entire party fairly hard
Blue Shade 19 648 GST AQA DVN × × × × Hard-To-Melt Ice (3.6%), Divine Feather (3.6%), Ghost's Tail (3.0%), Heater Muffler (1.2%) Has very high Mind
Shark 19 399 YOU AQA × × × Youkai's Jar (3.6%), Aquatic Creature's Scales (3.0%), Sea of Trees' Fish's Fin (2.4%), Bone Stake (1.0%) Fairly fast
Great Tree's Sea Slug 19 1062 PNT AQA × × × Tanned Hide (3.2%), Nature Fragment (3.2%), Evil Spirit's Soul (3.0%), Concept of Attributes (2.4%), Eyetrack Orbitars (1.5%) Has very high Evasion. Can inflict Poison and Paralysis on your party members
Drunk Ice Spirit 20 848 AQA INO DVN × × × × × Hard-To-Melt Ice (5.0%), Fragment of Double Steel (3.0%), Beautiful Crystal Piece (3.0%), Mana Flower (1.0%) Fairly fast. Has very high Mind
Coral Gem 21 688 AQA INO × × × Evil Spirit's Soul (4.0%), Thorny Seed (3.2%), Aquatic Creature's Scales (3.2%), Symbol of Faith (1.2%) Has very high Defence
Great Tree Pearl Oyster 22 950 AQA INO × × × × × × Slightly Purifying Salt (20.0%), Scarlet Light (12.0%), Glittering Jewel (8.0%), Lapis Lazuli Light (4.8%), Glow Crystal (2.4%) Rare monster on this floor, can be found in the area which can be reached from the 6th floor. Has very high Defence and Mind


Philosopher's Stone - Fire

HP Level Recommendation EXP Money Drop
Affinities Resistances
x x
18980 18 480 288 Charred Ashes - 100%
Biggest Sword Ever - 50%
Blazing Igneous Rock - 66%
Chargin' Targe - 100%
LOVE Machine 3322 - 25%

The stone follows a fixed 4-turn pattern it repeats: Spark Storm (multi-target Fire spell), Red Curse (weak multi-target Fire spell that can debuff your characters' Attack), Spark Storm again, and finally Dazing Fog (multi-target Fire spell that can Shock your characters). It's weak to Cold, resistant to Fire and Debuffs and moderately resistant to Physical, Poison, and Terror. It has very high Mind but low Defense so your best bet are direct Cold attackers. If you recruited Kaguya, her Royal People of the Moon skill allows her to power through the stone's high Mind.


HP Level Recommendation EXP Money Drop
Affinities Resistances
x x
29800 19 1280 640 Toadstoolshed - 33%
Eternal Ice - 100%
Kanenoki Koban - 33%
Concept of Everything - 66%
Ancient Fish's Scale 66%

The Kraken mainly likes to spam Daze and Leg Sweep, a single-target Fire and multi-target Nature attack respectively that both inflict Shock, so some Shock resistance will do you wonders; it'll also occasionally use Storm of Blue Rain or normal Attacks. It resists Fire and Cold as well as Paralysis and Shock. It also moderately resists Poison, though it still can be applied so Wriggle can be used. Around the 66% HP and 30% HP threshold, the boss will Concentrate. On its next turn it will cast Octangle Attack, a single target Cold attack, 8 times in a row. Pack some Cold resistance and Defense for your active party to deal with this. Like the last few bosses, it is vulnerable to Terror and Debuffs, so Kogasa and Parsee are good for dealing damage. The boss has high Mind and is also weak to Physical attacks so Nitori with her Super Scope 3D and amazing Cold resistance would be a great addition to your team.

Hina Kagiyama

HP Level Recommendation EXP Money Drop
Affinities Resistances
x x
x x x x
27000 20 1400 800 Elixir of Mages - 25%
Cursed Straw Doll - 50%
Concept of Attributes - 100%
Concept of Everything - 50%

First thing to say about this boss-battle is that all of Hina's attacks target Mind and are either Dark- or Fire-elemental. She will also try to inflict a lot of stat debuffs on you, but no ailments. Choose your team and equipment with these properties in mind. Parsee in particular is a scarily efficient tank if you raise her Fire resistance a bit and she can even solo against Hina if her Attack and Mind, Fire and Dark resistances are high enough. Hina has high Mind so magical attackers won't be doing much in this fight.

Most commonly, Hina will attack with Red Arrow, Dark Arrow, Spark Storm or Storm of Dark Flow. These aren't too dangerous, but she will sometimes use her stronger moves: Pain Flow is a Dark elemental spell with no special effects, but Old Lady Ohgane's Fire (Fire elemental, obviously) can inflict a few random debuffs and is generally her hardest-hitting move, capable of doing several hundred damage if you don't have Fire resistance. Still, both of these attacks wouldn't be much of a problem by themselves. At 66% and 33% HP, and randomly once she goes below 50% HP, Hina will cast Biorythm of the Misfortune God. This can and will debuff any stat on your whole active party if not resisted. Notice that it also debuffs every stat of Hina. This seems like an advantage at first, but on the next turn, Hina will use Misfortune Reversal and turn all of these debuffs into buffs on herself. This also doesn't use up any of her timebar, so she will counter with a fully-buffed attack. If you're so unlucky that this attack happens to be Pain Flow or Old Lady Ohgane's Fire, you will likely lose one of your glass-cannons or any characters that aren't close to full health, so be aware.

There are a few things to look out for in order to have an easier time with this fight: First of all, NEVER inflict a stat-debuff on Hina yourself. Misfortune Reversal is triggered by Hina detecting that she has any stat-debuffs. It is alright to use stat-downs to weaken already existing buffs on Hina, but this idea can potentially backfire if your debuff happens to be too powerful. Secondly, don't inflict Heavy, Terror or Silence on Hina. Other ailments like Poison are perfectly fine, but if she detects any of the aforementioned on her, she will use Spinning Around more than Usual on her next turn, curing said ailments and buffing all her stats on top of it. Like Misfortune Reversal, this doesn't take away her timebar, so she will punish you with a boosted attack right away and possibly wipe someone out. Although it's worth noting you can actually turn Spinning Around more than Usual against her by inflicting the ailments right after she debuffs herself with Biorhythm, since the buffs will counteract the debuffs, weakening or nullifying the buffs from Misfortune Reversal. Another important thing to look out for is that between the use of Biorythm of the Misfortune God and Misfortune Reversal, Hina is indeed weakened greatly in her defense. If you can quickly sneak in hard-hitting spells during these two moves, preferably of the Fire- and Spirit-elemental schools that Hina is weak to, you can really speed up the fight.

If you're still having the problem of taking too much damage or getting too many stat-downs yourself, there are two characters that are especially useful here: Parsee is an obvious choice as a dedicated switcher, as she will take next to no damage from any of Hina's attacks and is flat-out immune to debuffs by default. Someone that is surprisingly good here as well is Rumia: She is also completely immune to debuffs, and even though her Fire resistance has to be augmented with a Love Machine 3322, two skill-ranks in Realm of Everlasting Darkness will greatly reduce all of the incoming Dark damage while Rumia is active. Under these conditions, she will perform well as a secondary switcher and standby emergency-healer. Two ranks in Youkai's Knowledge will give every attacker an edge as well, though don't expect Rumia to deal damage herself, as Hina is very resistant to Mystic and Dark. With Parsee and Rumia constantly active, stat-downs should start piling up on your party much slower than otherwise.

Once defeated, she will join you and let you move onward to 6F.

Siren of Silence

HP Level Recommendation EXP Money Drop
Affinities Resistances
x x
x x x
41140 24 880 400 Tisiphone Edge - 6.4%

The Siren of Silence follows a fixed 6 turn pattern: she starts things off with Silencing Fog, followed by Storm of Purple Magic, Magical Blast, Silencing Fog (again), Storm of Blue Rain and Azure Arrow before resetting her pattern; Magical Blast is her most threathening attack, so try to prevent your low-MND characters from being hit by it. She has high Mind, resists Cold, Mystic and Spirit heavily but is weak to Fire, Dark, Poison, Terror, and all Debuffs. This makes Wriggle, Kogasa, Parsee and Kasen extremely strong in this fight. Kogasa can easily keep spamming A Rainy Night's Ghost Story for some amazing damage and Terror, while also softening up its MND for your MAG-based attackers. On the note of MAG based attackers, Hina can take advantage of the Siren's Silent Fog with Spinning More Than Usual while easily targeting both of its weaknesses. If your front line has decent Debuff resistance, Misfortune God's Biorhythm will wreak havoc on the Siren's stats. Otherwise keep her debuffed with Komachi's Narrow Confines of Avici. Parsee can keep spamming Midnight Anathema Ritual + Jealousy of the Kind and Lovely while taking little damage from the Siren's spells thanks to her excellent MND stat. Kasen packs immense power in Higekiri's Cursed Arm, inflicting both a powerful Terror and SPD debuff. A few casts and the Siren slows to a crawl. If you decide to use Kasen though, be sure to shore up her SIL weakness as she's the most vulnerable compared to the others mentioned.