Lyrics: 墜闇の誓い

The Fallen Darkness' Oath by Seventh Heaven MAXION
  • 墜闇の誓い
  • Tsuiyami no Chikai
  • length: 03:57
  • arrangement: kenya
  • lyrics: MAKI
  • vocals: 梨本悠里
  • original title: 悲しき人形 ~ Doll of Misery
  • source: 東方怪綺談 ~ Mystic Square
    Stage 5 Boss Theme; Yumeko
Original Romanized Translation


kanae tanae houei no negai wo

Oh my transient desire, please come true

暗い部屋ヒトスジ光が 射し込み動き始めた歯車

kurai heya hitosuji hikari ga sashikomi ugoki hajimeta haguruma

In this dark room the light Shines on a mechanism that started move

か細い指先が宛て無く彷徨い 触れたナイフは犀利で

kabosoi yubisaki ga ate naku samayoi fureta naifu wa sairi de

My thin fingertips wandered around And touched a sharpen knife

傷口に触れ 濡れた唇 歪みさえせず雫は滴り 廉直な視線 冷えた瞳は 飽和している至忠を湛えて

kizuguchi ni fure nureta kuchibiru yugami saesezu shizuku wa shitatari renchoku na shisen hieta hitomi wa houwa shiteiru shichuu wo tataete

I touched my wound, my lips got wetted; relentlessly, a drop falls down Under my incorruptible sight; my cold eyes are saturating, filled with loyalty

天も地も無くギンヌガの淵 やがて祖まる生命の鼓動よ 授けられしは 主護の使命よ 夜の誓い

ten mo chi mo naku ginnuga no fuchi yagate hajimaru inochi no kodou yo sazukerareshi wa shumori no shimei yo yoru no chikai

When there wasn’t Heaven, nor Earth, the life began from Ginnuga’s tears What has been granted is a guardian of the mission, my oath of night

あぁ 幾度も沸き立つ情動 眩暈が襲うくらいに苛烈で

aa ikudomo wakitatsu juudou memai ga osou kurai ni karetsu de

Ah, many times I’ve been hunted by emotions Dizziness assaults me, mercilessly

身の程を弁別め堪えて 自ら両肩抱き偲ぶわ 無手のfunny show

mi no hodo wo wakeme taete mizukara ryuukata idaki shinobu wa mute no funny show

I bear the boundaries of my social class I remember keeping them on my shoulders, in a funny show of nothingness

爪が食い込む 己の肩に腕に乳房に赤く疼く程 纏うヴェイルは諾いの証 求め焦がれて 涙は掻き垂る

tsume ga kuikomu onore no kata ni ude ni chibusa ni akaku uzuku hodo matou veiru wa ubenai no akashi motome kogarete namida wa kaki taru

My nails are eroded; on my shoulders, my arms, my breasts, a red ache Under the veil I wear as a sign of agreement, yearning for my request, tears are falling down

唯一つだけ願うならばと その足元に傅かせて欲しい 傍らで見る赤い月夜は 今日も鮮麗 咎めのFaith of Night

tada hitotsu dake negau naraba to sono ashimoto ni kashizusete hoshii katawara de miru akai tsukiyo wa kyou mo senrei togame no Faith of Night

However, if there’s something I truly wish, is that I want to serve thou The red moonlit by your side even today is gorgeous; the blame of the Faith of Night

さぁ手を取り 誓いの蜜は甘く甘く 潤う 一滴だけ 飲み干す

saa te wo tori chikai no mitsu wa amaku amaku uruou hitoshizuku dake nomihosu

So, take my hand; the oath’s nectar sweetly, sweetly impregnates you But you drink only a single drop

全て晒して 全て捧げて 全ての生を綺麗なままにと 纏うヴェイルは諾いの証 鮮血を似ちこの身を 穿いた

subete sarashite subete sasagete subete no sei wo kirei na mama ni to matou veiru wa ubenai no akashi senketsu wo nichi kono mi wo haita

Until all exposed, all devoted, this whole life will become beautiful Under this veil I wear as a sign of agreement, I soaked myself into fresh blood that resembles this body

傷口に触れ 濡れた唇 歪みさえせず雫は滴り 廉直な視線 冷えた瞳は 飽和している至忠を湛えて

kizuguchi ni fure nureta kuchibiru yugami saesezu shizuku wa shitatari renchoku na shisen hieta hitomi wa houwa shiteiru shichuu wo tataete

I touched my wound, my lips got wetted; relentlessly, a drop falls down Under my incorruptible sight; my cold eyes are saturating, filled with loyalty

唯一つだけ願うならばと その足元に傅かせて欲しい 傍らで見る赤い月夜は 今日も鮮麗 咎めの Sacred Night

tada hitotsu dake negau naraba to sono ashimoto ni kashizusete hoshii katawara de miru akai tsukiyo wa kyou mo senrei togame no Faith of Night

However, if there’s something I truly wish, is that I want to serve thou The red moonlit by your side even today is gorgeous; the blame of the Faith of Night

Lyrics source: Translated by Jaefine.

Translator's Notes

“か細い指先が / My thin fingertips”; personally I’ve read this phrase as “searching something in the darkness”, but I guess it somehow sounded too odd –not that “wandering around” is better. Anyway, I hope you get somehow the “meaning”.

“天も地も無く / When there wasn’t”; since I had no idea about what or who “Ginnuga” was, I googled it and found a brief passage talking about it. Apparently from Ginnuga’s tears the world has born. Considering how similar are the lyrics to this passage, I’m pretty sure this is the what the lyrics refer to; but since I wasn’t able to find more information, nor I know something else about, I’m not sure how much they actually follow this “legend”.