Lyrics: 幻想レトロスぺクティブ

Illusory Retrospective by Moja stick
  • 幻想レトロスぺクティブ
  • gensou retorosupekutibu
  • length: 04:00
  • arrangement: 田中じゅんじろー
  • lyrics: 田中じゅんじろー
  • vocals: 556t (回路-kairo-)
  • original title: レトロスペクティブ京都
  • source: 東方文花帖 ~ Shoot the Bullet
    Photo Theme 4
Original Romanized Translation

何も起きず平穏の日 現抜かす世は退屈

nani mo okizu heion no hi utsutsu nukasu yo wa taikutsu

Nothing happened during those tranquil days. The world I was infatuated with is so boring.

嗚呼、これが求めた日の常なのか そうか それなら

aa, kore ga motometa hi no tsune nanoka souka sore nara

Ah… is this the life I longed for? Is that so? Then…

壊してしまおう 完膚無きまで 潰してしまおう これぞ幻想

kowashite shimaou kanpu naki made tsubushite shimaou kore zo gensou

I’ll destroy everything, until there’s nothing left untouched. I’ll crush everything. This is an illusion!

殺してしまおう 飛び散る臙脂を 燃やしてしまおう フィルム炎上

koroshite shimaou tobichiru enji wo moyashite shimaou firumu enjou

I’ll kill everyone, scattering deep red all around. I’ll burn everything, burning up the film.

枯れ果てるは 人が命 零れ落ちる 瞬間を撮れ

karehateru wa hito ga inochi kobore ochiru shunkan wo tore

Humans wither away, and their lives Scatter. I will record that moment on film.

もう戻ることはない 過去 見渡せば 紅絨毯が

mou modoru koto wa nai kako miwataseba akai juutan ga

I can’t turn back now. When I look back over my past, I see a carpet of deep red.

シャッター切るのは 誰が為なのか 手を汚すのは 己が為かは

shattaa kiru no wa dare ga tame nanoka te wo yogosu no wa ono ga tame ka wa

For whom do I take these photos? Do I dirty my hands for my own sake?

まだわからない 終わり見るまで 墨を垂らして 文にするまで

mada wakaranai owari miru made sumi wo tarashite fumi ni suru made

I won’t know until I see how it all ends. Until, dripping ink, I write it down.


fude wo nakushite

I lose my brush.


iro wo nakushite

I lose my colours.

赤黒い羽 触れた端から 崩れる積木 疾風怒濤

akaguroi hane fureta hashi kara kuzureru tsumiki shippuu dotou

After touching my dark red feathers, The raging storm broke down the bricks.

三千里の間 見える有り様 文字を列ねた その紙の読み手は、

sanzen-ri no aida mieru arisama moji wo tsuraneta sono shi no yomite wa,

I write about the state of things around me Spanning 3000 ri. And as for the one who will read my paper… [1]


dare mo inai no sa

There isn’t anyone out there.

Lyrics source: Translation by Releska
  1. Ri () is an old Japanese unit of distance. In modern measurements, it’s approximately 4 km/2.44 miles.