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Lyrics: 幽闇に目醒めしは

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She Who Awakens in the Darkness by Seventh Heaven MAXION
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Original Romanized Translation

眠りの淵に隠れしモノよ 目覚めの時が今訪れた 腐食の花 掻き分けて這えば 虚飾を剥ぐの

Nemuri no fuchi ni kakureshi mono yo mezame no toki ga ima otozureta Fushoku no hana kakiwakete haeba kyoshoku o hagu no

O, you who are hidden in the darkness! Your time of awakening has come. When the flower of corruption pushes upwards and creeps through, it will strip off all pretences.

両の目見開き 幽闇を見据えよ

Ryou no me mihiraki yuuyami o misueyo

I open both eyes and focus on the darkness.

いつかは救われると 安らぎ求めていた だけれどそんな日は ずっと来ないと知ることになるのよ

Itsuka wa sukuware ru to yasuragi motomete ita Dakeredo sonna hi wa zutto konai to shiru koto ni naru no yo

Believing that I would be saved someday, I sought tranquillity. But I eventually realised that such a day would never come.

でも、私は 眠り続けて花のユメ見る 今、蕾が開きます 謡に誘われ開きます Ah 眠りから醒めるの 懼れているのは誰?

Demo, watashi wa nemuri tsuzukete hana no yume miru Ima, tsubomi ga hirakimasu uta ni sasoware hirakimasu Ah nemuri kara sameru no osorete iru no wa dare?

Still, I continued to sleep, dreaming of flowers. Now, their buds are opening. They open, beckoned by the singing. Ah… I awaken from my slumber. But who is afraid?

雨靄立ち込めては しののに濡れそぼるの 毛先の雫さえ とても疎ましく私の心を

Amamoya tachikomete wa shino no ni nure so boru no Kesaki no shizuku sae totemo utomashiku watashi no kokoro o

Shrouded by the fog that comes with rain, I am drenched. Even the drops of water on the end of my hair are unpleasant…

掻き乱すの 誰かに喚ばれ 観ずる愁い Ah...肩抱き震えます 己が恐怖に震えます そう戦慄が芽吹いた おかしなこの躯幹よ

Kakimidasu no dareka ni yoba re kanzuru urei Ah... Kata daki furuemasu onore ga kyoufu ni furuemasu Sou senritsu ga mebuita okashina kono kukan yo

Somebody calls for me, disturbing me. I contemplate my grief. Ah… I grab my shoulders and shake. I shake with fear. Yes… my shudders come forth, like buds. How odd is this body!

妬み 食し 憤怒 怠惰 色欲 傲慢 (ヘビ) は目醒めてしまい もっと もっと もっと もっと 激しく 夜は色づきハジメル

Netami shokushi fundo taida shikiyoku gouman Hebi wa mezamete shimai Motto motto motto motto hageshiku Yoru wa irozuki hajimeru

Envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth, lust, pride. I, the serpent, woke up. More, more, more, more, more violently! The night changes colour. It begins.

蕾が開きます 謡に誘われ開きます Ah 眠りから醒めるの 懼れているのは誰! そう、虚飾を脱ぎ捨てて 夜の真妄分け隔て さぁ、幽闇を見据えて 花圃を背にした私

Tsubomi ga hirakimasu uta ni sasoware hirakimasu Ah nemuri kara sameru no osorete iru no wa dare! Sou, kyoshoku o nugisutete yoru no shinmou wake hedate Saa, yuuyami o misuete kaho o se ni shita watashi

The buds open. Invited by the song, they open. Ah. I awaken from my slumber! But who is afraid? Yes… strip off all your pretences. I shall distinguish between this night’s reality and delusions! I focus on the darkness now, with the flower garden at my back.

Translation by releska