Lyrics: 自殺クラブ

suicide club by Moja stick
Additional Info
The arrangement was released online as part of a 2012 New Year's event called COUNTDOWN GENSOUKYOU 12/13 and can be heard here, a follow up arrangement titled 転落ゲエム (niconico video) was released on the album mmm+ by mmm.
Original Romanized Translation

狭い空を見て 彼女は云う“此処は現代” 胡散臭い力に沿う 骨折り損の日々の中

semai sora o mite kanojo wa iu “koko wa gendai” usan kusai chikara ni sou honeorizon no hibi no naka

She said “this is our present-day” While looking up the narrow sky Following such shady forces Inside our days of vain efforts

東西南北を 駆けずり見つけた現実線 這いつくばって絶望 『この世にゃ夢も希望も無い』

touzainanboku o kakezuri mitsuketa genjitsu-sen haitsukubatte zetsubou “kono yo nya yume mo kibou mo nai”

Running around in every direction We’ve found reality’s horizon Its knees bent to despair “There are no dreams and hopes in this world” [1]

アイラブユー ほらメリー 愛する私の言うことは 洗脳食らったみたいに 黙って聞いてりゃいいのにね 嗚呼…

airabuyuu hora merii aisuru watashi no iu koto wa sen’nou kuratta mitai ni damatte kiiterya ii no ni ne aa…

Hey Mary, I love you What I, loving you, am saying Seem to have brainwashed you But it would have been okay even if you’d stayed quiet and listen to me Ahhh…

気味の悪いもの 幻想に往く忌み血を そんなものを横において 安心していただけ

kimi no warui mono gensou ni yuku imi chi o sonna mono o yoko ni oite anshin shiteita dake

Let’s leave aside All these unpleasant things Such as this forbidden blood chasing the illusions Let’s just aim for a peace of mind

一文無しの街道 僕らは華ある女子大生 貞操感の削除 心と体を置き去りに

ichimon nashi no kaidou bokura wa hana aru joshi daisei teisoukan no sakujo kokoro to karada o okizari ni

We’re excellent college students Over a worthless highway [2] Our sense of virtue erased Our mind and body left behind

現実逃避を履行 濁った目映る環状線 『いっせいのせで飛ぼう』 手と手を繋いだ向こう側

genjitsu touhi o rikou nigotta me utsuru kanjou-sen “issei no se de tobou” te to te o tsunaida mukou-gawa

We’ve managed to escape such reality With a loop line reflected over our soaking eyes “Let’s jump to the count of three” We were on the other side, our hands joined together

アイラブユー ほらメリー

airabuyuu hora merii

Hey Mary, I love you

アイラブユー ほらメリー 愛する私にかしづいて 洗脳食らったみたいに 爪先舐めてりゃいいのにね 嗚呼…

airabuyuu hora merii aisuru watashi ni kashidzuite sen’nou kuratta mitai ni tsumasaki nameterya ii no ni ne aa…

Hey Mary, I love you What I, loving you, am saying Seem to have brainwashed you Even though it would have ben okay just to lick my tiptoes Aahh…

防衛線の欠如 愛憎渦巻くその縫い目 レイテンシーの誤報 先に手を離したのは誰

bouei-sen no ketsujo aizou uzumaku sono nuime reitenshii no gohou saki ni te o hanashita no wa dare

Our stitch whirling in love and hate Is lacking of any line of defence Latency’s incorrect report Who let go of the hand first?

アイラブユー ほらメリー アイラブユー ほらメリー

airabuyuu hora merii airabuyuu hora merii

Hey Mary, I love you Hey Mary, I love you

Lyrics source: Translation by foregroundnoises


  1. “yo” () is usually refering to the word “world”, but it can also mean “era” or “generation”. I made this note ’cause it may be ambiguous, being the whole song about the “modern era”, a concept it got from the original theme the song is based off.
  2. First of all, “hana aru joshi daisei” features the word “joshi” (“female”) which I couldn’t fit well in the translation, so keep in mind we’re talking about girls (Renko and Maribel). Second, “hana aru” itself seem to be a term only used in ancient times (Edo) just like “kaidou” refers to a highway / main street in the same period. “Hana aru” should be more or less what the modern day “sugureta” (優れた “excellent”) means. Lastly, “ichimon nashi” is literally “penniless”, but I’ve translated it as “worthless” ’cause it sounded better. In other words, correct translation of the first 2 lines would be “we’re two excellent female college students on a penniless highway”, and the meaning would be “even though we are two young female college students with potential, we’re traveling over a road of no value, so everything’s vain”. Well, at least that’s my interpretation..!