Lyrics: ultimate blossom
ultimate blossom by Seventh Heaven MAXION | ||
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Original | Romanized | Translation |
やがて堕ちる今宵 満月 水面乱す花弁 |
yagate ochiru koyoi mangetsu minamo midasu hanabira |
Soon tonight’s full moon will set. The flower petals disturb the water surface |
遥か昔 出会う二人はともに歩み育んできた |
haruka mukashi deau futari wa tomoni ayumi hagukunde kita |
In the far past The two who met have walked and cared for each other |
方や友情 方や愛情 決して交わらぬ視線よ |
kata ya yuujou kata ya aijou kesshite majiwa ranu shisen yo |
Friendship and trust, the other as love The never crossing sights |
いつも夢で描いてた 交錯そして倒錯へ |
itsumo yume de egai teta kousaku soshite tousaku he |
In all the dreams I’ve drawn out The crossing and paraphilia |
濡れた瞳映るのは 常に私の肌背よ |
nure ta hitomi utsuru nowa tsuneni watashi no hada se yo |
What I always see in my teared eyes Is always my naked back |
指でなぞる 彼女にも有る 水面を乱す月 そして花弁 |
yubi de nazoru kanojo nimo aru minamo wo midasu tsuki soshite hanabira |
I go over with my finger the moon that disturbs the water surface and flower petals on her. |
永い時間を掛けて 咲き誇れ 何時の日にか見る 真実の月夜 |
nagai toki wo kake te saki hokore itsu no hi nika miru hounto no tsukiyo |
Blooming proudly taking all its time The true mooned night that I shall one day see |
切なく漏らした 吐息も抑えずに 両手で抱く星空は 穢れもなく輝いて |
setsuna ku mora shita toiki mo osae zuni ryoute de idaku hoshizora wa kegare monaku kagayai te |
Not even holding back the lonely sigh The starry sky that I had embraced was shining without a stain |
秘めた思いを 包み隠さず 全て彼女に打ち明けようか |
hime ta omoi wo tsutsumi kakusa zu subete kanojo ni uchi ake youka |
Shall I tell her all Without hiding my thoughts beneath? |
否定されるか 拒絶されるか 黒い結末しか過らない |
hitei sareruka kyozetsu sareruka kuroi ketsumatsu shika ka yogiranai |
Will it be refused or will it be denied? Only dark finales cross my mind. |
秘めた思いは 秘めたるままで ずっと死ぬまで隠せば良いの? |
hime ta omoi ha hime tarumamade zutto shinu made kakuse ba yoi no? |
Do I have to keep hidden my thoughts benith Until the day that I shall die? |
けれど本当は 熱を感じて… 嗚呼、咲き乱れたいのよ |
keredo hontou ha netsu wo kanji te... aa, saki midare tainoyo |
But really, with all the heat… Ah, how I want to bloom crazily |
いつも夢に見る |
itsumo yume ni miru |
In all my dreams that I see |
咲き誇る桜よ |
saki hokoru sakura yo |
The proudly blooming Sakura |
その唇が私の名を 紡ぐまで眠るわ |
sono kuchibiru ga watashi no na wo tsumugu made nemuru wa |
I will sleep, Until the day that those lips shall Speak my name |