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Perfect Memento in Strict Sense/Aya Shameimaru
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伝統の幻想ブン屋 | Traditional Reporter of Fantasy | |
射命丸 文 | Aya Syameimaru [sic] | |
能力: 風を操る程度の能力 | Ability: Manipulation of wind | |
危険度: 高 | Threat level: High | |
人間友好度: 普通 | Human friendship level: Normal | |
主な活動場所: 妖怪の山 | Main place of activity: Youkai Mountain | |
射命丸文は天狗の中でもすばしっこい鴉天狗である。 | Aya Shameimaru is a crow tengu who is considered to be quite fast, even among other tengu. | |
写真機片手に幻想郷のあちこちを飛び回り、面白そうな事件を見つけると写真に収めて帰って行く。 | She flies around Gensokyo with her camera in one hand, and when she finds an interesting event, she leaves with a few photographs. | |
鴉天狗と言っても、見た目は人間と大差ない。 | Though she is a crow tengu, she looks basically the same as any human. | |
肌身離さず持っている道具は、団扇と写真機と文花帖である。 | She is never seen without her fan, her camera or her bunkachou. | |
団扇は、風を起こす道具であり、一振りで家をなぎ倒し、二振りで大木をこそぎ倒し、三振りで旅人のマントを吹き飛ばす天狗の武器である。 | Her fan is a tool that allows her to summon the wind. One sweep of the fan can knock down a house, two sweeps can fell a large tree, and three sweeps can cause a traveler's cloak to be blown away—it's a tengu's weapon. | |
写真機はもう一つの天狗の武器で、その瞬間を切り抜いて絵にしてしまう必殺の武器だ(*1)。 | Her camera is another powerful tengu weapon which can capture a moment in time and turn it into a picture (*1). | |
撮られた写真は後に新聞の記事になってしまう。 | The photographs she takes are later used for her newspaper articles. | |
文花帖は、記事になりそうなネタを纏めた天狗の手帖である。 | Her bunkachou is a tengu notebook where she writes down material she thinks could make interesting articles. | |
中は幾多の写真と手書きの文字でびっしりと埋められているという(*2)。 | It is filled with innumerable photographs and handwritten notes (*2). | |
風を操る能力とは、風を起こしたり突然風を止めたり、竜巻を起こしたりとストレートな能力である。 | Her ability to manipulate the wind is a very straightforward ability that allows her to create and suddenly stop winds, as well as create tornadoes. | |
文々。新聞 | Bunbunmaru Newspaper | |
彼女が取材し記事を書いている新聞が、「文々。新聞」だ(*3)。 | The newspaper that she writes articles for based on the information she gathers is the Bunbunmaru Newspaper (*3). | |
彼女は、主に幻想郷の女の子達が起こす不思議な事件を記事にする。 | She normally writes about the unusual events caused by the girls of Gensokyo. | |
この新聞は一応、天狗以外の妖怪や人間にも購読する事が出来る。 | Currently, even humans and non-tengu youkai can subscribe to it. | |
だが、発行は不定期で、多い時でも月に五回程度の発行である。 | However, it has no set publication period, and even during busy periods there might five or so issues per month. | |
一回辺りの記事も少ないので、情報収集には余り役に立たない。 | As the volume of articles in one newspaper is small, it's not very useful for gathering information. | |
この新聞は、むしろアンニュイな午後を送りたい幻想郷の妖怪や人間が、紅茶片手に眺める様なそんな新聞である(*4)。 | This is rather the sort of newspaper that is more suited for a human or youkai that wishes to whittle away a lazy afternoon perusing its pages while sipping a cup of tea (*4). | |
目撃報告例 | Eyewitness Reports | |
・新聞が溜まって困るのよ。ほんと。購読してないのに (博麗霊夢) | "I have so many of her papers piled up, I don't know what to do with them. Really. Even though I'm not a subscriber." (Reimu Hakurei) | |
号外が山の様に配られるのである。 | She delivers a mountain of extras. | |
かくいう私も号外が溜まっている。 | To tell the truth, I also have a lot of extras piling up. | |
・生ゴミを捨てると鴉が集まってきて困るのよねぇ (十六夜咲夜) | "It's such a bother how the crows gather around when we throw out our garbage." (Sakuya Izayoi) | |
それは天狗じゃなくて普通の鴉。 | Those aren't tengu, but normal crows. | |
対策 | Countermeasures | |
ペンは剣よりも強し。 | The pen is mightier than the sword. | |
新聞の記事にされてしまうと、どんな強い妖怪でも頭が上がらなくなる。 | If they're written up in her newspaper, even the mightiest youkai are no match for her. | |
ただでさえ強いのに、その上に新聞という強力な武器を携えている彼女は、幻想郷の誰からも倦厭される。 | Every inhabitant of Gensokyo dislikes her presence, with that fearsome weapon, the "newspaper", along with her natural strength. | |
人間、妖怪問わず、記事になりそうな時は紳士的な態度でインタビューに臨み、邪魔されれば高圧的な態度で追い払う。 | She will come politely asking interviews of humans and youkai alike if she sees them worth writing an article about, but will forcefully drive away any who interfere. | |
まず、敵に回したくない妖怪ではあるが、昧方となれば力強い事この上ない。 | She is generally the sort of youkai one does not wish to oppose, but if one somehow manages to cross her, her strength is practically unrivaled. | |
取材に協力してあげて、損はないだろう。 | You likely won't have anything to lose by cooperating with her news-gathering. | |
*1 シャッタースピードも驚異的な速度である。 | 1: It also has an amazing shutter speed. | |
*2 天狗なのに意外と可愛い文字を書くという。 | 2: It's said her handwriting is unexpectedly cute even though she's a tengu. | |
*3 天狗の社会では、新聞は一人で作り上げる事が多い。その為記事が偏る。 | 3: There are many in tengu society who create newspapers on their own. As a result, the newspapers tend to be biased. | |
*4 カフェーで人気。 | 4: It is popular in cafes. |
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