Bare White Rabbit of Good Fortune
因幡 てゐ
Tei Inaba [sic]
能力: 人間を幸運にする程度の能力
Ability: Can bring fortune to humans
危険度: 低
Threat level: Low
人間友好度: 普通
Human friendship level: Normal
主な活動場所: 迷いの竹林
Main place of activity: Bamboo Forest of the Lost
Tewi Inaba is the youkai rabbit that acts as the leader of the wild rabbits.
She is a rabbit who has managed to live a long life by taking good care of her health.
She can assume human form and understand human speech.
This youkai rabbit is also known as the Rabbit of Good Fortune, and it's said that those who see her will be blessed with good luck.
However, not only is she very fleet-footed, but she spends much of her time in the Bamboo Forest, so it isn't very easy to find her.
Her personality is quite mischievous, but has cowardly and cunning sides as well.
She is extremely emotional, to the point that her personality is not unlike a fairy's.
It is said she spends most of her time in the Bamboo Forest and lives at Eientei.
In fact, she has lived in the Bamboo Forest since before Eientei was built, and is said to be one of the longest-lived youkai in Gensokyo (*1).
Eyewitness Reports
・この前、竹林でやっと妖怪兎を見ましたよ!これでオラにもささやかな幸せが訪れる (匿名)
"I finally found that rabbit in the bamboo forest just now! I'm sure Lady Luck will be visiting me from now on..." (Anonymous)
Good fortune does not last very long, so you may have exhausted your share merely by making it back safely from the forest.
・ああ、兎肉は淡泊だからどんな味付けにも合うよ (香霖堂店主)
"Ah, rabbit meat is plain so it goes well with any other side dish." (Owner of Kourindo)
Rabbit meat is just one kind of popular cuisine in Gensokyo (*2).
・兎を罠にかけても、中々妖怪兎は掛かっていないんだよね (匿名)
"Even if I catch rabbits in my traps, there are never any youkai rabbits inside." (Anonymous)
Of course, youkai rabbits are pretty intelligent.
Due to her reputation as a bringer of good fortune, she is unusually popular among humans for a youkai, but finding her is not a simple matter.
Her tendency to stay in the Bamboo Forest only compounds the problem.
Entering the forest to find this rabbit would certainly be reckless.
The dense fog and monotonous scenery in the bamboo forest confuses your sense of direction, not to mention the many youkai living there, so it's unwise to enter it unprepared.
One might say that it would be good fortune enough merely to find her at all.
It may be that good fortune only visits those who were fortunate to begin with (*3).
Incidentally, compared to a four-leaf clover, her good fortune is that of a forty-leaf clover.
*1 この幻想郷縁起の編纂が始まった時から、既に存在が確認取れている。
1: Her presence had already been confirmed at the time the Gensokyo Chronicle was first compiled.
*2 かくいう私も大好物。
2: It's a favorite of mine, as well.
*3 当たり前。
3: Of course.