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Scarlet Weather Rhapsody/Story/Aya's Scenario
< | Prologue | Translation |
Stage 1
天狗の取材 快晴 |
Tengu's Scoop Sunny | |
BGM: 以魚駆蠅 |
BGM: Swing a Fish to Drive Away Flies | |
Aya |
毎度お馴染み射命丸です |
This is your friendly neighborhood reporter Shameimaru. |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
Reimu |
すな! |
Don't! |
Aya |
いいんですよ |
It's okay. |
博麗 霊夢 |
Reimu |
また鬱陶しいのが来たねぇ…… |
You're into it again.... |
Weather changes to Tempest | ||
Reimu |
……あれ? |
...eh? |
Aya |
あ、巫女が逃げます! |
Ah! The miko is getting away! |
BGM: 東方妖恋談 |
BGM: Eastern Mystical Tale of Romance | |
| ||
Reimu |
天気悪いわー |
The weather's bad. |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Aya |
あらいけない |
Ah this is no good. |
Reimu |
もう、こんなに天気が悪くなるなんて |
So this bad weather, |
Aya |
そんな訳無いです |
That's not possible. |
Stage 2
泥棒さんこんにちわ 霧雨 |
Hello, Miss Burglar Drizzling Rain | |
BGM: 甲論乙駁 |
BGM: Argue for and Against | |
Aya |
毎度お馴染み射命丸です |
This is your friendly neighborhood reporter Shameimaru. |
Marisa Kirisame ENTERS | ||
Marisa |
何だ、お前か |
What, it's you? |
霧雨 魔理沙 |
Marisa |
じゃあ、わたしゃ戻るぜ |
Then I'm heading back, ze. |
Aya |
どうぞどうぞ |
Go on, go on. |
Marisa |
……いや、追っ払ってから戻ろう |
...No, I'm heading back after I drive you away. |
Weather changes to Tempest | ||
Marisa |
って、風が出てきたな…… |
Hey, the wind's blowing.... |
Aya |
いいえ? |
No? |
Marisa |
まあいいぜ |
Whatever. |
BGM: 星の器 ~ Casket of Star |
BGM: Vessel of Stars ~ Casket of Star | |
| ||
Marisa |
ささ、家の中に戻ろう |
I'm heading back into the house. |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Aya |
さ、続けて下さい |
Okay, please continue. |
Marisa |
こんな天気が悪い中何にもしたくないぜ |
I don't wanna do anything in this bad weather. |
Aya |
寝ているだけなら面白くないですね…… |
Just sleeping isn't interesting at all... |
Stage 3
潜入せよ紅魔館 曇天 |
Infiltrate the Scarlet Devil Mansion! Overcast | |
BGM: 放縦不羈 |
BGM: Free and Easy | |
Aya |
毎度お馴染み射命丸です |
This is your friendly neighborhood reporter Shameimaru. |
Sakuya Izayoi ENTERS | ||
Sakuya |
駄目 |
Rejected. |
Aya |
第一の障碍ですね! |
It's the first obstacle! |
十六夜 咲夜 |
Sakuya |
もう、平和が続くとこういう輩が湧いてくるのね |
Gee, when there's peace these fellows come rushing out. |
Weather changes to Tempest | ||
Sakuya |
……天気が悪くなってきたわ |
...The weather turned bad. |
Aya |
おや、また嵐ですか…… |
Ah, it's stormy again.... |
Sakuya |
貴方が嵐を呼んでるんじゃないの |
Aren't you the one who brought the storm here? |
Aya |
いえ、そんな筈は有りません |
No, that's just not possible. |
Sakuya |
駄目です |
Rejected. |
BGM: フラワリングナイト |
BGM: Flowering Night | |
| ||
Sakuya |
この天気は何かしら? |
What's with this weather? |
Sakuya Izayoi DEFEATED | ||
Aya |
それでは失礼 |
Then excuse me. |
Sakuya |
もう、強引ねぇ |
My, you're forceful. |
Aya |
それにしても天気……? |
What's with the weather anyways...? |
Stage 4
嵐の紅魔館 風雨 |
The Stormy Scarlet Devil Mansion Tempest | |
BGM: 雲外蒼天 |
BGM: Skies Beyond the Clouds | |
Aya |
さあ、ついに紅魔館に潜入致しました! |
We have infiltrated the Scarlet Devil Mansion! |
Remilia Scarlet ENTERS | ||
Remilia |
ぎゃおー! |
Growl-! |
Aya |
で、でましたー! 怪物です! |
It's, it's here! It's a monster! |
Remilia |
たーべちゃうぞー! |
I'mmm-gonna-eat-youuu-! |
Aya |
恐ろしい肉食の怪物の様です |
Such a fearsome carnivorous monster. |
レミリ・スカーレット |
Remilia |
も、もけ? |
Mo, Moke? |
Aya |
でも今日は乗ってきた方ですね |
You're really going with the flow today, aren't you. |
Remilia |
退屈でねぇ |
Because I'm bored... |
Aya |
え? |
Oh? |
Remilia |
突然雨が降ってきたりするから出歩きたくないの |
It suddenly rained outside so I can't go out. |
Aya |
…… |
.... |
Remilia |
ああそうよ |
Yeah, that's what I said. |
Aya |
むむむむむ? |
Hmmmmmm? |
Remilia |
さあ、退屈だからモケーレごっこでもするよ! |
Well then, since I'm so bored let's play hide-and-seek with the Mokele! |
Aya |
ああ、何と言う事でしょう! |
Ahh! What's this?! |
BGM: 亡き王女の為のセプテット |
BGM: Septette for the Dead Princess | |
| ||
Remilia |
さて、そろそろ紅茶の時間かな |
It's going to be tea time soon. |
Remilia Scarlet DEFEATED | ||
Aya |
……天気が急激に変わる? |
...So the weather changed abruptly? |
Remilia |
あいたたた |
Owowowow. |
Aya |
あ、ええ |
Ah, will do. |
Final Stage
天気は新聞より奇なり 風雨 |
Weather is Stranger Than Newspaper Tempest | |
BGM: 天衣無縫 |
BGM: Flawless Clothing of the Celestials | |
Aya |
最近ろくなネタが見つからないです |
I can't find any good material lately. |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
博麗 霊夢 |
Reimu |
うわぁ、これはまた酷い天気ね |
Uwa, it's this rough weather again. |
Aya |
こらこら、こんな風が強い日に山に来るなんて |
Hey hey, coming to the mountain on such a windy day, |
Reimu |
あんたには風と雨がお似合いって事ね |
The wind and rain suit someone like you. |
Aya |
ちょっとちょっと |
Wait, wait. |
Reimu |
神社が壊されたのよ! |
My shrine was demolished! |
Aya |
え? |
Eh? |
Reimu |
したきゃ勝手にすればいいでしょ? |
Write whatever you want! |
Aya |
では、取材に向かうとしましょう |
Well then, I'll head over there to take notes. |
BGM: 有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven |
BGM: Catastrophe in Bhavaagra ~ Wonderful Heaven | |
Aya |
でもその前に勝手に山に入ってきた者を |
But before that I'll have to chase away |
Reimu |
邪魔するの? |
You're going to be in my way? |
| ||
Reimu |
じゃあね! |
Bye! |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Aya Ending |
< | Prologue | Translation |
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |