The Big Wheel, Having Guarded and Been Guarded
雲居 一輪&雲山 Kumoi Ichirin & Unzan
Ichirin Kumoi & Unzan
能力 (一輪) 入道を使う程度の能力
Ability (Ichirin): The ability to use nyuudou
能力 (雲山) 形や大きさを自在に変える事が出来る程度の能力
Ability (Unzan): The ability to change shape and size at will
危険度 高
Threat level: High
人間友好度 高
Human friendship level: High
主な活動場所 命蓮寺、大空等
Main place of activity: Myouren Temple, the sky, etc.
A team of a nyuudou that scares humans and the youkai that he defends. There are several varieties of nyuudou, but Unzan seems to be the foreseeing type. Foreseeing nyuudou are youkai monks, but only show their feet at first. When their victim would look up to see their face, they would grow larger so that their heads would remain out of sight. It's been said that when the victim looks straight up, they would chop off their heads.
She is a nyuudou-using youkai, which is unheard of, but it seems she was originally a human. In that sense she's similar to the magician type.
Unzan can freely change his shape but that only means he is capable of becoming as big or as small as he wishes. He cannot transform into something else. This is because he is a cloud-like being, so he cannot change his color.
They normally live at the Myouren Temple.
Taking advantage of Unzan's special skills, they are tasked with doing physical labor and work that requires being in high places.
Ichirin's personality is essentially pleasant as well as tenacious. Unzan is reticent and stubborn, but has a strong sense of duty.
Meeting Unzan
Back when Unzan was a normal man-eating foreseeing nyuudou, it was told that she dauntlessly went to encounter him and give him a scare.
When she finally saw what looked like the feet of a monk, she thought "Ha ha, there you are.", and taking care not to raise her head, she shouted "The foreseeing nyuudou was foreseen!", which was the spell that repels them.
While that would normally make them disappear, the shock of his utter defeat and resulting admiration for the courageous girl prompted Unzan to devote the rest of his life to protecting her.
After this, her life completely changed. She didn't need to fear youkai anymore, and was hated by humans at times. After going though a tempestuous life, before she knew it, she had become a youkai.
Today, they have devoted themselves to Byakuren Hijiri who accepts youkai like nyuudou as well as understanding the hearts of humans.
Although they are unusual youkai, their capabilities are quite high so exercise caution.
You stand no chance of defeating Ichirin while Unzan is protecting her, and it is impossible to harm Unzan in the first place.
Luckily, since Unzan has retired from being a foreseeing nyuudou, the chance of being attacked should be low.