The Grimoire of Usami/Section 1-10
< | Section 1-9 | The Grimoire of Usami | Section 2-1 | > |
恋符「マシンガンスパーク」 |
使用者:霧雨魔理沙 |
User: Marisa Kirisame | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Looks like we don't really have enough entrants left, so I'll go again. I mean, apparently going more than once is fine. This time though, I'll show you real firepower, not just an imitation. Well, that said, I'll try not to start any fires... | |
Reimu |
うーん、もっと激しくマスタースパークを撃っても良いんじゃない? たしかに安全面の問題もあるけど……。 |
Hmm. Couldn't you have just fired the more intense Master Spark? Although I guess that has safety concerns... |
Sumireko |
やっぱり火を使うと迫力が出ますね。もっともっとやっちゃいましょう! |
I knew it, using fire is way more impressive. Keep 'em coming! |
Sakuya |
日和ってますねぇ。そんなしょぼいマスタースパークは見たくないわ。 |
You're getting cold feet, aren't you? Please, I don't want to see such a cheap Master Spark. |
Sanae |
イベントを盛り上げる為に頑張ってますねぇ。私も考えようかな。 |
She's doing her best to liven up the event, huh? Maybe I should be thinking about that too. |
Youmu |
実際にはもっと激しいマスタースパークも撃てると思うけど、実はこの方が難しいのでは? |
I think she can shoot an even more intense real Master Spark, but isn't this way actually more difficult? |
Final score |
集中した光の塊から現れる星が美しい。迫力もまあまああった。何より、早くも参加者切れとなってしまったイベントを救おうという優しさが評価できる。 |
The stars that appear from the concentrated balls of light are beautiful. In terms of power, it's... alright. Most importantly though, she gets points for her kindness in trying keep things going when we're about to run out of entrants. |
蛙符「手管の蝦蟇」 |
使用者:東風谷早苗 |
User: Sanae Kochiya | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: I've been inspired by all the wonderful danmaku we've seen tonight, so I'll be showing you my best too. From the judges' side, we look for brightness, density, unpredictability, and just a hint of danger, right? So please watch as I cram all that into my danmaku! | |
Reimu |
大きな爆弾!? 爆風が凄いけど、まあ派手だし良いか。 |
A giant bomb?! That shockwave was incredible, but... well, I guess it's okay as long as it's flashy. |
Marisa |
おお、これは凄い。やっぱりこのぐらいの派手さがないとな。 |
Whoa, awesome. Now we're talking. |
Sumireko |
メインは爆弾なのかしら? それとも後に残った弾が……えーっとアレは何かしら? |
So the main part is a bomb? Or is it those bullets left over...? Um... what are those anyway? |
Sakuya |
美味しいところを持っていこうという考え方が卑しいと思います。 |
The way she thinks, trying to pick off the good parts, is a little crude for my tastes. |
Youmu |
うわあ、蛙ですよ。空に浮かぶのは。 |
Wah, frogs! Floating in the sky. |
Final score |
審査員サイドから思わぬ伏兵が現れた。評価の癖を見抜いてからの参加というのはズルい気がするが、弾幕自体は観客にも高評価で、高い点数を上げざるを得ない。 |
An unexpected ambush from the judges' side. I feel like it's unfair to join in after seeing through the judges' habits, but the danmaku itself was well-liked even by the audience, so we have to give it high marks. |
蛇符「グラウンドサーペント」 |
使用者:八坂神奈子 |
User: Kanako Yasaka | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: My oh my, so you used "Wily Toad"? I wasn't planning on entering the contest, but maybe I should. It might be a chance to bolster the reputation of the Moriya Shrine. | |
Reimu |
ん? ここに来て何とも意味のわからない弾幕が……。 |
Huh? So you came here just to throw out that confusing danmaku? |
Marisa |
空を光る蛇が飛んでいる……。しかも本数は少ない。すまん意味がわからない。 |
So... serpents of light flying through the sky... But not too many? Sorry, I don't get it. |
Sumireko |
あれ、蛇なんですね。少ないとは言え、気持ち悪くならないギリギリの数かも。 |
Snakes, huh? You say there are too few, but I think it's just the right number not to feel creepy. |
Sanae |
ああ、ありがとうございます。これは、さっきばらまいた蛙を食べてくれてる弾幕です……。 |
Oh, thank you very much, my lady. The snake danmaku is meant to eat up all the frogs I scattered earlier... |
Youmu |
大量の蛇に蛙が食べ尽くされていく……、これは一体何の夢なのやら。 |
A bunch of snakes to eat all the frogs... What kind of dream is this? |
Final score |
「手管の蝦蟇」で、実は空中には蛙が残されたままだったそうで、放って置くと観客席に降り注いでいたらしい。それを処理するための蛇弾幕だったそうである。観客には気付かれないまま、処理をする機転は評価できる。 |
Apparently "Wily Toad" actually left a bunch of frogs in the sky, and if we'd left them alone they would fall on the audience. So this snake danmaku was used to deal with them. We appreciate her quick thinking in trying to handle this without the audience noticing. |
御柱「ライジングオンバシラ」 |
使用者:八坂神奈子 |
User: Kanako Yasaka | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Now then, would it be alright if I went again? If we left it at that, it wouldn't be very exciting, now would it? This danmaku has both power and speed, not to mention how it represents the dignity of a god. This may have been a whim, but I'll be taking the championship, thank you very much. | |
Reimu |
うわ、急に激しくなった。今度は打ち上げ力が強すぎる。 |
Whoa! And suddenly, intense! The sense of "launching" is just too strong in this one. |
Marisa |
空に昇る光の柱がメインの筈だが、それ以外の弾幕も凶悪だ……。なかなか派手で良い。 |
The main element should be the rising pillars of light, but the other danmaku is just brutal... Well, it's flashy enough. |
Sumireko |
全てが早回しのように見えてしまいます……。なんだろう、脳の処理能力を超えちゃったのかなぁ。 |
It's like I'm watching it on fast-forward... What is this, can my brain not keep up? |
Sanae |
オンバシラの代わりに光の蛇を使っているんですね。安全面の為だと思いますが、結局どっちも物理なのでは……。 |
So she replaced the onbashira with snakes of light. I think that was for safety reasons, but in the end aren't they both physical? |
Sakuya |
これを実際に避けようと思うと……えっと、時間を止めないと難しそう……。 |
When I think about actually dodging this... Um, it would be difficult without stopping time. |
Final score |
オンバシラが空に昇ると、激しい火の粉となって降り注ぐ。打ち上げ花火を複数打ち上げた感じなのだろうか。確かに派手で、神の威光というより、明確な殺意すら感じてしまう。しかしその殺意が、実は良いのかも知れない。 |
Onbashira ascending into the sky, and a downpour of blazing sparks. I suppose it's the same feeling as launching a bunch of skyrockets. It's certainly flashy, but what stands out more than the dignity of the divine is her murderous intent. Still, that's fine in its own way. |
姫川「プリンセスジェイドグリーン」 |
使用者:洩矢諏訪子 |
User: Suwako Moriya | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Like I wouldn't ride this wave! So how about this danmaku? From what I've seen here, I think it has a good shot at winning. It's based on the image of the beautiful glimmer of jade and a flowing river. I'm sure you'll be surprised! | |
Reimu |
面白い動きをする弾幕ねぇ。特に最初。 |
The danmaku moves in an interesting way, especially at the start. |
Marisa |
翡翠の柔らかい輝きが弾幕の動きにも現れている気がする。なかなか見応えがある弾幕だ。 |
I think I can see the soft glimmer of jade in the way this danmaku moves. Pretty impressive. |
Sumireko |
これも綺麗ですね! 花火大会も最後に近づいてきて素晴らしい作品が出てきていると思います! |
This one's pretty too! I think they've just been getting better and better as we get closer to the end! |
Youmu |
わあ、宝石が一杯だー。ここに来てまた財宝のばらまき攻撃だー。 |
Wow, so many gemstones. Come over here with another treasure scattering attack! |
Sanae |
さすがに全部翡翠ってことは無いですよ。アレはイミテーションです。 |
As you'd expect, this isn't all real jade. It's an imitation. |
Final score |
川の表現というとつい一方向に流れる様な弾幕を想像してしまうが、あえて違う方法で表現しているのが素晴らしい。ずっと見ていると、彼女と一緒に急流の川面に飲み込まれる気がしてくる。 |
When she said it represented a river, we imagined it flowing in one direction, so it was a wonderful surprise to see her intentionally take a different route. When you stare at it for too long, you start to feel like you'll be swallowed up by the current along with her. |
蛙符「血塗られた赤蛙塚」 |
使用者:洩矢諏訪子 |
User: Suwako Moriya | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Oh, right, we have to mourn for Sanae's frogs. Kanako heartlessly turned them into snake food, but don't blame me if they curse you. Actually, maybe I'll just curse you myself. This danmaku is to send their souls on their way. | |
Reimu |
蛙が破裂してるような気もするけど……。 |
Doesn't it feel like the frogs are exploding... |
Marisa |
何ともグロい気がするのは私だけかー? 蛙って言ってなければ綺麗なんだけど。 |
Is it just me or is this really gross? It'd be pretty if she hadn't mentioned the frogs though. |
Sumireko |
何とも妖怪らしい攻撃な気がします! えっ? そう神様なんですね。ってことは神様って妖怪みたいなもんなのかな。 |
Wow, what a youkai-like attack! Wait, what, she's a god? I guess gods are youkai-like too then. |
Sakuya |
蛙に祟られるのは彼女が先なんじゃないですかね。 |
Isn't she the one the frogs would curse first? |
Sanae |
あれ、本物の蛙じゃないですよー。蛙の鎮魂って言ってるじゃないですか。霊魂みたいなもんです。 |
Huh? These aren't real frogs, you know. She said this is for their souls, didn't she? So these are like, frog souls. |
Final score |
ちょいグロい感じがして、観客にも気持ち悪がられる場面があった。多分ネーミングの問題だと思うが、それを見なければいたって綺麗な花火らしい弾幕である。 |
It was a little gross, and even the audience was feeling ill. It's probably just the name though, without that this would just be pretty fireworks. |
六番勝負「狸の化け学校」 |
使用者:二ッ岩マミゾウ |
User: Mamizou Futatsuiwa | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: Oh? Looks like I'm the last real entrant. Oh well, what are you gonna do? You can't show your real ability if you're trying not to hurt the humans. Now, this is something from me that I think all the kiddies might like. | |
Reimu |
なんかふざけているけど、少し和んだわ。 |
I feel like she's making fun of us, but well, it's calmed things down a little. |
Marisa |
おお、子供達がみんな一緒に演技している感じがよく出ているな。何か可愛い。 |
Ooh, it's like she's putting on a performance with all the children. Kinda cute. |
Sumireko |
判る判る、学校って何で周りに合わせないといけないのかな。そのくせ個性が大事だって、矛盾してるのよ。 |
I hear ya. Why do we always have to fit in at school anyway? And then they tell you to "treasure your individuality," like they don't even realize the contradiction. |
Sanae |
この感じ、判るわー。ズレると目立つから、教師にとって問題児を見つけるのに好都合らしいですよ。 |
I know that feeling too. Apparently it's for the convenience of the teachers, so they can identify problem children who stand out. |
Youmu |
面白いと思います。花火なのかというとどうかと思いますが。 |
I think this is interesting. I'm not sure it's fireworks though. |
Final score |
急に不思議な弾幕に和んだ。人の形をしているのは実はそれも弾らしく、弾の形が重要な意味を持つということを再確認した。ただし、花火としてはかなりしょぼい。 |
Suddenly, a mysterious danmaku to calm things down. The human shapes are actually bullets too, which just reinforces how important the shape of a bullet is. But as fireworks, this is pretty dull. |
狢符「満月のポンポコリン」 |
使用者:二ッ岩マミゾウ |
User: Mamizou Futatsuiwa | |
使用者より |
User's Comment: I guess I was called dull. In that case, let's make it a little flashier, shall we? Hm, let's see... Some people are still feeling bad from those frogs earlier, so how about I cheer them up with some cute frogs? | |
Reimu |
あら、蛙可愛いじゃない。 |
Oh, aren't these cute? |
Marisa |
そこそこ密度の濃い弾幕だぜ。まあ和むというのは確かだが、何だかおちょくられている気もする。 |
The danmaku's pretty dense here. Well, I guess she calmed things down, but I still feel like she's teasing us. |
Sumireko |
満月が蛙に化ける……? それでタイトルはポンポコリン……。すまんが化け狸センスは理解できないっす。 |
The full moon turning into frogs? And the title is Pompokolin? Sorry, I just don't get bakedanuki tastes. |
Sakuya |
かなり綺麗な満月だと思います。意外性はあるんですけど……。 |
I think that's quite a beautiful full moon. It has some unpredictability to it too, but... |
Sanae |
平面ガエルって奴ですね。確かに花火ならそのくらいポップな蛙の方が良かったですねぇ。 |
2D frogs, huh? True, cartoony frogs like that probably work better for fireworks. |
Final score |
満月から蛙になるという意外性がある弾幕であるが、正直言って意外性を狙いすぎて観客全員がぽかんと口を開けていたようだ。蛙に変わるという理由が、もう少し欲しかった。 |
A surprising spellcard where the full moon turns into frogs, but to be honest it was a little too surprising, leaving the audience slack-jawed. I would have liked a reason for it to turn into frogs. |
< | Section 1-9 | The Grimoire of Usami | Section 2-1 | > |
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