The Grimoire of Usami/Section 2-3
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星符「巨星墜つ」 |
使用者:霊烏路空 |
User: Utsuho Reiuji | |
決して地上に出るなって 旧地獄産の最高温度の |
Hey, we were told to absolutely not come to the surface, but you were hiding something so fun up here! No fair! Witness the ultimate heat, born in former hell! | |
Yukari |
こんな暴走鴉まで……。もの凄い熱量の弾幕だけど、本当に霊夢達だけで観客を守れるかしら。 |
And even the berserk crow... This danmaku possesses amazing heat, but I wonder if Reimu and the others will be enough to keep the audience safe. |
Okina |
ほほう、こいつの力は本人の潜在能力を超えているな。巨星墜つ、まさか自分のことを指しているとしたら見事だ。 |
Oho, this girl's power surpasses even her own potential. So by "falling star" does she mean herself? If so, bravo. |
Seija |
何だよ、お前ら、針妙丸が呼んだのか? |
What the heck, did Shinmyoumaru invite you two here? |
Sumireko |
うわー、熱い、熱いです。この熱気に、かき氷屋の氷が全て溶けてしまっています! |
Wah, hot hot hot! At this temperature, all the ice blocks of the shaved ice shop are melting! |
「胎児の夢」 |
使用者:古明地こいし |
User: Koishi Komeiji | |
あー、危険な弾幕も みんな見て、 |
Ooh, so the ban on dangerous danmaku is lifted! But only for the people in the second half? No fair, no fair! Let me go again! Watch this, everyone, the memories of life! | |
Yukari |
しかし、隠岐奈が出てくるなんて……。もしかして……なんかしてきたでしょ? |
Still, I never expected even you to show up, Okina... Don't tell me you had a hand in this? |
Okina |
勿論、小人の雑な仕事を手伝ってきたさ。これから面白い奴がドンドン出てくるぞ。 |
Of course I did. The inchling's work was a little sloppy so I lent a hand. There are a lot of fun entrants coming up, so look forward to it. |
Shinmyoumaru |
え? お前なんかに仕事を頼んだ覚えはないけど。 |
Huh? I don't remember asking for your help. |
Sumireko |
これはどういう弾幕なのかな。一つに沢山の弾幕を詰め込んだような……。 |
What kind of danmaku is this...? It's like a bunch of danmaku crammed into one... |
鬼声「壊滅の咆哮」 |
使用者:星熊勇儀 |
User: Yuugi Hoshiguma | |
地上も壊れてきたなぁ。 |
So even the surface is broken now too, huh? Ain't it wonderful that they're letting us go wild like this? Plenty of sake to go around too, so I'm in a good mood. Now it's my turn! | |
Seija |
凄い大声! 屋台も壊れて、被害は甚大だ! あはは、可哀想だ。 |
What a shout! The food stands are toppled, and there's so much damage! Ah ha ha, sucks to be them! |
Okina |
これはちょっとうるさいなぁ。まあよし、豪快なのも鬼の魅力だな。 |
This one's maybe a little noisy. Well, that's fine. Being over the top is what makes oni so fun. |
Sumireko |
うるさーい。この大会、大声大会と勘違いしている奴多すぎない!? |
SO. LOUD. Why do so many people think this is a shouting contest?! |
鬼符「ミッシングパワー」 |
使用者:伊吹萃香 |
User: Suika Ibuki | |
いえーい! 甘いぞ勇儀! |
No no no! Weak, Yuugi! If anything goes here, then ain't it time for the true strength of the oni they call the walking party? You gotta hit 'em with at LEAST this much! | |
Shinmyoumaru |
わあ、大きい! その術は私も使えるようになれないのかな。 |
Whoa, she's so big! I wonder if I can learn this technique too. |
Yukari |
意外とウケているねぇ。こう見えても鬼の技は判りやすい大道芸的な内容だからかな。 |
Surprisingly, quite the crowd-pleaser. Perhaps it's because, despite their appearance, oni techniques have an easy-to-follow, performative element to them. |
Sumireko |
ヤバイ、でかい! もう弾幕どころの騒ぎじゃない! |
She's crazy huge! This is a way bigger mess than just danmaku now! |
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