The Grimoire of Usami/Section 2-7
< | Section 2-6 | The Grimoire of Usami | Section 2-8 | > |
竹符「バンブークレイジーダンス」 |
使用者:丁礼田舞 |
User: Mai Teireida | |
よーし、隠岐奈様の |
Alright! We've got Lady Okina's permission, so we're joining in too! | |
Shinmyoumaru |
空中で竹槍が静止した? それに何の意味があるのかなぁ。 |
Bamboo spears standing still in mid-air? Maybe there's some kind of meaning behind it? |
Okina |
お前達は狂気を出すのが仕事なんだけど、本物の純粋な狂気の足下にも及ばないなぁ。困ったもんだ。 |
Your job is to spread madness, but this isn't even fit to lick the boots of true madness. What to do, what to do. |
Sumireko |
ここに来て竹槍投げたー! こういうお茶目なところ、幻想郷の良いところね。 |
She threw bamboo spears at this stage! This sort of mischief is what makes Gensokyo so great. |
冥加「ビハインドナイトメア」 |
使用者:爾子田里乃 |
User: Satono Nishida | |
さあさあ、 跳ね踊る弾幕を |
C'mon now, let's all dance the dance of madness! Enjoy this leaping, dancing danmaku! | |
Okina |
お前達、もっと狂気の勉強をしないとな。それとも、解任してあげようかなぁ。 |
You two need to study up on real madness. Or maybe I should just dismiss you. |
Sumireko |
上に行ったり下に行ったり……目が追いつかないわー。 |
It goes up and down and... my eyes can't follow it. |
Yukari |
ふう、弾幕が大人しくなったんで審査再開します。 |
Phew, with the danmaku behaving itself again, I can get back to judging. |
狂舞「狂乱天狗怖し」 |
使用者:里乃&舞 |
User: Satono Nishida and Mai Teireida | |
竹のように 茗荷のように そんな二人はクレイジーダンサーズ! |
Straightforwardly mad, like bamboo, Mai! And... Refreshingly mad, like ginger, Satono! Together, we are the crazy dancers! Please judge us kindly! | |
Okina |
おお、意外と良いかも知れない。弾幕はまだまだだが、頭は狂っているのかもしれん。 |
Ooh, this works surprisingly well. Their danmaku's only so-so, but maybe they're crazy enough as is. |
Yukari |
彼女達、人間と妖怪の狭間にいるわね。私がその境界を決めてやろうかな。私って親切だわ。 |
These two are stuck in the space between human and youkai. Shall I set that boundary for them? It would be a kindness, I say. |
Sumireko |
緑と紫がなんとも言えない独特な色彩感覚になっていて、キモカワイイ感じです。 |
Green and purple gives me the weirdest feeling. I can't even put it in words. It's like, ugly-cute? |
秘儀「弾幕の玉繭」 |
使用者:摩多羅隠岐奈 |
User: Okina Matara | |
そろそろ、 私も一応 |
It's almost time for the festival to come to an end. I suppose I might as well participate too. | |
Shinmyoumaru |
何だか途中から私の呼んでいない奴も来ていたけど、みんなお前の仕業だったんだね。 |
So partway through all those people I didn't invite started showing up, but that was you, right? |
Yukari |
ねっとりとした弾幕ねぇ。隠岐奈の性格がよく現れているね。玉繭って、二人が入っている繭だもんねぇ。 |
What sticky danmaku. It shows Okina's personality perfectly. Incidentally, a dupion is a cocoon for two. |
Sumireko |
広がっている様な狭まっているような、レーザーでもなく弾でもなく……こんがらがってきた。 |
It's like it's wide but also narrow, and not a laser but not a bullet either... oh, I'm getting confused. |
秘儀「マターラスッカ」 |
使用者:摩多羅隠岐奈 |
User: Okina Matara | |
あちこちに妖気が このまま放置する |
There's youkai energy scattered all over the place, huh. We can't just leave it there, now can we? I'll clean it up real quick. | |
Seija |
ずっとこいつから、ひねくれ者の匂いがすると思ってたんだ。ひねくれ者同士上手くやっていきたいもんだなぁ。 |
I knew I smelled the scent of a contrarian on her.... Welp, as birds of a feather I wish the best for both of us. |
Yukari |
妖気を集めている振りをしてかき混ぜているだけね。それにしても、座ったまま落ちている妖気の再利用だなんて、随分と楽しているわねぇ。 |
She's only pretending to collect the energy, while she's merely stirring it up. Still, recycling the fallen youkai energy while sitting, what a fuss-free job she's doing. |
Sumireko |
綺麗は綺麗ですけど……。さすがにもう疲れてきましたー。 |
It's pretty, but... I'm already kind of tired. |
秘儀「七星の剣」 |
使用者:摩多羅隠岐奈 |
User: Okina Matara | |
これで私からは最後だ。 天に輝く七星の輝きが、 |
This will be my last act. I'm sure the shine of the Seven Stars in heaven will stir the surprise in your hearts. | |
Seija |
こいつ、色んなタイプの |
Just how many types of danmaku does she have? I'm getting the jack-of-all-trades feeling from her. |
Yukari |
ふぁーあ、退屈退屈……。本人が一番狂気を持っていないんだからねぇ。さっさと次にいこ。 |
*Yawn* How dull... She is the one with the least madness here, after all. Bring out the next entrant already. |
Sumireko |
おおー、綺麗です。 |
Ooh, pretty. |
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