Touhou Hisoutensoku/Gameplay/Stages
Sanae Kochiya
Stage 1 - VS Cirno
Shore of Misty Lake, Broken Spectre
Spell Cards
- 氷符「アイシクルフォール」 (Ice Sign "Icicle Fall")
- 凍符「マイナスK」 (Cold Sign "Minus K")
- Pre Battle: 甲論乙駁 (Argue for and Against)
- Battle: おてんば恋娘 (Tomboyish Girl in Love)
Stage 2 - VS Hong Meiling
Scarlet Devil Mansion Clock Tower, Evil Red Star of the Mainland
Spell Cards
- 彩翔「飛花落葉」 (Colorful Flip "Fluttering Petals and Falling Leaves")
- 彩符「極彩沛雨」 (Colorful Sign "Vivid Color Downpour")
- Pre Battle: 冷吟閑酔 (Drunk as I Like)
- Battle: 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea (Shanghai Scarlet Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea)
Stage 3 - VS Reimu Hakurei
Catwalk in Geyser, Sleeping Titan of the Underworld
Spell Cards
- 御守「妖怪足止めお守り」 (Amulet "Youkai Repelling Charm")
- 霊符「夢想封印 円」 (Spirit Sign "Dream Seal -Circle-")
- 神霊「夢想封印 瞬」 (Divine Spirit "Dream Seal -Blink-")
- Pre Battle: [伝説の巨神 (The Legendary Titan)
- Battle: 二色蓮花蝶 ~ Ancients (Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Ancients)
Stage 4 - VS Utsuho Reiuji
Fusion Reactor Core, Giant Guignol Fire
Spell Cards
- 熱符「ブレイクプロミネンス」 (Heat Sign "Break Prominence")
- 核熱「核反応制御不能ダイブ」 (Atomic Fire "Uncontainable Nuclear Reaction Dive")
- 「ホットジュピター落下モデル」 ("Hot Jupiter Descent Model")
- 核熱「人工太陽の黒点」 (Atomic Fire "Artificial Sun's Spot")
- Battle: 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion (Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion)
Stage 5 - VS Suwako Moriya
Fusion Reactor Core / Somewhere Above Gensokyo, Ah This-might-be-that Robot
Spell Cards
- 合掌「だいだらぼっちの参拝」 (Clap "Daidarabotchi's Worship")
- 神具「洩矢の鉄の輪」 (Divine Tool "Moriya's Iron Ring")
- 「獄熱の間欠泉」 ("Hellish Heat Geyser")
- 「マグマの両生類」 ("Magma Amphibian")
- 空に浮かぶ物体X (The Floating Objects in the Sky X)
- Pre Battle 1: 伝説の巨神 (The Legendary Titan)
- Pre Battle 2: ぼくらの非想天則 (Our Hisou Tensoku)
- Battle: アンノウンX ~ Unfound Adventure (Unknown X ~ Unfound Adventure)
- Last Spell: 空に浮かぶ物体X (X, the Floating Objects in the Sky)
Stage 1 - VS Sanae Kochiya
Shore of Misty Lake, Daidarabocchi
Spell Cards
- 蛇符「雲を泳ぐ大蛇」 (Snake Sign "Great Snake Swimming in the Clouds")
- 奇跡「ファフロッキーズの奇跡」 (Miracle "Miracle of Fafrotskies")
- Pre Battle: 甲論乙駁 (Argue for and Against)
- Battle: 信仰は儚き人間の為に (Faith is for Transient People)
Stage 2 - VS Hong Meiling
Scarlet Devil Mansion Clock Tower, Needlessly Worrying Alone
Spell Cards
- 彩翔「飛花落葉」 (Colorful Flip "Fluttering Petals and Falling Leaves")
- 彩符「極彩沛雨」 (Colorful Sign "Vivid Color Downpour")
- Pre Battle: 冷吟閑酔 (Drunk as I Like)
- Battle: 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea (Shanghai Scarlet Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea)
Stage 3 - VS Marisa Kirisame
Mouth of Geyser, A Cup of Sake after a Bath
Spell Cards
- 星符「エキセントリックアステロイド」 (Star Sign "Eccentric Asteroid")
- 流光「シューティングエコー」 (Light Flow "Shooting Echo")
- 魔符「マジカルR360」 (Magic Sign "Magical R360")
- Pre Battle: 以魚駆蠅 (Swing a Fish to Drive Away Flies)
- Battle: 恋色マジック (Love Colored Magic)
Stage 4 - VS Utsuho Reiuji
Fusion Reactor Core / The Geyser Underground Center Entrance, Dazzling Hellfire
Spell Cards
- 熱符「ブレイクプロミネンス」 (Heat Sign "Break Prominence")
- 核熱「核反応制御不能ダイブ」 (Atomic Fire "Uncontainable Nuclear Reaction Dive")
- 「ホットジュピター落下モデル」 ("Hot Jupiter Descent Model")
- 核熱「人工太陽の黒点」 (Atomic Fire "Artificial Sun's Spot")
- Battle: 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion (Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion)
- Post Battle: 以魚駆蠅 (Swing a Fish to Drive Away Flies)
Stage 5 - VS Alice Margatroid
Forest of Dolls, Daidarabocchi
Spell Cards
- 人形「セミオートマトン」 (Doll "Semi-automaton")
- 騎士「ドールオブラウンドテーブル」 (Knight "Doll of Round Table")
- 犠牲「スーサイドパクト」 (Sacrifice "Suicide Pact")
- 試験中「レベルティターニア」 (Testing "Level Titania")
- 試験中「ゴリアテ人形」 (Testing "Goliath Doll")
- Pre Battle:人形のある風景 (The Scenery of Living Dolls)
- Battle: アンノウンX ~ Unfound Adventure (Unknown X ~ Unfound Adventure)
Hong Meiling
Stage 1 - VS Patchouli Knowledge
Scarlet Devil Mansion Library, Taisui Xingjun's Calamity
Spell Cards
- 火符「リングオブアグニ」 (Fire Sign "Ring of Agni")
- 水符「プリンセスウンディネ」 (Water Sign "Princess Undine")
- Pre Battle: 伝説の巨神 (The Legendary Titan)
- Battle: ヴワル魔法図書館 (Voile, the Magic Library)
Stage 2 - VS Alice Margatroid
Scarlet Devil Mansion Clock Tower, Ambush the Shadow of the Unlucky Star
Spell Cards
- 人形「セミオートマトン」 (Doll "Semi-automaton")
- 騎士「ドールオブラウンドテーブル」 (Knight "Doll of Round Table")
- Pre Battle: 甲論乙駁 (Argue for and Against)
- Battle: the Grimoire of Alice
Stage 3 - VS Marisa Kirisame
Scarlet Devil Mansion Clock Tower, Demons Disguised as Humans
Spell Cards
- 星符「エキセントリックアステロイド」 (Star Sign "Eccentric Asteroid")
- 流光「シューティングエコー」 (Light Flow "Shooting Echo")
- 魔符「マジカルR360」 (Magic Sign "Magical R360")
- Pre Battle: 以魚駆蠅 (Swing a Fish to Drive Away Flies)
- Battle: 恋色マジック (Love Colored Magic)
Stage 4 - VS Reimu Hakurei
Scarlet Devil Mansion Clock Tower, Reimu Fears Not of Exorcism
Spell Cards
- 御守「妖怪足止めお守り」 (Amulet "Youkai Repelling Charm")
- 霊符「夢想封印 円」 (Spirit Sign "Dream Seal -Circle-")
- 神霊「夢想封印 瞬」 (Divine Spirit "Dream Seal -Blink-")
- 「最も凶悪なびっくり巫女玉」 ("Most Evil Surprise Miko Orbs")
- Pre Battle: 日常坐臥 (Usual Days)
- Battle: 二色蓮花蝶 ~ Ancients (Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Ancients)
Stage 5 - VS Giant Catfish
Scarlet Devil Mansion Field, Does the story end in that way?
Spell Cards
- ナマズ「ほらほら世界が震えるぞ?」 (Catfish "See? The World is Shaking!")
- ナマズ「液状化現象で大地も泥のようじゃ!」 (Catfish "The Earth Liquefies into Mud!")
- ナマズ「発電だって頑張っちゃうぞ?」 (Catfish "I'm Charging Up!")
- ナマズ「オール電化でエコロジーじゃ!」 (Catfish "All-Electrical for Ecology!")
- 大ナマズ「これで浮き世もおしまいじゃあ!」 (Great Catfish "With This Ends the Fleeting World!")
- Pre Battle: ぼくらの非想天則 (Our Hisou Tensoku)
- Battle: アンノウンX ~ Unfound Adventure (Unknown X ~ Unfound Adventure)