Touhou Hisoutensoku/Translation/Remilia's Script
Remilia wins Reimu
Remilia | なんか神社で肝試しとかやってるんだって? なんで私を呼ばないのよ |
You had a test of courage at the shrine?[1] Why didn't you call me? |
Remilia | なんか、里にお寺が出来たみたいね
神社と何が違うのさ |
It seems there's a temple in the village now.
What makes it different from a shrine? |
Remilia wins Marisa
Remilia | あーやだね。夏の日射しは その大きな帽子は日射し避けには良さそうね |
Ah, man. In the summer, a huge hat like that must be good for blocking sunlight. |
Remilia wins Sakuya
Remilia | 退屈だねぇ 何か面白い奴もってきてよ |
So bored. Go bring me someone interesting. |
Remilia | バザーに行きたいけど、河原じゃねぇ……
非想天則、見てみたいけどね |
I want to go to the bazaar, but it's on the river plain....
I want to see the Hisou Tensoku.... |
Remilia wins Alice
Remilia | あ、ゴーレム人形みたよ 超弱そうだった |
Oh, I saw a golem doll. It looked totally weak. |
Remilia wins Patchouli
Remilia | なんか、漫画とかおいてないの? これだけ本が有ってさ |
What, you don't have any manga or anything? These are the only books you have. |
Remilia wins herself
Remilia | 吸血鬼は鏡に映らないってね だから、これはただの残像よ |
Vampires don't have reflections. So this is simply an afterimage. |
Remilia wins Yuyuko
Remilia | 亡霊って今までゾンビだと思ってたけど 違うみたいね。ミイラ男って何処にいるのかな |
Until now, I thought of ghosts as just zombies, but you seem different. I wonder where the mummies are? |
Remilia wins Yukari
Remilia | え? 白か黒か? コウモリは黒に決まってるじゃない |
Huh? White or black? Aren't bats always black? [2] |
Remilia wins Suika
Remilia | グレープよりスイカの方が肉片っぽいねぇ | You know, watermelons look more like slices of meat than grapes. [3] |
Remilia wins Aya
Remilia | 文字書くの面倒くさいね。新聞みたいに かっちりした文字ってどうやって書くの? |
Writing is a pain. How do you write so neatly in newspapers? |
Remilia wins Iku
Remilia | 聞いたよ。龍宮の使いって、なんかすんごく レアなんだってね |
I've heard that oarfish are a really rare kind of fish. |
Remilia | 聞いたよ
龍宮の使いって、なんかすんごくレア ふーん。精々咲夜に気を付ける事ね |
I've heard that oarfish are a really rare kind of fish.
Hmmm... I should let Sakuya know as soon as possible. |
Remilia wins Tenshi
Remilia | へー、桃以外にも丹とか食べるんだね 仁丹とかもりもり食べるの? |
Ehh, so other than peaches, you also eat pills? Do you eagerly chew on Jintan and the such? [4] |
Remilia wins Sanae
Remilia | へえ、風を吹かしたりするだけで 神様になれるんだね |
Heh, so you can become a god just by making the wind blow, huh? |
Remilia wins Cirno
Remilia | 妖精は本当に役に立たないねぇ | Fairies are completely useless. |
Remilia wins Meiling
Remilia | あの漫画どうだった? 面白かったでしょ? |
How was that manga? Was it interesting? |
Remilia wins Utsuho
Remilia | 太陽は苦手…… | I rather dislike the sun... |
Remilia wins Suwako
Remilia | なんかあんた、ちょこまか動いているようね 面白い事になってるみたいだけど…… |
You seem to be in constant motion. I thought fighting you would be interesting, but... |
- ^ See Oriental Sacred Place chapters 3 and 4.
- ^ Yukari could have been making a metaphor using "black and white" as an example of two separate things with a clear boundary.
- ^ This is a clumsy pun on suika, the Japanese word for watermelon.
- ^ Jintan is a Japanese drug that originated in 1905. It is hailed as the "Japanese aspirin".
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |