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Touhou Hisoutensoku/Translation/Remilia's Script

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Remilia wins Reimu

Remilia なんか神社で肝試しとかやってるんだって?
You had a test of courage at the shrine?[1]
Why didn't you call me?
Remilia なんか、里にお寺が出来たみたいね


It seems there's a temple in the village now.

What makes it different from a shrine?

Remilia wins Marisa

Remilia あーやだね。夏の日射しは
Ah, man. In the summer,
a huge hat like that must be good for blocking sunlight.

Remilia wins Sakuya

Remilia 退屈だねぇ
So bored.
Go bring me someone interesting.
Remilia バザーに行きたいけど、河原じゃねぇ……


I want to go to the bazaar, but it's on the river plain....

I want to see the Hisou Tensoku....

Remilia wins Alice

Remilia あ、ゴーレム人形みたよ
Oh, I saw a golem doll.
It looked totally weak.

Remilia wins Patchouli

Remilia なんか、漫画とかおいてないの?
What, you don't have any manga or anything?
These are the only books you have.

Remilia wins herself

Remilia 吸血鬼は鏡に映らないってね
Vampires don't have reflections.
So this is simply an afterimage.

Remilia wins Yuyuko

Remilia 亡霊って今までゾンビだと思ってたけど
Until now, I thought of ghosts as just zombies, but you seem different.
I wonder where the mummies are?

Remilia wins Yukari

Remilia え? 白か黒か?
Huh? White or black?
Aren't bats always black? [2]

Remilia wins Suika

Remilia グレープよりスイカの方が肉片っぽいねぇ You know, watermelons look more like slices of meat than grapes. [3]

Remilia wins Aya

Remilia 文字書くの面倒くさいね。新聞みたいに
Writing is a pain.
How do you write so neatly in newspapers?

Remilia wins Iku

Remilia 聞いたよ。龍宮の使いって、なんかすんごく
I've heard that oarfish are a really rare kind of fish.
Remilia 聞いたよ



I've heard that oarfish are a really rare kind of fish.

Hmmm... I should let Sakuya know as soon as possible.
She has a soft spot for rare ingredients.

Remilia wins Tenshi

Remilia へー、桃以外にも丹とか食べるんだね
Ehh, so other than peaches, you also eat pills?
Do you eagerly chew on Jintan and the such? [4]

Remilia wins Sanae

Remilia へえ、風を吹かしたりするだけで
Heh, so you can become a god just by making the wind blow, huh?

Remilia wins Cirno

Remilia 妖精は本当に役に立たないねぇ Fairies are completely useless.

Remilia wins Meiling

Remilia あの漫画どうだった?
How was that manga?
Was it interesting?

Remilia wins Utsuho

Remilia 太陽は苦手…… I rather dislike the sun...

Remilia wins Suwako

Remilia なんかあんた、ちょこまか動いているようね
You seem to be in constant motion.
I thought fighting you would be interesting, but...


^  See Oriental Sacred Place chapters 3 and 4.
^  Yukari could have been making a metaphor using "black and white" as an example of two separate things with a clear boundary.
^  This is a clumsy pun on suika, the Japanese word for watermelon.
^  Jintan is a Japanese drug that originated in 1905. It is hailed as the "Japanese aspirin".