Touhou Sangetsusei
Touhou Sangetsusei (東方三月精) is a four-part manga sub-series of the Touhou Project written by ZUN and illustrated by Nemu Matsukura and Makoto Hirasaka, consisting of Eastern and Little Nature Deity, Strange and Bright Nature Deity, Oriental Sacred Place and Visionary Fairies in Shrine. It focuses on the daily lives of the Three Fairies of Light, said to be typical residents of Gensokyo. "Sangetsusei" (三月精, also romanised as Sangessei[1]) translates roughly as "Three Fairies", but san (三) is pronounced like the English word "sun", getsu (月) means "moon" and sei (精) is pronounced like sei (星, "star"), alluding to the story's protagonists.[2]
Main Works
- 東方三月精 ~ Eastern and Little Nature Deity, 2005–2006, Nemu Matsukura
- 東方三月精 ~ Strange and Bright Nature Deity, 2006–2009, Makoto Hirasaka
- 東方三月精 ~ Oriental Sacred Place, 2009–2012, Makoto Hirasaka
- 東方三月精 ~ Visionary Fairies in Shrine, 2016–2019, Makoto Hirasaka
Supplementary Material
- Fairy of the Moon, a short story included with the tankoubon release of Eastern and Little Nature Deity released in 2007
- Eastern and Little Nature Deity (CD), a music CD included with the tankoubon edition of Eastern and Little Nature Deity
- Strange and Bright Nature Deity 1 (CD), a music CD included with the tankoubon edition of Strange and Bright Nature Deity volume 1
- Strange and Bright Nature Deity 2 (CD), a music CD included with the tankoubon edition of Strange and Bright Nature Deity volume 2
- Strange and Bright Nature Deity 3 (CD), a music CD included with the tankoubon edition of Strange and Bright Nature Deity volume 3
- Oriental Sacred Place 1 (CD), a music CD included with the tankoubon edition of Oriental Sacred Place volume 1
- Oriental Sacred Place 2 (CD), a music CD included with the tankoubon edition of Oriental Sacred Place volume 2
- 妖精大戦争 ~ 東方三月精 (Great Fairy Wars), the 12.8 official instalment of the Touhou Project, featuring Cirno as the playable character and the Three Fairies as bosses
- Oriental Sacred Place 3 (CD), a music CD included with the tankoubon edition of Oriental Sacred Place volume 3
- ↑ Strange and Bright Nature Diety: Sangessei (さんげっせい) was used in the title's furigana for volume 1.
- ↑ Eastern and Little Nature Deity: Shanghai Alice Correspondence Three Fairies Version - Volume 5