Tri Focuser/Spell Cards/Level 5
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Spell Card 5 - 1
Riko Toone
Level 5 — 1
Level 5 — 1
Aya: 「弱音ハクという歌姫からインスピレーションを得た技だそうです」
Hatate: 「守矢のカエル神からの間違いじゃなくて?」
Tobiko: 「僕の解釈だと、これはポライトネスという概念から命名された物で…」
Momiji: (つまり…守矢のカエル神は概念だった…?)
Hatate: 「守矢のカエル神からの間違いじゃなくて?」
Tobiko: 「僕の解釈だと、これはポライトネスという概念から命名された物で…」
Momiji: (つまり…守矢のカエル神は概念だった…?)
Aya: It's a technique inspired by a diva named Haku Yowane.
Hatate: Is it a mistake from Moriya's frog god?
Tobiko: In my interpretation, this one is named after the concept of politeness...[3]
Momiji: (In other words... Moriya's frog god was a concept...?)
Hatate: Is it a mistake from Moriya's frog god?
Tobiko: In my interpretation, this one is named after the concept of politeness...[3]
Momiji: (In other words... Moriya's frog god was a concept...?)
Spell Card 5 - 2
Riko Toone
Level 5 — 2
Level 5 — 2
Aya: 「重音テトという歌姫からインスピレーションを得た技だそうです」
Hatate: 「性別が鵺だとか、本名はテトペッテンソンだとかいう謎多き歌姫ね」
Tobiko: 「歌詞に言語的意味は無く、弾幕を操作する呪文になっておるという」
Momiji: (お前ら随分詳しいやん…全然謎多くないやん…)
Hatate: 「性別が鵺だとか、本名はテトペッテンソンだとかいう謎多き歌姫ね」
Tobiko: 「歌詞に言語的意味は無く、弾幕を操作する呪文になっておるという」
Momiji: (お前ら随分詳しいやん…全然謎多くないやん…)
Aya: It's a technique inspired by a diva named Teto Kasane.
Hatate: It's a mysterious diva of a nue-like gender[5], whose real name is, like, Tetopettenson, or something.
Tobiko: It's said the lyrics have no linguistic meaning, being instead an incantation used to manipulate danmaku.
Momiji: (When it comes to you guys, everything's so terribly detailed, you leave no mysteries at all...)
Hatate: It's a mysterious diva of a nue-like gender[5], whose real name is, like, Tetopettenson, or something.
Tobiko: It's said the lyrics have no linguistic meaning, being instead an incantation used to manipulate danmaku.
Momiji: (When it comes to you guys, everything's so terribly detailed, you leave no mysteries at all...)
Spell Card 5 - 3
"Diva's Divider"
Riko Toone
Level 5 — 3
Level 5 — 3
Aya: 「歌姫の持つ三本の剣を取材しました、まずは音撃剣ハツネギ」
Hatate: 「えーと、二本目がバスタード何とかソードだっけ」
Tobiko: 「三本目が暴食の魔剣グラットンソードである事は確定的に明らかだ」
Momiji: (四本目のムーンライトソードというのもあるらしいが…いつ出た?)
Hatate: 「えーと、二本目がバスタード何とかソードだっけ」
Tobiko: 「三本目が暴食の魔剣グラットンソードである事は確定的に明らかだ」
Momiji: (四本目のムーンライトソードというのもあるらしいが…いつ出た?)
Aya: We photographed the three swords of the Diva, first of all the Sonic Attack Sword: Hatsunegi.
Hatate: Second there's, like, a Bastard Sword or something.
Tobiko: Third is obviously a voracious demon blade, Gluttony Sword.
Momiji: (Apparently there's also a fourth, Moonlight Sword, but did it not appear...?)
Hatate: Second there's, like, a Bastard Sword or something.
Tobiko: Third is obviously a voracious demon blade, Gluttony Sword.
Momiji: (Apparently there's also a fourth, Moonlight Sword, but did it not appear...?)
Spell Card 5 - 4
Flying Plum "Flow Flower Blower"
An Yaezaki
Level 5 — 4
Level 5 — 4
Aya: 「扇風機ですね、流れ(flow)る」
Hatate: 「扇風機ね、花(flower)の」
Tobiko: 「うむ、扇風機(blower)に違いない」
Momiji: (名前思い付いた時のドヤ顔が目に浮かぶな…)
Hatate: 「扇風機ね、花(flower)の」
Tobiko: 「うむ、扇風機(blower)に違いない」
Momiji: (名前思い付いた時のドヤ顔が目に浮かぶな…)
Aya: It's a fan, it "flows".
Hatate: Also, the fan has "flowers".
Tobiko: Uhm, and the fan is a "blower".
Momiji: (I can imagine her proud face when she came up with the name...)
Hatate: Also, the fan has "flowers".
Tobiko: Uhm, and the fan is a "blower".
Momiji: (I can imagine her proud face when she came up with the name...)
Spell Card 5 - 5
An Yaezaki
Level 5 — 5
Level 5 — 5
Aya: 「禍公が考案した寒梅コレクションなる遊戯を取材に来ました」
Hatate: 「梅娘と呼ばれる木霊を育てて戦わせる…それとも私達が戦うのか?」
Tobiko: 「禍公曰く、これにて従来の弾幕は廃れ、僕らの出番は無くなると言う」
Momiji: (廃れると言われ続けながら十数年経ってるけどな)
Hatate: 「梅娘と呼ばれる木霊を育てて戦わせる…それとも私達が戦うのか?」
Tobiko: 「禍公曰く、これにて従来の弾幕は廃れ、僕らの出番は無くなると言う」
Momiji: (廃れると言われ続けながら十数年経ってるけどな)
Aya: I covered the new Winter Plum Collection game that Magakimi developed.
Hatate: You train these kodamas called "plumgirls" for war... Or do we just, like, fight by ourselves?
Tobiko: Magakimi said normal danmaku is obsolete, saying we will no longer be needed.
Momiji: (Although she says it's obsolete, it has been going for decades already...)
Hatate: You train these kodamas called "plumgirls" for war... Or do we just, like, fight by ourselves?
Tobiko: Magakimi said normal danmaku is obsolete, saying we will no longer be needed.
Momiji: (Although she says it's obsolete, it has been going for decades already...)
Spell Card 5 - 6
An Yaezaki
Level 5 — 6
Level 5 — 6
Aya: 「小サイズの木霊は無尽蔵に生み出せるみたいですね」
Hatate: 「これも禍公とやらのエネルギーなのかな? 残機無限とか楽でずるいよね」
Tobiko: 「残機無限で永遠の苦しみを味わう完全無欠な薬が何処かにあるらしいね」
Momiji: (禍公が呪い殺した政敵達 から吸ったエネルギーで生成するそうだ…)
Hatate: 「これも禍公とやらのエネルギーなのかな? 残機無限とか楽でずるいよね」
Tobiko: 「残機無限で永遠の苦しみを味わう完全無欠な薬が何処かにあるらしいね」
Momiji: (禍公が呪い殺した
Aya: Apparently she can keep creating small-sized kodamas endlessly.
Hatate: Does this energy also come from Magakimi? Having infinite lives is just cheap, damnit!
Tobiko: I heard there's an elixir somewhere that grants infinite lives, but leaves an eternally bad taste.[8]
Momiji: (It's said that they are generated by the energy absorbed from thepolitical enemies that Magakimi cursed and killed...)
Hatate: Does this energy also come from Magakimi? Having infinite lives is just cheap, damnit!
Tobiko: I heard there's an elixir somewhere that grants infinite lives, but leaves an eternally bad taste.[8]
Momiji: (It's said that they are generated by the energy absorbed from the
Spell Card 5 - 7
Janet Arc'Angelo
Level 5 — 7
Level 5 — 7
Aya: 「まりあ様とやらは男女の交わり無しに子を産んだとか」
Hatate: 「そんなんで崇められるとかキリスト教も大したこと無いね」
Tobiko: 「ははは、世界には変な所から勝手に生まれる神が山ほどおるからな」
Momiji: (挙句の果てに男神が子を産んだりとかな…)
Hatate: 「そんなんで崇められるとかキリスト教も大したこと無いね」
Tobiko: 「ははは、世界には変な所から勝手に生まれる神が山ほどおるからな」
Momiji: (挙句の果てに男神が子を産んだりとかな…)
Aya: It's said the Virgin Mary gave birth to a child without any intercourse.
Hatate: Something totally trivial like that is actually worshipped in Christianity.
Tobiko: Hahaha, there are many gods who are born in their own strange way from all over the world.
Momiji: (As a result, a male god ends up giving birth to a child...)
Hatate: Something totally trivial like that is actually worshipped in Christianity.
Tobiko: Hahaha, there are many gods who are born in their own strange way from all over the world.
Momiji: (As a result, a male god ends up giving birth to a child...)
Spell Card 5 - 8
Holy Water "Dream Bubble Blaster"
Janet Arc'Angelo
Level 5 — 8
Level 5 — 8
Aya: 「ラッパの使い方を盛大に間違えてます、これはひどい」
Hatate: 「屋根までどころか天国まで飛ぶ、神をも恐れぬシャボン玉ね」
Tobiko: 「しかし割れずとも高空で凍結し落下してしまう…僕の解釈ではこれは」
Momiji: (バベルの塔の寓話の派生とかもっともらしく語る気か…)
Hatate: 「屋根までどころか天国まで飛ぶ、神をも恐れぬシャボン玉ね」
Tobiko: 「しかし割れずとも高空で凍結し落下してしまう…僕の解釈ではこれは」
Momiji: (バベルの塔の寓話の派生とかもっともらしく語る気か…)
Aya: She completely misunderstood how to use a trumpet, this is awful...
Hatate: If the ceiling here were heaven, even god would be afraid of soap bubbles.
Tobiko: Even if they didn't burst, they'd end up freezing high up there and falling down... In my interpretation, that is.
Momiji: (Why is no one mentioning the wordplay between "bubble" and "Babel", as in the tower...)
Hatate: If the ceiling here were heaven, even god would be afraid of soap bubbles.
Tobiko: Even if they didn't burst, they'd end up freezing high up there and falling down... In my interpretation, that is.
Momiji: (Why is no one mentioning the wordplay between "bubble" and "Babel", as in the tower...)
Spell Card 5 - 9
Fantasy Performance "Summon Abaddon"
Janet Arc'Angelo
Level 5 — 9
Level 5 — 9
Aya: 「アバドンですか、あの天使だか悪魔だかはっきりしないという」
Hatate: 「蝗の群れを率いて、死も許されない5ヵ月間の苦しみを与えるとさ」
Tobiko: 「今回は蝗は自粛を要請し、ノリの良い妖精に代役を務めて貰った」
Momiji: (今日も幻想郷は平和なことだ…)
Hatate: 「蝗の群れを率いて、死も許されない5ヵ月間の苦しみを与えるとさ」
Tobiko: 「今回は蝗は自粛を要請し、ノリの良い妖精に代役を務めて貰った」
Momiji: (今日も幻想郷は平和なことだ…)
Aya: It's unclear whether "Abaddon" refers to that Angel or the Devil.
Hatate: It's the start of a swarm of locusts, causing death and suffering for five months straight.
Tobiko: The locusts wanted a break this time, so they were replaced by some musically-inclined fairies.
Momiji: (Gensokyo is safe again this time...)
Hatate: It's the start of a swarm of locusts, causing death and suffering for five months straight.
Tobiko: The locusts wanted a break this time, so they were replaced by some musically-inclined fairies.
Momiji: (Gensokyo is safe again this time...)
Spell Card 5 - 10
Shelia Lyrac
Level 5 — 10
Level 5 — 10
Aya: 「星が重なり合うことで、弾道が分かりにくくなっていますね」
Hatate: 「こういうの嫌だわー、気合弾幕じゃ私らに当てられないからって」
Tobiko: 「そう、この時姫海棠記者はまだ知らなかったのである」
Momiji: (すぐ後に気合避けスペルで地獄を見る事など…)
Hatate: 「こういうの嫌だわー、気合弾幕じゃ私らに当てられないからって」
Tobiko: 「そう、この時姫海棠記者はまだ知らなかったのである」
Momiji: (すぐ後に気合避けスペルで地獄を見る事など…)
Aya: The overlapping of stars makes it difficult to predict the trajectory of the bullets.
Hatate: I hate this, the dazzling danmaku doesn't let us shoot her!
Tobiko: Even right now, reporter Himekaidou hasn't figured it out yet.
Momiji: (After this, you'll be the next to face hell in dazzling danmaku...)
Hatate: I hate this, the dazzling danmaku doesn't let us shoot her!
Tobiko: Even right now, reporter Himekaidou hasn't figured it out yet.
Momiji: (After this, you'll be the next to face hell in dazzling danmaku...)
Spell Card 5 - 11
Shelia Lyrac
Level 5 — 11
Level 5 — 11
Aya: 「外界ではオリオン座β星と呼ばれ、足という意味の名前だとか」
Hatate: 「その名の通り見事にシェリアの乗り物だね、アッシー君って奴?」
Tobiko: 「星々の横の繋がりは厚いことだ、僕達ももっと仲良くしたいな」
Momiji: (お前は仲良くする為に相手に歩み寄る気が無いだろ…)
Hatate: 「その名の通り見事にシェリアの乗り物だね、アッシー君って奴?」
Tobiko: 「星々の横の繋がりは厚いことだ、僕達ももっと仲良くしたいな」
Momiji: (お前は仲良くする為に相手に歩み寄る気が無いだろ…)
Aya: This star is called β Orionis in the outside world, the name apparently means leg.
Hatate: Is it called that because it's Shelia's ride or because it's leg-endary?[11]
Tobiko: The connection between the stars is unbreakable, I also wish we got along that well.
Momiji: (I think you're never going to get along well at all...)
Hatate: Is it called that because it's Shelia's ride or because it's leg-endary?[11]
Tobiko: The connection between the stars is unbreakable, I also wish we got along that well.
Momiji: (I think you're never going to get along well at all...)
Spell Card 5 - 12
Shelia Lyrac
Level 5 — 12
Level 5 — 12
Aya: 「一瞬で周りの星天ごと凍り付かせ、相手を死に至らしめるとか」
Hatate: 「名前はメロディアスハープリバイバルとどっちにするか迷ったとか」
Tobiko: 「後者の方が良かったのでは? 実際には凍り付いていないだろう」
Momiji: (どことなく夏の夜の祭の情景を思い起こさせる弾幕だな……)
Hatate: 「名前はメロディアスハープリバイバルとどっちにするか迷ったとか」
Tobiko: 「後者の方が良かったのでは? 実際には凍り付いていないだろう」
Momiji: (どことなく夏の夜の祭の情景を思い起こさせる弾幕だな……)
Aya: She freezes the entire starry sky in place, just to kill the other party.
Hatate: I think it should be named Melodious Harp Revival[13] instead.
Tobiko: Isn't the other more fitting? It doesn't actually freeze anything.
Momiji: (This danmaku makes me think about a summer night festival for some reason...)
Hatate: I think it should be named Melodious Harp Revival[13] instead.
Tobiko: Isn't the other more fitting? It doesn't actually freeze anything.
Momiji: (This danmaku makes me think about a summer night festival for some reason...)
- ↑ A reference to fanmade Vocaloid character Haku Yowane. "弱" (weak) is taken from "弱音" (Yowane).
- ↑ "Negative Faith" is a reference to Suwako's theme from Mountain of Faith, "Native Faith". Riko's danmaku patterns are borrowed from Suwako's Native God "Lord Long-Arm and Lord Long-Leg", Divine Tool "Moriya's Iron Ring", and Scourge Sign "Mishaguji-sama"
- ↑ The spell name can also be read as "Negative Face".
- ↑ A reference to fanmade Vocaloid character Teto Kasane, as well as her namesake, the song "Tetopettenson," which is a parody of the song "Le Beau Tambour". "重" (overlap) is taken from "重音" (Kasane).
- ↑ Teto's gender was jokingly described as "chimera".
- ↑ 寒梅コレクション (kanbai collection, lit. "winter plum collection"): a pun on popular video game Kantai Collection.
- ↑ Spell card name is a reference to Takenouchi no Tarumi's theme from Riverbed Soul Saver, "World Yamataizer".
- ↑ The Ultramarine Orb Elixir created by Eirin in Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
- ↑ 受弾告知: a pun on 受胎告知 (the Annunciation, with the kanji 胎 (womb) replaced with 弾 (bullet).
- ↑ Rigeru wa ashi da ga yaku ni tatsu: a pun on the title of the manga Nigeru wa haji da ga yaku ni tatsu, lit. "fleeing is shameful but useful", in turn based on the Hungarian proverb Szégyen a futás, de hasznos.
- ↑ The original Japanese is a pun on ashi (足, leg) and asshī (アッシー, a slang term for a man who drives a woman around for free).
- ↑ A homage to the stage 6 final spell of Shining Shooting Star.
- ↑ Reference to the "Melodious Harp" card from the Battle Spirits TCG and anime.
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