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Urban Legend in Limbo/Music

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Music List

Reimu Hakurei's theme
二色蓮花蝶 ~ Red and White
Niiru renkachou
Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Red and White Comp (Butaotome)
Marisa Kirisame's theme
Koiiro masutā supāku
Love-Colored Master Spark oiko
Ichirin Kumoi and Unzan's theme
Jidai oyaji to haikara shoujo
The Traditional Old Man and the Stylish Girl ShavaDava (Sound CYCLONE)
Byakuren Hijiri's theme
感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind
Kanjou no matenrou
Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind NYO (Silver Forest)
Mononobe no Futo's theme
Oomiwa shinwaden
Omiwa Legend Tai no Kobone (Azure&Sands)
Toyosatomimi no Miko's theme
聖徳伝説 ~ True Administrator
Shoutoku densetsu
Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator Taka (CROW'SCLAW)
Nitori Kawashiro's theme
芥川龍之介の河童 ~ Candid Friend
Akutagawa ryuunosuke no kappa
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend Yuuyu
Koishi Komeiji's theme
Harutoman no youkai shoujo
Hartmann's Youkai Girl Kishida (Kishida Kyoudan)
Mamizou Futatsuiwa's theme
Gensoukyou no futatsuiwa
Futatsuiwa from Gensokyo Shuzou (Sekken'ya)
Hata no Kokoro's theme
Boushitsu no emōshon
The Lost Emotion Dobu Usagi
Fujiwara no Mokou's theme
Tsuki made todoke, fushi no kemuri
Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke ziki_7
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna's theme
輝く針の小人族 ~ Little Princess
Kagayaku hari no kobito-zoku
Inchlings of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess U2 Akiyama
Title and Menu theme
Kokoro yusaburu toshi-densetsu
Heart-Stirring Urban Legends U2 Akiyama
Character Select theme
Gensoukyou fushigi hakken
Gensokyo Mystery Discovery U2 Akiyama


A parody of a TV program of history quizes 世界ふしぎ発見 (lit. World Mystery Discovery).

Pre-Battle theme
Bōru no aru nichijou
An Everyday Life with Balls U2 Akiyama
Pre-Battle theme
Kengen shita denshou no katachi
Forms of Manifested Folklore U2 Akiyama
Pre-Battle theme
Jidai no kaze no otozure
Arrival of the Winds of the Era U2 Akiyama
Pre-Battle theme
Kachi ga wakaranai
The Value Is Unrealized U2 Akiyama
Pre-Battle theme
Kanousei wo shinjite
Believe in Possibilities U2 Akiyama
Pre-Battle theme
Shinjitsu wo shiru mono
Those Who Know the Truth U2 Akiyama
Pre-Battle theme
Gaikai fōkuroa
Outside World Folklore U2 Akiyama
Ending theme
Ono-ono no ketsumatsu
Each Ending U2 Akiyama
Staff Roll theme
Akasareru shinpi
The Arcane Is Revealed U2 Akiyama
Story Mode Battle theme
Okaruto arakaruto
Occult à la Carte U2 Akiyama
Story Mode Battle theme
Nana-dama shuushuu shoudaun[1]
Seven-Orb Collection Showdown U2 Akiyama
Story Mode Battle theme
Kouseinaru ubaiai
Fair Scramble U2 Akiyama
Story Mode Battle theme
Taisekichi no kane
Bell of the Antipodes U2 Akiyama
Story Mode Battle theme
Chikurin in fureimu
Bamboo Forest in Flames U2 Akiyama
Kasen Ibaraki's theme / Penultimate Boss theme
Hanahazama no batorufīrudo
Battlefield of the Flower Threshold [2] ZUN
Sumireko Usami's theme / Final Boss theme
ラストオカルティズム ~ 現し世の秘術師
Rasuto Okarutizumu ~ Utsushiyo no Hijutsushi
Last Occultism ~ Esotericist of the Present World ZUN

See Also


  1. "Shichisei shuushuu" is also admittable.
  2. "Flower threshold" (華狭間 hanahazama) is derived from another term with the same pronunciation, 花狭間. The song title itself is likely based upon "The Battle of Okehazama" (桶狭間の戦い).