Wily Beast and Weakest Creature/Story/Marisa's Scenario (Otter)
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Marisa's Extra (Otter) |
> |
Stage 1
千万無量の無念 |
Innumerable Regrets ~ Infinity Make-work | |
賽の河原 |
Sai no Kawara | |
BGM:地蔵だけが知る哀嘆 |
BGM: The Lamentations Known Only by Jizo | |
Eika Ebisu ENTERS | ||
Eika Ebisu LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
動物霊が多いな 河の向こうからやって来たって事は |
Lotta beast spirits here, huh? Looks like they're coming from across the river, |
??? |
そこのお前! |
Hey, you there! |
Eika Ebisu ENTERS | ||
河原のアイドル水子 |
Stillborn Idol of the Riverbed | |
Eika |
こんなところで暴れるから |
All the stones we were stacking fell over |
Marisa |
え? |
Huh? |
Eika |
今日は積み石コンテストだったのに…… 許さない! |
We were supposed to hold our stone-stacking contest today... I won't forgive you! |
Marisa |
困ったなぁ |
Welp, this ain't good... |
BGM: ジェリーストーン |
BGM: Jelly Stone | |
Eika |
今すぐ |
Get out of |
Eika Ebisu DEFEATED | ||
Eika |
ぐぐぐ……強い |
Gugugu... So strong... |
Marisa |
ごめんな |
Uh, sorry about that. |
Eika |
しくしくしく…… 子供達が楽しみにしていた |
*sob sob* The children were looking forward |
Marisa |
あ、後味悪い…… |
Talk about a bad aftertaste... |
Stage 2
御影石の赤子 |
A Baby Carved from Granite ~ Cross the Styx | |
三途の河 |
BGM: ロストリバー |
BGM: Lost River | |
Urumi Ushizaki ENTERS | ||
Urumi Ushizaki LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
相変わらず |
This river's as creepy as always... |
??? |
I never thought I'd see a flesh and blood human |
Urumi Ushizaki ENTERS | ||
古代魚の子連れ番人 |
Parental Guardian of Ancient Fish | |
Urumi |
迷い込んだのかい? |
Are you lost? |
Marisa |
すみません…… |
Sorry... |
Urumi |
幻想郷に帰りたいか…… ふっふっふ |
Do you want to return to Gensokyo...? Heh heh heh. |
Marisa |
ん? |
Hm? |
Urumi |
丁度古代魚達の餌をあげないと |
Feeding time for my ancient fish |
BGM: 石の赤子と水中の牛 |
BGM: The Stone Baby and the Submerged Bovine | |
Urumi |
ふっふっふ、私の代わりにこの子を |
Heh heh heh... Excuse me, but could |
Urumi Ushizaki DEFEATED | ||
Urumi |
むぐぐ、強いな |
Mrgh. You're strong. |
Marisa |
何だその石の赤子は 重すぎて河に落ちるかと思ったぜ |
What's up with that stone baby? It was so heavy, I thought I might |
Urumi |
超重量のこの子を抱けるとは 見た目とは裏腹に 良いだろう |
You can hold it, even though it's so heavy...?! Dang, you must be a lot Alright. |
Marisa |
ああ、沈められるところだったんだな |
Oh, you were trying to drown me. Yikes. |
Stage 3
鬼渡の関所 |
Checkpoint of Oniwatari ~ Lonely Amaryllis | |
彼岸 |
BGM: 不朽の曼珠沙華 |
BGM: Everlasting Red Spider Lily | |
Kutaka Niwatari ENTERS | ||
??? |
容赦無く、貴方を試しなさいってね! |
I've heard about you from the Yama. She told me to test you with no mercy! |
Kutaka Niwatari EXITS | ||
Kutaka Niwatari ENTERS | ||
??? |
地獄へ行こうとしている 中々の腕前でございます |
Just as I'd expect from someone You're quite skilled indeed. |
Marisa |
お前は何者だ? |
And who're you? |
地獄関所の番頭神 |
Clerical God of Hell's Checkpoint | |
Kutaka |
私は、 |
I am Kutaka. I watch over |
Marisa |
なるほど、地獄の門番って訳ね だったら、地獄で何が起きているのか 動物霊が地上を支配しようと |
Ah, so you're Hell's gatekeeper. Then would ya happen t' know Like, are the beast spirits tryin' |
Kutaka |
地獄では毎日のように 権力闘争だって |
There's always some turmoil or Even violent power struggles |
Marisa |
で、でも今度のは地上がヤバそうなんだ 何とか地獄に行かせて貰えないか? |
B-but this time it looks like the surface's in trouble. Is there any way you could let me into Hell? |
Kutaka |
貴方が行きたがっているのは知っています |
I'm well aware of your intent to go there. |
BGM: セラフィックチキン |
BGM: Seraphic Chicken | |
Kutaka |
私の攻撃をいなせないくらいでは |
After all, if you cannot even dodge my attacks, |
Kutaka Niwatari DEFEATED | ||
Kutaka |
そ、そこまでです 貴方なら地獄でも |
Th-That's enough. With strength like yours, you may very well |
Marisa |
そうか、地獄に行くのは それは |
That so? Phew. I was honestly kinda But I s'pose there wasn't any need to worry. |
Kutaka |
そうそう、思い出しました 閻魔様曰く、貴方に憑依している 特に貴方はすでに心を どうか地獄の計略に |
Oh right, that reminds me. According to the Yama, it'd be unwise to Your heart, in particular, already seems Take care not to get caught |
Stage 4
万苦の業風 |
Karmic Wind of Myriad Sufferings ~ Darkside of Paradise | |
地獄 (詳細位置の特定不能) |
Hell (Specific Location Unknown) | |
BGM: アンロケイテッドヘル |
BGM: Unlocated Hell | |
Yachie Kicchou ENTERS | ||
??? |
生身の人間ですね 地獄は絶望的に広いですよ 私が案内しましょう |
Ah, a human of flesh and blood. Hell is hopelessly large, you know? Allow me to guide you. |
Yachie Kicchou EXITS | ||
Yachie Kicchou ENTERS | ||
??? |
よく付いて来られたね |
You've done well to follow me. |
Marisa |
はあはあ 地獄の風はこたえるなぁ でも、あっさり怪しい奴が 地上を支配しようとする動物霊は |
Huff, huff... Hell's winds sure take a toll on ya. Anyways, what a suspicious person. You're the beast spirit |
鬼傑組 組長 |
Matriarch of the Kiketsu Family | |
Yachie |
貴方は動物霊を征伐に来たのですね でも貴方が倒すべき動物霊は |
Oh, you came here to subjugate the beast spirits? Alas, I'm afraid that the beast |
BGM: トータスドラゴン ~ 幸運と不運 |
BGM: Tortoise Dragon ~ Good Fortune and Bad Fortune | |
Yachie |
貴方の敵となる動物霊は |
The beast spirits you see as your enemy, |
Marisa |
え? だ、だって実際に地獄から |
Huh? B-But the beast spirits are |
Yachie |
動物霊が人間界に行くのに 敵のところまで案内してやりましょうか? |
This is because they had to pass through Hell to reach How about I guide you to your enemy? |
Marisa |
そう言われると確かに |
Now that you say that |
Yachie |
敵である訳がありませんよ 私に勝てたら |
I am no foe of yours. If you can beat me, |
Yachie Kicchou DEFEATED | ||
Yachie |
す、素晴らしい では、倒すべき敵の下へ |
W-wonderful! I will now guide you to the |
Marisa |
お前は一体何者だ? |
Who exactly are you? |
Yachie |
私は |
I am the leader of the Kiketsu family. |
Marisa (Otter) |
も、申し訳ございません |
M-My sincerest apologies, |
Marisa |
(ん? あれ? |
(Huh? What? |
Yachie |
謝る必要なんてないですよ 貴方は動物霊の侵略を止めに 私がその敵がいる場所を教えます 貴方の役目はそれを倒す事だけ |
There's no need to apologize. You're just the human who came I'm going to tell you where the enemy is. Your role is simply to defeat said enemy. |
Marisa |
そ、そうだな |
T-That's true. |
Yachie |
動物霊は地獄のお隣にある その畜生界の中心に そこが敵の本拠地なのです |
The beast spirits are in the Animal Realm, There's a particularly prominent structure That's the enemy's main base. |
Marisa |
畜生界の中心か |
Center of the Animal Realm, got it! |
Yachie |
Oh sneak attacker, chosen by the otters! There is no route swifter or more effective than the rear! |
Stage 5
畜生メトロポリス |
Tiragyoni Metropolis ~ Beastly Dystopia | |
畜生界 |
Animal Realm | |
BGM: ビーストメトロポリス |
BGM: Beast Metropolis | |
Mayumi Joutougu ENTERS | ||
Mayumi Joutougu EXITS | ||
Marisa |
何だここは さっきまでの地獄とは さっきの奴が言っていた アレのことなのか……? |
Whoa, this place is very different Is that the "structure in the that the person back there mentioned......? |
Mayumi Joutougu ENTERS | ||
??? |
A human? You'd better get back to the Primate Spirit Garden post-haste, |
Marisa |
霊長園って何だ? あそこに見える、古墳の事か? |
What's the Primate Spirit Garden? Do you mean that burial mound thing over there? |
??? |
霊長園を知らないだって? |
You don't know about the Primate Spirit Garden? |
埴輪兵長 |
Haniwa Lance Corporal | |
Mayumi |
と言うかお前…… 畜生界の人間霊じゃないな! どうやって、この究極の弱肉強食の |
Actually, speaking of which... You're not a human spirit from the Animal Realm! How did you manage to survive in |
Marisa |
私はここの住人じゃない 動物霊達を退治しに …… くっ、身体が動かない!? |
I'm not a resident of this place. I came here from the surface to ...... (Ugh, why can't I move!? |
BGM: セラミックスの杖刀人 |
BGM: Joutounin of Ceramics | |
Marisa (Otter) |
ふっふっふ 私は、お前達を破壊する為だけに |
Heh heh heh! I brought a live human down here |
Mayumi |
貴様から感じる霊気…… |
That aura I feel from you... |
Marisa (Otter) |
そうだ、我ら鬼傑組の |
That's right! Now, face the elite |
Mayumi |
そうか、鬼傑組の吉弔の手先なのね |
Ah, I see. You're an agent of Kicchou, from the Kiketsu family. |
Marisa (Otter) |
お前達、呪われし偶像どもから 覚悟しろ! |
I shall liberate Prepare yourself! |
Mayumi Joutougu DEFEATED | ||
Mayumi |
つ、強い! 生身の人間とは なんと恐ろしい策……! |
S-so strong! So this is what What a fearsome strategy...! |
Marisa (Otter) |
(よし! (ありがとう! |
(Yes! (You have my thanks, |
Marisa |
…… まさかカワウソ霊に |
...... Can't believe I let an otter |
Marisa (Otter) |
(私だ、カワウソ霊だ (貴方のお陰で偶像を (でも、あと少しだけ (偶像を破壊すれば (そうすれば、地上への (貴方と目的は一致している筈だ |
(It's me, the otter spirit. (With your help, we'll be able (But I need your cooperation (Once the idols are destroyed, we beast spirits (If we do that, the beast spirits' invasion of (That means we have the same goal, right? |
Mayumi |
これは埴輪兵士が作られてから 早くみんなに知らせないと! |
This is the first emergency situation we've had I have to go alert everyone quick! |
Marisa |
変な話になって来たな でもまあ、カワウソ霊を信じてやるか いざ、霊長園に行くぞ! |
Well, this has gotten pretty weird. But whatever, I might as well Alright, let's head to the Primate Garden! |
Final Stage
イドラデウス |
Deus ex Idola ~ Idola-Deus | |
霊長園 墳墓内部 |
Primate Spirit Garden - Tumulus Base Interior | |
BGM: エレクトリックヘリテージ |
BGM: Electric Heritage | |
Mayumi Joutougu ENTERS | ||
Mayumi |
生身の人間がこんなに 夢のような現実だわ! |
To think that living humans Everything feels like a dream! |
Mayumi Joutougu DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
ここが、古墳内部か…… 異質さに異質さを重ねて来たな カワウソ霊、敵は何処だ? |
So this is what's inside the burial mound, huh... This place is just weird on top of weird. Otter spirit, where's our enemy? |
Marisa (Otter) |
(……) (霊長園と言えば (噂には聞いていたが酷い有様だ) |
(...) (This was always the most beautiful (I'd heard the rumors, sure, |
Keiki Haniyasushin ENTERS | ||
??? |
来客とは珍しい もう私達に敵う者などいないと |
A guest? How rare. And here, I had almost shed a tear at the fact |
Marisa (Otter) |
見つけたぞ! 畜生の理を破りし破壊神! お前の野望も潰えるときがきたぞ! |
There you are! The god of destruction who defies the law of beasts! The time has come for your ambitions to be crushed! |
孤立無援が誂えた造形神 |
The Sculptor God Crafted by Utter Isolation | |
Keiki |
良いわねぇ お前から鬼傑組特有の |
Oh, that's good to hear. Animals ought I can smell that particular fishy scent |
Marisa (Otter) |
……!? |
......!? |
Keiki |
でも、見た目は人間みたいだけど…… |
But you look like a human, though... |
Marisa |
おいおい ちょいと動物霊を利用して |
Hey, wait. I don't just look I'm just using an animal spirit |
Keiki |
……!? なる程……生身の人間に憑依してきたと でも、何も知らない愚かな 一体、何になると思っているの? |
...!? I see... you possessed a human. But what exactly do you by tricking and dragging along some foolish human who doesn't |
Marisa (Otter) |
(……生身の人間を恐れない!?) (吉弔様ー! |
(...She's not afraid of a live human?!) (Lady Kichoooou! |
Keiki |
ふっふっふ 人間よ |
Heh heh heh.
You there, human. |
Marisa |
えっ? |
Huh? |
Keiki |
私は畜生どもから 人間同士戦う必要なんてない |
I am the There's no need for fellow humans to fight each other. |
Marisa |
え? |
Huh? |
Marisa (Otter) |
騙されるな、魔法使いよ) こいつは人間霊から信仰を こいつは動物の敵であり、人間の敵だ! |
Don't be fooled, magician! She's a wicked god who only sucks up She's an enemy of beasts and humans both! |
Marisa |
何だ何だ? どっちが嘘を吐いているんだ? |
Wh-what? Who's spitting lies here? |
Keiki |
動物と私のどっちを信じるか 私は迫害されていた人間霊を 今、お前に憑いている どうだ…… |
To trust in me or the beast spirit? I am a god that saved The beast spirit possessing you right now Well? |
Marisa (Otter) |
(ま、まずい! (こいつの造形術が来る! |
(Oh, oh no! (She's about to unleash her sculpting arts! |
BGM: 偶像に世界を委ねて ~ Idoratrize World |
BGM: Entrusting this World to Idols ~ Idolatrize World | |
Marisa (Otter) |
一旦退却だ! |
We must retreat for now! |
Keiki |
何か策がありそうだったのに 失望したぞ そうだ、人間の肉を滅して 折角の地上の人間だ! |
Even though you seemed like you had a plan... I'm disappointed, you know. That's it. I'll destroy this human's body of flesh, Humans from the surface are rare! |
Keiki Haniyasushin PAUSES | ||
Marisa (Otter) |
人間よ、よく耐えた! もうこっちが強者だ! |
You've done well to survive this long, human! We are the strong ones now! |
Keiki Haniyasushin DEFEATED |
- On the stage 2, Urumi passes a Jizo baby to Marisa. This pattern is the same as the folklore of a youkai "baby-crying old man" (konaki jijii). When a man walks on a dark road some midnight, he sees a woman carrying a crying baby in front of him. She speak at him, and asks him to look after her baby just a moment. Then he bears the kid instead of her. Time passing, he somehow finds that the baby is getting heavier and heavier like a monstrously big stone, and the baby crying in a baby's voice has a face of an old man too mature. Surprised, he releases the baby from his arms, and dies to be pressed under the baby.
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |