- 東方漢方薬
- Release date: 2007-12-31 (Comiket 73)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Story of Eastern Wonderland, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night and Mountain of Faith.
- 東方幻舞薬
- Release date: 2008-08-16 (Comiket 74)
- An album featuring instrumental arrangements of themes from Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith, Scarlet Weather Rhapsody and Subterranean Animism.
- 東方對魔薬 ~先行マキシ版~
- Release date: 2008-12-29 (Comiket 75)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night and Subterranean Animism.
- It is the preview CD of Touhou Anti-Magic Serum.
- 東方對魔薬
- Release date: 2009-03-08 (Reitaisai 6)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Mystic Square, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith and Subterranean Animism.
- チルミックス
- Release date: 2009-08-15 (Comiket 76)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
- It is a collection of remixes of the song ChiruMilk Cirno from Conagusuri's Reitaisai 6 album, Touhou Anti-Magic Serum.
- 恋のチルノ伝説
- Release date: 2009-08-15 (Comiket 76)
- A single featuring an arrangement of Cirno's theme from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
- 東方河童乃薬
- Release date: 2009-12-30 (Comiket 77)
- An album featuring vocal arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Mountain of Faith, Scarlet Weather Rhapsody and Undefined Fantastic Object.
- 東方万能飲薬
- Release date: 2010-03-14 (Reitaisai 7)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Lotus Land Story, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism and Undefined Fantastic Object.
- 東方虹華薬
- Release date: 2010-8-14 (Comiket 78)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Undefined Fantastic Object.
- 音召薬
- Release date: 2010-10-11 (Touhou Kouroumu 6)
- A collaboration album with OTOMEKAN featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Lotus Land Story, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night and Fairy Wars.
- 東方神魔薬
- Release date: 2010-12-30 (Comiket 79)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Mystic Square and Undefined Fantastic Object.
- Era of conagusuri 01
- Release date: 2011-03-13 (Reitaisai 8)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Lotus Land Story, Mystic Square, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Imperishable Night, Shoot the Bullet, Mountain of Faith and Subterranean Animism, as well as past original compositions.
- It is Conagusuri's first Best of release.
- 誰得!?
- Release date: 2011-03-13 (Reitaisai 8)
- An album featuring vocal arrangements of themes from Mystic Square, Mountain of Faith, Undefined Fantastic Object and Fairy Wars.
- antiphōna
- Release date: 2011-08-13 (Comiket 80)
- An album featuring vocal arrangements of themes from Subterranean Animism and Ten Desires, as well as one original track intended as a charity song for Sendai Earthquake.
- Release date: 2011-09-11 (Reitaisai SP2)
- A collaboration album with OTOMEKAN featuring vocal arrangements of themes from Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism and Undefined Fantastic Object.
- Thalia Aggregation
- Release date: 2011-12-30 (Comiket 81)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Subterranean Animism and Ten Desires.
- Part of the Aggregation collaboration between 3 circles (along with Dione Aggregation and Helius Aggregation).
- Thalia Aggregation the Instrumental
- Release date: 2012-05-27 (Reitaisai 9)
- An instrumental version of the album Thalia Aggregation featuring instrumental arrangements of themes from Subterranean Animism and Ten Desires..
- Era of conagusuri 02
- Release date: 2012-05-27 (Reitaisai 9)
- An album featuring vocal arrangements of themes from Mystic Square, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism, Undefined Fantastic Object and Ten Desires.
- 月光CRIMSONー爽ー
- Release date: 2012-08-11 (Comiket 82)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
- Cluster Amaryllis
- Release date: 2012-12-30 (Comiket 83)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
- Release date: 2013-05-26 (Reitaisai 10)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith and Undefined Fantastic Object.
- 東方妖狸薬
- Release date: 2013-08-12 (Comiket 84)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith and Ten Desires
- Platonic Desire
- Release date: 2013-08-12 (Comiket 84)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Ten Desires.
- Release date: 2014-05-11 (Reitaisai 11)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Imperishable Night and Phantasmagoria of Flower View.