- トランジスタマジックガール
- Release date: 2013-08-12 (Comiket 84)
- An album featuring vocal arrangements of themes from [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], and [[]].
- キュートビートシンフォニー
- Release date: 2013-12-30 (Comiket 85)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith, Ten Desires, Double Dealing Character, and Magical Astronomy.
- ストロベリーパイン症候群
- Release date: 2014-08-16 (Comiket 86)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Immaterial and Missing Power, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Undefined Fantastic Object, Great Fairy Wars, and Impossible Spell Card.
- 夕闇トワエモア
- Release date: 2014-12-29 (Comiket 87)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Subterranean Animism, Undefined Fantastic Object, Great Fairy Wars, Ten Desires, Impossible Spell Card, and Magical Astronomy.
- 星屑アンドゥトロワ
- Release date: 2014-12-29 (Comiket 87)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Imperishable Night, and Double Dealing Character.
- デルタノートインターフェイス
- Release date: 2015-05-10 (Reitaisai 12)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Mystic Square, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Immaterial and Missing Power, Mountain of Faith, and Undefined Fantastic Object.
- Personal Moment
- Release date: 2015-10-18 (Autumn Reitaisai 2)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Mountain of Faith, Undefined Fantastic Object, and Ten Desires.
- ロマンティークオルタード
- Release date: 2015-12-30 (Comiket 89)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Lotus Land Story, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Immaterial and Missing Power, Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism, Undefined Fantastic Object, Ten Desires, and Magical Astronomy.
- ベイビーリトルシティ
- Release date: 2016-08-13 (Comiket 90)
- An album featuring vocal arrangements of themes from Mystic Square, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Immaterial and Missing Power, Imperishable Night, Shoot the Bullet, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism, Undefined Fantastic Object, Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, and Changeability of Strange Dream
- 舞い寄る闇のレフレクシオン
- Release date: 2016-10-30 (M3-2016 Fall)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, and Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
- 琥珀のアルテミス
- Release date: 2016-12-29 (Comiket 91)
- An album featuring vocal arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Imperishable Night, Undefined Fantastic Object and Ten Desires.
- 幻想メルヴェイユ
- Release date: 2017-05-07 (Reitaisai 14)
- An album featuring vocal arrangements of themes from Mystic Square, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Immaterial and Missing Power, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism, Undefined Fantastic Object, Ten Desires, Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, and Changeability of Strange Dream. It is a re-release of various previous tracks.
- スターライトワンピースター
- Release date: 2017-08-11 (Comiket 92)
- An album featuring vocal arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Shoot the Bullet, Undefined Fantastic Object, and Hidden Star in Four Seasons
- ギブミースカートショータイム
- Release date: 2017-12-29 (Comiket 93)
- An album featuring vocal arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Shoot the Bullet, Subterranean Animism, Ten Desires, and Changeability of Strange Dream.
- ネコマチプリンセス
- Release date: 2018-10-21 (Touhou Kouroumu 14)
- An EP featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Undefined Fantastic Object, Ten Desires, and Magical Astronomy.
- マリベルマールクラシック
- Release date: 2018-12-30 (Comiket 95)
- A compliation album of various previous tracks.
- 星の砂漠のマルクパージュ
- Release date: 2019-05-05 (Reitaisai 16)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Mountain of Faith, Double Dealing Character, and Hidden Star in Four Seasons.
- キャプリーヌにこいして
- Release date: 2019-08-12 (Comiket 96)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Immaterial and Missing Power, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Subterranean Animism, and Ten Desires.
- ロングロングロンド
- Release date: 2020-05-02 (Comiket 98)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Shoot the Bullet, Mountain of Faith, Undefined Fantastic Object, Ten Desires, and Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom.
- 女の子ダイヤル
- Release date: 2020-10-11 (Touhou Kouroumu 16)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Undefined Fantastic Object, and Retrospective 53 minutes.
- Cat Nap Pops
- Release date: 2021-08-28 (Touhou Lunatic Release)
- An album featuring vocal arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism, Impossible Spell Card, and Unconnected Marketeers.
- Rêve de la Reine~レーヴ・ドゥ・ラ・レーヌ
- Release date: 2022-05-08 (Reitaisai 19)
- A collection album of various previous tracks.
- アタシマニア
- Release date: 2022-08-14 (Comiket 100)
- An album featuring vocal arrangements of themes from Imperishable Night, Undefined Fantastic Object, and Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom.