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夢 (utsutsu)
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Dream (Reality) | |
Album by Diao ye zong | |
Released |
2016-08-13 (Comiket 90) |
Tracks |
15 |
Length |
01:11:17 + 13:07 |
Catalog No. |
RDWL-0021 |
Website | |
Digital distribution | |
Dream (Reality) (夢 utsutsu Yume (Utsutsu)) is a doujin album by Diao ye zong released on 2016-08-13 (Comiket 90). It features vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Shoot the Bullet, Mountain of Faith, Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, Subterranean Animism, Undefined Fantastic Object, Double Spoiler, Double Dealing Character, Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, Ghostly Field Club, Magical Astronomy and Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
- Arrangement
- RD-Sounds
- Lyrics
- RD-Sounds
- Vocals & Chorus
- めらみぽっぷ (こすもぽりたん)
- nayuta (7uta.com)
- Producer
- Diao ye zong
- Illustration
- はなだひょう (ホシニセ)
- Guitar (Tracks 6F, 5F, 2F, B2F, B6F & Secret track 01)
- 光収容 (光収容の倉庫)
- 7F. スウィート・ドリームズ (04:04)
- Sweet Dreams
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- chorus: nayuta
- original title: 永遠の春夢
- source: 東方紺珠伝 ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
- 6F. 紅き伝説 (04:29)
- The Crimson Legend
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- lyrics: RD-Sounds
- vocals: めらみぽっぷ
- guitar: 光収容
- original title: 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea
- source: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
- 5F. 遠く遠くへ駆けるように (03:08)
- So I Can Run Far, Far Away
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- guitar: 光収容
- original title: 有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven
- source: 東方緋想天 ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
- 4F. 301 (06:20)
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- lyrics: RD-Sounds
- vocals: めらみぽっぷ
- original title: 広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When?
- source: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
- 3F. Over100km/h (04:42)
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- original title: 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind
- source: 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
- 2F. 輝夜 (05:47)
- Glorious Night
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- lyrics: RD-Sounds
- vocals: めらみぽっぷ
- guitar: 光収容
- original title: 竹取飛翔 ~ Lunatic Princess
- source: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night
- 1F. 日常、或いは友のまどろみに添えて (03:06)
- Accompanying my Daily Life, or the Slumber of my Friend
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- original title: 衛星カフェテラス
- source: 大空魔術 ~ Magical Astronomy
- ER. 無終祭 (06:54)
- The Endless Festival
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- lyrics: RD-Sounds
- vocals: めらみぽっぷ
- original title: 幻想の永遠祭
- source: 蓮台野夜行 ~ Ghostly Field Club
- B1F. d_ Nichtigkeit (03:40)
- The Nullity
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- original title: ハルトマンの妖怪少女
- source: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism
- B2F. 空に近い場所 (06:09)
- Somewhere Near the Sky
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- lyrics: RD-Sounds
- vocals: めらみぽっぷ
- guitar: 光収容
- original title: ジャパニーズサーガ
- source: 東方求聞史紀 ~ Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
- B3F. Run,Maribel,Run! (03:13)
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- original title: 魔術師メリー
- source: 蓮台野夜行 ~ Ghostly Field Club
- original title: 満月の竹林
- source: 東方輝針城 ~ Double Dealing Character
- B4F. 少女人形 (06:30)
- The Doll Girl
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- lyrics: RD-Sounds
- vocals: nayuta
- original title: 人形裁判 ~ 人の形弄びし少女
- source: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
- B5F. Lively, the little girl (03:05)
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- original title: オリエンタルダークフライト
- source: 東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View
- B6F. enemy of the society (05:57)
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- lyrics: RD-Sounds
- vocals: めらみぽっぷ
- guitar: 光収容
- original title: 天狗が見ている ~ Black Eyes
- original title: 風神少女
- original title: 東の国の眠らない夜
- original title: レトロスペクティブ京都
- source: 東方文花帖 ~ Shoot the Bullet
- original title: あなたの町の怪事件
- source: ダブルスポイラー ~ 東方文花帖
- B7F. バッド・ドリームズ (04:13)
- Bad Dreams
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- chorus: めらみぽっぷ, nayuta
- original title: 永遠の春夢
- source: 東方紺珠伝 ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
Secret Tracks
- 01. 悪夢の果てに見るユメ (08:08)
- A Dream at the End of my Nightmare
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- lyrics: RD-Sounds
- vocals: nayuta
- guitar: 光収容
- original title: ラストオカルティズム ~ 現し世の秘術師
- source: 東方深秘録 ~ Urban Legend in Limbo
- original title: 見た事も無い悪夢の世界
- source: 東方紺珠伝 ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
- 02. Omake Dream in (04:59)
- arrangement: RD-Sounds
- original title: 永遠の春夢
- source: 東方紺珠伝 ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom