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Touhou Love Strawberry Girl + | |
Album by IOSYS | |
Released |
2010-08-14 (Comiket 78) |
Tracks |
12 |
Length |
51:07 |
Catalog No. |
IO-0177 |
Website | |
Touhou Love Strawberry Girl + (東方恋苺娘+ Touhou Koi Ichigo Musume) is a doujin album by IOSYS released on 2010-08-14 (Comiket 78). It features vocal arrangements of themes from Lotus Land Story, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism, Undefined Fantastic Object, Double Spoiler, Perfect Memento in Strict Sense and Eastern and Little Nature Deity.
- Arrangement
- D.watt
- minami
- uno
- ぼいど
- Vocals
- あさな
- miko
- 3L
- あゆ
- lily-an (Liz Triangle)
- 山本椛 (monotone)
- 一ノ瀬 月琉 (monotone)
- Chorus (Track 10)
- しゃばだば (Sound CYCLONE)
- >>96 (HAPPY I SCREAM!!)
- ℃iel (Capriccioso Cantabile, Comodone)
- Production
- ARM, 夕野ヨシミ, はかせ
- Illustration
- モタ (motor home)
- Design
- JiNG*da*LaW (Iemitsu.)
- Mastering
- oiko (N-tone)
- Mixing
- 山本史樹 (POWER HOUSE STUDIO) ……Tr. 1
- 01. 黒い星 (04:01)
- Black Star
- arrangement: D.watt
- lyrics: 七条レタス
- vocals: あさな
- original title: 恋色マスタースパーク
- source: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night
- 02. はたてのバッコイ殺人事件 (03:43)
- Hatate's Bakkoi Murder Case
- arrangement: ARM
- lyrics: 夕野ヨシミ
- vocals: miko
- promotional video: http://koichigomusume.com/IOSYS_toho_hatate_PV.swf
- original title: 妖怪の山 ~ Mysterious Mountain
- source: ダブルスポイラー ~ 東方文花帖
- 03. 信撃リザレクション (04:09)
- Belief Attack Resurrection
- arrangement: minami
- lyrics: GIGYO, minami, 夕野ヨシミ
- vocals: 3L (NJK Record)
- promotional video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=4Pse1_lyYB4
- original title: 御柱の墓場 ~ Grave of Being
- original title: 神さびた古戦場 ~ Suwa Foughten Field
- source: 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith
- 04. Bad Apple & Good Orange (03:39)
- arrangement: ARM
- lyrics: はかせ, 夕野ヨシミ
- vocals: あゆ
- official PV: Link (YouTube)
- original title: Bad Apple!!
- original title: 霊戦 ~ Perdition crisis
- original title: 装飾戦 ~ Decoration Battle
- source: 東方幻想郷 ~ Lotus Land Story
- 05. 秋の戦士 オータムシスターズ (03:06)
- Autumn's Soldiers - Autumn Sisters
- arrangement: minami
- lyrics: はかせ, minami
- vocals: あゆ
- original title: 人恋し神様 ~ Romantic Fall
- original title: 稲田姫様に叱られるから
- source: 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith
- 06. 三月精と四角関係で五回ほど死にかけた件 (05:02)
- Issue: I was Nearly Killed with Three Mischievous Fairies in Love Quadrangle About Five Times
- arrangement: D.watt
- lyrics: 七条レタス
- vocals: あゆ
- original title: サニールチルフレクション
- original title: 夜だから眠れない
- original title: 妖精燦々として
- source: 東方三月精 ~ Eastern and Little Nature Deity
- 07. 雨のち笑顔 (05:06)
- Smiling After the Rain
- arrangement: minami
- lyrics: はかせ, 夕野ヨシミ
- vocals: あさな
- original title: 少女綺想曲 ~ Dream Battle
- source: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night
- original title: 春色小径 ~ Colorful Path
- source: 東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View
- 08. MIRACLE is not miracle (04:57)
- arrangement: D.watt
- lyrics: 七条レタス
- vocals: lily-an (Liz Triangle)
- original title: 少女が見た日本の原風景
- original title: 信仰は儚き人間の為に
- source: 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith
- 09. 弾けるSummerとキラキラ時計 (04:11)
- Bursting Summer and Brilliant Watch
- arrangement: uno
- lyrics: kiku, 夕野ヨシミ
- vocals: あさな
- original title: ジャパニーズサーガ
- original title: 阿礼の子供
- source: 東方求聞史紀 ~ Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
- 10. why I wanna know (04:10)
- arrangement: ぼいど
- lyrics: 夕野ヨシミ
- vocals: 3L (NJK Record)
- chorus: あさな, あゆ, しゃばだば (Sound CYCLONE), >>96 (HAPPY I SCREAM!!), ℃iel (Capriccioso Cantabile)
- acoustic guitar: ぼいど
- original title: ラストリモート
- original title: ハルトマンの妖怪少女
- source: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism
- 11. 君よ 希望の星になれ (04:25)
- You, be the star of hope
- arrangement: ARM
- lyrics: ひくら
- vocals: 山本椛 (monotone), 一ノ瀬 月琉 (monotone), ARM
- guitar solo: minami
- backing guitar: ARM
- original title: 青空の影
- source: 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
- EX. チルノのパーフェクトほけんたいいく (04:38)
- Cirno's Perfect Health And Physical Education
- arrangement: ARM
- lyrics: 夕野ヨシミ
- vocals: miko (Alternative ending)
- original title: おてんば恋娘
- source: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
- The name of this album is a parody of LovePlus+ on two points; there are "love" and "+" in it. However, this album is announced in their broadcasting as if it has no "+" in it. (The data in the box above is also reflected from this fact.) You can also find on the jacket illustration the three protagonists of 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object wearing make-up, which seems similar to the system of LovePlus.
- Track 3 is a parody of only my railgun, the first opening from the anime series To Aru Kagaku no Railgun.
- Track 5 is a parody of DANZEN! Futari wa Precure, the opening from the first series of the Pretty Cure franchise.
- Track 9 is a parody of Renai Circulation, the fourth opening from the anime series Bakemonogatari.