- 東方縦笛紅魔郷
- Release date: 2008-10-13 (M3-22)
- An Embodiment of Scarlet Devil instrumental arrangement album.
- 東方縦笛妖々夢
- Release date: 2008-12-29 (Comiket 75)
- A Perfect Cherry Blossom vocal and instrumental arrangement album.
- 東方発車メロディー 1
- Release date: 2009-02-08 (Sunshine Creation 42)
- An instrumental album featuring arrangements from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom and Imperishable Night.
- 東方縦笛リアレンジ①
- Release date: 2009-03-08 (Reitaisai 6)
- An instrumental album featuring arrangements from Mystic Square, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Mountain of Faith and Shuusou Gyoku.
- ふえ☆てく
- Release date: 2009-03-08 (Reitaisai 6)
- An instrumental album featuring arrangements from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom and Mountain of Faith.
- 東方縦笛永夜抄
- Release date: 2009-08-15 (Comiket 76)
- An Imperishable Night instrumental arrangement album.
- 爽秋~双秋見初めば~
- Release date: 2009-08-15 (Comiket 76)
- An instrumental album featuring arrangements from Mountain of Faith.
- ⑨リコーダーバカルテット
- Release date: 2009-10-11 (Touhou Kouroumu 5)
- An instrumental album featuring arrangements from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Immaterial and Missing Power, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Shoot the Bullet, Mountain of Faith and Subterranean Animism.
- 東方縦笛総集編 -第壱樂章-
- Release date: 2009-12-30 (Comiket 77)
- A vocal and instrumental album featuring arrangements from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom and Imperishable Night.
- It is a compilation of tracks released in the previous albums Touhou Tatebue Koumakyou, Touhou Tatebue Youyoumu, Touhou Tatebue Eiyashou, Touhou Tatebue Rearrange ① and ⑨ Recorder Bakartet.
- Release date: 2010-03-14 (Reitaisai 7)
- An album featuring instrumental arrangements from Subterranean Animism.
- 東方縦笛風神録 -台湾先行推出版-
- Release date: 2010-05-29 (Touhou Maboroshi Kaen 1)
- An album featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith and Subterranean Animism.
- 東方縦笛風神録
- Release date: 2010-08-14 (Comiket 78)
- A Mountain of Faith instrumental arrangement album.
- Autumn Again!!
- Release date: 2010-08-14 (Comiket 78)
- A Mountain of Faith instrumental arrangement album.
- All tracks are based on Aki and Minoriko's themes A God That Misses People ~ Romantic Fall and Because Princess Inada Is Scolding Me.
- Release date: 2010-08-14 (Comiket 78)
- A vocal and instrumental album featuring arrangements from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom and Shoot the Bullet.
- グリニッジでつかまえて
- Release date: 2010-11-28 (Kyoukai kara Mieta Keshiki)
- A Magical Astronomy instrumental arrangement album.
- All songs are arrangements of Greenwich in the Sky.
- ちていのリュトモス
- Release date: 2010-12-30 (Comiket 79)
- A Subterranean Animism instrumental arrangement album.
- 雨上ガリ
- Release date: 2011-03-13 (Reitaisai 8)
- A collaboration with Aleile. It is an instrumental album featuring arrangements from Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism and Undefined Fantastic Object.
- あわせて
- Release date: 2011-05-08 (Reitaisai 8)
- An instrumental album featuring arrangements from Lotus Land Story, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Immaterial and Missing Power, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Mountain of Faith and Subterranean Animism.
- 幻想郷の五人組
- Release date: 2011-08-13 (Comiket 80)
- A vocal and instrumental album featuring arrangements from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Imperishable Night and Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
- 室内楽作品総集編 No. 001
- Release date: 2011-11-06 (Dai-Kyuu-Shuu Touhousai 5)
- An instrumental album featuring arrangements from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism, Magical Astronomy and Perfect Memento in Strict Sense.
- 風景色
- Release date: 2012-03-11 (Kageki no Utage)
- An instrumental album featuring arrangements from Lotus Land Story, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Shoot the Bullet, Mountain of Faith and Fairy Wars.
- ふぇれれもんじゃ
- Release date: 2012-05-27 (Reitaisai 9)
- A vocal and instrumental album featuring arrangements from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Shoot the Bullet, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism and Fairy Wars.
- すまない
- Release date: 2012-08-11 (Comiket 82)
- An album featuring instrumental arrangements from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.
- 地獄の音楽練習帳
- Release date: 2012-10-07 (Touhou Kouroumu 8)
- A vocal and instrumental album featuring arrangements from Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Mountain of Faith and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.
- 舞踏会のドスコナウォシチ
- Release date: 2012-12-30 (Comiket 83)
- An instrumental album featuring arrangements from Perfect Cherry Blossom, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Mountain of Faith, Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, Undefined Fantastic Object, Ten Desires and Ghostly Field Club.
- ミルクティーの調べ
- Release date: 2013-05-26 (Reitaisai 10)
- An instrumental album featuring arrangements from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Immaterial and Missing Power, Mountain of Faith, Fairy Wars and Shuusou Gyoku.
- 夏色の結晶
- Release date: 2013-08-12 (Comiket 84)
- A vocal and instrumental album featuring arrangements from Perfect Cherry Blossom, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism, Undefined Fantastic Object, Ten Desires and Double Dealing Character.
- Mr. Sound Postman
- Release date: 2013-10-13 (Touhou Kouroumu 9)
- An instrumental album featuring arrangements from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Mountain of Faith and Perfect Memento in Strict Sense.
- けーね先生の音楽教室
- Release date: 2013-12-30 (Comiket 85)
- A vocal and instrumental album featuring arrangements from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism, Fairy Wars, Double Dealing Character and Perfect Memento in Strict Sense.
- 天狗レボリューション
- Release date: 2014-05-11 (Reitaisai 11)
- A vocal and instrumental album featuring arrangements from Mountain of Faith and Double Spoiler.
- とりあえず禁止にしとくわ。
- Release date: 2014-07-13 (Underground Carnival 2)
- An instrumental album featuring an arrangement from the fangame Subterranean Hatred.
- Dancing Phantasmagoria
- Release date: 2014-08-16 (Comiket 86)
- A vocal and instrumental album featuring arrangements from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith, Undefined Fantastic Object, Ten Desires, Double Dealing Character and Magical Astronomy, as well as other sources.
- 東方縦笛地霊殿
- Release date: 2015-02-01 (Dai-Kyuu-Shuu Touhousai 11)
- An instrumental album featuring arrangements from Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism and the fangame Subterranean Hatred.
- Let’s chu-chu
- Release date: 2015-02-21 (Kyoukai kara Mieta Keshiki -Musubu-)
- An instrumental album featuring arrangements from Ghostly Field Club, Magical Astronomy and Neo-traditionalism of Japan.
- お次は何処で踊りましょうか
- Release date: 2015-05-10 (Reitaisai 12)
- An instrumental album featuring arrangements from Ghostly Field Club, Changeability of Strange Dream, Retrospective 53 minutes, Magical Astronomy and Neo-traditionalism of Japan.
- グレイテスト☆ヒッツ♪ 2008-2015
- Release date: 2015-08-14 (Comiket 88)
- Four albums featuring vocal and instrumental arrangements from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Mountain of Faith, Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, Subterranean Animism, Undefined Fantastic Object, Double Spoiler, Fairy Wars, Ten Desires, Double Dealing Character, Perfect Memento in Strict Sense (CD), Ghostly Field Club, Changeability of Strange Dream, Magical Astronomy and Neo-traditionalism of Japan.