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100th Black Market/Ability Cards
A list of all Ability Cards within 100th Black Market.
Item Cards
勝手に天下の回り物 |
Money Comes and Goes On its Own | |
勝手に天下の回り物 |
Money Comes and Goes On its Own | |
命のカード |
Life Card | |
クリエイターなら容易な事 |
No Problem for a Creator! | |
煤けた団扇 |
Soot-covered Uchiwa | |
数えたくなる羊 |
Sheep You Want to Count |
Equipment Cards
陰陽玉 |
Yin-Yang Orb | |
陰陽玉(針) |
Yin-Yang Orb (Needle) | |
ミニ八卦炉 |
Mini-Hakkero | |
ミニ八卦炉(ミサイル) |
Mini-Hakkero (Missile) | |
メイドナイフ |
Maid Knife | |
メイドナイフ(跳弾) |
Maid Knife (Ricochet) | |
無事かえるお守り |
Safe Return Amulet[7] | |
蛇の抜け殻入りお守り |
Shed Snakeskin Amulet | |
半霊の半分 |
Half-Half Ghost | |
半霊のスペア |
Spare Half-Ghost | |
上海人形 |
Shanghai Doll | |
アイスフェアリー |
Ice Fairy | |
静かなる輝き |
Quiet Twinkling | |
狂おしい静寂 |
Lunatic Silence | |
賑やかな無力 |
Exuberant Powerlessness | |
刺激的な鱗粉 |
Stimulating Scales | |
山姥の包丁 |
Yamanba's Kitchen Knife | |
舞い降りた兎 |
The Rabbit That Landed[14] | |
背中の扉 |
Back Door | |
鬱陶しいUFO |
Annoying UFO | |
太古の勾玉 |
Ancient Magatama | |
偶像防衛隊 |
Idol Defense Corps | |
攻撃的な宝塔 |
Offensive Jeweled Pagoda | |
自由気ままな生首 |
Freewheeling Severed Head | |
気ままな無脊椎動物 |
Laid-Back Invertebrate | |
ゆのみ霊夢 |
Teacup Reimu
| |
ゆのみ魔理沙 |
Teacup Marisa
Passive Cards
空白のカード |
Blank Card | |
資本主義のジレンマ |
Capitalist's Dilemma | |
鈴瑚印の団子 |
Ringo-Brand Dango | |
肉体強化地蔵 |
Physical Enhancement Jizo | |
魔法使いの基礎勉強 |
Magician's Basic Study | |
法力経典 |
Sutra of Dharmatic Power | |
破壊の美学 |
Beauty of Destruction | |
龍の通り道 |
Dragon's Passage | |
けしかける狛犬 |
Unleash the Guardian Hounds[25] | |
疾風の下駄 |
Gale Geta | |
生命爆発の薬 |
Life Explosion Elixir | |
生命の豊穣 |
Bumper Crop of Life | |
不屈の脳筋 |
Indominable Meathead | |
不死鳥の尾 |
Phoenix's Tail | |
地獄の沙汰も金次第 |
Money Is The Best Lawyer In Hell | |
濡れた大蛇 |
Drenched Giant Snake[29] | |
守銭奴の教訓 |
Miser's Advice | |
神山への供物 |
Offerings to a Sacred Mountain | |
鬼傑組長の脅嚇 |
Kiketsu Matriarch's Threat | |
かぐや姫の隠し箱 |
Princess Kaguya's Secret Stash | |
詐欺うさぎの足 |
Scam Rabbit's Foot | |
小石ころ帽子[32] |
Pebble Hat | |
弾幕の亡霊 |
Danmaku Ghost | |
弱肉強食の理 |
Law of the Survival of the Fittest | |
はじける赤蛙 |
Bursting Red Frog | |
頼りになる弟子狸 |
Reliable Tanuki Apprentice | |
ドラゴンキセル |
Dragon Pipe | |
暴食のムカデ |
Gluttonous Centipede | |
酔狂の伊吹瓢 |
Drunkenly Whimsical Ibuki Gourd | |
商売上手な招き猫 |
Maneki-neko with Good Business Skills | |
山童的買い物術 |
Yamawaro Shopping Technique | |
命を焚く松明 |
Life-Burning Torch | |
抗いがたきジュリ扇 |
Irresistible Julie Fan[38] | |
純粋な自己肯定感 |
Pristine Self-Confidence | |
百回目のブラックマーケット |
Hundredth Black Market |
Active Cards
画面の境界 |
Screen Border | |
打ち出の小槌 |
Miracle Mallet | |
忍耐の要石 |
Keystone of Endurance | |
要石ミサイル |
Keystone Missile | |
狂気の月 |
Moon of Madness | |
やんごとなき威光 |
Esteemed Authority | |
ヴァンパイアファング |
Vampire Fang | |
地底の太陽 |
Underground Sun | |
アイテムの季節 |
Item Season | |
重低音バスドラム |
Heavy Bass Drum | |
サイコキネシス |
Psychokinesis | |
霊力の標本瓶 |
Spirit Power Sample Bottle | |
大天狗の麦飯 |
Great Tengu's Barley Rice | |
わかさぎの鱗 |
Smelt's Scales | |
正直すぎる道しるべ |
Too-Honest Signpost
| |
急がば三途の回り道 |
Hasty Detour of the Three Crossings
| |
ひらり布 |
Nimble Fabric[44] |
Chart of Characters Selected for Cards
The characters in the colored boxes are picked up respectively for Passive Cards, Active Cards, Item Cards and Equipment Cards.
Player Characters | |||||||||
Protagonists | Reimu | Marisa | |||||||
th06: the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil | |||||||||
Mid-bosses | Daiyousei | Koakuma | |||||||
Bosses | Rumia | Cirno | Meiling | Patchouli | Sakuya | Remilia | Flandre | ||
th07: Perfect Cherry Blossom | |||||||||
Mid-boss | Lily | ||||||||
Bosses | Letty | Chen | Alice | Prismrivers | Youmu | Yuyuko | Ran | Yukari | |
th07.5: Immaterial and Missing Power | |||||||||
Boss | Suika | ||||||||
th08: Imperishable Night | |||||||||
Mid-boss | Tewi | ||||||||
Bosses | Wriggle | Mystia | Keine | Reisen | Eirin | Mokou | |||
Kaguya | |||||||||
th09: Phantasmagoria of Flower View | |||||||||
Bosses | Aya | Medicine | Yuuka | Komachi | Eiki | ||||
th10: Mountain of Faith | |||||||||
Mid-bosses | Shizuha | Momiji | |||||||
Bosses | Minoriko | Hina | Nitori | Sanae | Kanako | Suwako | |||
th10.5: Scarlet Weather Rhapsody | |||||||||
Bosses | Iku | Tenshi | |||||||
th11: Subterranean Animism | |||||||||
Mid-boss | Kisume | ||||||||
Bosses | Yamame | Parsee | Yuugi | Satori | Rin | Utsuho | Koishi | ||
th12: Undefined Fantastic Object | |||||||||
Bosses | Nazrin | Kogasa | Ichirin | Murasa | Shou | Byakuren | Nue | ||
Unzan | |||||||||
th12.5: Double Spoiler | |||||||||
Boss | Hatate | ||||||||
th12.8: Great Fairy Wars | |||||||||
Bosses | Sunny | ||||||||
Luna | |||||||||
Star | |||||||||
th13: Ten Desires | |||||||||
Mid-boss | Tojiko | ||||||||
Bosses | Kyouko | Yoshika | Seiga | Futo | Miko | Mamizou | |||
th13.5: Hopeless Masquerade | |||||||||
Boss | Kokoro | ||||||||
th14: Double Dealing Character | |||||||||
Bosses | Wakasagihime | Sekibanki | Kagerou | Benben | Seija | Shinmyoumaru | Raiko | ||
Yatsuhashi | |||||||||
th14.5: Urban Legend in Limbo | |||||||||
Boss | Sumireko | ||||||||
th15: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom | |||||||||
Bosses | Seiran | Ringo | Doremy | Sagume | Clownpiece | Junko | Hecatia | ||
th15.5: Antinomy of Common Flowers | |||||||||
Bosses | Joon | ||||||||
Shion | |||||||||
th16: Hidden Star in Four Seasons | |||||||||
Bosses | Eternity | Nemuno | Aunn | Narumi | Mai | Okina | |||
Satono | |||||||||
th17: Wily Beast and Weakest Creature | |||||||||
Bosses | Eika | Urumi | Kutaka | Yachie | Mayumi | Keiki | Saki | ||
th17.5: Touhou Gouyoku Ibun | |||||||||
Boss | Yuuma | ||||||||
th18: Unconnected Marketeers | |||||||||
Mid-boss | Tsukasa | ||||||||
Bosses | Mike | Takane | Sannyo | Misumaru | Megumu | Chimata | Momoyo |
See Also
- ↑ This card is grouped with the "extra life" passive cards, appearing right after Marisa's "default passives" on the card list.
- ↑ This card appears in the middle of the "miscellaneous" passive cards in the card list.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 This card appears near the end of the card list, with the other cards that affect the current stage's progression, rather than with the other cards of its respective type.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Reimu in Stage 4.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating one of the bosses in Stage 4.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Sakuya in Stage 4.
- ↑ Pun on "帰る" (kaeru, "to return home") and カエル (kaeru, "frog").
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Sanae in Stage 4.
- ↑ Likely referring to a folk belief in Japan that stuffing one's wallet with snakeskin will bring fortune and riches.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Youmu in Stage 4.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Cirno in Stage 2.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Larva in Stage 1.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Nemuno in Stage 1.
- ↑ Based on the title of Seiran's theme, "The Rabbit Has Landed".
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Sekibanki in Stage 2.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Eika in Stage 3.
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 This card appears at the end of the card list instead of with the other equipment cards.
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 Initially unlocked by defeating Chimata in Stage 7, after already earning the Blank Card.
- ↑ A reference to a joke among fans, where Reimu's amulet projectiles are referred to as "Zabuton" (座布団), due to their square shape.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Chimata in Stage 7.
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 This card appears at the beginning of the card list instead of with the other passive cards.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Nitori in Stage 4.
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 This card is available in Black Markets by default, and appears near the beginning of the card list instead of with the "miscellaneous" passive cards.
- ↑ A reference to the concept of long mai (龍脈 lit. "dragon vein"). In Feng-shui, it refers to the paths in which Qi flows through the earth.
- ↑ "けしかける狛犬" (lit. "komainu that encourages/goads/sets loose"): Likely a play on "犬をけしかける" ("to set a dog loose upon someone") and "消しかける" ("about to vanish") ― i.e, making the cooldown so short that it seems like its about to vanish.
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 This card appears near the beginning of the card list, alongside the other "extra life" cards, rather than with the "miscellaneous" passive cards that go after the equipment cards.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Minoriko in Stage 1.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Saki in Stage 6.
- ↑ Possible reference to the nure-onna, a snakelike youkai that is sometimes said to work together with the ushi-oni. According to a legend from the Iwami Region, the nure-onna will stand at the seashore and ask any passersby to hold her baby. Should they comply, she'll hand over the baby and return to the sea. The baby will then turn to stone in the victim's arms and paralize them, allowing the ushi-oni to emerge and devour the victim.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Urumi in Stage 2.
- ↑ The Japanese term for "graze" (かすり kasuri) can also be translated to mean "squeezing someone out of their money". In addition, "suri" (すり) is the Japanese term for "pickpocketing".
- ↑ Likely to be a reference to 石ころぼうし (Ishikoro Boushi; Pebble Hat), a gadget shown in Doraemon. The person who is wearing the hat will be treated like a pebble; unnoticed.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Mamizou in Stage 6.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Momoyo in Stage 6.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Suika in Stage 6.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Mike in Stage 1.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Clownpiece in Stage 5.
- ↑ A Julie Fan (ジュリ扇 Juuri-sen) is a type of folding fan covered in feathers and reflective materials. The name is derived from "Juliana's Tokyo", which was a popular discotheque during Japan's Bubble Era.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Takane in Stage 6.
- ↑ This card appears at the very end of the card list, instead of with the other passive cards.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Wakasagihime in Stage 2.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Kutaka in Stage 3.
- ↑ Initially unlocked by defeating Komachi in Stage 3.
- ↑ A reference to the item of the same name from Impossible Spell Card.