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Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia/Article and Interview/Clownpiece and Hecatia Lapislazuli
< | Article: Prismriver Sisters | Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia | Article: Hatate Himekaidou 1 (about Sumireko Usami) | > |
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こんなのは幻想郷じゃない――。そう嘆く住民の声が聞こえてきそうだ。ご覧いただいているのは、先にお伝えした宇佐見某とはまた別に、最近幻想郷への侵入が確認された「新勢力」である。右が地獄の女神ことヘカーティア・ラピスラズリ氏、そして左がその女神に仕えているらしき地獄の妖精・クラウンピース氏だ。写真は二人が幻想郷内に入り込み、怪しげな密談を交わさんとする瞬間だ。 | This isn't the Gensokyo I know—this reporter thinks she can almost hear the voices of the citizens making such laments. What can be seen are the "new powers" whose invasion into Gensokyo has been confirmed—entirely separately from the aforementioned Usami person. On the right is Ms. Hecatia Lapislazuli, a Goddess of Hell, and on the left is a Hell fairy, Ms. Clownpiece, that appears to work for the goddess. The photo depicts the two holding a suspicious private discussion after having entered into Gensokyo. | |
彼女たちは目的は何なのか。地獄の者はみな傍若無人で、幻想郷を侵略対象だと思っている可能性も高いと聞く。幻想郷に忍び込み、密談を交わしている彼女らこそ、侵略が始まっている証拠だろう。平和ボケした幻想郷の崩壊は近い。 | What could their objectives be? Given the audacity of the residents of Hell, some say that it's very possible that they consider Gensokyo a target for invasion. The fact that these two have already snuck into Gensokyo and are holding a clandestine discussion could itself be evidence that the invasion has already started. Has the long peace made Gensokyo complacent? The end of our peaceful days could be near. |
< | Interview: Sumireko Usami | Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia | Colophon | > |
射命丸 文 地獄の女神 ヘカーティア・ラピスラズリ 地獄の女神が幻想郷の移民問題を語る」 |
Aya Shameimaru and the Goddess of Hell, Hecatia Lapislazuli talks about immigration problems in Gensokyo" | |
本誌「文々春新報」の責任編集者にして、本編ではインタビュアーを務めさせていただきます。このたびは近頃見かけるようになった地獄の女神・ヘカーティア氏への接触にようやく成功したため、取材できることとなりました。是非お読みください。 |
As the editor in charge for this week's Bunbunharu Weekly, allow me to serve as the interviewer. This time, we finally succeeded in contacting Ms. Hecatia Lapislazuli, Goddess of Hell, who came to visit our world. Thus, we decided to hold an interview. Read ahead for more. | |
Aya |
本日は最近、幻想郷で起こっている移民問題や、諸々の問題について地獄の女神、ヘカーティア・ラピスラズリさんに聞いてみたいと思います。宜しくお願い致します。 |
Today we're here to talk with Ms. Hecatia Lapislazuli about immigration issues and other problems facing Gensokyo. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us. |
Hecatia |
よろしくー。 |
No problem. |
Aya |
ヘカーティアさんは今も地獄に住んでいるのでしょうか? |
So, Ms. Lapislazuli. Do you currently live in Hell? |
Hecatia |
地獄に住んでますよ。まあ、同時にあちこちに住んでいるんだけど。 |
I do. Well, there and a bunch of other places at the same time. |
Aya |
はあ。余り深くは突っ込みませんが、地獄とはどのような場所なのでしょうか。 |
I see...? I don't want to go too deep into this topic, but what sort of place is Hell? |
Hecatia |
地獄ってのはね、悪いことした人が死後行く場所、というイメージが強いけど、そんな刑務所のような更正施設って訳でも無いのよ。 |
People have a strong image of hell as this place where people who've done bad things go when they die, but it's not really any kind of prison-like rehabilitation facility. |
Aya |
といいますと。 |
How do you mean? |
Hecatia |
善意の世界が馴染まない者、生粋の悪、本当の自由を追い求める猛者、そういった者達が寄り集まって自分達に都合の良い社会を築いた世界なの。善意の付けいる隙のない地獄で、人間の更正なんて誰も考えていないわ。 |
Those unaccustomed to living virtuously, those with hearts of pure evil, and those valorous few who seek true freedom... A bunch of people like that got together and created a world where things would work out their favor. There's no place for virtue in a place like that, so why would anyone even consider rehabilitating human sinners? |
Aya |
恐ろしいですね。 |
How terrifying. |
Hecatia |
火の海地獄で好きなだけ |
People will roast as much meat as they like at the sea of fire, or drink all they want of the lake of blood. There's not even the concept of being a nuisance to others, so it's the perfect place for shameless people to do whatever they want. A world designed to make that easy. |
Aya |
そんな世界の奴らが幻想郷に来ていると考えると恐ろしいですが。 |
I'd certainly be afraid of someone from a world like that moving to Gensokyo. |
Hecatia |
といってもね、最近は「このまま傍若無人なままでは地獄が形骸化する」って慌てた奴が、頑張って新体制を組んでいるのよ。 |
That said, lately some folks have been panicked at the thought that "if we just leave things like this and let all these people just do whatever they want, Hell will become a shadow of its former self". So they established a new order. |
Aya |
その奴ら、とは? |
And who were these people? |
Hecatia |
閻魔と鬼神と呼ばれる奴らです。彼らは本来の地獄を取り戻すという触れ込みで地獄を支配し始めた。それによって、地獄の中にも組織と秩序が生まれ始めたのです。地獄に住む者は地獄らしくあれ、と言う感じですね。 |
They're called the Yamas and the Kishin. They took over, claiming that they'd restore Hell to its "original glory." And so, for the first time, Hell had things like "organizations" and "order". Basically they were telling everyone in Hell that they'd be doing it wrong. Hell isn't "hellish" enough for them. |
Aya |
地獄の者にとってそれは受け入れられたのでしょうか。 |
And did the residents of Hell just accept this? |
Hecatia |
うーん、気にしている奴もいれば気にしていない奴もいるね。私は後者です。でもね、地獄の奴らは真の自由だから、受け入れるも受け入れないもない。気にしている者の中には、新しい地獄には行かずに旧地獄という、地底世界に生き残った者もいるし、新しい地獄を作ろうと躍起になっている者もいるし、それらとは無関係に地獄の変化を眺めている奴もいる。全体が見えないほど闇が深いのも、地獄の特徴なのよねぇ。 |
Hmm. Some people are bothered by it, and others aren't. I'm with the latter group, by the way. But because the people of Hell are truly free, no one really "accepts" it or "doesn't accept it". Among the people who were bothered by it, there are those who simply never moved to the New Hell, choosing to stay in the Underworld known as Old Hell, others who are eager to create their own New Hell, and others who are just watching from the sidelines thinking that none of this has anything to do with them. Another feature of Hell is that the darkness is too deep to see the whole picture at once. |
地獄から見た幻想郷の魅力 |
The Allure of Gensokyo As Seen from Hell | |
Aya |
現在、幻想郷に地獄の妖精や、貴方のような者が来ているのは何故ですか? |
So, recently a fairy from Hell has moved here, along with people like you. Why? |
Hecatia |
そうねぇ。幻想郷が魅力的だったか……かな。 |
Hmm, good question. I guess it's because I find Gensokyo... charming? |
Aya |
幻想郷は閉鎖的な環境を作ることで、豊かになった世界です。地獄の様な傍若無人さを排除したから、魅力的になっているとも思えるのです。 |
Gensokyo has reached its current prosperity by remaining insular. It's believed that it's precisely because we don't let in people who do whatever they want, like they do in Hell, that we manage to be "charming". |
Hecatia |
あら、それは私がここに居ては迷惑ってこと? |
Oh, are you saying that me being here is a bother? |
Aya |
ま、そう考えている人も多いって話です。幻想郷の資金、資源、社会、全ては幻想郷の民の物であって、それを別の世界の者達に掠め取られる様な行為は嫌われてもおかしくないと思うんです。 |
No, I'm just saying that many people share that belief. Although I don't think it's so strange to believe that our wealth, resources, and society are our own, and to be bothered by the thought of people from other worlds snatching that away from us. |
Hecatia |
確かに、地獄に比べれば幻想郷は資源も豊かだし、安全も保護されているし、人々の心も豊かだと思います。でも、私が幻想郷を魅力的だと感じている理由は別。幻想郷は、今の新体制となった地獄より自由だからです。入るのも自由、出るのも自由。思想も行動も自由で、それを受け入れる度量がある。 |
True, compared to Hell, I think Gensokyo has a lot of resources, the people are guaranteed safety, and they're even rich in spirit. However, those things aren't why I consider the place charming. It's because, compared to the new order of Hell, you're free here. Free to enter, and free to leave. Free to do and think as you like, and tolerant of others doing the same. |
Aya |
……。 |
... |
Hecatia |
貴方は、別の世界からの来訪者が幻想郷を食い物にすると思いこんでいるようね。 |
You seem to be under the impression that visitors from other worlds will see Gensokyo as nothing but fodder. |
Aya |
いや、そう考えている人も多い、という話です。 |
No, I'm just saying that lots of people think that. |
Hecatia |
来訪者がもたらす恩恵によって幻想郷が保たれている、とは考えたことがある? |
Have you ever considered that visitors bringing new ideas is what preserves the stability of Gensokyo? |
Aya |
恩恵とは、具体的には何を表しているのでしょうか。 |
What do you mean, specifically? |
Hecatia |
外から完全遮断して風が吹かなければ、鳥かごも虫かごも機能しないわ。陽の光もなければ花は咲きません。同じように、幻想郷も新しい風と光がなければ死んでしまうでしょう。だから、幻想郷は閉鎖しながらも全てを受け入れる体制にした、と解釈しています。来訪者からもたらされる恩恵とは、幻想郷の存続、じゃないでしょうか。 |
A cage, like for a bird or an insect, can't function if it's completely sealed off. You need at least the air to pass through. Without the sun, the flowers wouldn't bloom. Similarly, without new wind and sun constantly entering Gensokyo, the place would simply die off. Closing off Gensokyo means no longer accepting things. Do you really think Gensokyo could survive without visitors bringing in new ideas? |
Aya |
地獄の者が来たところで、幻想郷の治安が脅かされることはあっても、とても存続に影響しているとは……。 |
But regarding visitors from Hell specifically, if they become a menace to public order then it could have long-lasting effects on- |
Hecatia |
こう考えることは出来ないのかしら。もし、幻想郷が地獄を敵視して、幻想郷のなかから地獄的な思想を完全に排除する流れとなった場合、果たしてそれは治安が維持されていると言えるのかしら。 |
Okay, try to think of it like this: say Gensokyo decides that Hell is the enemy and completely blocks off all ideas from Hell. Do you really think that would preserve the public order? |
Aya |
地獄的思想とは、傍若無人の心でしょうか。 |
You've just told me that Hell is made up of people who do whatever they want with no regard for others. |
Hecatia |
真の自由主義……まあ、傍若無人でも同じかもね。他人に迷惑を掛けても構わない、というか迷惑という考え方を持たないのが地獄流です。当然、自分が迷惑を被ったところで誰も救ってはくれないのも覚悟の上です。 |
We follow a doctrine of true freedom... but fine, close enough. People who don't mind bothering others, or rather have no concept of it. Naturally, when they're bothered themselves they wouldn't expect anyone to help them out either. |
Aya |
そんな思想でしたら、排除すれば治安が維持されると思いますが……。 |
...If those are the ideas from Hell, then yes, I think we'd be better off without them. |
Hecatia |
幻想郷の中にも地獄並に傍若無人な奴もいるでしょう。そういうはみ出し者を幻想郷から排除して地獄に追いやったとすると、次第に奴らから怨みを買うことになるでしょう。もし、幻想郷の民が望むような世界になった幻想郷と、真の自由である地獄が戦争になったら、幻想郷は滅ぶでしょうね。これを治安が良くなったと錯覚しているのなら残念です。でも、今の幻想郷は何も排除しないスタイルでしょう? だから戦うことも無い筈。ここが魅力的なのよね。 |
But surely there are people like that in Gensokyo too? By excluding these sorts of people, driving them back to Hell, all you're doing is gradually angering them. By creating the world you want in Gensokyo, you're starting a war with Hell. Where, need I remind you, they believe in true freedom. Such a war would be disastrous for Gensokyo. Your beloved "public order" would turn out to be nothing but an illusion. But more to the point, excluding others just isn't Gensokyo's style, is it? That's why you don't fight wars here. And that's what I find charming. |
Aya |
幻想郷と地獄が戦うことになっても、幻想郷が負けると思いませんが……。まあ良いでしょう。貴方は幻想郷とは敵対したくはないってことですね。判りました。 |
I don't think we'd lose in a war with Hell... but fine. At least I understand that you have no desire to start a conflict with Gensokyo. |
真に警戒すべき者たちとは |
People To Be On Guard Against | |
Hecatia |
でもね、全てを受け入れる幻想郷とは正反対の奴らも、幻想郷にいるわ。ここの扱い方を誤ると、大変な事になるかも知れない。 |
Of course, there are also people in Gensokyo who are the exact opposite, completely rejecting everything. If you mismanage those people, the results could be disastrous. |
Aya |
正反対の奴らとは? |
And who would those people be? |
Hecatia |
超排他的で選民思想の集団、月の民ね。 |
That group of super-exclusive, elitist people, the Lunarians. |
Aya |
あー、なるほどー。確かに迷いの竹林の中で人間を寄せ付けずに暮らす月の民が居ますね。あそこは取材に対しても協力的ではないんですよねぇ。 |
Ah, I see. Yes, we do have a few of them here, deep in the bamboo forest living away from humans. They've been rather uncooperative with my articles. |
Hecatia |
私は月の民のことはよく知ってるんだー。あいつ等はいろんな異世界の民がいる中で、最悪の部類に入るわね。超排他的、超不自由、偽りの楽園、人を見下ろすのは得意だけど、自分が馬鹿にされることには我慢が出来ない。そもそも他の世界の民を雑菌以下だと思っている。 |
I'm very familiar with the Lunarians. Of all the people in all the different worlds I've met, they're among the worst. Super-exclusive, anti-freedom, and they've constructed a false paradise for themselves. Their specialty is looking down on others, but they have the thinnest skin of anyone. They think of people from other worlds as no better than microorganisms. |
Aya |
排他的という所が幻想郷とは相容れない。不自由という所が地獄とも相容れない。そういうことですね。 |
Being super-exclusive, they can't get along with Gensokyo. Being anti-freedom, they can't get along with Hell either. Is that what you mean? |
Hecatia |
一番の問題は、月の民は幻想郷を敵対視している、ということです。 |
The biggest problem is that they regard Gensokyo as an enemy. |
Aya |
そ、そうなんですか。 |
They... they do? |
Hecatia |
月の民の為なら、幻想郷なんてどうなっても良いという考え方を持っていますよ。例えば、うーん……(少し考え込む)。 |
The Lunarians don't give a damn about what happens to Gensokyo, as long as it helps themselves. For example, um... (pauses to think) |
Aya |
どうしました? |
Is something the matter? |
Hecatia |
言っちゃおうかな。貴方、月の民に利用されている可能性があるわよ。 |
I'm not sure if I should tell you this... There's a possibility that you're being used by the Lunarians. |
Aya |
どういう意味ですか? |
What does that mean? |
Hecatia |
月の民には、事実をねじ曲げて具現化する能力を持っている奴がいる。その力を使って幻想郷を乗っ取るつもりみたいで、今でもちょくちょく幻想郷に忍び込んでいるわ。 |
Among the Lunarians, there's someone with the power to change reality by twisting the truth. It seems like they've been trying to take over Gensokyo with that power, and even now they're infiltrating you directly. |
Aya |
え? そんな情報知らないです。 |
What? This is news to me. |
Hecatia |
それで、貴方みたいな事実をねじ曲げて誇張された記事を書いている奴は、利用できる格好の的になる。 |
So someone like you who twists the truth by writing exaggerated articles would make an attractive target for their schemes. |
Aya |
私は真実を曝いているだけです。 |
I am only exposing the truth. |
Hecatia |
真実なんて、たった一つの訳が無いでしょう? 貴方は自分にとって都合の良い真実を選んで、世界を染めようとしているだけ。そういった思考が、月の民とは見事にマッチしてしまう。いやはや、この週刊誌は偏見に満ち満ちた物になっているわねぇ。本当に、これらの記事が真実なのか、もう一度見直してみたら? |
Truth? Have you EVER done that? All you do is choose the truth that's most beneficial for you and try to dye the world in that color. Heck, that way of thinking would make you a perfect match for the Lunarians. I mean, sheesh, this magazine of yours is already chock full of prejudice. Seriously, you should go back over every article in here and ask yourself if it's really the truth. |
Aya |
……真実ですよ。 |
...It's the truth. |
Hecatia |
まあ、月の民の力を以てすると、どう転んでもこの記事が真実になってしまう。新聞記者という職業は、幻想郷を乗っ取るために一番欲しい職業、じゃないでしょうかね。もしかしたらこっそりと貴方に近づいていて、そいつの毒牙にかかっているかも知れないよ。ま、この週刊誌の記事の中に謎の月の民が映り込んでいないと良いわねぇ。 |
Well, I guess with the Lunarian's power, anything you write WOULD end up true anyway. I guess that would make newspaper reporters the best profession for anyone looking to take over Gensokyo. Or maybe they've already gotten their venomous fangs into you. Oh well, all I can do is hope that we aren't seeing the reflection of the moon in your articles. |
Aya |
話が変わりますが、最近、地獄から来た妖精が幻想郷にいる事が確認されているのですが、これはどうしてでしょうか。 |
...Changing the subject, I've recently confirmed that a fairy from Hell has come to Gensokyo. Thoughts? |
Hecatia |
クラウンピースのことですね。最近大きな仕事をやらせたので、そのご褒美みたいな物かしら。あいつに関しては、地獄に住むより幻想郷の方が幸せだと思って。 |
Ah, Clownpiece. She recently finished a big job for me, so I guess it's something like a reward for her? I figured she'd like it here better than Hell.[1] |
Aya |
大きな仕事って何でしょう。 |
What was this "big job"? |
Hecatia |
それこそ、月の民が絡む話です。月の民に一矢報いたって感じかな。 |
It's mixed up with the Lunarians. Just a bit of vengeance.[2] |
Aya |
ご褒美とか言って、はぐらかしていませんか? 本当は地獄からの侵略か何かのアクションだと思っていますが。 |
You say it's a reward, but is that really true? Are you sure she's not taking action to prepare for some kind of invasion from Hell? |
Hecatia |
ま、色々あるけどね。でもさっき言ったとおり、私が敵対視しているのは月の民であって、幻想郷とは仲良くしたいから気にしないでね。 |
I'll admit that I've got more reasons than just that, but as I said earlier, my only enemies are the Lunarians. I'd like to get along with Gensokyo, so don't mind her. |
Aya |
クラウンピースが幻想郷にいる理由は、幻想郷にいる月の民が関係していると。 |
Does Clownpiece being here have anything to do with the Lunarians living here? |
Hecatia |
そうとらえて貰っても良いわよん。 |
If that's how you want to take it, then go right ahead. |
Aya |
それにしても地獄にも妖精っていたんですね。 |
But still, I can't believe there are fairies in Hell. |
Hecatia |
そりゃあ、いるわよ。妖精や幽霊は何処にだっているもの。まあ、地上ほど多くは無いけどね。 |
Yup, sure are. Fairies and phantoms are just about everywhere. Less than there are up here though. |
Aya |
地上では、妖精は空気みたいな存在ですが、地獄ではどうなんでしょうか。 |
On the surface, fairies are practically background noise. How is it in Hell? |
Hecatia |
地獄では力さえ有れば、どんな種族だって活躍できる超実力主義よ。空気みたいな鬼神もいれば、人気者の妖精もいる。クラウンピースは妖精の中のみならず実力はかなり高いので、私は評価しているわ。 |
In Hell, we don't care what race you are as you have the strength to back it up. A super-meritocracy where all that matters is whether you can get the job done. Even some of the Kishin are "background noise," while a good enough fairy can make a name for themselves. Clownpiece is strong, and not just "for a fairy," so I value her highly. |
Aya |
実力主義、良いですねぇ。天狗の社会は縦割りで、我々下っ端は頑張っても頑張っても中々評価されないんですよねぇ。 |
A meritocracy, huh? Sound nice. Tengu society is strictly hierarchical, so no matter how hard us underlings work we'll never be appreciated. |
Hecatia |
羨ましいなら地獄に堕ちてみる? でもね、縦割りって幸せよ。成功が評価されないってことは、失敗も影響しないってことじゃない。長い時間を掛けて評価を積み重ねることが出来るわ。実力主義だとそうはいかない。一回の失敗で再起不能になったり、最悪存在を消されちゃうんだから。能力がない奴には死ぬより苦しい世界が待っている。実力主義が蔓延るのが何故地獄なのかって、判るかも知れないよ。 |
If you're jealous, then why not just fall to Hell? But you know, a hierarchical society has its perks too. If success doesn't matter, then neither does failure. You can gradually make your worth known over a long period of time. But you can't do that in a pure meritocracy. Screw up once and you're beyond help; in some cases you'll just vanish entirely. And those without strength in the first place probably wish they were dead. It's that kind of world. With a meritocracy that deeply rooted, I can see why people call it Hell. |
Aya |
そうなんですかねぇ。私はやっぱり能力がある人が評価されないのは不幸だと思うんですが……。 |
I see. Well, I still think I'd prefer to be appreciated for my abilities. |
幻想郷と異世界とはどうあるべきか |
The Relationship Between Gensokyo and the Otherworlds | |
Aya |
最後に、これからの幻想郷と地獄の関係、ひいては外の世界や冥界等の異世界との関係についてお話を聞かせて頂きたいと思います。 |
Lastly, I'd like to ask you to discuss not only the relationship between Gensokyo and Hell, but also the outside world and the Netherworld and otherworlds like that. |
Hecatia |
地獄は良くも悪くも超自由な世界です。私は幻想郷と良好な関係を築きたいと思っていますが、全く違う考えの者もいると思います。中には幻想郷を支配しようと思ったり、全ての世界を破壊したいと思ったり、実際に行動に出ちゃったりする奴もいると思います。 |
For better or worse, Hell is a world of pure freedom. Personally I'd like to have friendly relations with Gensokyo, but I definitely can't speak for anyone else in Hell. Some might want to conquer Gensokyo, while there are also people who want to destroy the entire universe. And some of those might already be putting those plans into action. |
Aya |
いるんですね。 |
That's quite a variety. |
Hecatia |
いるんですよ、地獄だからね。でも、私が幻想郷と繋がりを持っていれば、そんな輩への抑止力にもなるでしょう? |
Yup. It's Hell, after all. But as long as I'm attaching myself to Gensokyo, that should act as a deterrent. |
Aya |
そういえば、貴方は地獄の女神でしたね。それってどういう立場なのでしょうか。 |
Speaking of which, you were a Goddess of Hell, right? What is your position exactly? |
Hecatia |
現在、地獄を管理しているのは鬼神達ってことになってるけど、私はその社会には入っていないの。アウトローって奴ね。力に自信がある奴ほど、こうやって自立するのよ。つまり私は超強いってこと。 |
Currently, Hell is being managed by the Kishin and the rest, but I was never a part of that society. I guess you'd call me an outlaw. The more confident you are in your strength, the more you independence you have. In other words, I'm super-strong. |
Aya |
よく判らないけど、強いから女神って名乗っているだけなんですね。 |
I'm not sure I'm following, but you're saying that you're called a Goddess simply because you're strong? Okay then. |
Hecatia |
幻想郷と異世界との関係ですが、それぞれ独立した世界を保つというのは難しいでしょうね。何故なら、それぞれの世界は重なり合うように存在しているからです。そこに高い壁を作った所で壁は必ず壊れ、不要な者を排除したところで必ず自滅を招くでしょう。異世界とは、遠い別世界ではなく、ただの隣人だと思え、これが異世界を股に掛ける女神からの忠告です。 |
As for the relationship between Gensokyo and other worlds, I think it's not really practical for each world to maintain their complete independence. That's because each world is fundamentally interconnected. If you build a giant wall somewhere, that wall is definitely coming down someday, and if you exclude people you consider "unnecessary", then you're definitely setting up your own downfall. Otherworlds aren't "distant" worlds, they're just your neighbors. Take this as advice from a Goddess who's done a lot of traveling between worlds. |
Aya |
本日はどうも有難うございました。 |
Thank you very much for today. |
Fact Check to Article
< | Advertisement: Bunbunmaru Newspaper Essay: Aya Shameimaru 2 |
Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia | Fact Check: Toyosatomimi no Miko 1 (with Yoshika Miyako, Soga no Tojiko, and Mononobe no Futo) | > |
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より刺激的に、より魅力的に、をモットーに作った週刊誌の記事だったが、見直してみると一部の記事が誇張のしすぎで捏造とも取られかねないと思い、訂正したい。例えば「幻想郷は既に攻め込まれていた!?」の記事だが、元の写真はこうだ。この写真の一部を切り取り、記事では拡大して使用した。 | "More exciting, more alluring" was the motto when this magazine was produced, but looking at it again, some of the articles are so exaggerated that they could be considered lies, and this calls for a correction. For example, in the article "Is Gensokyo already under attack!?", this was the original photo. A small part of it was cropped, magnified, and used in the article. | |
その理由は、繁盛している甘味処で和気藹々と談笑している写真では、侵略の密談には見えなかったからである。しかし、ここで使用した手段では嘘は吐いていないとはいえ、誤解を招きかねない手法だったと反省している。他にもその様な写真の使い方をした記事は少なくない。 | The reason was that this lighthearted chat in a busy café didn't exactly look like a secret conference between invaders. While this method avoids telling outright lies, we now acknowledge that it is a method that invites misunderstandings. Many of the other articles handled photos similarly. |
- ↑ See chapter 4 of Visionary Fairies in Shrine.
- ↑ See Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom.
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |