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Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia/Article and Interview/Hatate Himekaidou
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Page 14-15
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Page 136-137
Article 1
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Main Text
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もうフェイクニュースは飽き飽きだ。最新の「花果子念報」がまたも虚報を堂々と伝えている。曰く、「外来人は優れており、幻想郷は外来人に支配してもらう事が良い」とまで言っている。 | This reporter is already sick of fake news. The latest edition of "Kakashi Spirit News" is once again boldly spreading misinformation to the masses. They even go so far as saying, "The outsider is far superior, and it would be better if Gensokyo was controlled by the outsider." | |
勿論これは事実ではない。幻想郷の妖怪の存在は、外の世界と隔絶していることで成り立っているからだ。なぜこの様な虚偽報道をしたのか理解に苦しむ。考えられるとすれば、外来人とこの新聞の記者、姫海棠はたて氏が外来人とグルになって幻想郷をコントロールしようとしているのか。 | Of course, this is certainly not the case, because Gensokyo's youkai can only exist due to Gensokyo's separation from the Outside World. It is difficult to understand why such fake news would be spread. Could it be possible that the reporter for that newspaper, Ms. Hatate Himekaidou, is the outsider's accomplice and plotting to control Gensokyo? | |
我々天狗の活躍は情報化社会の到来に一役買っているが、常に正義と矜持を胸に公正な目で報道に臨む姿勢を保たねば意味は無い。 | While we tengu have have played an active role in the coming of the information age, that is meaningless unless we constantly conduct ourselves with righteousness and dignity, reporting the news from an unbiased standpoint. |
Quoted Kakashi Spirit News
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最近頻繁に出入りが確認されている外来人、宇佐見菫子氏 | Ms. Sumireko Usami, a confirmed frequent visitor from the Outside World | |
このニュースを3行で要約すると… | To summarize this news in three points: | |
・秘かに外来人も入ってきている ・彼女らは幻想郷に恩恵をもたらすか? |
・The number of immigrants entering Gensokyo has increased again.
・An outsider is secretly entering Gensokyo as well. ・A big question is if they can be beneficial to Gensokyo. | |
ここ最近また新たにさまざまな異界からやってくる妖怪や妖精らが増えていることは、皆さんも肌で感じていることと思う。なかでも、外来人・宇佐見菫子氏が自由に幻想郷と外の世界を行き来しているというのは非常に驚くべきことだ。 | This reporter believes that many readers will have already know firsthand of the recent influx of new youkai and fairies from various Otherworlds. Even so, the fact that the outsider Ms. Sumireko Usami can freely come and go between Gensokyo and the Outside World is especially astonishing. | |
外来人の存在が幻想郷に恩恵をもたらすとは限らないが、この事実をいち早く認識し、幻想郷にとって有利な未来へと導くことが急務である。彼女が持つ技術を手に入れた者は、より豊かな暮らしが出来るだろう。 | It is not necessarily the case that the existence of the outsider can be beneficial to Gensokyo, and it is imperative that we ascertain this fact so that we can guide Gensokyo towards a more advantageous future. In particular, the technology the outsider possesses can surely allow us to live our lives prosperously. | |
なお、彼女が持っているケータイは、撮影機能が桁違いに優れている事が判った。天狗も河童もこれを見習って、より幻想郷を綺麗に撮れる新しいケータイを作って欲しいと願っている。 | Furthermore, it has been found that she carries a "cell phone" with a video recording function that far surpasses anything in Gensokyo. After studying what the outsider brought with her, the tengu and the kappa have both expressed a desire to create new "cell phones" that can capture a more beautiful Gensokyo. | |
※ちなみに、あまり重要でない 部分は黒く塗りつぶしておいた。 |
* Note: The unimportant parts have been marked out in black. |
Article 2
< | Advertisement: Doremy Sweet Interview: Raiko Horikawa |
Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia | Novel: Hieda no Akyuu | > |
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近頃ますます読者を呆れさせることに特化していると言わざるを得ない虚報新聞「花果子念報」が、またも適当な飛ばし記事を書いている。今回の報道は特に穴が目立つもので、このままでは天狗界全体の信用低下にもつながりかねない。ここは先輩天狗として本誌「文々春新報」が懇切丁寧に解説して差し上げようと思う。 | Despite our best efforts to warn readers that "Kakashi Spirit News" has increasingly specialized in making false claims to shock readers, they have written yet another completely baseless article. This time, the alleged "news" rings so hollow that it risks having readers lose trust in the entire tengu community. So as a senior tengu, I feel compelled to offer an explanation via this magazine, "Bunbunharu Weekly". | |
まず重要な大前提だが、今回の報道については2点に絞られてくる。まず1つ目、打ち出の小槌の「本物」が今もって実在しているかどうか。これについては現物を見ていないので、慎重を期して語りえないものとする。残念ながらここでは割愛しよう。 | There are two important points to keep in mind regarding this claim. First, whether or not the Miracle Mallet is authentic. Since this writer has not seen the original item, I must reserve my judgment. Unfortunately, that will not be a part of this article. | |
では2つ目、誰が「本物を発見した」と言っているのかだ。今回その「発見者」は、誰あろう鬼人正邪だという。正邪については念のためこの場で述べるが、天邪鬼である。彼女は別に鬼の一種ということではなく、ただのひねくれた性格の妖怪だ。これが単に性格の一言で片づけられる程度ならまだよかったが、彼女は考えも性格も発言も、他の者とは常に逆の位置を行くのをモットーとしている。これで信じろというほうが無理だ。 | The second point is who is saying that the real thing was discovered. In this case, the discoverer is none other than Seija Kijin. For those unaware, Seija is an amanojaku. Not to imply that she is a variety of oni, but simply that she is a youkai with a contrarian personality. That alone should have been enough to settle the matter, but her motto is to always be on the opposite side from everyone else. She applies this to her thoughts, her personality, and even her words. This makes it impossible to take what she says at face value. | |
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わざわざ書くのもなんだが、つまり正邪が「有る」と言ったら、それは「無い」ことの証左である。さすがに花果子念報の記者もそれがわかっていないわけはないだろう。これが意味するところは、記事自体が虚報であることを織り込み済みで発表された可能性だ。しかし、自発的にウソを広めてどうしようというのだろうか。確かに、正邪が打ち出の小槌のレプリカを持っているのを見た事はある。でもそれは、振れば金銀財宝でも何でも出てくるという本物とは似ても似つかぬ代物で、いくら振っても壊れない丈夫に出来ただけの唯のハンマーであった。もしこれを本物だと間違えての誤報なら、要らぬ混乱を招きかねない。次号も引き続きこの件を検証していきたい。 | Needless to say, whenever Seija says "yes" that can be taken as evidence that the answer is "no". It is beyond doubt that the reporter for Kakashi Spirit News was aware of this as well. While it is possible that the article itself was published knowing that it was a hoax, what does it say about them that they would intentionally spread a lie? Indeed, I have personally seen Seija carrying a replica of the Miracle Mallet.[1] However, unlike the original it would not produce golden treasures or anything else when swung, and seemed to be merely an ordinary mallet, albeit sturdy and well-made. If this replica has been misreported as the original, it is extremely likely to result in a needless panic. I hope to continue the investigation in the next issue. | |
・本物の打ち出の小槌が発見された |
・The authentic Miracle Mallet was discovered |
Fact Check to Article 1
< | Article: Dangerous Thing 2 (Nitori Kawashiro) | Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia | Explanation of Why the Release of Bunbunharu Weekly Was Cancelled | > |
Quoted Kakashi Spirit News
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最近頻繁に出入りが確認されている外来人、宇佐見菫子氏 | Ms. Sumireko Usami, a confirmed frequent visitor from the Outside World | |
このニュースを3行で要約すると… | To summarize this news in three points: | |
・秘かに外来人も入ってきている ・彼女らは幻想郷に恩恵をもたらすか? |
・The number of immigrants entering Gensokyo has increased again.
・An outsider is secretly entering Gensokyo as well. ・A big question is if they can be beneficial to Gensokyo. | |
ここ最近また新たにさまざまな異界からやってくる妖怪や妖精らが増えていることは、皆さんも肌で感じていることと思う。なかでも、外来人・宇佐見菫子氏が自由に幻想郷と外の世界を行き来しているというのは非常に驚くべきことだ。 | This reporter believes that many readers will have already know firsthand of the recent influx of new youkai and fairies from various Otherworlds. Even so, the fact that the outsider Ms. Sumireko Usami can freely come and go between Gensokyo and the Outside World is especially astonishing. | |
外来人の存在が幻想郷に恩恵をもたらすとは限らないが、この事実をいち早く認識し、幻想郷にとって有利な未来へと導くことが急務である。彼女が持つ技術を手に入れた者は、より豊かな暮らしが出来るだろう。 | It is not necessarily the case that the existence of the outsider can be beneficial to Gensokyo, and it is imperative that we ascertain this fact so that we can guide Gensokyo towards a more advantageous future. In particular, the technology the outsider possesses can surely allow us to live our lives prosperously. | |
なお、彼女が持っているケータイは、撮影機能が桁違いに優れている事が判った。天狗も河童もこれを見習って、より幻想郷を綺麗に撮れる新しいケータイを作って欲しいと願っている。 | Furthermore, it has been found that she carries a "cell phone" with a video recording function that far surpasses anything in Gensokyo. After studying what the outsider brought with her, the tengu and the kappa have both expressed a desire to create new "cell phones" that can capture a more beautiful Gensokyo. |
Main Text
「また花果子念報が虚偽報道」の記事だが、これに対して意図的ではなかったのだが、偏向報道と取られても仕方が無い修正をしてしまった。 | Regarding the article from "More fake news from Kakashi Spirit News", while it was not my intention, I ended up making modifications that introduced bias to my reporting. | |
修正前の「花果子念報」の記事はこれだ。 | Here is the article from "Kakashi Spirit News" prior to modification. | |
こうして読むと、記事には関係無い部分を黒塗りにして読みやすくしただけであったが、これでは黒塗りが多すぎて内容が変わってしまうと指摘を受けた。意図的ではなかったのだが、誤解を招きかねない記事になってしまった。 | As you can see, I had only blacked out the irrelevant part to make it easier to read, but I have received criticism that I blacked out too much, changing the meaning of the article. Again, this was not intentional, but the article ended up inviting that misunderstanding. | |
虚偽報道を追求するはずが、自らが虚偽報道と取られても仕方が無い記事を書いてしまったことをお詫びする。というか、「花果子念報」の元記事が見出しからもっと社会派の記事だと思っていたら、実際には酷すぎただけだと思うが。 | Ironically, in my zeal to expose fake news, I had written an article that could be taken as fake news. I would like to apologize for that. Actually, if I consider the original article from "Kakashi Spirit News" as more of a social awareness piece from the headline, then I think I was just being too critical of it. |
- ↑ You can encounter Aya in Stage 6-2 and Stage 6-8 of Impossible_Spell_Card.
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