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Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia/Essay/Yuyuko Saigyouji

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第一回 肉丼
One Dish One Bite
Number 1: Meat Bowl
A big gourmet and a big eater,
Ms. Yuyuko Saigyouji (ghost)
eats a dish in a flash!
A gastro review that will make any
restaurant owner swoon!
大食家なんて失礼しちゃうわ。ちょっと食べるのが好きなだけですからね。それにしても生きてることの喜びはいっぱいあるけれど、やっぱり食べることの喜びは格別だと思うのよ。というわけで、最近気になったお料理を妖夢に作ってもらいましたー。それがこちらの「肉丼」。こないだ里で会った外来人の子に、最近外の世界で流行のお料理がなにかって聞いたら、教えてくれたの。私は作り方はいまいちぴんとこないから、作り方を聞くとこから妖夢に任せてましたけど。 "Big eater" sounds kind of rude. I just love eating a bit. There are many things that make living enjoyable, but I think eating is one of the most exceptional joys. And so, I had Youmu make a dish that has been on my mind recently. That would be this "meat bowl". The other day, when we met the outsider child in the village and asked her about recent popular dishes in the outside world, she told us about it. I don't really get recipes, so I left the part about the recipe to Youmu.
肉丼は、ごはんの上に切ったお肉が乗ってるという、ある意味で単純なお料理ね。でも単純な分お肉そのものの味とか、かけてある () () とか、添えてある山葵とか、それぞれ素材の良さが要求されてくるんじゃないかしら。あ、お肉はちょっと炙ってあるものもあれば、生のまま乗っけるものもあるみたいね。でも生のままって大丈夫なのかしら。私なら大丈夫だと思いますけど。 Meat bowl is just a cut of meat on top of rice, so in a sense, it is a very simple dish. However, that simplicity brings out each ingredient's quality, such as the flavor of the meat itself, the sauce on it, and the wasabi garnishing it. Ah, apparently the meat on top could be either grilled or raw. But I wonder if raw meat is alright. Well, I believe it would be fine for me at least.
まあそんなこんなで妖夢が頑張ってくれた一皿がこちら。庭師なのに料理までやらせてごめんなさいね。お肉は何の肉を使っているのか教えてくれなかったけど、とっても美味しかったわ。ほかほかのご飯とお肉にわさびがアクセントであまり食べ飽きない感じ。すぐに食べ終えてしまったわ。これだけ美味しかったのだから、今度は「アレ」の肉で試してみたいわね。妖夢、いいかしら。「アレ」の肉よ? くれぐれもよろしくお願いね? In any case, this dish is the fruit of various efforts from Youmu. I'm sorry for making you cook even though you are the gardener. She didn't tell me what kind of meat she used, but it was really delicious. The steamy, warm rice with the meat accented by wasabi feels like you could never get tired of it. I ate it up all in one go. Since it was so delicious, I'd like to try it with "that" meat next time. Youmu, could you do that? You know, "that" meat? I'll leave it in your utmost care.
材料 白米/肉/
Today's Dish
Meat Bowl
White rice / Meat / Wasabi / Egg / Sauce (Secret)
Would be even better with miso soup (Yuyuko)