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Antinomy of Common Flowers/Story/Joon's Scenario
Stage 1
「霧雨魔理沙はどっちだ?」 |
"Which One is Marisa Kirisame?" | |
BGM: 憑依投合 |
BGM:Being Things Eye to Eye | |
Joon |
完全憑依が |
I can't believe perfect possession was |
Shion |
まあ、気付いていたわよ 私が取り憑くときは 完全憑依も同じ方法 |
Well, I kinda realized. When I'm possessing someone I usually So it sounds like perfect possession |
Joon |
それ、早く言ってよー そのせいで面倒なことに |
C'mon, you gotta tell me this stuff! Thanks to that, now we have to go |
霧雨魔理沙 |
Marisa Kirisame | |
Marisa |
見つけたぜ! お前達! |
Found ya! You two! |
Joon |
魔法使いの人間…… |
The human magician... |
Shion |
うーん |
Hmm. |
Marisa |
どっち、って何だよ |
Which one? What's that supposed to mean? |
Joon |
あんたは 私達はね、暴走した 見た目は全く同じだけど |
We're wondering if you're the You see, we were told to go capture They're supposed to look exactly the same, but they |
Marisa |
ほほう、夢の住人を捕まえろ、か 霊夢か紫の差し金だな? 折角、現の世界で暴れられる 思う存分 |
Oho. So you're hunting the dream selves, huh? Did Reimu or Yukari put you up to this? And now that I finally got the chance to I'm gonna test out my berserk magic |
Joon |
見つけたぞ! 殺せー! |
Found one! Kill! |
BGM: マッシュルームワルツ |
BGM: Mushroom Waltz | |
If player loses | ||
Marisa |
貧弱な奴め |
Wait, my real self couldn't |
Marisa Kirisame and Doremy Sweet DEFEATED | ||
Joon |
まずは一人ゲット! |
That's one down! |
Marisa |
くそー、もっと暴れたかったぜー |
Crap! I wanted to run wild more! |
Shion |
この調子で、暴走した夢の住人を |
Okay, let's keep this up and find |
Stage 2
「取らぬ狸の皮算用」 |
"Counting Tanuki Before They've Been Caught" | |
BGM: 壮言大語 |
BGM:Grandiloquence | |
二ッ岩マミゾウ |
Mamizou Futatsuiwa | |
Mamizou |
ほほう、儂が夢の住人じゃと |
Oho? So you're saying I'm the dream version? |
Joon |
噂になってたよ |
Rumor has it that the chief of |
Mamizou |
よく判ったのう じゃが、おかしいことなんか 現の儂が、方々に気を使いすぎて 大体な、こんな狭い世界の奴らに 儂に従う奴だけ残して |
So you figured it out. But acting funny? The real me is just too Why the heck should I need to hold back All I'm saying is that we can |
Shion |
いかにも どうして夢の住人は |
Indeed. That definitely I wonder why all these dream selves |
Mamizou |
ふぉっふぉっふぉ 根拠がないかどうか見せてやる 化け狸の頭領直々 |
Ho ho ho! Why don't you see for yourselves if it's baseless?! I'm the chief of the bakedanuki! |
BGM: 深緑の狸森にて |
BGM:In the Deep-Green Tanuki Forest | |
If player loses | ||
Mamizou |
幻想郷は儂の別荘にしてやろう |
I think I'll make Gensokyo my |
Mamizou Futatsuiwa and Doremy Sweet DEFEATED | ||
Joon |
はっ、何が理想の幻想郷よ |
Ha! An ideal Gensokyo? |
Mamizou |
くっ |
Ugh... |
Shion |
何はともあれ、夢の住人ゲット! |
But anyway, got another dream self! |
Joon |
姉さんと一緒なのに |
I can't believe things are |
Shion |
そんな嫌みを言う妹なんて |
I never wanted such |
Stage 3
「和とは一体何なのか」 |
"What is Peace?" | |
BGM: 合縁奇縁 |
BGM:An Odd Couple | |
豊聡耳神子 |
Toyosatomimi no Miko | |
Miko |
ほう、お前達 |
Oh? So you two have come |
Joon |
いきなり乱暴だなぁ |
That turned violent quick. |
Shion |
でもこれだけじゃ いつもこういう奴かもしれない |
But with just that, I still can't tell if Maybe she's always like this? |
Miko |
貧すれば鈍する いまここで消滅させてやろう |
I see poverty dulls the wits. Allow me to extinguish you, here and now. |
Joon |
排他的な奴だなー |
What an exclusory bastard. |
Shion |
夢の住人だろうが違おうが やっつけちゃえ! |
I think this is the dream version, She's going down! |
Miko |
お前達みたいな 即刻この世界から消え失せよ! |
People like you, who are poor Disappear from this world! |
BGM: 光輝く天球儀 |
BGM:Shining Armillary Sphere | |
If player loses | ||
Miko |
現実の私は甘いな |
The real me is soft. |
Toyosatomimi no Miko and Doremy Sweet DEFEATED | ||
Joon |
やっぱり夢の住人だったねー |
So she was the dream one after all! |
Miko |
悔しいな ここでこの世の悪を滅せないのが |
How frustrating. My only regret is that |
Shion |
はいはい もう慣れっこよ |
Yeah yeah. But eh, we're used to it. |
Miko |
嫌っているのではない それが幻想郷の和である |
I hold no hatred for you. That is Gensokyo's harmony. |
Stage 4
「脳内爆弾」 |
"Brain Bomb" | |
BGM: 異心同体 |
BGM:Two Minds of One Body | |
聖白蓮 |
Byakuren Hijiri | |
Byakuren |
女苑 |
So have you finished cleaning |
Joon |
べー! |
Bleh! |
Byakuren |
逃げるのですか? |
So you're escaping then? |
Joon |
はあ? 消滅? |
Ha? Annihilate? |
Byakuren |
気が付かなかったのですか? |
You hadn't noticed? |
Joon |
ん? 消滅爆弾? |
Hm? Annihilation bomb? |
Byakuren |
私の呪文で発動しますよ |
It's activated when I speak the incantation. |
Joon |
え、そんな冗談をー |
Wha? Y-You're joking... |
Shion |
嘘かどうか判らないわ |
I can't tell if she's lying. |
Joon |
決まってるじゃない! 呪文を唱えさせないように |
Isn't it obvious?! We keep up the attack so |
BGM: 法力の下の平等 |
BGM:Equality Under the Law of Dharma | |
If player loses | ||
Byakuren |
なーんてね |
Just kidding! |
Byakuren Hijiri and Doremy Sweet DEFEATED | ||
Joon |
なーんだ 消滅爆弾って嘘でしょ? |
Whaaaat? So that bomb was a lie, right? |
Byakuren |
バレちゃった |
Oh, you realized. I just thought, |
Joon |
人には苦労を強いるくせに |
You sure think lazy thoughts for someone |
Byakuren |
楽をするのは悪ではないわ ところで貴方、逃げないでね 弟子達に修業だというていで |
There's nothing wrong with wanting an easier life. Incidentally, don't leave please. I make the disciples do all the cooking, cleaning, |
Joon |
これがぐうたら坊主の本音かしら ……変ね もうちょっとお寺で |
Is this really how that bum priest thinks? ...Weird. Maybe I'll stick around |
Shion |
じょ、女苑!? |
J-Joon?! |
Stage 5
「ずる賢い仙人の誑誘」 |
A Sly Hermit's Deception | |
BGM: 意気揚々 |
BGM:In High Spirits | |
茨木華扇 |
Kasen Ibaraki | |
Kasen |
最凶最悪の二人か 素性が割れてからというもの |
The worst, most disastrous pair, is it? Ever since your identities came to light, |
Joon |
はいはい、お陰様でね |
Yeah yeah, we're fine, thanks for asking. |
Kasen |
紫の命令でしょ? |
This was Yukari's order, correct? |
Joon |
そう、幻想郷のあちこちに そいつらを全部捕まえたら |
Yeah, she told us that there were Said she'd let us off the hook |
Kasen |
それ、紫に誑かされているよ 彼奴は大物そうに偉ぶってるけど 不穏分子を放って置くことも 夢の住人と戦うのも嫌 お前達と戦うのも嫌 お互い潰し合ってくれないかなー |
You're being deceived. She may put on airs of being a big-shot, She'd never leave a disruptive element alone, She didn't want to fight the dream people. She didn't want to fight you two either. Didn't she only ask you |
Joon |
それは |
That's... |
BGM Stops | ||
Kasen |
ねえ、そこで相談なんだけど |
So, with that in mind, I'd like to discuss something. |
BGM: 知略縦横 |
BGM:Scheming Outside the Box | |
Kasen |
夢の住人と手を組んで |
Won't you ally with the dream dwellers |
Joon |
手を組むだって!? |
Ally?! |
Kasen |
完全憑依異変があれば 異変を終わらせないように |
As long as the Perfect Possession Incident continues, Join us, and the dream dwellers |
Shion |
騙されないで 夢の住人の |
Don't be fooled! Don't listen to this |
Joon |
姉さんに言われなくても |
I don't need you |
Kasen |
完全憑依さえあれば |
As long as the perfect possessions continue, |
Joon |
確かに いや、過去の自分を捨てるんだ! もう他人の財で |
True, perfect possession No! I'm not that person anymore! I threw away the life that |
Shion |
ええー。女苑どうしたの? 私は他人の財でも |
What. What happened to you, Joon? I mean, I still want to dress up nice, |
Joon |
姉さんは黙ってて お金も宝石も 真の幸せを掴む為に |
Shut up, Shion. Things like money and gems I've said farewell to the past me, |
BGM: 千の試練を超えて |
BGM:Overcome a Thousand Trials | |
Joon |
夢の住人め! |
You're the one trying to trick me, |
Kasen |
チッ! お寺で修業させてる じゃあ、お前達は要らないわ |
Tsk! I'd heard they were making you Then I don't need you! |
If player loses | ||
Kasen |
夢の住人が |
The day when dreams |
Kasen Ibaraki and Doremy Sweet DEFEATED | ||
Joon |
勝った! |
We won! |
Shion |
ねえ女苑 |
Hey, Joon? |
Joon |
さあね 何となくお金や宝石のきらめきが |
Who knows? It just feels like money and gems |
Kasen |
お前達、夢の住人を |
Do you two intend to capture |
Joon |
そのつもりだわ 紫に、貴方が最後の夢の住人かも やっとこの苦行から |
That's the plan. Well, it was the plan. We heard from Yukari that Finally free of |
Kasen |
私で最後だって? そんなことはない |
I'm the last one? That's not true. |
Joon |
最凶最悪だって? 私達を差し置いて |
Worst, most disastrous? Hearing someone else |
Kasen |
その最凶最悪の夢の住人に |
Would you like meet this worst, |
Joon |
勿論よ! あるというのならば |
Of course! If there's anything in this world |
Kasen |
いい度胸ね! 気に入った、現実の私が貴方達を |
What nerve! I like it! Now I understand why |
Shion |
夢の世界の最凶最悪は |
So where is this worst, |
Kasen |
最凶最悪は |
In space! |
Stage 6
「最凶最悪のスペースファイト」 |
"A Cursed and Evil Space Fight" | |
BGM: 天衣無縫 ~ Yellow Lily |
BGM:Flawless as Clothing of the Celestials ~ Yellow Lily | |
Tenshi |
あはははは! 私を追放するなんて もう怖いもんなんてない! 誰だ? |
Ahahaha! I can't believe the fools I fear nothing! Who's there? |
Joon |
お前か |
So it's you, huh? |
Tenshi |
ん? |
Hm? |
Joon |
私は依神女苑 |
I'm Joon Yorigami, the plague god |
Shion |
私は依神紫苑 完全憑依異変は 貴方は夢の住人でしょ? |
And I'm Shion Yorigami, the poverty god We're the ones who caused You're from the Dream World, right? |
Tenshi |
完全憑依異変、だと? なる程、お前達が |
The Perfect Possession Incident?! I see, then you're the |
比那名居天子 |
Tenshi Hinanawi | |
Tenshi |
私は、比那名居天子 |
I am Tenshi Hinanawi, the celestial |
Joon |
こいつ、やばすぎる 天界を震わす |
Uh, this is bad. Really bad. What's with this ridiculous power |
Shion |
落ち着いて女苑 長くは持たない筈よ |
Calm down, Joon. She shouldn't be able to keep it up for long. |
Tenshi |
ふっ馬鹿め |
Hmph! Fools! |
Joon |
無尽蔵だってよ! |
Inexhaustible?! |
Shion |
まさか私が再び 私は貧乏神 |
I can't believe I have I am the god of poverty. |
Tenshi |
負のオーラ? |
Negative aura? |
Joon |
ああ、なんて不憫な姉さん でも頼りになるわー! そこの暴走天人! |
Aw, my poor poor sister. But one I can always count on! You! The rampaging celestial! |
Tenshi |
迂闊に近寄ると ふん、ならば近づかせないで |
If I approach carelessly, Hmph! |
BGM: アンノウンX ~ Occultly Madness |
BGM:Unknown X ~ Occultly Madness | |
Tenshi |
天空に住む天人の戦い方を お前達を倒したら 天界を滅ぼし 地上を滅ぼし 人類を滅ぼし 地をならし 美しい四季を作り 新しい生命を造り 悲しむ事のない心を創り 貧する事のない社会を作り この世界全てを 死に腐れ! 外道の神々よ! |
Witness the fighting style Once I beat you two, I'll destroy Heaven, destroy the Earth, destroy humanity, tame the land, make four beautiful seasons, create new life, give them hearts build a society I'll remake this entire world! Rot in death! |
If player loses | ||
Tenshi |
あっはっは |
Ah ha ha! |
Before penultimate card, if on Overdrive difficulty | ||
Joon |
やったわ! |
We did it! |
Shion |
これで夢の住人は |
We finally captured all dream dwellers! |
Joon |
おかしな奴だったけど…… |
There's something weird about her... |
Tenshi |
ふっふっふ これで終わったと思うなよ! 天人ならではの戦い方を 地上の常識は捨てよ! 地球の鎖から解き放たれ |
Hmhmhm. Don't think this is over! What you will see, Drop your earthlings' common sense! The duo of vile goddesses! |
Tenshi Hinanawi and Doremy Sweet DEFEATED | ||
Joon and Shion Ending |
- ↑ Basically there's no settings of tanuki invading Japan mainlands. Mamizou's phrase is probably based on those of Studio Jibri's "Heisei Tanuki Ponpoko" ― Japan is secretly under control of the two groups of youkai; tanuki and kitsune.
- ↑ Miko's inspiration, Prince Umayato or Prince Shoutoku is known with the first sentence of Seventeen Desciplines.
- ↑ A parody of Satoshi's catchy line of Pokémon — "Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all!"
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