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Antinomy of Common Flowers/Story/Nitori's Scenario
Stage 1
「実験サンプルを集めよ!」 |
"Collect Experiment Samples" | |
BGM: 連帯責人 |
BGM: The One Jointly Responsible | |
物部布都 |
Mononobe no Futo | |
Futo |
良いぞ。準備は万端じゃ |
Alright. Everything's ready. |
博麗霊夢 |
Reimu Hakurei | |
Reimu |
なんだ、河童が相手かー |
What, it's just a kappa? |
Nitori |
ほほう、珍しい組み合わせだな |
Oho, what an unusual partnership. |
BGM: 恒常不変の参廟祀 |
BGM: Constant and Unchanging Temple of Worship | |
If player loses | ||
Futo |
さて、完全憑依の調査を続けるぞ |
Okay, let's continue the investigation into Perfect Possession. |
Mononobe no Futo and Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Nitori |
よーし |
Done! |
Futo |
悔しい |
This is so frustrating. |
Reimu |
やっぱり、スレイブは苦手だなぁ |
Hate to admit, I'm still not good at being the slave. |
Nitori |
どうだ? |
So how was it? |
Kokoro |
判ります |
I did. |
Stage 2
「科学とは地道な努力である」 |
"Science is a Slow and Steady Effort" | |
BGM: 合縁奇縁 |
BGM: An Odd Couple | |
雲居一輪 |
Ichirin Kumoi | |
Ichirin |
完全憑依戦の練習ね |
Training for Perfect Possession duels? |
Nitori |
みんなノリが良くて助かるぜ |
I'm glad that everyone is being so collaborative. |
霧雨魔理沙 |
Marisa Kirisame | |
Marisa |
こいつは、人工完全憑依を |
This vile kappa is known for unethical practices |
Ichirin |
人工? |
Man-made? |
Nitori |
そうだ 間もなくテクノロジーが |
That's right. Technology should be able to explain it soon enough, |
BGM: 聖輦船空を往く |
BGM: The Palanquin Ship Flies in the Sky | |
If player loses | ||
Ichirin |
聖様の為にも練習しないとね |
This is not only for ourselves, but also for Lady Hijiri. |
Ichirin Kumoi & Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
うーん上手くいかないぜ 一輪と組んだら そのイレギュラーが何か突破口に |
Hmm, that didn't go so well. By pairing up with Ichirin, That irregularity was supposed to lead me to a breakthrough, |
Ichirin |
もしかして 私も、その攻略の為に |
Wait, are you talking about I'm also making |
Marisa |
なんだと、お前もか |
What, you too? |
Nitori |
どうだ? |
So how was it? |
Kokoro |
勝負に負けたことで |
Even though they lost the battle, |
Stage 3
「傲慢と傲慢」 |
"Arrogance and Arrogance" | |
BGM: 意気揚々 |
BGM: In High Spirits | |
Nitori |
やはり、完全憑依を行うと これは精神の一部共有が これも、あんたの感情眼に |
As I thought, when people perform perfect possession, It seems that's due to sharing This is all because your ability to see emotions |
Kokoro |
感情を論理的に覚えた結果 |
Since I had to memorize emotions logically, |
Nitori |
感情を操るあんたの力が |
Your power to control emotions will be |
少名針妙丸 |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna | |
Shinmyoumaru |
良いところに練習相手がいるぞ |
Hey, there are practice partners right here. |
Nitori |
みんな、新しい力を使いたくて 実験が簡単過ぎて |
Everyone's just itching to use It's so easy to do experiments that |
Kokoro |
あはははは |
Ahahaha. |
Shinmyoumaru |
もう勝ったつもりか? 負ける気がしない |
You think you've already won? I don't plan on losing! |
BGM: 落日に映える逆さ城 |
BGM: The Inverted Castle Lit by the Setting Sun | |
If player loses | ||
Shinmyoumaru |
勝てたけど |
We won, but we don't really go |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna and Mamizou Futatsuiwa DEFEATED | ||
Shinmyoumaru |
狸とは相性良さそうだったけど |
I was supposed to have good compatibility with a tanuki, |
二ッ岩マミゾウ |
Mamizou Futatsuiwa | |
Mamizou |
そうじゃのう これでは最凶の二人には |
You got that right. I'll never be a match for |
Shinmyoumaru |
私をもっと引き立たせる |
I must have a better match somewhere! |
Kokoro |
二人は強欲さで結びついています この場合は、感情の共有が |
They're joined together by their strong desires. In this case, sharing feelings through |
Nitori |
なるほどな |
I see. So sharing feelings |
Stage 4
「完全憑依の影」 |
"The Shadow of Perfect Possession" | |
BGM: 知略縦横 |
BGM: Scheming Outside the Box | |
宇佐見菫子 |
Sumireko Usami | |
Sumireko |
貴方は河童? |
You're a kappa? |
Nitori |
ああ、外来人か さすがに外の世界まで |
Yeah. You're the outsider? So I'm guessing rumors of |
Sumireko |
完全憑依って何? |
What's perfect possession? |
Kokoro |
こうやって |
This. |
Nitori |
こうする遊びだよ |
You play around like that! |
Sumireko |
わあ、一瞬別人になった! |
Wow! You became a different person for an instant! |
Nitori |
完全憑依という現象だ |
It's a phenomenon called perfect possession. |
Sumireko |
肉体ごと憑依するって もう一回見せてー |
Taking over the body? Show me again! |
Kokoro |
はーい |
Kaay. |
Nitori |
こんな感じだな って、お前、既に |
Like that. If you're interested, Wait, aren't you already |
BGM: 夢世界フォークロア |
BGM: Dream World Folklore | |
Sumireko |
ふっふっふ しかし、完全憑依では無い 我は完全憑依で夢の世界から ドリーム菫子だ! |
Heh heh heh, so I got caught But this isn't perfect possession. I'm another Sumireko, driven out of Dream Sumireko! |
If player loses | ||
Sumireko |
「天啓は突然やってくる」 |
Perfect possession is suppressing the Dream World. |
Sumireko Usami and Doremy Sweet DEFEATED | ||
Nitori |
夢の世界の菫子? |
Dream World Sumireko? |
Doremy |
そのままの意味よ 完全憑依は夢の世界を 完全憑依を続けると |
It's just as she said. Perfect possession is If this keeps up, the others selves |
Kokoro |
大変です シンクロした感情が |
Oh no! It's possible that the |
Nitori |
お前は一体何者だ? |
What the heck are you? |
ドレミー・スイート |
Doremy Sweet | |
Doremy |
私はドレミースイート 完全憑依の乱用は |
I am Doremy Sweet, From the standpoint of the Dream World, |
Stage 5
「完全憑依は、夢の世界を抑制する」 |
"Revelation is Unexpected" | |
BGM: 壮言大語 |
BGM: Grandiloquence | |
Nitori |
完全憑依は なる程、入れ替わっている時は 夢の世界にいると考えれば |
Perfect possession is controlling Oh, I see. It was always a mystery where If we assume that they're in the Dream World, |
Kokoro |
感情が共有化されるのも 夢の中で怖い思いをすれば |
That's probably the secret behind Since when you have a scary thought in a dream, |
Nitori |
ほほう、確かに全てが繋がったな |
Oho! It's all coming together! |
Kokoro |
夢の支配者の警告は |
Is it okay to ignore the warnings |
Nitori |
犠牲なき進歩などない! |
You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs! |
少名針妙丸 |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna | |
Shinmyoumaru |
お、いたいた |
Oh, there they are! |
Tenshi |
崖の下とは よーし、サクッとやっちゃおう |
There's another miserable All right, let's finish this quick! |
Nitori |
なんだお前ら |
What's with you two? |
Shinmyoumaru |
お前達と戦った後 |
After I fought you, |
BGM: 天衣無縫 ~ Yellow Lily |
BGM: Flawless as Clothing of the Celestials ~ Yellow Lily | |
比那名居天子 |
Tenshi Hinanawi | |
Tenshi |
私は比那名居天子 河童風情が、私の戦闘練習相手に |
I'm Tenshi Hinanawi. A noble among nobles. It must be an honor for a lowly kappa |
Nitori |
あー天人だと? |
What? A celestial? |
Kokoro |
判りました この二人は |
I get it. Those two are joined by |
Tenshi |
生まれつきの天才だけど この私に敵う者など無し! |
I'll have you know that I'm a natural genius! No one is a match for me! |
Nitori |
笑わせんな まあいい、さっくりと倒して |
What a joke. Well, whatever. Let's easily defeat her |
BGM: アンノウンX ~ Occultly Madness |
BGM: Unknown X ~ Occultly Madness | |
Before final card, if on Overdrive difficulty | ||
Tenshi |
これが完全憑依! |
So that's Perfect Possession! |
Nitori |
馬鹿な…… |
This defies logic... |
Tenshi |
これが生きとし生けるもの |
This is the power of all that lives! |
Tenshi Hinanawi and Shinmyoumaru Sukuna DEFEATED | ||
Nitori Kawashiro and Hata no Kokoro Ending |
- ↑ A word-play of "aji no hiraki" (horse mackerel cut open and dried), a cooking method of that fish. Namely, Nitori tries beating Tenshi up, like cooking ingredients.
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |