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Antinomy of Common Flowers/Story/Reimu's Scenario
Main Story Prelude
幻想郷各所で『完全憑依』と呼ばれる 不可思議な現象が起こっていた。 全くの別人が、精神のみならず この物語は、『完全憑依』を監視する者、 そして裏に潜んだ脅威を曝こうとする者……。 これから始まるのは「最強の二人は自分達だ」 |
A mysterious phenomenon known as "Perfect Possession" is occurring all over Gensokyo. A phenomenon where one is taken over by a completely different person, This is a story of those who observe it, and those preparing to expose the menace lurking behind the scenes. The bittersweet story of those who mistook themselves |
Stage 1
「純粋に楽しむ二人」 |
"The Pure Fun Duo" | |
BGM: 憑依投合 |
BGM:Being Things Eye To Eye | |
Reimu |
さてと |
Let's see. |
Kasen |
誰がこんな噂を広めたのかを 具体的には |
To know our enemy who spread this rumor, To be specific, |
Reimu |
手掛かりが無いしそれしか無いね となるとやっぱり最初は…… |
There's no better things to do when we have no clues anyway. But I'm sure we can start with... |
霧雨魔理沙 |
Marisa Kirisame | |
Marisa |
よう |
Hey! |
Reimu |
良いところに来たわね 完全憑依調査の |
You're right on time. The perfect first subject for |
Marisa |
被検体? |
Subject? |
Kasen |
悪いけど |
Sorry, |
Marisa |
わあ、入れ替わった! |
Whoa, did you two just swap? |
Reimu |
実際に利用してみて |
Yep. We're finding the truth behind it |
Kasen |
ちょっと、待って |
Wait a second, Marisa, |
古明地こいし |
Koishi Komeiji | |
Koishi |
あら、ここは何処かしら? |
Um, hello? Where am I? |
Reimu |
あんたも既に |
You've been under Perfect Possession all along! |
BGM: 地の色は黄色 ~ Primrose |
BGM: The Ground's Color is Yellow ~ Primrose | |
If player loses | ||
Marisa |
何で私が完全憑依されてたんだ? |
How did I get perfect possessed? |
Marisa Kirisame DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
おい、これは一体何なんだ? |
Hey, what exactly is this? |
Reimu |
あんたは気が付いて 肉体も精神も入れ替わる |
You didn't notice anything The interchange of both body and mind. |
Marisa |
完全憑依の噂は聞いていたが これは面白…… |
I heard about the rumor, That's pretty interes... |
Stage 2
「強さを求める二人」 |
"The Strength-Seeking Duo" | |
BGM: 連帯責人 |
BGM: The One Jointly Responsible | |
Kasen |
さっきの魔理沙で |
I noticed something |
Reimu |
何? |
What's that? |
Kasen |
私達がやっているような マスターが無自覚のまま |
Perfect Possession could take But now we know that in some cases, |
Reimu |
そうね |
Yeah, |
Kasen |
と言うことは悪用すると |
If that's the case, |
Reimu |
それは……厄介な予想ねぇ |
That's... a horrific hypothesis. |
二ツ岩マミゾウ |
Mamizou Futatsuiwa | |
Mamizou |
おや 早速調査を開始したって事かのう |
Ha. Means that you had started your own investigation. As quick as usual. |
藤原妹紅 |
Fujiwara no Mokou | |
Mokou |
もっとこの異変を長く楽しんでも 上手くすれば |
Why would you want this incident to end so fast? You can go as crazy as you want |
Reimu |
さすがの嗅覚ね もう完全憑依を利用している |
As perceptive as always. And we've already had ones like you taking advantage of Perfect Possession. |
Mamizou |
ま、今更儂らを調べている この異変について |
I see. Which means you literally know nothing about this incident. |
Mokou |
この異変 |
Let's enjoy ourselves in this incident |
BGM: 不滅のレッドソウル |
BGM:Immortal Red Soul | |
If player loses | ||
Mamizou |
この完全憑依を |
Looks like you don't know the trick of Perfect Possession yet. |
Mamizou Futatsuiwa DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
完全憑依異変を |
We've already had abusers |
Mamizou |
何を言っている ある手順を踏めば |
What are you talking about? The trick that allows you |
Kasen |
ある手順…… |
The trick... |
Mamizou |
それもそうじゃが…… マスター側が合意しているか 瞑想状態に入るだけで 簡単すぎるじゃろ? |
Well that's just one way to do it. Either the master consents to it, Then you can just go ahead and possess them It's almost too easy, isn't it? |
Stage 3
「最強超人の二人」 |
"The Strongest Superhuman Duo" | |
BGM: 合縁奇縁 |
BGM: An Odd Couple | |
豊聡耳神子 |
Toyosatomimi no Miko | |
Miko |
なる程、お前も動き始めたか |
I see. You are taking action as well. |
Reimu |
今のところ まあ、そのうち |
There's still nothing in progress though. We're gonna figure things out when the time comes. |
聖白蓮 |
Byakuren Hijiri | |
Hijiri |
頼りにならない巫女ねぇ |
What an unreliable shrine maiden. |
Miko |
我々もこの異変の調査に その為に今回コンビを組んだのだ |
We've started our own investigation aside from yours. And that's why we're teamed up. |
Reimu |
そんなわけに行くもんか 行き当たりばったりでも |
No way that's gonna happen. Resolving incidents is my job and I'll finish it no matter how reckless it's gonna be! |
BGM: 光輝く天球儀 |
BGM: Shining Armillary Sphere | |
If player loses | ||
Miko |
さて、いよいよ |
Finally, it's time for the strongest |
Toyosatomimi no Miko DEFEATED | ||
Miko |
なる程 |
I see. |
Reimu |
あんたら二人じゃ、我が強すぎて |
You two are too egoistic to cooperate. |
Miko |
それもあるな この異変は完全憑依しないと 協調なんて無用である |
You may be right. I felt the use of Perfect Possession Turns out that cooperation is simply a waste of efforts. |
Kasen |
いつも和を尊べ |
Weren't you always saying |
Miko |
それは |
That was just a warning |
Kasen |
ああ、そういう…… |
Oh, now I get it... |
Stage 4
「一匹狼は敵か味方か」 |
"Is the Lone Wolf, a Foe or Friend?" | |
BGM: 知略縦横 |
BGM: Scheming Outside the Box | |
Kasen |
みんな完全憑依の噂に |
It seems like everyone is getting fooled around by |
Reimu |
今日の調査では 調査は長期に及びそうね |
We didn't manage to learn anything important It will be a long battle, I suppose. |
Kasen |
いや…… |
...And today is gonna be a long day. |
Yukari Yakumo Enters | ||
Yukari |
完全憑依を利用しての調査…… それは悪意で仕組まれた |
Investigation that makes use of Perfect Possession... Which is the worst, carefully crafted trap with pure malice. |
BGM: 憑坐は夢と現の間に ~ Necro-Fantasia |
BGM: Yorimashi Between Dreams and Reality ~ Necro-Fantasia | |
Reimu |
このタイミングで出てくる |
Yukari |
強制的に身体を乗っ取れるように いや、邪道の極みだわ |
Forcibly possessing one's body is Or I should say, the pinnacle of all evils. |
Reimu |
見えるよ! 異変に関係しているとしか |
You do look like it! It would make no sense if you were not involved! |
Before final card, if on Overdrive difficulty | ||
Reimu |
まるで手応えがない…… |
That was suspiciously easy... |
Yukari |
愚かな……完全憑依の危険が ならば、 |
How foolish... Then the |
If player loses | ||
Yukari |
今のままでは |
We won't be able to deal with the mastermind |
Yukari Yakumo DEFEATED |