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Antinomy of Common Flowers/Story/Sumireko's Scenario
Stage 1
「違和感のある幻想郷」 |
"A Strange Gensokyo" | |
BGM: 知略縦横 |
BGM:Scheming Outside the Box | |
Sumireko |
おや? |
Oh? |
博麗霊夢 |
Reimu Hakurei | |
Reimu |
菫子じゃない |
Oh, it's Sumireko. How weird, |
Sumireko |
あらレイムっち |
Ah, Reimers. |
BGM Stops | ||
Reimu |
幻想郷に見える? |
Does this look like Gensokyo to you? |
Sumireko |
? |
? |
BGM: 夢世界フォークロア |
BGM:Dream World Folklore | |
Reimu |
あんたは 目を覚ませよ! |
You're the real Sumireko! Open your eyes! |
If player loses | ||
Reimu |
ここには外の世界も幻想郷も無い |
This place is neither the outside world, nor Gensokyo. |
Reimu Hakurei and Doremy Sweet DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
あはは、あんた迷子に |
Ah ha ha, you're like |
Sumireko |
なんか変なレイムね |
You're acting weird, Reimu. |
Reimu |
ここから抜け出すには |
If you want to escape, |
Stage 2
「見知らぬ友人」 |
"An Unfamiliar Friend" | |
BGM: 連帯責人 |
The One Jointly Responsible | |
Sumireko |
おかしい、知っている場所に この不気味な世界から |
That's weird. I can't No matter what I do, |
霧雨魔理沙 |
Marisa Kirisame | |
Marisa |
迷っているな |
So you're lost. |
Sumireko |
ああ、マリサっちー! 助かったわ |
Ah! Rissa~! I'm saved! You gotta listen, |
BGM Stops | ||
Marisa |
ふふふ、抜け出せないか |
Heh heh. Can't get out? |
BGM: オカルトアトラクト |
BGM:Occult Atract | |
Marisa |
こんな自由の世界なのにな! |
Even though this world is so free?! |
Sumireko |
え? |
Wha? |
If player loses | ||
Marisa |
完全憑依の所為で |
Blame that perfect possession stuff. |
Marisa Kirisame & Doremy Sweet DEFEATED | ||
Sumireko |
違う! |
No! |
Marisa |
あっはっは |
Ah ha ha! Of course I'm Marisa. |
Sumireko |
さっきのレイムもおかしかったわ 見た目はそのままなのに もしかして私が変な世界に |
Reimu was acting weird earlier too! You look exactly the same, but inside Don't tell me I'm lost |
Marisa |
勘が良いのか悪いのか ここは夢の世界だ |
I'm not sure if that's good intuition or a terrible one. This is the Dream World. |
Stage 3
「ようこそドリームランドへ」 |
"Welcome to Dream Land" | |
BGM: 壮言大語 |
BGM:Grandiloquence | |
Sumireko |
ここは夢の世界だってー? 私の夢の世界は |
This is the Dream World? Wasn't Gensokyo |
Doremy |
説明しましょう |
I'll explain. |
Sumireko |
うわあ、何か出てきた ってあれ? |
Uwah! Something just dropped down! Wait, what? |
Doremy |
さっきからずっと 盧生や荘子のように 私は貴方がそうならないように |
I've been perfectly possessing you All the real humans who disappear So to make sure that doesn't happen to you, |
Sumireko |
完全憑依……? |
Perfect possession...? |
Doremy |
完全憑依とは、精神、肉体全てを |
Perfect possession is an act that takes over |
Sumireko |
つまり私に取り憑いているの? |
So in other words, I'm possessed? |
Doremy |
そうです |
Exactly. |
Sumireko |
やだやだやだ! |
No way no way no way! |
BGM: スリープシープ・パレード |
BGM:Sleep Sheep Parade | |
If player loses | ||
Doremy |
さて |
Now then. |
Doremy Sweet and Tenshi Hinanawi DEFEATED | ||
Doremy |
私を倒しても |
Even if you defeat me, |
Sumireko |
貴方は一体 |
What the heck are you...? |
ドレミー・スイート |
Doremy Sweet | |
Doremy |
私はドレミースイート |
I am Doremy Sweet, |
Sumireko |
夢の支配者ですって……? |
The ruler of dreams...? |
Doremy |
貴方は、夢を見る度に それは普段から 夢の世界では貴方は |
Every time you dream, Normally what's happening is that By being in the Dream World, |
Sumireko |
うーむ |
Hmm... |
Doremy |
抑圧され続けた夢の世界の貴方が 彼女は現の世界に行き 今まで抑圧されていた分 その間、貴方は夢の世界から |
Your suppressed Dream World self She went to the real world I'm sure she's acting out even more because of In the meantime, you won't be able |
Sumireko |
夢の世界から出られないって 何とかする方法は無いの? |
So I can't leave the Dream World? Is there anything I can do? |
Doremy |
貴方が夢の世界の貴方に 当然、何とも手段はありません |
If you think about what you've been doing And naturally, there's nothing you can do about it. |
Sumireko Usami Vanishes | ||
Doremy |
ええ?消えてしまった おかしいわねぇ まあ、引き続き分身に |
What? She vanished? That's odd. Oh well. I'll just keep splitting myself |
Stage 4
「極めて強引な覚醒」 |
"An Extremely Forced Awakening" | |
BGM: 意気揚々 |
BGM:In High Spirits | |
Sumireko |
あいたたた |
Ow ow ow, |
Doremy |
ここは、現の世界ね |
This is the real world, huh? |
Sumireko |
え? いつもの幻想郷? |
What? This is the usual Gensokyo then? |
Yukari |
こんにちは |
Hello. |
Sumireko |
こんばんは |
Good evening. |
八雲紫 |
Yukari Yakumo | |
Yukari |
私は八雲紫 |
I am Yukari Yakumo. |
Sumireko |
不思議の世界から |
So you're the one who took me out |
Doremy |
困ります |
This is unacceptable. |
Yukari |
あら、夢の住人が幻想郷で暴れる 夢の世界の菫子が 私は、この暴れん坊を |
Oh, and residents of the Dream World rampaging The Dream World Sumireko has been going on I simply took this unruly child |
Sumireko |
ええ? 外の世界に? |
What? To the outside world? |
BGM: 憑坐は夢と現の間に ~ Necro-Fantasia |
BGM:Yorimashi Between Dreams and Reality ~ Necro-Fantasia | |
Yukari |
問答無用! |
I won't hear it! |
If player loses | ||
Yukari |
夢の世界の菫子なら |
I've already sent the Dream World Sumireko |
Yukari Yakumo DEFEATED | ||
Doremy |
どのような理由であれ 夢の菫子の暴走も そっちを処理するのが |
I don't care what your reasons are, Even Dream Sumireko's rampage is Shouldn't you deal |
Yukari |
え?それは |
Huh? |
Doremy |
夢の住人の暴走は それを解決しない限り |
The dream dwellers are rampaging because As long as you haven't resolved that, |
Yukari |
その話詳しく教えて下さい |
Tell me everything, please. |
Doremy |
完全憑依している間 追い出された夢の住人が |
While they're in perfect possession, The expelled dream dwellers are |
Yukari |
完全憑依にそんな副作用が…… |
To think that perfect possession had such a side effect... |
Doremy |
しかし 完全憑依異変だけでなく 丁度良いです |
But this girl's situation is It seems she's being affected by not only Oh, that's perfect! |
Yukari |
それなら…… |
In that case... |
Stage 5
「宇佐見菫子は三人いる!」 |
"There are Three Sumireko Usami!" | |
BGM: 夢世界フォークロア |
BGM:Dream World Folklore | |
Sumireko |
あれー、現実の世界に 私の肉体は今、お家で寝ている |
What? My body's supposed to be |
Doremy |
嵌められた |
Thanks to that boundary youkai from before, She set us up. |
宇佐見菫子 |
Sumireko Usami | |
Sumireko |
あっ、私? |
Hey, is that me? |
Sumireko |
あ、私だ! |
Hey, it's me! |
Sumireko |
え? |
What? |
Sumireko |
え? |
What? |
BGM Stops | ||
Doremy |
目の前の菫子が |
The one in front of us |
宇佐見菫子 |
Sumireko Usami | |
Sumireko |
ふざけるな! |
Don't screw with me! |
BGM: アンノウンX ~ Occultly Madness |
BGM:Unknown X ~ Occultly Madness | |
Doremy |
どうして菫子に菫子が |
Why is Sumireko possessing Sumireko? |
Sumireko |
えー? |
Whaaat? |
Sumireko |
偽物達がピーピーうるさい! |
Stop chirping, you fake! |
Sumireko |
偽物どもが騒ぐな! |
Shut up, both of you! |
Sumireko |
なんでこうなるの |
No idea why this is happening, |
Before final card, if on Overdrive difficulty | ||
Sumireko |
あーん |
Aghhh! |
Sumireko (opponent/master) |
中々やるわね! |
Not bad! |
Sumireko (opponent/slave) |
偽者は一人ずつ片付けてやる! |
I'm gonna deal with you impostors one-by-one! |
Sumireko |
何だって? |
Huh? |
Sumireko |
私こそが最強のエスパーだ! 私達こそが最強のエスパーだ! |
I, am the true, strongest Esper here! We, are the true, strongest Espers here! |
If player loses | ||
Sumireko |
私こそが、本物の菫子よ |
I'm the real Sumireko! |
Sumireko Usami (opponent) DEFEATED | ||
Sumireko Usami and Doremy Sweet Ending |
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |