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Antinomy of Common Flowers/Story/Tenshi's Scenario
Stage 1
「雲上の人と雲」 |
"A Person from Heaven and Clouds" | |
BGM: 異心同体 |
BGM:Two Minds of One Body | |
Tenshi |
こいつは誰? |
Who's this? |
Shinmyoumaru |
お寺の修行僧だよ |
A trainee monk at the temple. |
Tenshi |
入道? |
A nyuudou? |
Shinmyoumaru |
雲虫? |
Cloud-bug? |
Tenshi |
天界では |
From heaven, a nyuudou |
雲居一輪 |
Ichirin Kumoi | |
Ichirin |
あ、貴方はどっかで…… |
Wait, haven't I seen you somewhere...? |
Tenshi |
ん? |
Hm? |
Ichirin |
聖様と戦っているのを見ました |
You were watching when I was fighting with Lady Hijiri. |
Tenshi |
いかにも! |
None other! A high-class human |
Ichirin |
聖様も神子様も言ってましたよ |
Both Lady Hijiri and Miss Miko said there was |
Tenshi |
あー? |
Ah? |
Ichirin |
本物の天人は |
And that a real celestial |
Tenshi |
ほほう、言うねぇ 丁度良い |
Oho, now you've said it. This is perfect. |
BGM: 至る有頂天 |
BGM:Bhavaagra as Far as the Eye Can See | |
If player loses | ||
Ichirin |
弱いわねぇ、こんなのが |
Wow, you're weak. |
Ichirin Kumoi and Nitori Kawashiro DEFEATED | ||
Tenshi |
ふん |
Hmph! |
Shinmyoumaru |
だいぶ慣れてきたねー |
You're really getting |
Tenshi |
ふっふっふ 私に相応しい良いパートナーに |
Hee hee hee. I'm so glad I met an excellent |
Stage 2
「天人と夢の住人」 |
"A Celestial and a Dream Dweller" | |
BGM: 連帯責人 |
BGM:The One Jointly Responsible | |
Tenshi |
こいつは? |
Who's this? |
Shinmyoumaru |
お面の妖怪 |
A mask youkai. |
Tenshi |
付喪神か |
A tsukumogami, huh? |
秦こころ |
Hata no Kokoro | |
Kokoro |
誰? |
Who? |
ドレミー・スイート |
Doremy Sweet | |
Doremy |
彼女は、天人です |
She's a celestial. She hasn't been down here |
Tenshi |
な? |
Wha- |
Doremy |
夢の世界の貴方が |
Because you're always whining about it |
Tenshi |
夢の世界だと? |
Dream World?! |
Doremy |
私はドレミースイート そしてこちらが |
I am Doremy Sweet, And this is the Dream World's |
Kokoro |
この人、醜い感情だらけです この様な感情が醜い者の存在は |
This person has only ugly feelings. I can't accept the existence of such |
BGM: 心綺楼演舞 |
BGM:Shinkirou Theatrical | |
Kokoro |
さっさと消えうせよ! |
Just die already! |
If player loses | ||
Kokoro |
甘やかされて育ったんでしょうね |
I'm sure you were spoiled as a child. |
Hata no Kokoro and Doremy Sweet DEFEATED | ||
Tenshi |
夢の世界の連中だって? |
You said you were from the Dream World? |
Shinmyoumaru |
こいつ初めて見たー |
I've never seen this one before! |
Doremy |
ええ、勿論です |
Yes, of course. |
Shinmyoumaru |
じゃあ、さっき言ってた |
Then, about what you said before... |
Doremy |
本人がいるのですから |
She's right here. |
Tenshi |
まあ、追放は本当だよ 私は生粋の天人で、生まれながら 暇だから美味しくもない催事用の 催事の準備の邪魔だって |
Well, it's true I was banished. As a natural-born celestial, And all I did was eat some disgusting Said I was "getting in the way." |
Shinmyoumaru |
あ、うん |
Ah... yeah. |
Kokoro |
理不尽だと思う理由が判らない |
I don't understand why you think that's ridiculous. |
Stage 3
「天人と小人」 |
"A Celestial and an Inchling" | |
BGM: 壮言大語 |
BGM:Grandiloquence | |
Tenshi |
えー、だって私は偉いんだよ? |
What? But I'm important, right? |
Shinmyoumaru |
えーっと、まあ |
Um... well... |
Tenshi |
あれ? |
Hm? |
少名針妙丸 |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna | |
Shinmyoumaru |
最強の二人を目指すよー! |
We're gonna be the ultimate pair! |
宇佐見菫子 |
Sumireko Usami | |
Sumireko |
念願の小人を捕まえたわー |
I finally caught my beloved inchling! |
Shinmyoumaru |
ふっふっふ |
Hee hee hee. |
Shinmyoumaru |
なんだと? |
What?! |
Shinmyoumaru |
えっ? |
Huh?! |
Tenshi |
小人がもう一人!? |
Another inchling?! |
Sumireko |
あれ? 小人が二人・・・ |
Wha? Two inchings...? |
BGM: 落日に映える逆さ城 |
BGM:The Inverted Castle Lit by the Setting Sun | |
Shinmyoumaru |
偽物が現れたぞー |
It's a fake! |
Shinmyoumaru |
偽物はそっちだー! |
You're the fake! |
If player loses | ||
Shinmyoumaru |
自分こそが少名針妙丸だ! |
I'm the one and only Shinmyoumaru Sukuna! |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna (opponent) and Sumireko Usami DEFEATED | ||
Shinmyoumaru |
よし勝った! |
Yay, we won! |
Shinmyoumaru |
おかしい、こんな筈では…… |
That's weird... It wasn't supposed to go like this... |
Tenshi |
なんで針妙丸が二人…… |
Why are there two Shinmyoumarus...? |
Sumireko |
どっちかがドッペルゲンガーか 私も同じ目に遭ったから |
One of 'em must be a doppelganger. I had the same thing, |
Shinmyoumaru |
自分は本物よー |
I'm the real one! |
Shinmyoumaru |
偽物が何を言う |
No, I am! |
Tenshi |
ま、どっちでも良いか |
Eh, does it really matter? |
Shinmyoumaru |
あいあいさー! |
Aye aye, sir! |
Shinmyoumaru |
アレー? |
Huh? |
Shinmyoumaru |
えっへっへ |
Tee hee. |
Stage 4
「天人と仙人」 |
"A Celestial and a Hermit" | |
BGM: 開演間近 |
BGM:The Curtain Shall Rise Soon | |
茨木華扇 |
Kasen Ibaraki | |
Kasen |
貴方が噂の天人様ですか |
You must be the infamous celestial. |
Tenshi |
そうよ! |
I am! |
Shinmyoumaru |
こいつは、山に住む仙人よ |
She's the hermit who lives on the mountain! |
Tenshi |
仙人か、日々精進しているかね |
A hermit, huh? Doing that whole ascetic thing every day? |
Kasen |
ええ |
I am. |
二ッ岩 マミゾウ |
Mamizou Futatsuiwa | |
Mamizou |
なんじゃ、これが天人なのか? |
What, so this is the celestial? |
Kasen |
こんなんでも いずれ、私がその座を奪う事に |
Even so, Although I do believe that |
BGM: 千の試練を超えて |
BGM:Overcoime a Thousand Trials | |
Tenshi |
ふん 全身から奢りが溢れ出ているよ 天人として忠告してやろう! |
Hmph! Your whole body is just bursting with luxury! Take this as a warning from a celestial, |
Kasen |
あっはっは その言葉 天の光を捨てて |
Ha! I'll return those words When you throw away the light of Heaven, it becomes garbage! |
If player loses | ||
Kasen |
こんな俗っぽい天人もいるのねぇ |
So there are celestials as vulgar as her then? |
Kasen Ibaraki and Mamizou Futatsuiwa DEFEATED | ||
Tenshi |
弱い! 弱すぎる! |
Weak! Too weak! |
Kasen |
腐っても天人……か |
So even a rotten celestial is still |
Shinmyoumaru |
えっへっへ、上手くいきやしたね この仙人と化け狸は もう、我々が最強と言っても |
Tee hee, we did it! The hermit and the tanuki are At this point, it's no exaggeration |
Tenshi |
なんかお前…… |
You... hasn't your tone |
Shinmyoumaru |
うい? |
Eek! |
Tenshi |
ま、いっか でも地上で最強になるなんて よーし、天界に帰れるまでに |
Well, fine. But obviously I'd be Alright! Might as well rule |
Shinmyoumaru |
良いっすねぇ 考える事のスケールが |
Sounds great! You think on a |
Stage 5
「地上の天敵」 |
"Earth's Natural Enemy" | |
BGM: 知略縦横 |
BGM:Scheming Outside the Box | |
八雲紫 |
Yukari Yakumo | |
Yukari |
スレイブには慣れたかしら? |
Are you used to being a slave yet? |
博麗霊夢 |
Reimu Hakurei | |
Reimu |
まあ何とかね |
More or less. |
Yukari |
貧乏疫病コンビ攻略作戦の命運は |
The fate of our plan to capture the |
Reimu |
ただ? |
Just...? |
Yukari |
あともう一つ |
I think there's one more thing we need |
BGM: 天衣無縫 ~ Yellow Lily |
BGM:Flawless as Clothing of the Celestials ~ Yellow Lily | |
Tenshi |
ん? |
Hm? |
Yukari |
あら? |
Oh, |
Tenshi |
そういえば こいつを倒さなければ |
Oh yeah, I can't rule the Earth |
Yukari |
なんでこんなタイミングに 貴方には興味ないから |
Why do you have to appear now I have no interest in you. |
Shinmyoumaru |
こいつは、反則技のオンパレード |
This is that famous youkai |
Yukari |
あれ? |
Hm? |
Shinmyoumaru |
うへへー、よく判ったねぇ ドサクサに紛れて |
Tee hee! You got me! I forcibly possessed her |
Tenshi |
なんだって? |
Wait, what? |
Shinmyoumaru |
針妙丸は針妙丸だけど こっちの方が面白そうだったから |
I'm Shinymoumaru, but not that Shinmyoumaru. You seemed funner, |
Tenshi |
へえー、そんなこと出来るんだ! |
Oh really? You can do stuff like that? |
Yukari |
戦いの途中で なる程、そういうことか! |
She switched slaves in the middle of the fight? Of course! So that's how it is! |
Tenshi |
ぶつくさ言ってないで |
Stop muttering to yourself and fight me! |
BGM: 憑坐は夢と現の間に ~ Necro-Fantasia |
Yorimashi Between Dreams and Reality ~ Necro-Fantasia | |
Before final card, if on Overdrive difficulty | ||
Tenshi |
心ここにあらずだな |
Apparently your mind is somewhere else. |
Yukari |
お前達のお陰で 完全憑依は見切ったわ! |
Thanks to you, Perfect Possession is no more. |
If player loses | ||
Yukari |
思わぬ情報を手に入れたわ |
You've accidentally given me exactly what I needed. |
Yukari Yakumo & Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Tenshi Hinanawi and Shinmyoumaru Sukuna Ending |
This page is part of Project Translations, a Touhou Wiki project that aims to ensure the quality of translations of all official material in the Touhou Project. |