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Banshiryuu/Story/Hirano's Scenario (C67 version)
Stage 1
Forest of Progress (Arch Progress) |
Forest of Progress (Arch Progress) | |
大いなる逆進化の森 |
The Forest of Great Regression | |
BGM: 戦闘空域 |
BGM: Combat Airspace | |
WARNING!! | ||
Erich ENTERS | ||
Erich |
…はて。 |
...What? |
Hirano |
…失礼。 |
...Excuse me, |
Erich |
………。 |
.......... |
Hirano |
…知っては、居るのですか。 |
...So, you knew about it? |
Erich |
…私は、覚悟を決めたよ。 |
...I've made a resolution. |
Erich |
君が介入するというなら、 |
If you're trying to barge into this, |
BGM: Shocking Assailant |
BGM: Shocking Assailant | |
Erich DEFEATED | ||
Hirano |
協力が得られないのは理解しました。 |
I know you can't help me out here. |
Erich |
止める権利も、力も無い…か。 |
...... |
Erich |
君が進むことは止めない。 |
I can't stop you from going |
Hirano |
ゆく…道? |
On... her way? |
Erich |
彼女に自分で火星にいき、 |
She went to Mars by herself, |
Hirano |
何か、根に本的なずれがありますわ。 |
There's something essentially different we're talking about here. |
Erich |
…は?いや、VIVのことでは? |
...Huh? Wait, this isn't about VIV? |
Hirano |
違いますけど… |
Err... No... |
Erich |
…あ。どうぞどうぞ。 |
...Oh. You may. |
Stage 2
East City "Millions Artificial Gods" |
East City "Millions Artificial Gods" | |
東方都市「八百万の人工の神」 |
Eastern Metropolis "Millions of Artificial Gods" | |
BGM: Endless Night View |
BGM: Endless Night View | |
WARNING!! | ||
Yuuta Kirishima ENTERS | ||
Yuuta |
おねーさん、表の騒ぎ見たでしょ? |
Hey sister, you saw the uproar outside, right? |
Hirano |
そういう、貴方は…? |
Speak for yourself. Who are you...? |
Yuuta |
ああ、はじめまして。僕は雄太だよ。 |
Ah, let me introduce myself. I'm Yuuta. |
Hirano |
私は…止まるつりはないわ。 |
I've... no thoughts to stop here. |
Yuuta |
ふぅん…? |
Hmm...? |
Hirano |
…。ふぅ。 |
... (sigh). |
BGM: Flamethrower |
BGM: Flamethrower | |
Yuuta Kirishima DEFEATED | ||
Yuuta |
納得行なうよ! |
I don't get it! |
Hirano |
…そうね。 |
...Yeah. |
Yuuta |
ますますわかんないよ… |
I'm getting confused... |
Hirano |
貴方とそう大差ないのかもね。 |
Maybe I'm not that different from you. |
Hirano |
間違っていたら、それで良いわ。 |
Even if I'm off, that's still fine. |
Yuuta |
そんなの…僕は… |
Such things... I... |
Hirano |
貴方に関しては、私はなにも言えないわ。 |
I've nothing to say about you. |
Stage 3
Space Port No.4 "From sea To sea" |
Space Port No.4 "From sea To sea" | |
第4宇宙港「海に至る海」 |
Space Port No.4 "Sea Arriving at Another Sea" | |
BGM: Overtake! |
BGM: Overtake! | |
WARNING!! | ||
Hirano |
火星に行きたいの。 |
I'd like to go to Mars. |
The Tri Stars ENTERS | ||
Tolia |
お取リ次ぎできませんわ。 |
We don't lend anyone our warp gate. |
Hirano |
即答…ね。 |
Instant reply... |
Ilia |
あいにくと貸し切りってわけ。 |
We only accept rents. |
Hirano |
わからました。そういうことなら… |
I understood. If it's like that... |
Hirano |
貸していただけるかしら、といったのは |
Asking you if I could borrow it was |
Ilia |
ふぅん、そーくる。 |
Hmph, So Cool. |
Felia |
向かってくる…では貴方が。 |
(She's) heading this way... But |
Felia |
私は、分かってる。 |
I understand. |
Hirano |
分からないわ。聞かないでおく。 |
No. I'll just ignore you. |
BGM: Tri-Star Attack |
BGM: Tri-Star Attack | |
The Tri Stars DEFEATED | ||
Felia |
…。私と、近いのに… |
... You're close to me... |
Hirano |
“先見”のカは辛いわね。 |
The power of "foresight" is no good. |
Felia |
でも、どうだもいいの。それは。 |
But, I don't care whatever happens. That's |
Hirano |
…? |
...? |
Felia |
まだ、諦めない…ねえ、ねえさま? |
We're not done yet... Right, Ilia? |
Ilia |
まったく…おーけい。準備できてるよ |
Of course... OK. It's ready. |
Tolia |
はんと… 変だけど、悪い子じゃないんですよのね |
Indeed... She's not a bad girl, though she's weird. |
Hirano |
…!?何っ!? しまっ…罠… |
...!? What!? Shoot...I've been tricked... |
Stage 4A
Where...? |
Where...? | |
此処は何処…? |
Where Is This...? | |
BGM: お出迎えさせて項きます...... |
BGM: Please Make Me Greet You...... | |
WARNING!! | ||
Hirano |
…ひとまず、攻撃が収まった? 厄介な空間ね…って、きゃっ!? |
...Anyways, I was attacked? This is such a strange place... Eh, eek!? |
Hirano |
なるほど…油断させて本命が攻撃、 |
I see... when I let my guard down, I get attacked |
会う~[sic]。ここはどうなっているのでしょう~ |
Ugh, what is this place? |
Hirano |
強い力を感じる…“鍵”は貴方? |
I feel powerful energy from you... You're the "key"? |
……。 |
...... |
Hirano |
まあ、貴方から答えを間くのは難しい、か。 |
Is it that hard to get a response out of you? |
うぅう…もうあまリ |
Oooh...I don't |
Hirano |
…? |
...? |
ああっ!それは駄目ですっ! |
Ah! No! I can't do that! |
レッド…レッド…レッド… |
Red... Red... Red... |
動けない…このまま…じゃ |
I can't move...In this shape... |
Hirano |
たいしたものだけど、無理よ。 |
Too bad, but it'll be tough for you. |
出…ら…れ…る?ここ…から…? |
We...Can...Get...Out of here...? |
Hirano |
何…これ。貴方…ただの機械じゃない? |
Wait...What? Aren't you just any other ordinary machine? |
だから… |
That's... |
Hirano |
…そうね。御免なさい。 |
...Oh. I'm sorry. |
…なんだか…分からないですけど… |
...I...Don't get it... |
Hirano |
(予感が…する…。 あれか…この事件の鍵になる…) |
(I've a... feeling... She'll be...the key to this incident) |
Stage 5
Mars route T-14 "Warrior God's March |
Mars Route T-14 "Warrior God's March | |
火星航路T-14「軍神の進行曲」 |
Course to Mars T-14 "March of the Army God" | |
BGM: 強攻 |
BGM: Strong Attack | |
WARNING!! | ||
Lagunas ENTERS | ||
Lagunas |
…なず、邪魔をするのですか? |
...Why, why are you bothering us? |
Hirano |
貴方が守ろうとしているものは… |
What you're trying to protect... |
Lagunas |
それでも、私には大切なものです。 |
But still she's important to me. |
Hirano |
苦しめるだけよ? |
She's just suffering like that? |
Lagunas |
消えたほうがましだと? |
You're saying it's better to get rid of her? |
Hirano |
…分はりました。 |
...I got you. |
BGM: give him a roasting |
BGM: give him a roasting | |
Lagunas DEFEATED | ||
Lagunas |
…認め…ない… |
...I...can't...accept this... |
Lagunas |
貴女は…恥…知らずだ。 |
You're...just...shameless. |
Hirano |
ええ。平気です。 |
Yes, I don't care. |
Lagunas |
…な… |
...Wha... |
Hirano |
偽善はあくまで偽善であって悪ではない。 |
There's nothing wrong about hypocrisy that remains hypocritical. |
Hirano |
その善に見える部分に、 |
If you're objecting to, |
Hirano |
…手遅れになったのを、見てきました。 |
...I've faced times when things were out of control. |
Lagunas |
…なっ…認めないぞ、僕は…! |
...Wha...NO! I WON'T ACCEPT THIS...! |
Hirano |
…!? |
...!? |
Stage 6
Red Storm |
Red Storm | |
エネルギー・プラント「レッド・ストーム」 |
Energy Plant "Red Storm" | |
BGM: Don't call me. |
BGM: Don't call me. | |
WARNING!! | ||
BGM: The agonies of death |
BGM: The agonies of death | |
Yuitia ENTERS | ||
Yuitia |
アナタハダレ? |
Who are you? |
Hirano |
…のれ[sic]は…機械? |
...This is... a machine? |
Yuitia |
ワカラナイ… |
I don't understand... |
Hirano |
落ち着いて。ゆっくりと考えて。 |
Calm down. Slow down for a sec. |
Yuitia |
イヤ!シラナイ! |
Hirano |
駄目、か。 |
It's no good? |
BGM: trans-- |
BGM: trans-- | |
Yuitia DEFEATED | ||
Yuitia |
う…あ… |
Oh...Ah... |
Hirano |
大丈夫よ。そのまま力を抜いと。 |
It's OK. Let go of your power like that. |
Yuitia |
…そうか…わたし… |
...Is it...? I... |
Hirano |
違うわ。終わリをつげに尭来たの。 …救いなんかじゃ、ないわ… |
No. I've come here to see the end of it. ...It's nothing like I've come here to rescue someone. |
Yuitia |
…そう?酷いな… |
...That so? You're mean... |
Yuitia |
ねえ。 |
Yeah. |
Hirano |
……。 |
...... |
Yuitia |
ふふ…ありがとう。 |
Hehe... Thanks. |
--Ending-- |
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