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Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red/Lunasa
< | Article and Interview: Yuyuko Guide to Notable Locales in Gensokyo: Scarlet Devil Mansion |
Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red | Article and Interview: Merlin | > |
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○月○日、白玉楼で行われた騒霊ライブは、ライブ中に突然場所を変えると宣言して、観客を全員連れて紅魔館前に移動していたことが判った。移動後も普通にライブは再開し大きな混乱は無かったようだが、あの世とこの世を移動するくらいの大きな大移動に、観客も何故? と首を傾げていた。結局、ライブ終了後も説明は一切無く、観客も盛り上がったからいいや、と言った感じで問題は起きなかった。 | I learned that on Xth the X, the poltergeists who were performing at Hakugyokurou suddenly announced a change of venues in the middle of their performance, moving the entire audience in front of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Although there were no major disturbances as the concert continued after the move, even the audience members were tilting their heads about this migration from the Netherworld to the world of the living, wondering, "Why?" In the end, no explanation was given after the concert was over, and the audience was too excited to bother bringing up the question. | |
そんなお騒がせなライブを行ったのは、プリズムリバー三姉妹(ポルターガイスト)。長女でありリーダーでもあるルナサ・プリズムリバーは移動の理由をこう語った。 | The ones behind such a clamorous concert were the Prismriver Sisters (poltergeists). The eldest sister and the leader of the ensemble, Lunasa Prismriver, had this to say about the move. | |
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また、移動の理由は二人の妹、メルラン・プリズムリバー、リリカ・プリズムリバーにも伝えていなかったと言う。 | She also said that she didn't even tell her sisters, Merlin Prismriver and Lyrica Prismriver, the reason why they were moving. | |
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その思惑通り、観客は誰一人文句を言うことなく、むしろ予想外の出来事を楽しんでいたようである。アーティストならば、演奏だけに固執するのではなく、ライブを創る事が出来なければ一流ではないという。ライブを創るとはライブを楽しませる事だ。良い曲ならば人は楽しむという訳ではない。良いライブを創ると自ずと曲も良くなるのだ、と語る。 | Just as she thought, nobody in the audience said anything. If anything, they seemed to enjoy this unexpected occurrence. It's often said that if an artist is solely insistent about the performance, and does not concern themselves with putting on a good show, they will never become first-class. A concert should be made to entertain the audience. It is not enough to say that "good songs will make people happy." It is more like "a good concert makes your own songs sound even better." | |
ただ、どうして彼女だけがもうすぐ雨が降ると予想できたのかは判らなかった。長女しか気が付かなかったところを見ると、それは騒霊の特性では無いと思われる。 | However, I couldn't find out why she was the only one who sensed that it was going to rain soon. Judging by the fact that only the eldest sister sensed it, I don't think that it is a unique trait of poltergeists. | |
(射命丸 文) | (Aya Shameimaru) |
Aya |
ライブお疲れ様です。今回も楽しませていただきました |
You all did wonderful work at the concert. I enjoyed it just as much as ever. |
Lunasa |
大して疲れないわ。ほら楽器も自分で持っている訳でも歌を歌うわけでもない。 |
Oh, it's hardly 'work' at all. It's not like we're singing, or even holding the instruments by ourselves. |
Aya |
判りました。ライブお楽しみでしたね。今日のライブは雨が降ってこなかったんですね |
I see. Well, the concert was fun. And it didn't rain today either. |
Lunasa |
ライブと雨は関係ないでしょう? |
What does rain have to do with the concert? |
Aya |
ほら、この記事の時のライブは貴方だけ雨が降るって判ったのですよね? |
Here, take a look at this article. You remember this particular concert, right? At the time, you were the only one who seemed to know it was going to rain. |
Lunasa |
それはすぐに判る |
Yes, I knew that right away. |
Aya |
どうやって知り得たのでしょうか |
How did you know that? |
Lunasa |
気圧が下がるとね、テンションも下がるの |
When the air pressure decreases, the tension does as well. |
Aya |
そんな感覚的なことなんですか…… |
I had no idea your intuition was so sharp... |
Lunasa |
感覚的? 何か勘違いしているみたいね。テンションってのはヴァイオリンの弦の張りの事よ。張りが弱くなると音も低くなる。響きも変わる。だからすぐに判る |
Intuition? You seem to be misunderstanding me. I meant the tension in my violin's bowstring. If it slackens, then the pitch decreases. The reverberations change, too. So I always know right away. |
Aya |
あ、そうなんですか。私はてっきり貴方のテンションが下がるのかと思いました |
Ah, so that's it. I thought you were referring to how tense you felt. |
Lunasa |
音程がずれると私のテンションも下がる |
Well, I do feel rather tense if my instrument is out of tune. |
Aya |
あっそう。前から思っていましたが、貴方のバンドって言って良いのか判らないけど演奏団、ヴァイオリンとトランペットとキーボードっていう三人でやってますよね? |
Mm. Quite. Now, one question has been on my mind for a while. Your band-- well, I'm not sure if that's quite the right word to use-- ahem. Your ensemble is made up of only three people playing violin, trumpet and keyboard, yes? |
Lunasa |
そんな事、前から思っていたの? 見たまんまじゃないの |
How long has that been bothering you? You've obviously seen us perform. |
Aya |
まだ途中です。その楽器の組み合わせって、なんか変な組み合わせじゃ無いですか? |
That wasn't my question. Doesn't that seem like a strange combination of instruments? |
Lunasa |
何で? |
How? |
Aya |
どういう曲を演奏しているのか想像できない組み合わせって言うか、音の相性がいいとは考え難いと言うか。そもそも普通バンドって、ヴァイオリンは居ないですよねぇ |
How do I say this... I can hardly imagine what kind of songs that makeup of instruments could perform? They don't seem very... compatible with each other? I mean, a normal band doesn't even have a violin to begin with. |
Lunasa |
だから何で? |
So what? |
Aya |
何でと言われても |
Er. What do you mean, 'what?' |
Lunasa |
貴方は音楽のことを何にも判っていない。音楽の本質は何か、それは音が出ることなのよ。決して音楽を真似ることではない。楽譜なんて枝葉末節。音を出す事こそが重要なの。自然の音から外れた音が騒音なら、本当に優れた音楽は騒音と変わらないのよ |
You don't know the first thing about music. What is the essence of music? Producing sounds, of course. It's never about mimicking a composition note-for-note. Sheet music is superfluous; making sound itself is the most important point. If sounds removed from those that occur in nature are 'noise,' then truly excellent music is no different from noise either. |
Aya |
騒音ですか。確かに貴方達は騒がしいですが |
It's noise, hm? Well, your group certainly is noisy. |
Lunasa |
音が出る物であればどんな物でも騒音を生み出すことが出来る。演奏者が音楽を創るのであって、楽器はあくまで飾りなの |
As long as something can make sound, no matter what it is, we can create noise. The performers are the ones making the music, and the instruments are merely for decoration. |
Aya |
だから、何でも良いから好きな楽器を取った結果がヴァイオリンだった、と言うのでしょうか? |
So, you're saying that any instrument would be fine, and you just happened to pick the violin because it's your favorite? |
Lunasa |
いや、私はヴァイオリンが得意だったから |
No, I picked it because I'm good at it. |
Aya |
楽器はあくまで飾り、って言ったじゃないですか~ |
But didn't you just say that the instruments are simply decorations? |
Lunasa |
得意じゃないと自在に音が出せないでしょ。自由に音が出せないと騒音にもならない |
If I weren't any good with it, I wouldn't be able to play the sounds I wanted, would I? If I can't play it freely, I can't make noise either. |
Aya |
なんだか難しい事を言っている様に聞こえますが、要約すると貴方達のライブは騒音だと |
I feel like most of what you're saying is going over my head, but to summarize, your concerts are essentially noise? |
Lunasa |
お褒めいただき、有難うございます |
That's a wonderful compliment. Thank you very much. |
ルナサ・プリズムリバー | Lunasa Prismriver | |
騒霊(ポルターガイスト)の演奏隊で、妹に次女メルラン、三女リリカがいる。弦楽器、特にヴァイオリンが得意。 | She performs in an ensemble of poltergeists. Has two younger sisters, Merlin and Lyrica. Skilled with stringed instruments, especially the violin. | |
出演作:『東方妖々夢』『花映塚』 | Appearances: Perfect Cherry Blossom, Phantasmagoria of Flower View |
< | Article and Interview: Yuyuko Guide to Notable Locales in Gensokyo: Scarlet Devil Mansion |
Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red | Article and Interview: Merlin | > |
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