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Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red/Marisa
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◯月◯日12時30頃、湖の畔に立っている紅魔館でまたしても空き巣事件が起きた。先月の紅霧異変(※1)が収まって以来、突然空き巣に忍び込まれる事件が相次いでいるのだが、異変が収まってから一月も経っていないが、その数は既に10件以上に上るという。 | On the day of X the Xth at about half past noon, another burglary occurred at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, located by the edge of the lake. Ever since the Scarlet Mist Incident (*1) last month, there has been a surprising number of successive break-ins; not even a month has elapsed since the incident and yet more than ten break-ins have occurred. | |
本紙は、三日三晩に及ぶ張り込みの結果、何とかその犯行現場を写真に納めることに成功した。あいにく担当記者が撮影に没頭するあまり、犯行を止めるまでに至らなかったのは残念である。 | Our newspaper, as a result of a three-day stakeout, managed to obtain photographs of a burglary in progress. Regrettably, the crime could not be stopped, because the journalist in charge was completely devoted to photography. | |
犯人とおぼしき人物は、魔法の森に小汚い住まいを構える霧雨魔理沙(人間)である。被害に遭った住民に話を伺うと、「犯人は判っているんだけどねぇ」と何だか歯切れの悪い様子。先月の紅霧異変と何かしら関連があると推測してしまうのも無理はない。 | The criminal appears to be Marisa Kirisame (human), who lives in an unkempt house in the Forest of Magic. When the victims of these crimes, the residents of the mansion, were questioned, they were evasive in their reply: "But we already know who the culprit is." It wouldn't be unreasonable to think that there's some relationship between this and the earlier Scarlet Mist Incident. | |
犯行内容は至ってシンプルで、堂々と裏口から忍び込んだ後、あたかも最初からそこに居たかのような顔をして館の中を歩き、そしてしばしば気に入った書籍類を持ち帰るというもの。紅魔館ほどの大きな屋敷が完全に留守になる事など考え難く、常に誰かが居る筈なのに犯行を許してしまうとは防犯意識の甘さも感じずにはいられない。というか、留守では無いのだから、空き巣ではないのかもしれない。ただ、強盗の様な強引さも、怪盗のような大胆さも持ち合わせていないので、結局空き巣という呼び名が一番しっくり来る。その為、本記事は空き巣という呼称で統一した。 | The crime was very simple: after casually sneaking in through the back entrance, the criminal acted as if she owned the place, and walked about inside the mansion. She then left with whatever books she felt like taking. It's hard to believe that the palatial Scarlet Devil Mansion would ever be completely unoccupied. I couldn't help thinking that they must have slackened their security to allow these thefts to happen while surely somebody was present. In that case, since the mansion wasn't empty, it might not be accurate to call it a burglary. However, it seemed to be neither mugging nor swindling, so it seems to be the most appropriate name. For that reason, this article has settled on the term burglary. | |
また、被害にあった住人によると、犯人は次のような発言を残している。 | According to the resident who was robbed, the criminal left the following words: | |
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発言の内容は如何にも人間らしい稚拙なものであるが、それよりも住人と犯人が日常的に会話をしていることの方に驚いた。 | The contents of the excerpt are very human-like and childish, but it is more surprising that the culprit and the residents regularly converse. | |
(射命丸 文) | (Aya Shameimaru) | |
Marisa |
何だ? この三流新聞は。 |
What is this third-rate rag? |
Aya |
幻想郷一、早くて素敵な情報を伝える『文々。新聞(ぶんぶんまるしんぶん)』。知らない人がいるとは思って居なかったわ。 |
It's the "Bunbunmaru Newspaper", reporting the most wonderful information with the fastest speed in Gensokyo. I can't believe there's anyone who hasn't heard of it. |
Marisa |
三流だな。内容なんて酷いもんだぜ。一体何処の馬鹿がこんなもの書いてるんだか。 |
Yep, third-rate. The contents are just awful. What kinda idiot would write stuff like this? |
Aya |
正確過ぎる情報は、時として批難されるものです。 |
Sometimes overly accurate information is criticized. |
Marisa |
お前だな、これを書いた馬鹿は。 |
Yer the idiot who wrote this, aren'tcha? |
Aya |
いくら批難を浴びようとも私は記事を書く事をやめません。 |
Even if I am criticized, I shall not stop writing. |
Marisa |
活動的な馬鹿ほどはた迷惑なものはないんだが。それに幻想郷一早いって、この記事は一体いつの話だよ。 |
There's nothin' more annoying than an active idiot. 'Sides, you said it's the fastest in Gensokyo, but when did this story here happen? |
Aya |
紅霧異変の時ですから……たったの20年前位? 12年だったかしら? |
Since it was around the same time as the Scarlet Mist Incident... I guess it's only 20 years ago? Or maybe it was 12? |
Marisa |
2年前だぜ、速い体内時計の持ち主だ。そんな昔の記事なんて新聞にしてどうすんだ。 |
It was two years ago. Yer internal clock is what's fast here. What's the point in writin' 'bout ancient history? |
Aya |
この新聞自体が2年前発行した物ですよ。貴方が私のカメラを見て、『自分が写っている物が見たいぜ』なんて言うから、探してあげたのに。 |
This newspaper itself was published two years ago. You saw my camera and said, "I wanna see an article with my picture in it." That's why I found it for you. |
Marisa |
ああ、そう言えばそんなこともあったかもしれないな。壊れてない写真機なんて幻想郷じゃそんなに見かけるもんじゃなし。……って、ちょっと待て。2年間も私に無断で記事にしていた事を黙っていたのか? |
Ah, Guess that does sound like me, all right. Don't really see many workin' cameras in Gensokyo... Hey, waitaminit! You wrote an article about me without askin' permission, and you didn't tell me about it fer two years? |
Aya |
私は、ただ幻想郷の真実の姿を伝えるだけ。 |
My duty is to report the true form of Gensokyo. |
Marisa |
まったく呆れたカラスだぜ。一体どこに隠れていたんだか。 |
Yer sure one sly crow, huh. Wonder where you've been hidin'... |
Aya |
私達天狗達の眼はいつでも空から幻想郷を見張っています。耳は風に乗ってやって来る会話を聴きます。何処で悪事を働こうとも、全てつらっと筒抜けですよ! |
We tengu have always been watching all of Gensokyo from the sky and we can hear gossip on the wind. No matter where you commit a crime, you can't keep it a secret! |
Marisa |
つまりは千里眼で地獄耳の暇人の集団ってことか。ついでに嗅覚も犬並だったりしないか? |
You mean you tengu have super-powered eyes and ears, and nothin' better to do. Can ya smell as well as dogs? |
Aya |
ノーコメントです。 |
No comment. |
Marisa |
そういや、外で酒飲んでたり美味いもん食ってたりすると、あんたのお仲間たちが何処からともなくすり寄ってくるってな噂があったが。やっぱり犬並? |
Come to think of it, there was a rumor that when we have a feast outside fulla good food and drink, your friends will come out of nowhere and join in. So yeah, about as good as dogs? |
Aya |
事実無根です。不名誉な噂を捏造しないでください! |
That's a baseless rumor. You shouldn't spread rumors like that! |
Marisa |
ああそうかい。しかしこの記事から2年間もお咎めなしだったってのは、本気で発行部数が少ないんだな。 |
Oh, ya don't say? Still, considerin' the article hasn't been criticized for two years, it don't look like ya got too many subscribers. |
Aya |
もっと私の新聞を普及させないといけないですわね。 |
I've got to popularize my newspaper more. |
Marisa |
内容に見合った部数だと思うがね。ところで、外の世界では新聞を読むと酒と洗剤とありがたい御札が貰えるそうなんだが。この新聞にはそういうのは無いのかい? |
I think your paper's quality matches its popularity. By the way, I heard I could get sake, detergent and amulets by readin' a newspaper in the outside world. How about yours? |
Aya |
ありません。 |
No, you cannot. |
Marisa |
できれば酒がいいんだが。 |
I think at least sake would be good. |
Aya |
だからそんな物ありません。『文々。新聞』は内容第一主義なのです。 |
I said no. The "Bunbunmaru Newspaper" gives top priority to its contents. |
Marisa |
その割には記事の内容はいまいちだがな。けど、この一枚だけは貰っておくよ。なかなか良く撮れてるし。 |
Too bad the articles aren't that good. Still, I'll take this one, since it's a pretty good shot of me. |
Aya |
あ、これは私の保存用の一枚だから駄目です。 |
No, this one is for my archives! I can't just give it away! |
Marisa |
借りるだけだ。私が死ぬまで。 |
I'm just borrowin' it. 'Til I kick the bucket. |
Aya |
ほんとにもう、長生きしそうな人間ね。 |
You really seem like a human who'll live for a long time. |
霧雨魔理沙 (きりさめ まりさ) | Marisa Kirisame | |
東方シリーズの主人公の1人で、普通の魔法使い。蒐集癖がある。 | One of the protagonists of the Touhou series, and an ordinary magician. She has an obsession with collecting things. | |
出演作:『東方紅魔郷』 『東方妖々夢』 『東方萃夢想』 『東方永夜抄』 『東方花映塚』 | Appearances: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Immaterial and Missing Power, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View |
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