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Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red/Reisen
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〇月〇日、兎角同盟が神社の宴会で鍋の材料に兎を使用しているとして抗議した。抗議に対して神社側は「使っているよ?兎鍋だもの」と答え、話し合いは平行線を辿っていた。 | On X the Xth, the Rabbit Horn League protested the use of rabbit in the stew served at the shrine banquet. Talks remained distant as the shrine responded to the protest: "Of course I'm using rabbit. It's rabbit stew!" | |
事の起こりは妖怪兎が神社の宴会に乱入したことだった。美昧しそうな鍋を見つけ食べようとしたところ、その肉が兎肉である事が判明し、兎角同盟のリーダーである鈴仙・優曇華院・イナバ(兎)に報告した。 | The incident began when youkai rabbits crashed the shrine banquet. Upon spotting and tasting the delicious-looking stew, they realized the meat in it was rabbit and reported this to the leader of the Rabbit Horn League, Reisen Udongein Inaba (rabbit). | |
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それに対し神社側は、 | In response, the shrine's Reimu Hakurei said: | |
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と、兎肉を使うことを止めない姿勢で居た。 | Her stance was clear that she would not stop the use of rabbit meat. | |
兎角同盟は、月の兎という鈴仙・優曇華院・イナバをリーダーに、地上の妖怪兎達との間に結んだ兎の理想郷を考える集団である。妖怪ではない地上の兎を取り仕切るのは、因幡てゐ幹部(兎)である。てゐ幹部はこう語る。 | The Rabbit Horn League, led by the moon rabbit Reisen Udongein Inaba, is a group of youkai rabbits working to form a rabbit utopia. Handling all the non-youkai rabbits is Manager Tewi Inaba (rabbit). Manager Tewi had this to say: | |
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幹部は食べる人間側より兎側の自衛手段を考えていて、兎角同盟内部でも意見の食い違いが見られる。一般の兎がどちらの意見に傾いているかは不明。 | The manager is considering self-defense measures for the rabbits rather than trying to stop the humans who eat them, so there are dissenting opinions even within the Rabbit Horn League. The opinion of the regular rabbits are unknown. | |
現在は、神社の宴会に兎鍋を出す際には別に鳥鍋も一緒に出す、という妥協案で双方納得している。 | Currently, both parties have agreed to a compromise, in which chicken stew will also be made available whenever rabbit stew is offered. | |
(射命丸 文) | (Aya Shameimaru) |
Aya |
結局、烏鍋を一緒に出す事で妥協したのですね。私としては微妙ですが |
It seems you've compromised on having them offer chicken stew as well, though I find that a bit questionable. |
Reisen |
幾ら言っても聞かないのよ。人間達は頑固で |
Humans are so stubborn! We keep repeating ourselves, but they don't listen! |
Aya |
あの巫女はあんな顔をして自分を曲げないですからね |
That shrine maiden is deceptively inflexible, isn't she? |
Reisen |
伝統とか風習とかそういった物に固執し過ぎなのよ。わざわざ兎を食べなくても、他にも色々食べる物はあると思うんだけどね |
She adheres far too much to tradition and custom. I'm sure there are plenty of other kinds of food they can stew instead of rabbit. |
Aya |
芋とか茸とか山菜とかですね |
There's potatoes, mushrooms, and wild vegetables. |
Reisen |
鳥とか |
Or poultry. |
Aya |
もうわざと言ってますね? 私が鳥だと思って |
You're saying that on purpose, aren't you. You think I'm a bird. |
Reisen |
違うの? |
You're not? |
Aya |
違わないけど。違わないけど! |
No, I am! I am! |
Reisen |
鳥だったら幾らでも食べて貰って構わない。焼き鳥だって認めるわ |
They can eat their fill of poultry, for all we care. Yakitori is fine by us. |
Aya |
詰変わって、なんで兎角同盟って言うのですか? 兎には角は無いでしょう? |
Changing the subject, why are you called the Rabbit Horn League? Rabbits don't have horns. |
Reisen |
無いから常に理想なのよ。現状に満足せず、常に向上心を持って行動する兎の集団、って意味なの |
And because we don't, they are a constant ideal. It means a group of rabbits who are never satisfied with the status quo, but who always strive for improvement. |
Aya |
そうなんですか。てっきり、なんでもかんでも、とかく五月蝿く言う集団なのかと思いました |
I see. And here I was sure it meant a group that horned in noisily on just about everything. |
Reisen |
明日は烏鍋ね |
I think I'll make crow stew tomorrow. |
Aya |
ところで何で鳥鍋を出すことで妥協出来るのですか |
By the way, how were you able to reach a compromise with offering chicken stew? |
Reisen |
食べる物が無いじゃないの |
There was nothing to eat. |
Aya |
あ、宴会には参加するのですか |
Oh, so you're taking part in the banquet? |
Reisen |
参加して食べる物が無かったら、それは抗議するわよ |
We're protesting since we're taking part but have nothing to eat. |
Aya |
抗議の焦点がずれているような・・・・・・ |
You seem to be losing the focus of your protest... |
Reisen |
食べ物無しの宴会は嫌でしょ。それとも貴方はお酒さえあればいいクチ? |
Who wants a banquet with nothing to eat? Or are you saying it's fine as long as there's alcohol? |
Aya |
気分とお酒次第です。呑むならつまみは欲しいですけど |
It depends on the mood and the alcohol, though I like some snacks with my drink. |
Reisen |
まあでも地上の兎の管理はてゐに任せてるので、あの子が仕方が無いって言えばそれまでね |
Mind you, we're leaving management of the Earth rabbits to Tewi, so if she says it's unavoidable, that's it. |
Aya |
案外仲間意識が薄いのですね。兎って |
Rabbit camaraderie is weaker than I thought. |
Reisen |
あの子が特別冷たいのよ |
She's particularly cold. |
Aya |
貴方はどうなんですか? |
What about you? |
Reisen |
私は、唯一の月の兎だからー。そこまで仲間意識は無いし |
I'm the only moon rabbit, so I don't have that much camaraderie. |
Aya |
それでも兎角同盟を組んでいる訳ですよね? 仲間意識とか云々ではなくそんな冷たいことでは良くないと思うのですが |
And yet you formed the Rabbit Horn League? Even if there isn't that much camaraderie or anything like that, carrying on so coldly just seems wrong. |
Reisen |
だってぇ、地上の兎は私の言うこと余り聞いてくれないしー |
Well, the Earth rabbits won't listen to me at all! |
Aya |
凄いリーダーです |
You're quite the leader. |
Reisen |
結局月の兎は私しか居ないし、地上の兎も人語を理解してくれる者が少なすぎて・・・・・・ |
Anyway, I'm the only moon rabbit, and too few Earth rabbits understand human language... |
Aya |
それは確かにそうなんですが、それでよく同盟を組もうと思いましたね |
That's true enough, but I still can't believe you formed a league. |
Reisen |
同盟もてゐと決めただけなの。兎はあの子の命令だけはよく聞くので、殆どあの子任せね |
That was just a decision between me and Tewi. Since rabbits only follow her orders, almost everything's left to her. |
Aya |
そうですか。ところでてゐさんは何者なんでしょうか? |
I see. So what's Tewi like? |
Reisen |
私が地上に降りてくる前からずっと兎達を操っていたらしいけど・・・・・・?細かい事はよくわからないわ |
Apparently, she was controlling rabbits long before I got to Earth, but... well, I don't really know any details. |
Aya |
貴方は、よくそんな滅茶苦茶怪しい兎を部下にしようと思いましたね |
I can't believe you'd make such a senseless, suspicious rabbit your subordinate. |
鈴仙・優曇華院・イナバ (れいせん・うどんげいん・イナバ) | Reisen Udongein Inaba | |
地上人が侵略しはじめた月から逃げ出した、月の兎。その赤い瞳は人間を狂気へといざなう。 | A moon rabbit who escaped from the moon when Earthlings began an invasion. Her red eyes drive humans mad. | |
出演作:『東方永夜抄』 『東方花映塚』 | Appearances: Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View |
- ↑ Reference to the expression "fur on turtles, horns on rabbits" which means "things that don't exist" (comparable to English "hen's teeth")
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