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Bubbling Imaginary Treasures/Story/Sanae and Kanako's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Sanae and Kanako's Extra |
> |
Stage 1
晩春の港に船の影 |
A Ship's Shadow at the Late Spring Harbor | |
鎮守の森 -上空- |
Sacred Shrine Forest -Sky- | |
BGM: ミスティフライト |
BGM: Misty Flight | |
Nazrin ENTERS | ||
Nazrin LEAVES | ||
Sanae |
うーん…。 霊夢さん達、早すぎるわー 折角妖精や妖怪が一杯居るんだし |
Oof... It's too early for Reimu and the others! There's so many fairies and youkai here, it'd be |
??? |
(早苗、そこらへんで |
(Stop right there, Sanae! |
Sanae |
この声は神奈子さま? |
Is that Kanako's voice? |
Kanako |
(そのオプションで会話が出来る様ですよ) (妖怪の賢者の計らいでね) |
(It seems as though we can converse through your options.) (Courtesy of that youkai sage.) |
Sanae |
あ、そうだったんです |
Oh, that's right! |
??? |
この辺に宝の反応が… |
There was a treasure reaction over here... |
Nazrin ENTERS | ||
Sanae |
あら、お寺のネズミ? |
Oh, is that the mouse from the temple? |
小心者でクレバーな賢将 |
Timid, Wise and Clever Commander | |
Nazrin |
なんだ、山の巫女か |
What the...? It's just that shrine maiden from the mountain! |
Sanae |
何ですって? 失礼なネズミね 神奈子さま、成敗してやりましょう |
I'm sorry, what!? Such a rude mouse! Lady Kanako, let's punish her! |
Kanako |
(これこれ、話は最後まで聞いておやり) |
(Here here, please hear her out) |
Nazrin |
山の神の声…? |
The mountain god's voice...? |
Kanako |
(如何にも私が八坂神奈子です |
(Indeed, I am Kanako Yasaka. |
Nazrin |
それはありがたい話だが… 私は私で動かせてもらうよ |
I appreciate that, but... Let me handle it myself. |
Sanae |
むぅ、神奈子様の懇意を足蹴にするとは許せん奴ね |
Grr, I won't forgive you for kicking away Lady Kanako's kindness! |
BGM: 小さな小さな賢将 |
BGM: A Tiny, Tiny, Clever Commander | |
Sanae |
やはり、私が直々に退治します! |
In any case, I'll exterminate you directly! |
Nazrin |
おや、君の懐から反応が… どうやら私にも戦う理由が出来たようだ さあ可愛い子ネズミ達よ |
Oh, I'm getting a reaction to the money in your pockets... Seems like I have a reason to fight you now. Come now, my cute little mice! |
Nazrin DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
うーん、妖怪退治は最高ね |
Yeah, youkai extermination is the best! |
Kanako |
(これ。退治の快感に魅了されてどうする) |
(I--What do you do when someone's fascinated by the pleasure of extermination?) |
Nazrin |
あいたたた。相変わらずだね君は |
Ow ow ow! You're still the same as ever. |
Sanae |
あれれ、逃げないんですね? |
Oh-oh, you're not running away, are you? |
Nazrin |
私は異変の調査をご主人から 君の懐に忍ばしてある怪しげなコインに、 |
I'm here because my master asked me to investigate And I came down here because my dowsing rods reacted to the |
Kanako |
(守矢の巫女ともあろうものが |
(A Moriya shrine maiden should not do |
Sanae |
ち、違いますよ。 |
T-this is different, though. |
Nazrin |
ふむ。興味深い話だが 大方調べ終わったし |
Hmm, what an interesting story. I've done enough research here. |
Nazrin LEAVES | ||
Sanae |
あ、行っちゃった |
Oh, she left. |
Kanako |
(鼠の主人というと、確か財宝が集まる能力を持っていた筈だが…) |
(I hear that the mouse's master has the ability to gather treasures...) |
Sanae |
財宝といえばこの金貨もそうですね 何か関係があるのかしら… |
Treasures such as these gold coins, right? I wonder if that has to do with anything... |
Stage 2
果報が集う浮遊艇 |
Floating Boat Where Good Fortune Gathers | |
聖輦船 -甲板- |
Palanquin Ship -Deck- | |
BGM: スカイルーイン |
BGM: Sky Ruin | |
Minamitsu Murasa ENTERS | ||
Minamitsu Murasa DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
さぁ、追いついたわ |
Alright, looks like I've managed to catch up! |
Kanako |
(毘沙門天代理は何処かしら) |
(I wonder where Bishamonten's proxy is) |
Sanae |
船長さんに聞けばよかったですね |
I probably should've asked the captain about that |
??? |
お待ちしていました |
I've been expecting you. |
Shou Toramaru ENTERS | ||
毘沙門天の代理本尊 |
Acting Principal Image of Bishamonten | |
Shou |
貴方が金貨を集めている人間ね |
You're the human who's been collecting the gold coins, aren't you? |
Sanae |
向こうから出てきましたか |
She came out from over there. |
Kanako |
(色々と手間が省けたわね) |
(Saved me a lot of trouble) |
Shou |
先程ナズーリンから、異変の調査報告が上がりました これで命蓮寺の濡れ衣を晴らすことができます |
I've just received a report from Nazrin concerning the incident. This will dispel the false accusations made towards the Myouren Temple. |
Sanae |
えっ、一体何の話? |
Eh? What the heck are you saying? |
Kanako |
(あぁ、それで鼠が動いていたのね) |
(Oh, so that's why the mouse was out and about) |
Shou |
私の能力は財宝が集まる力ですので 異変の原因が能力の暴走ではないか |
My ability is the ability to gather treasures. So people are wondering if the incident was caused |
Sanae |
あぁ、そういう話でしたか という事で貴方を退治します |
Oh, I see what you mean... Therefore, I'll have to exterminate you! |
Shou |
…そうですか、それも良いでしょう |
...So it would seem. That's also a good option. |
BGM: 虎柄の毘沙門天 |
BGM: The Tiger-Patterned Bishamonten | |
Shou |
しかし、もし貴方が道を この毘沙門天の宝塔の前に |
However, if the path you've chosen isn't correct... Then you shall lay yourself prostrate |
Shou Toramaru DEFEATED | ||
Shou |
負けた。貴方は間違っていないのね |
I lost. So you're not mistaken, after all. |
Sanae |
参ったかー。さぁこの銭を今すぐ何とかして下さい! |
You got me...! Now, please do something about this money immediately! |
Shou |
異変で噴き出た銭の回収でしたら |
If you wish to collect the gold coins the incident brought forth, |
Sanae |
えっ?そうなんですか? |
What? Is that so? |
Kanako |
(その割には数が減っていませんが) |
(But the amount of coins hasn't diminished despite this) |
Shou |
お恥ずかしながら、私の能力でも 聖輦船の格納庫の容量も限度がありますし ナズーリンのダウジングでも |
It embarrasses me to say that even with my abilities, There's a limit to how much the Palanquin Ship's hangar can hold. The area is too large to determine the source, even despite Nazrin's dowsing... |
Sanae |
あのネズミでもダメなんて… |
So even that mouse is useless for the job... |
Kanako |
(それで、異変の調査結果は?) |
(So, what did you find out about the incident?) |
Shou |
幻想郷上空に浮かぶ逆さ城 そこにも例の金貨が集められています |
The upside-down castle floating in the skies of Gensokyo. Gold coins are being collected there as well. |
Sanae |
逆さ城かぁ…。あんまり入った事ないんですよねぇ |
The upside-down castle...I haven't visited that place much. |
Kanako |
(ここで話してても埒が明かないね |
(I don't think that we'll get anywhere by staying here chit-chatting, |
Shou |
城に行くのならこの船で送りましょうか? |
If you wish to head to the castle, shall we send you there on the ship? |
Sanae |
えっ、いいんですか? |
Eh? Is that even ok? |
Shou |
ムラサ船長に頼めばすぐですので |
As soon as you ask Captain Murasa. |
Stage 3
天下を回す者達 |
Those Who Turn the Whole World | |
輝針城 -天守閣- |
Shining Needle Castle -Castle Keep- | |
BGM: 輝く天空の向こう側へ |
BGM: Toward the Other Side of the Glittering Skies | |
Seija Kijin ENTERS | ||
生粋のアマノジャク |
Natural-born Amanojaku | |
Sanae |
貴女は確か例の天邪鬼!? …覚悟!! |
You're that amanojaku, aren't you?! ...Prepare yourself!! |
Seija |
ふん、山の上の巫女か これでも喰らえ! |
Hmm, the shrine maiden living on the mountain. Take this! |
Seija Kijin DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
うわぁ目が回りそう… |
Woah, my eyes are spinning... |
Kanako |
(おやおや大丈夫かい?早苗) |
(My goodness! Are you alright, Sanae?) |
Sanae |
逆さまの城を見ていたら目と首が… |
I was looking at the castle upside-down, then my eyes and my neck... |
Kanako |
(あぁ、天邪鬼の所為という訳ではなかったのね…) |
(Ah, so it wasn't because of that amanojaku...) |
Sanae |
一応まだ余裕はありますが… |
I think I can still handle myself... |
??? |
わーいまたカモが来たー |
Alright, we got another sucker! |
Joon Yorigami ENTERS | ||
Joon |
なーんだピーマン色の巫女じゃないの こんな所にまで信者探し? |
Hey, ain't that the bell pepper-colored shrine maiden? You're looking for new followers in a place like this? |
Sanae |
んまぁ失礼ね 名を聞くまでもないわ |
Well, that's rude... I don't need your name. |
Kanako |
(こやつは確か命蓮寺に居た…) |
(I think she was at the Myouren Temple...) |
最凶の財禍の女神 |
Despicable Goddess of Financial Ruin | |
Joon |
ふふん、特別に名乗ってあげるわ |
Hehe, I'll introduce myself for this special occasion. |
Joon |
私が依神女苑!泣く子も黙る疫病神よ もうお金の臭いを嗅ぎつけてくるとは 姉さん、カモーン! |
I'm Joon Yorigami! The plague god who'll swindle even crying children! Seems like I underestimated you if Come on, sis! |
??? |
どうしたの?女苑 |
What is it, Joon? |
Shion Yorigami ENTERS | ||
最悪の不運の女神 |
Disastrous Goddess of Misfortune | |
Shion |
天邪鬼もいた筈だけど… |
I thought the amanojaku was in there, but... |
Joon |
どうもこいつに |
Apparently, this gal beat her up. |
Sanae |
まぁ余裕でしたね |
Well, that was easy. |
Kanako |
(我等が巫女を侮るなかれ) |
(Never underestimate our shrine maiden!) |
Shion |
このままでは折角集めた金貨が |
It's only a matter of time before the |
Joon |
ふっふっふ。全く問題ないわ 奪われる前に奪ってしまえ! |
Hehehe, that won't be a problem. We'll just take hers before she takes ours! |
Shion |
なるほど、取られる前に |
...Yeah. If we use the aura of the gold coins we collected |
Sanae |
むっ、やる気ね? どこからでもかかってきなさい! |
Mmm, you're in the mood, aren'cha? Come at me from anywhere you'd like! |
BGM: 今宵は飄逸なエゴイスト ~ Egoistic Flowers |
BGM: Tonight Stars an Easygoing Egoist ~ Egoistic Flowers | |
Shion |
威勢だけは良いみたいだけど |
You seem to have a lot of bluster. |
Joon |
どこまで通用するかしらねぇ |
Let's see how far we can go~ |
Joon & Shion |
『我らの力、今再び示さん』 |
Now we'll show you our power... one more time! |
When Joon Yorigami and Shion Yorigami declare their final Spell Card: | ||
アシスト霊撃が乗っ取られた! |
Your Assist Spirit Strike has been taken over! | |
Joon Yorigami and Shion Yorigami DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
二対一なんて卑怯ですよ! |
Two against one? That's not fair! |
Joon |
そっちもアシストして |
You had an assist as well, you know. |
Kanako |
(結果的に数で釣り合って |
(Therefore, our numbers are balanced. |
Sanae |
釣り銭頂かないと割に合いませんよぅ |
It's not worth it unless I get to pocket some change! |
Joon |
んもー姉さんのせいで |
Jeez... We lost again thanks to you, sis! |
Shion |
だって、金貨で厄払いしてくるなんて |
Because I didn't think we'd get exorcised using gold coins~ |
Sanae |
神奈子様が持つ夢幻の神通力の前には |
In the face of Lady Kanako's divine power of dreams, |
Kanako |
(いえ、アシストもタダではないのよ (その金貨が肩代わりをしているだけで) |
(Well, Assists aren't free, either. |
Sanae |
あ、そういう理屈だったんですか |
Oh, so that's the logic behind it. |
Shion |
うーん割と理に適ってるかもね このお金、里に流通してる通貨じゃなくて |
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. This money is not the kind of currency you'd find in the Human Village. |
Sanae |
え、えー!? |
W-whaaaat?! |
Joon |
姉さん、出所に気が付いてたの? |
You know where this stuff came from, sis? |
Shion |
まあね。かすかだけど怨霊に近いオーラを感じてたから |
Well, yeah. I felt a faint aura akin to the vengeful spirits. |
Joon |
それ早く言ってよー |
You should've said that earlier! |
Sanae |
ほんとですよー |
She's right! |
Kanako |
(なるほど、この金貨が気脈の力… (ならば、行くべき場所は一つ) |
(I see, so these gold coins are because of the longmai's power... (There's only one place to go, in that case.) |
Sanae |
地底…つまり地霊殿ですね! |
Underground...That means Palace of the Earth Spirits! |
Joon |
あ、お土産の地底饅頭よろしくー |
Oh, I'd like to have some underground manju buns as a souvenir~! |
Sanae |
解決したら着払いで送っときますね |
I'll send them to you once this is all resolved, cash on delivery! |
逆さ城の天守閣から勢いよく飛び出した早苗は |
And so, Sanae had jumped out of the upside-down castle's tower and |
Stage 4
異変を見つめる瞳 |
The Eye Gazing at the Incident | |
間欠泉地下センター |
Underground Geyser Center | |
BGM: メタルバレットヘル |
BGM: Metal Bullet Hell | |
Utsuho Reiuji ENTERS | ||
熱かい悩む神の火 |
Scorching, Troublesome Divine Flame | |
Utsuho |
侵入者発見! 直ちに排除せよ! |
Intruder spotted! Commencing immediate elimination! |
Utsuho Reiuji DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
うーん地下センターの警備が |
Oof, the Underground Geyser Center's |
Kanako |
(私の方から立ち入り許可を (地獄鴉も、持ち場を離れて態々迎撃に来たようだし) (調査の必要がありそうね) |
(I could've sworn that I'd given you permission to enter...) (Not to mention that the Hell raven seems to have left her post to intercept us.) (Think we'll have to look into it) |
Sanae |
となると地底の妖怪との うーん、腕が鳴るわー! |
A battle with the underground youkai'll be Oh, I'm itching to put my skills to use! |
Kanako |
(もはや何も言うまい…) |
(I shall say nothing more...) |
Satori Komeiji ENTERS | ||
Satori |
お空から侵入者の連絡を受けて 巫女の区別は付けなさいとお空には言っておいたのですが… |
Okuu had told me that there was an intruder here, I thought I told Okuu to distinguish between the two shrine maidens... |
Sanae |
うわっさとりさん!?何故ここに? |
Eep, Satori?! What are you doing here?! |
反則異変探偵 |
Foul Incident Detective | |
Satori |
…そう。麓の神社と分社が それで態々地底まで調査に… |
...Right. So your branch shrine and the shrine at the foothills So you came down here to investigate because of that... |
Sanae |
あのー話聞いてますー? |
Um, hello? Are you listening to me? |
Satori |
理由なら先程言いましたよ |
I had already stated my reasons. |
Kanako |
(今回は緊急事態なのです |
(It's an emergency this time! |
Satori |
…その声は山の神様ですね 協力する事は吝かではないのですが 早苗さんは戦う気満々みたいですよ |
...That voice, it belongs to the mountain god. As willing as I am to cooperate... It would seem that Sanae here is up for a battle. |
Kanako |
(早苗ェ…) |
(Sanaeee...!) |
Sanae |
さとり妖怪と言えば という訳で速攻で倒します |
The satori youkai, they say, So I'll take you down as soon as possible! |
BGM: 少女さとり ~ 3rd eye |
BGM: Satori Maiden ~ 3rd Eye | |
Satori |
余程読まれたくない記憶が貴女にはあるようね でも残念でした そういう人の記憶ほど |
It would seem that you bear memories you'd rather not have read, yes? Unfortunately for you... The more of those memories a person has, the more interesting they |
Satori Komeiji PAUSES | ||
Satori |
さあ、これからが本番よ! 眠りを覚ます |
Now, here's where it really begins! Head to sleep with a trauma that will |
Satori Komeiji DEFEATED | ||
Satori |
強いわねぇ 地上の巫女とタメを張れるだけはあるわ |
You're strong... You've certainly got the makings of an above-ground shrine maiden. |
Sanae |
むぅ、まさか神奈子様の弾幕を |
Woah, I would have never expected to see you |
Kanako |
(まぁ中々の再現度だったわね) |
(I gotta hand it to you, it's a pretty good recreation.) |
Satori |
彼女の記憶の中で一番鮮明で 読んでみてびっくりしたわ |
I picked out the patterns that seemed to be I was surprised when I read it. |
Sanae |
神奈子様の弾幕は日頃の訓練で 寝てても余裕で避けられますよ |
Lady Kanako has me dodge her danmaku as part of I have plenty of time to do that while I sleep. |
Kanako |
(あんまり調子に乗ってるとメニュー増やすわよ) |
(Don't get carried away, or I'll add more to that menu.) |
Sanae |
すいません |
My apologies. |
Kanako |
(…で、早速ですが貴女の知っている |
(...Now, can you tell us everything |
Sanae |
えっ、さとりさんご存じなんですか!? |
Wait, you and Satori know each other?! |
Satori |
ええ、知っていますよ 一言で言うならご近所トラブルなんですが |
Yes, I'm well aware. In a nutshell, it's an issue coming from within the neighborhood. |
Sanae |
うっわショボ… |
Ugh, how disappointing... |
Satori |
実は旧灼熱地獄の片隅に、 力強さと実直性を兼ね備えて見える故に どうやら、炎魔が配下を通じて |
Truth be told, youkai from the mainland are living in a It seems that the Ministry of Right and Wrong had It would also seem that an enma is controlling the area through her subordinates. |
Sanae |
えっ、閻魔様がまさかのラスボス!? |
Eh? The Yama is the final boss?! I didn't expect that![1] |
Satori |
判長様ではありません |
No, it's not the Yama. |
Sanae |
あ、あー。なーんだ |
Oh, ah...I get you. |
Kanako |
(アシストしておいて (こんなの早苗一人で |
(Perhaps it was a good thing that I acted as an Assist...) (There's no way that Sanae could've figured that out on her own...) |
Satori |
まぁこれはスパイを送り込んだお陰で あぁそうだ、もしガイドが必要なら 彼女には潜入調査と案内も頼んでますので |
That revelation isn't too surprising to me, given that my Oh, also, if you're in need of a guide, try meeting with Orin. I asked her to go undercover and lead the way. |
Sanae |
先って、この連絡通路の先ですか? |
Is she at the end of this passageway? |
Satori |
えぇそうですよ |
Indeed, she is. There should be a tunnel at the end. |
Sanae |
なんだかトントン拍子に |
Things are progressing pretty smoothly, aren't they? |
Kanako |
(…早苗、気を抜かないようにね) |
(...Sanae, don't let your guard down.) |
Satori |
私も同意見です |
I agree. |
Stage 5
炉番童子と五つの宝貝 |
The Furnace-Guarding Douji and their Five Holy Relics | |
旧地獄 -流砂区城- |
Former Hell -Quicksand Area Castle- | |
BGM: 砂漠に佇む伽藍堂 |
BGM: A Garan Temple Standing in the Desert | |
Orin (Cat) ENTERS | ||
Orin (Cat) |
(丁度いい所に来てくれたね!) (この先にヤバい妖怪が居るんだ) (さあ案内してやるから付いてきな!) |
(You've come to the right place!) (There's youkai up ahead!) (Come follow me, I'll show you the way!) |
Orin (Cat) DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
なんとか砂嵐を抜けました |
Looks like we've made it through the sandstorm. |
Kanako |
(早苗、大丈夫?) |
(Sanae, are you alright?) |
Sanae |
神奈子様の神風のお陰で何とか… にしても、ここが旧地獄…? |
I was able to make it thanks to Lady Kanako's divine wind... Even so, this is supposed to be Former Hell...? |
Kanako |
(怪しいわね、色々と) |
(This is rather strange, in more ways than one.) |
Kinkaku Umon ENTERS | ||
Kinkaku |
おーおー、あの砂嵐の中 |
Oh wow, how'd ya manage to get here? |
Sanae |
およよ?鬼?いやでもこの尻尾は… |
Whaaa? An oni? But that tail is... |
Ginkaku Samon ENTERS | ||
Ginkaku |
ちょっと待ってよ金閣~ わざわざ炉を止めてまで ウチを置いてってどないすんのよ |
Hold on there, Kinkaku~ I had to shut off the gold and silver furnaces just to check on ya! What're ya' expectin' to do without me, huh? |
Kinkaku |
んなもんトロい銀閣が悪いねん |
Ain't my fault you're so slow, Ginkaku~ |
Kanako |
(狐妖怪の門番二人組か…) |
(They're a pair of fox youkai who serve as gatekeepers...) |
Sanae |
……ふっふっふ。 貴方達が金角と銀角兄弟ね! |
...Hehehe~ You're the brothers Kinkaku and Ginkaku! |
Kinkaku |
おお、よう知っとるな |
Ooh, you sure know your stuff~ |
Ginkaku |
厳密に言えば姉妹やけどねー |
We're technically sisters, though... |
門殊の金炉番 |
Monju's Golden Furnace Guardian | |
Kinkaku |
ワイが金炉番の右門金閣で |
I'm Kinkaku Umon, the golden furnace-keeper! |
門殊の銀炉番 |
Monju's Silver Furnace Guardian | |
Ginkaku |
ウチが銀炉番の左門銀閣や |
And I'm Ginkaku Samon, the silver furnace-keeper! |
Sanae |
炉番…?門番じゃなくて? |
Furnace-keepers...? So you're not gatekeepers, then? |
Kinkaku |
せやね、喧しい怨霊共を溶かして |
You bet! We're meltin' down these fussy vengeful spirits |
Ginkaku |
門番は交代で兼任しとるって訳や |
We also take turns bein' gatekeepers! |
Sanae |
怨霊を炉で溶かして貨幣に…? |
Melting down vengeful spirits and turning them into coins...? |
Kanako |
(そうか、ここは旧地獄の |
(So, this must be Former Hell's mint bureau.) |
Sanae |
なるほど、全て把握しました そこの門、開けて貰えます? |
I see, I understand everything now. So, can you open the gates for me, please? |
Kinkaku |
あー見学希望かー?ダメダメ |
Oh, you wanna inspect the place? Nuh-uh, that's no good! |
Ginkaku |
部外者は立ち入りお断りですー |
Outsiders ain't allowed in! |
Sanae |
見学ではなく異変の調査です 今、怨霊通貨が噴き出す異変が |
I'm not here for inspection, I'm here to investigate an incident. Right now, there's an incident that's making Onryou Currency spill out all over the surface world. |
Kanako |
(それを止める為に私達が来たのです) |
(That's why we're here. To stop that from happening.) |
Kinkaku |
あーもしかしてアレかー? |
Ah, is that what I think it is...? |
Ginkaku |
まーたなんかやらかしたん? |
We did somethin' wrong again, didn't we? |
Sanae |
という訳で、通して下さい 邪魔するなら二人纏めて退治します |
For this reason, I ask that you please let me through. Hinder me, and I'll exterminate the both of you! |
Kinkaku |
ほーう、デカい口叩きよるなー あんさん、名を何というんや? |
Oooh, yer talkin' big~! What's yer name, sis? |
BGM: モンジュドウキーパーズ |
BGM: Monjudou Keepers | |
Sanae |
我が名は東風谷早苗! |
My name is Sanae Kochiya! |
Kinkaku |
成程、それがあんさんの名前か |
I see, so that's your name, huh? |
Ginkaku |
お望み通り二人同時にやったるよ |
Now the two of us will attack you at the same time, just like ya' wished for! |
Kinkaku & Ginkaku |
我等が天より受け継いだ宝具の力 |
The power of the treasures we've inherited from Heaven |
Kinkaku Umon & Ginkaku Samon DEFEATED | ||
Kinkaku |
な、なんでや…ありえへん |
W-why...?! This is impossible! |
Ginkaku |
ウチ等二人同時に相手にした挙句 |
Even with the power of our legendary treasures, she took |
Sanae |
いやー瓢箪に吸い込まれるとは 危険が危ないって感じでした! |
Ohhh, I didn't expect to be sucked into a gourd...! Such a rare experience! It's like there was danger on top of more danger! |
Ginkaku |
うわぁ、全然動じとらんわ… |
Guh, I can't lift a finger... |
Kinkaku |
コイツやべー奴や… |
She's such a jerk...! |
Kanako |
(我が巫女を見くびって |
(It'd be a mistake to underestimate |
Kinkaku |
ところで、ワイ等の事は |
By the way, how the heck'd ya find out who we were? |
Sanae |
鈴奈庵で借りましたので。西遊記 神奈子様は読んでないんですか? |
Thanks to a novel I borrowed from Suzunaan, called "Journey to the West". You read it too, right, Lady Kanako? |
Kanako |
(読破する暇もないわ) |
(I don't have the time to read it.) |
Sanae |
まぁ話数多くて長いですもんねアレ |
Yeah, it is kind of a long read, isn't it? |
Kinkaku |
知名度あると対策されて辛いなー |
We can't counterattack against someone who knows us! |
Sanae |
さぁ、中に入れてもらいますよ あ、ついでに案内もお願いしますね |
Now, let me inside. Oh, and please show me around while you're at it. |
Ginkaku |
肝据わっとるねー。このヒト… |
This human, she's got guts... |
Kinkaku |
うへぇ、こりゃ後で怒られるでー |
Ugh, we can get angry about it later! |
Sanae |
大丈夫ですよ、貴方達の主人も |
Not to worry, I'l exterminate your master |
Kinkaku |
この分だと本当にやりそうやな |
She'll actually do it at this rate... |
Ginkaku |
うわーん、善罪はん堪忍やー |
Waaaah! Please forgive us, Miss Zenzaiii!! |
Stage 6
三昧真火 |
True Samadhi Fire | |
門殊堂 |
Monjudou | |
BGM: 地底の奥深く |
BGM: In the Innermost Depths of the Earth | |
Rin Kaenbyou ENTERS | ||
地獄の輪禍 |
Hell's Traffic Accident | |
Rin |
あの門番を倒すとは中々やるねぇ これであたいも任務を全うできるよ さあ!一緒にひと暴れといこうか! |
Pretty amazing how you defeated those gatekeepers. Now my mission can be completed! Come on! Let's go wild together! |
Rin Kaenbyou DEFEATED | ||
Sanae |
あ、あ、暑い!暑すぎる! |
Ah, aaaah, hot! Too hot! |
Kanako |
(遠隔だからコレが限界よ) |
(I'm working remotely, so this is the best I can do.) |
Sanae |
熱中症になっちゃいますってばー ええーい責任者出てこーい! |
I'll end up getting a heat stroke at this rate... Whoever's in charge, show yourself now! |
Zenzai Monjuin ENTERS | ||
Zenzai |
ようこそ、門殊堂へ |
Welcome to Monjudou. |
Kanako |
(本当に出たわね…) |
(She actually showed up...) |
Zenzai |
炉番童子達から話は聞きました 部外者の立ち入りは原則禁止ですが |
I've heard about you from my gold and silver Douji. It's against the rules for outsiders to enter, but I'll grant permission to you in particular. |
Sanae |
えーっと、どちら様です? |
Ummm, who are you? |
善知を悟る炎魔 |
Fire Demon Who Discerns Wisdom and Virtue | |
Zenzai |
おっと。紹介が遅れました 炉番童子の従姉妹であり |
Oops, I'm late with the introduction. I'm a cousin of the furnace-guarding Douji, and the manager of this furnace. |
Kanako |
(あぁ、確か門番の二人が去り際に言っていた…) |
(Ahh, I'm pretty sure those gatekeepers said the same as we were leaving...) |
Zenzai |
さて東風谷早苗さん、でしたっけ |
So, what do require out of me, Miss Sanae Kochiya? |
Sanae |
怨霊通貨の流出を止めに来ました |
I'm here to stop the Onryou Currency from spilling out, |
Zenzai |
えっ、なんですって?? |
W-what did you say?? |
Kanako |
(この期に及んでシラを切るつもりかい?) (門番が喋ってくれたよ |
(Oh, so now you're choosing to play dumb?) (The gatekeepers told us everything. |
Zenzai |
…あぁ、そういう事ですか 確かにその責は私にありますが… 暴れた事とは、また別件ですよ? 貴女は、罪も関係も無い妖怪達を |
...Oh, I see what you mean. I absolutely take full responsibility for that... But surely, that isn't the same as acting out of violence, is it? Tell me, how many sinless youkai have you exterminated? |
Sanae |
多分貴方で13人目だと思います 見逃すという選択肢はありません! |
I think you might be the...thirteeth? No way am I passing up on this opportunity! |
Zenzai |
随分威勢のいい人間ね いいでしょう、相手になります |
You're a very brave human. Alright then, I'll be your opponent. |
BGM: 善財童子の讃嘆 ~ Bubbling Imaginary Treasures |
BGM: Extolment of Shancai Tongzi ~ Bubbling Imaginary Treasures | |
Zenzai |
聖嬰大王の名に置いて、五行を模りし火車に命ず! 三昧真火の劫火をもって |
In the name of the Boy Sage King, I take command of the kasha in the form of the five elements! And incinerate the sky god's shrine maiden |
Zenzai Monjuin DEFEATED |
- ↑ This is referring to how "Fire Demon" (炎魔), Zenzai's species, and "Yama" (閻魔) are both pronounced "Enma" (えんま) in Japanese.