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Cage in Lunatic Runagate/First Chapter
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< | Aphorism | Cage in Lunatic Runagate | Second Chapter | > |
第一話 賢者の追憶 | Chapter 1: The Sage's Recollection | |
夏を迎えたばかりの幻想郷の夜が、青白く冷たい月の光で包み込まれていた。妖怪にとって月の光は日の光の何倍も眩しく、普段見えない筈の物も照らし出す。 | The moon shone down on Gensokyo in early summer, bathing the land in a cool, white light. As moonlight is much brighter than sunlight to youkai, it illuminated things that they were normally unable to see. | |
こんな夜の妖怪は、月明かりが照らし出す妖怪の道を使って先回りをし、人間を襲うのである。月明かりがあれば妖怪の目にはよく見えるのだが、人間には暗すぎて何も見えない。夜は道も見えず、目の前の物が人間なのか妖怪なのか岩なのか判らないのだ。 | On nights like this, the youkai stalk the night paths illuminated by the moon, lying in wait for humans to attack. Youkai can see perfectly by the light of the moon, but humans' eyes are blinded by the darkness. People can't see the path well in the dark, and they can't easily tell if what's standing before them is human, youkai or just a stone. | |
そんな状態だから通常人間は夜は出歩かない。今夜も幻想郷の殆どの人間は家で大人しくしていた為、空から何かが舞い落ちてきた事に誰も気が付かなかった。 | As a result, most humans don't travel at night. And the same as always, most humans were shut tight in their homes, so nobody noticed the mysterious object that fell from the sky at night. | |
空から舞い落ちてきた物は何だったのだろう? 十尋(およそ18メートル)以上はあったと思われる布の様なひらひらの物体は、まるで何処かで見た児童向け創作妖怪の様に空を自由に飛び、やがて神社の方に消えた。 | Just what was this thing that fell from the sky? At a distance of ten fathoms (about 18 meters) or more, it would appear to be something fluttering like a piece of cloth, almost like a certain youkai from a story for children, flying freely through the night sky and eventually disappearing over the shrine. | |
今日は例月祭の日である。例月祭とは、月と地上の距離が最も近くなる満月の日に行う祭りである。この祭りでは団子など丸い物を偽の満月と見立てて、相対的に満月を遠ざける。少しでも満月を遠ざけて、月の使者がやってくる事を防ぐのである。勿論この祭り自体、私が考えて始めた物だ。 | Today is the day of the Monthly Lunar Festival. This festival is held on the night when the Earth and the Moon are closest during the full moon at the time. The festival uses round objects, such as dumplings, as fake full moons in a symbolic attempt to keep the full moon far away. If the moon is far away, then the moon's emissaries will stay away, as well. Of course, I was the one who first thought up this festival. | |
今、庭では兎達が団子を搗いている筈である。その団子には私の指示により様々な薬が混ぜられている。その薬には二つの意味がある。月の兎が搗いている物は、今ではお餅と言われているが本来は薬であるという事と、もう一つは兎達が団子を摘み食いする事を想定したという事である。団子に兎を興奮させる薬が入っている為、予定通り兎が摘み食いをすれば祭は |
Now, the rabbits should be in the garden, pounding rice for the dumplings. The dumplings they make have various sorts of medicine mixed into them, according to my directions. This medicine is significant for two reasons. One is that, while we say that the rabbit on the moon pounds rice cakes, they're really making medicine, and the other is it's likely that the rabbits will sneak some of the dumplings into their mouth as they make them. Since the dumplings have medicine in them to make the rabbits more excited, the festival will be all the more lively if they sneak some to eat, as I expect they will. | |
東の空に光の布が舞い降りてくるのを見たのは、兎達の歌を聴きながら空を眺めていた時だった。その布は青白く光っていた。月の賢者である |
I first saw the glimmering cloth in the eastern sky while listening to the rabbits' song and gazing at the sky. The cloth shone with a pale light. As the sage of the moon, Eirin Yagokoro, I knew. I knew that the light shone on the same wavelength as the moonlight. That it was, in fact, a lunar veil. | |
「――失礼します。お師匠様、例月祭は無事終わりました」 | "...Excuse me. Master, the festival has ended with no problems." | |
一匹の兎が私の部屋に入ってきた。 |
One of the rabbits entered my room. Named Reisen Udongein Inaba, she's the moon rabbit who calls me her master. Her real name is just Reisen, but since she lives on Earth now, I gave her a name written in the fashion used by those born on Earth. | |
彼女は月面戦争から逃げ出してきた兎だったのだが、たまたまこの家に迷い込んできた所を私が匿う事になった。彼女を含む月の兎には、遠く離れた場所でも会話が出来る特殊な能力が備わっている。彼女を匿う事で私も月の都の情報を仕入れる事が出来ると考えたのだ。 | She originally fled the Lunar War, but I hid the fact that she stumbled upon this house by accident. All of the moon rabbits, including her, have the ability to communicate with each other across long distances. I believed that by hiding her existence here, I could obtain information about the lunar capital. | |
実際、実に役に立ってくれている。こうして安心して地上で暮らせるのも、彼女の働きが大きい。 | She has been, indeed, a great help to me. She's done a great deal to help ensure that we can continue to live safely on Earth like this. | |
「随分と早かったわね、鈴仙。最近何も起きないからって、手を抜いたりしてない?」 | "That was awfully quick, Reisen. I hope you're not cutting corners because it's been so calm lately." | |
「いいえいいえ、とんでも御座いません。いつも通り |
"Of course not. We've taken great care, as usual, to make sure the festival ended smoothly. The earth rabbits were happy to eat their fill of dumplings." | |
「そう、ご苦労さんでした。それであの娘は何処に?」 | "Well, good work. Oh, where is that other girl?" | |
そう訊くと、鈴仙は少し顔を曇らせた。 | Reisen's expression darkened a bit on hearing my question. | |
「てゐの事ですか? てゐは、いつも通りどっかに遊びに行ってしまったみたいです。祭の日は特に姿を消しやすいのですよ」 | "You mean Tewi? Tewi's... off playing somewhere, same as ever. It's easier for her to disappear on festival days." | |
幻想郷には月の姫、 |
The princess of the moon, Kaguya, lived in Gensokyo, hiding for over a thousand years so that others wouldn't find her. | |
何故、姿を隠さなければいけなかったのか。それは許されざる大罪を犯し、月の使者から逃げなければならなかったからである。人間に知られると、月の使者にも見つかりやすい。そう考えたのだ。 | Why did she have to spend those years in hiding? It's because of the grave sin she committed that condemned her to a life of fleeing the emissaries of the moon. If humans knew about her, it would be easy for the moon to find her. That's what we believed. | |
私はその輝夜の数少ない味方としてずっと智慧を貸してきた。幸い幻想郷には迷いの竹林と呼ばれる妖精ですら道に迷うという竹林があった。その竹林の中なら、誰にも見つかる事はないと、姫の為に特別なお屋敷を用意した。それがここ、永遠亭である。 | As one of Princess Kaguya's few allies, I've always been by her side to support her with my knowledge. Fortunately, in Gensokyo there is a place called the Bamboo Forest of the Lost, where even youkai find it easy to become lost. Deep within that forest I prepared a special mansion for the princess where no one could easily come across it. That is this place, Eientei. | |
永遠亭は特殊な建物であった。人間に見つからない限り、歴史が進まない仕掛けがしてあった。姫の永遠を操る能力と私の智慧の結晶である。歴史が進まないというのは、歴史になるような事件が何も起きないという事である。 | Eientei is an unusual structure. As long as humans don't find it, its history does not move forward. It's the product of the princess' control over eternity and my own knowledge. That the mansion's history never moves forward means that nothing that occurs here will become recorded history. | |
私は長い間、姫と二人でこの歴史の止まった永遠亭に住んでいた。初めの数百年は隠れ住んでいる事もあり、時の流れを感じたりする余裕はなかったのだが……そんなある日、一匹の白い服を着た妖怪兎が迷い込んできて事態は一変する。 | For a long time I lived together with the princess in a mansion where history had been stopped for all eternity. For the first few hundred years, we led our lives in secrecy and paid little heed to the passage of time, but... one day, a lone youkai rabbit in white appeared, and everything changed. | |
その妖怪兎が何故この永遠亭に入る事が出来たのか未だに判らないが、それが永遠亭に住み始めてから初めての歴史だった。 | I still don't know how that rabbit found us out, but it was the first event in Eientei's history since its establishment. | |
妖怪兎は自分はこの迷いの竹林の持ち主であると言い、私達が隠れ住んでいる事をずっと前から知っていたらしい。私が警戒していると、別に敵になるつもりはない、兎達に智慧を授けてくれるのなら人間を寄せ付けないようにしてあげましょう、と言ったのだ。 | The rabbit told us that she was in charge of the Bamboo Forest of the Lost, and it seemed she'd always known we had been living there. Sensing my alarm, she said she had no intention of becoming our enemies, but would help ensure that no humans would ever approach if we would bestow our knowledge on the rabbits. | |
その妖怪兎は |
That youkai rabbit was named Tewi Inaba, and now lives in Eientei. | |
「そうねぇ。あの娘は昔から自由奔放だったわ」 | "Yes, that girl's always been something of a free spirit." | |
「困ったもんですよ。祭の後片付けも中途半端な状態のままどっか行っちゃうんですから。それにつられて他の兎もみんなちりぢりに消えちゃうから、結局私一人で片付けしてるんです。片付けも出来ないなんてどういう教育を受けてきたんでしょう?」 | "It's such a pain. She just left, even though the cleanup from the festival is nowhere near finished. And, of course, all the other earth rabbits slipped away with her, so now I have to do all the cleaning up. What has she learned from you, anyway, if she can't even stay around to clean up?" | |
そこまで悪態吐いて、てゐは鈴仙より前から永遠亭にいた事を思い出し、ばつが悪そうに「お師匠様の教育の事を言っている訳じゃ無いですよ」と付け加えた。 | After being so abusive, Reisen remembered that Tewi had been at Eientei for much longer than she had. Looking uneasy, she added "It's not that I criticise the education you gave her, Master." | |
「まあまあそう言わずに、あの娘を後で探しておいてね」 | "Well, in any case, please go look for her afterward." | |
「判りました。でも……いつも思うんですけど、お師匠様はてゐには甘過ぎじゃ無いでしょうか? 少しぐらい厳しく言ってあげてください。私の言う事は聞かないけど、お師匠様の言う事なら聞いてくれると思いますので」 | "Okay, but... this has been on my mind for a while but aren't you a little too easy on her, Master? It would probably do her good for you to scold her once in a while. She won't listen to me, but I think she'd listen to you." | |
「うふふ。残念ながら、私の言う事も聞いてくれないわ」 | "Oh ho. Unfortunately, she won't listen to me, either." | |
「え、そうなんですか? じゃあ、何で飼っているんでしょうか?」 | "What, really? Why do we keep taking care of her, then?" | |
てゐは只の妖怪兎ではない事は明らかであった。地上の兎はてゐの言う事なら何でも聞いた。本人を見ていると何の威厳も感じられないが、大量の兎を自由に操る姿はどことなく仙人を思わせる。 | It was clear that Tewi wasn't just a normal youkai rabbit. All the earth rabbits listened to everything she said. Though there was nothing at all dignified in her appearance, the idea of her being able to control a great number of rabbits at will brings to mind the image of a hermit who has achieved enlightenment. | |
「地上の兎達はてゐの命令しか聞かないの。それがどういう意味か判る?」 | "The earth rabbits only listen to Tewi. Do you know what that means?" | |
「てゐが地上の兎の中で、一番偉いって事でしょうか?」 | "That Tewi is the most powerful of the earth rabbits?" | |
「あの娘が居ないと作業兎が使えなくて私が困るって事よ」 | "Without Tewi, we wouldn't be able to use them at all, which would be a problem." | |
そう話しながら、私には気がかりな事があった。先ほど見た光の筋は紛れもなく月の羽衣である。使者なら地上に一人で来る筈は無いのだが……正体が判からない<>。てゐもそれを見つけて消えたのではないだろうか? | Something troubling occurred to me as we had this conversation. That ray of light was without a doubt a lunar veil. The moon wouldn't send someone all by themselves, but... I don't understand the entire situation. I'm sure Tewi saw her, too, and that's why she disappeared. | |
「ところで、祭なんだけど本当に変わった事は無かったの? 神社付近でとか」 | "Anyway, nothing strange happened during the festival, did it? Say, around the shrine, for example." | |
「神社付近? いえ……特には、何かあったのですか?」 | "Around the shrine? No... Is something wrong?" | |
「そう、何もなかったなら別に良いわ」 | "Maybe. Hopefully it's nothing." | |
月の羽衣とは、満月と地上を繋ぐ一種の乗り物である。しばしば天女の羽衣と混同される事もあるが、天女の羽衣は反質量の布であるのに対し、月の羽衣は月の光を編み込んだ波でできているゼロ質量の布である。この二つは全くの別物である。 | The lunar veil is one of several vehicles that allow one to travel between the Earth and the full moon. It's often confused with the divine robes of a heavenly maiden, but the latter refers to articles of clothing constructed from cloth with negative mass, while the lunar veil is a massless garment with moonlight woven into the fabric. They are, of course, completely different things. | |
月の羽衣は質量が無い為、下降気流でも無い限りひとりでに落ちてくる事はあり得ない。それが舞い落ちてきたという事は、必ずそれに乗っている者が居る筈である。今はその者が何者なのか、敵なのか味方なのかも判らない。だが、月の使者に居場所を知られて、また逃げ隠れる生活に戻るのは嫌だった。 | Since the lunar veil has no mass, it's implausible that it would fall to Earth by itself even in the absence of a downward air current. The fact that it was falling therefore indicates that somebody was using it. I still didn't know who that person was, or whether they be friend or foe. What was certain is that I had no desire to be discovered by the moon's emissaries and forced into a fugitive's lifestyle again. | |
止まっていた永遠亭の歴史は三~四年前のあの事件をきっかけに動き始めたばかりである。しかし、一度動き始めてしまうともう後戻りは出来なかった。 | Eientei's frozen history had only begun moving again since that incident three or four years ago. But once it started, there was no going back. | |
歴史が動き始めてしまうと、後は人間のように昔の事を懐かしく思うだけの生活となってしまう。判っていても、もう歴史が止まっていた頃の生活には戻りたくなかった。 | Once our history began to move again, we began to live our lives yearning for the way things had been, just like humans. Yet, we had no wish to return to the way things had been when our history had stopped. | |
「お師匠様? 何か考え事でしょうか? 取りあえず私は祭の片付けが残っていますので一旦戻ります。てゐが数刻経っても戻ってこないようでしたら、探しに行きますので」 | "Master? What's on your mind? I still have to clean up from the festival, so I should go back for now. If Tewi doesn't come back in a while, I'll go out to look for her." | |
「ああそうね。よろしくね」 | "Ah, yes. Please do." | |
そう言うと鈴仙は部屋から出て行った。 | And so Reisen left the room. | |
月の羽衣を見た所為だろうか、遥か昔、私が月の賢者として月の都にいた頃を思い出していた。私は月と地上を行き来する使者のリーダーとして働き、今一緒に暮らしている輝夜姫以外にも、二人の御姫様姉妹を小さい頃から教育していた。 | Perhaps it was because I'd seen the lunar veil earlier, but I was reminded of a time long, long ago when I lived in the lunar capital as the sage of the moon. Then, I acted as the leader of a group of emissaries that traveled between the earth and the moon. I also had been the teacher of two princess sisters since they were very young - princesses other than Princess Kaguya, with whom I now live. | |
二人の姫は私の遠い親族である。人間風に言えば私から見て又甥の嫁、及び又甥夫婦の息子の嫁、という何とも遠い縁だったが、私は二人の教育係として様々な事を教えた。姉は天性の幸運で富に恵まれ何不自由なく暮らし、妹のお姫様は非常に頭が切れ、私の言う事を何でも吸収していった。私はいずれこの二人に月の使者を任せる事になるであろうと考えていた。 | The two princesses were my distant relatives. To put it in human terms, one was the wife of a grandnephew of mine, while the other was the wife of their son[1]. They were quite distant relations, but I served as a tutor of sorts to both of them. The older sister was blessed with natural good fortune and never had to deal with any hardship, while the younger sister was exceedingly sharp and seemed to absorb everything I said. It was commonly understood that one day I'd leave the emissaries of the moon in their hands. | |
しかし輝夜姫が大罪を犯し、地上に落とされてから月の都の事態は一変する。 | But after Princess Kaguya's great crime and subsequent exile to Earth, the moon changed enormously. | |
いやその言い方は正確ではない。私が大罪を犯したのである。私は自分の知識に自信を持っていた。持ちすぎていた為に些細なミスを犯したのだ。 | Well, that's not quite accurate. I was the perpetrator of that crime. I was confident in my knowledge. And, because I was too confident, I committed a minor error. | |
簡単に言うと蓬莱の薬、つまり不老不死の薬を輝夜に渡してしまったのだ。蓬莱の薬は作ってはいけない禁忌の薬だった。輝夜は蓬莱の薬を飲み不老不死となった。それと同時に月の都から追放された。 | That minor error was to give the Hourai Elixir, that is, the elixir of immortality and eternal youth, to Princess Kaguya.
I made the forbidden concoction, and Princess Kaguya drank it to become immortal. And so, she was expelled from the lunar capital. | |
私は悔いた。悔いた結果、輝夜を月の都に連れ戻す際に月の使者を欺いて輝夜を救い出し、そのまま地上に隠れ住む事にした。 | I regretted my actions, and as a result, when it came time to bring Kaguya back to the moon, I deceived the moon's emissaries and rescued Kaguya, and together we hid on Earth. | |
蓬莱の薬を使うと人間と同じ穢れが生じてしまう。私は輝夜が月の都に戻ったとしても、まともな生活が出来ない事を知っていた。輝夜が暮らしやすいように地上で人間として暮らせる場を設け、それで私も罪を償おうと思ったのだ。 | Those who use the Hourai Elixir take on the same taint as humans. I knew that even if Kaguya could return to the lunar capital, she couldn't live a normal life. I decided that in order to help her live an easier life, I would prepare a place where she could live as a human. I thought I could atone for my sin like that. | |
そう言えば月の使者として輝夜をお迎えに行く前日、二人の姫に月の使者の後任をお願いしていた。あれから、千年以上は優に過ぎているが、姫達は何も言わずに置いてきた事を怒っているのだろうか。 | Incidentally, the day before I left for the Earth in my capacity as an emissary of the moon to retrieve Kaguya, I left the service of the lunar emissaries in the hands of the two sisters I'd been tutoring. A thousand years have passed since then, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn that they're still angry over my sudden departure so long ago. | |
「お師匠様! 失礼します」 | "Excuse me, Master!" | |
鈴仙が大慌てで部屋に入ってきた。 | Reisen burst into the room. | |
「どうしたの? そんなに慌てて」 | "What's wrong? You're awfully flustered." | |
「いや、慌てるつもりは無かったのですが……来客です。来客が慌てていたのでつられてしまいました」 | "No, it's nothing that important. We have a visitor. She's flustered, too, so I guess it rubbed off on me." | |
「こんな夜中に来客? 急患かしら」 | "A visitor, at this hour? Is it an emergency patient?" | |
「いやあ、またあの困った巫女ですよ。いつぞやもこんな事がありましたね。夜中に突然現われて……」 | "No, it's that troublesome shrine maiden again. It was like that last time, wasn't it? She suddenly appeared in the middle of the night... " | |
「まあいいわ」と言って部屋を出た。月の羽衣が舞い落ちたのは東の空、東と言えば神社のある方向である。何か胸騒ぎがする。 | "Ah, well," I said as we left the room. The lunar veil had appeared in the eastern sky, and the shrine is in the same direction. I felt ill at ease. | |
玄関には両腕を腰に当て、堂々と仁王立ちしている人間の少女の姿があった。 |
The imposing figure of a human girl with her arms akimbo awaited us in the entryway. She was the shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine that lay on the eastern edge of Gensokyo. | |
「あ、やっと出てきたわね、宇宙人。あんたらの仲間が怪我してるって神社を占拠して困っているの! 何とかしてよ」 | "Finally. There you are, alien. One of your crew is hurt and holed up in my shrine! Do something about it." | |
この巫女は何処に行っても、まずは怒りから出た言葉で会話を始めようとするのである。感情的な言葉だけでは会話は成り立たない物だが、人間にはそれが判らないらしい。 | No matter where she goes, this shrine maiden seems to start conversations with angry words. Emotional outbursts are no way to start meaningful conversation, but humans don't seem to understand this. | |
「私達の仲間? 怪我?」 | "One of our crew, hurt?" | |
「そう、傷ついた妖怪兎がうちで寝ているの。引き取るなり何なりしてよ」 | "That's right, I've got an injured youkai rabbit at my place. Go take her back, or something." | |
「ちょっと待って、鈴仙、例月祭は無事に終わったんじゃなくて?」 | "Wait a moment, Reisen, I thought you said the festival ended without incident?" | |
「え、ええ、誰一人怪我人は出ませんでした」鈴仙は即答した。 | "Uh, yes, that's right, not a single person was hurt," Reisen answered. | |
「じゃあ、もしかして、 |
"Hmm, perhaps she's talking about her, then?" | |
私がそう言うと、その質問に答えるように霊夢の背中から大きな声が聞こえてきた。 | As soon as I'd said that, a loud voice rang out from behind Reimu as if in reply. | |
「怪我人なんて知らないよ。こうやって話を聞いていたけど、私の知る限り妖怪兎は一匹も減っていない」霊夢の背中からてゐが上半身だけ横に出してそう言った。霊夢も後ろにてゐが居る事に気が付いていなかったようだ。 | "I don't know about anyone getting hurt. I've been listening to your conversation, but as far as I know none of the rabbits are missing." Only the top half of Tewi's body could be seen poking out of the greenery behind Reimu. It looked like even Reimu hadn't realized she'd been there. | |
てゐの神出鬼没さは今に始まった事ではない。気が付いたら居て、気が付いたら居なくなっている。それでも、重要な時には必ず居るのだ。 | This wasn't the first time Tewi had pulled this stunt. She'd be beside you before you know it, and she'd disappear just as quickly. Still, she'd always be around when you really needed her. | |
「あ、てゐ! 何処をほっつき歩いていたのよ! まだ探してなかったけど」鈴仙がそう叱っても、聞く耳を持とうとしなかった。 | "Oh, Tewi! Where have you been wandering around? Well, I guess I haven't started looking for you yet." Reisen began complaining again, but Tewi was in no mind to pay any attention to her. | |
「ふあぁあ。祭が終わると何故か兎達が陽気になるからね。少し散歩して酔いを覚ましてただけ」 | "*Yawn* Well, the rabbits are always so excited for some reason when the festival is over, but I thought I'd try to walk it off." | |
てゐは、手を頭の上で振りながら「何故か」を強調して言った。私が団子に兎が陽気になる薬を混ぜている事に気付いているのだろう。 | Tewi put her hand on the back of her head as she emphasised "for some reason". She probably knew about the medicine I put in the dumplings to make the rabbits more excitable. | |
「そんな訳でわたしゃ疲れたよ。奥で休む」そう言って、玄関を上がり家の奥に行こうとしたので、私は気になっていた事を質問した。 | "Well, I'm pretty tired. I'm going to go rest inside." With that, she stepped into the entryway and made as if to head into the house. I took the opportunity to ask about what had been bothering me before. | |
「あ、ちょっと待って。てゐ、祭の最中、神社の方で気になる事は無かったかしら?」 | "Just a moment. Tewi, did you see anything interesting during the festival tonight, in the east near the shrine?" | |
てゐは少し考えて「…… |
Tewi stopped to consider that for a moment. "...Ama-no-Iwato Wake-no-Mikoto. I saw a god I haven't seen in a really long time," she said, and made her way into the mansion proper. | |
話が中断したので、霊夢を客間に案内し、鈴仙にはお茶の用意をお願いした。 | Since she'd been interrupted, I lead Reimu into the parlor and asked Reisen to put on some tea. | |
「そっちが知らないって言っても、うちに傷ついた妖怪兎が眠っているのは事実なの!」 | "She may say she doesn't know anything about it, but it's a fact that there's an injured youkai rabbit sleeping in my shrine!" | |
「うーん。妖怪兎って言ったって、てゐが知らない妖怪兎なんて居ないし、そのてゐが怪我人は居ないって言っているんだから間違いはないと思うけど……」 | "Well. There aren't any youkai rabbits that Tewi doesn't know, so if she says nobody got hurt, I think she's probably right..." | |
「一匹くらい知らない妖怪兎が湧いて出てきたって不思議じゃないでしょ? 妖怪なんてボウフラみたいなもんだし」 | "Would it be so strange to think that one youkai rabbit nobody knows could show up? Youkai always turn up like maggots, y'know." | |
妖怪がボウフラみたいなもんの訳がない。人間より新しい妖怪は生まれにくいものだ。 | That's cannot possibly be true. It's much harder for a new youkai to be born than it is for a human. | |
「その妖怪兎は何か言ってなかった?」 | "Did this youkai rabbit say anything?" | |
「今のところ唸っているだけよ。何故か誰にやられたのか喋ろうとしないの。そう言えば、長い布を持っていたけど……」 | "She's just been moaning so far. Hmm, she did have some sort of long robe..." | |
霊夢が言っている妖怪兎は、十中八九、月から落ちてきた月の兎だろう。先ほどの月の羽衣は、その兎の物である可能性が高い。 | The youkai rabbit Reimu spoke of had almost certainly come down from the moon. It was very likely that she was the one I'd seen using the lunar veil earlier. | |
今はまだ月の兎に私達の居場所を教えてしまうのは不味い。何故なら、鈴仙の話では「月の都はまた大きな騒乱が起き始めているらしい」からである。今、私の存在が明るみに出てしまえば、どちらかの勢力に利用されてしまうだろう。私は争い事はもう面倒だと思っていた。 | I had misgivings about showing a rabbit from the moon where we were living now. It was largely due to Reisen's remarks earlier, how "There seems to be a really big disturbance beginning among the lunarians in the capital." If I were flushed out into the open now, I'd probably be used by one side or another to increase their influence. I had no intention of becoming wrapped up in any sort of conflict. | |
「うーんとね。その妖怪兎は気を付けた方が良いわ。私の想像では、大方狐か狸に誑かされているんだと思う」 | "Hmm, I'd advise you to be careful around that youkai rabbit. I think you're being tricked by a fox spirit or a tanuki." | |
「何だって?」 | "What's that?" | |
「てゐが知らない妖怪兎が居ないってのは本当よ。てゐが全員無事だって言うのなら、神社にいる妖怪兎は偽者の筈」 | "It's true that Tewi knows all the youkai rabbits. If Tewi says none of them were hurt, the youkai rabbit at the shrine must be a fake." | |
「な、なるほど、それもそうかもね。妖怪兎が全員無事だって言うならそうかもしれない。それに見慣れない顔だったし……」 | "I-I see, that might be true. If all the youkai rabbits are fine, then that might be true. She didn't look familiar at all..." | |
「化けているんなら、怪我をしているってのも嘘よ。今頃、神社の食べ物を食べられてるわよ? 早く帰らないとなくなっちゃうわ」 | "If she's a fake, then her wounds are probably fake, too. She might be eating you out of house and home as we speak. If you don't hurry, she'll be gone before you make it back." | |
「‼ そ、そうね。急いで帰らないと!」 | "!! Y-You're right. I have to hurry back!" | |
霊夢はそう言って、慌てた様子で帰って行った。 | Reimu got up and left with an agitated look on her face. | |
「お茶の用意が出来ました、って、あれ?」 | "The tea's ready- huh?" | |
鈴仙がお茶の用意をして戻ってきた時には、もうすでに巫女の姿はなかった。 | By the time Reisen had returned from preparing the tea, the shrine maiden had already vanished into the night. | |
「お師匠様。巫女の話はもう終わったのですか?」 | "Master, had you already finished talking to the shrine maiden?" | |
「ええ。恐らく狐か狸の仕業だと伝えたら、慌てて帰って行ったわ」 | "Yes. When I told her it was probably a fox spirit or a tanuki, she left for home in a hurry." | |
鈴仙は怪訝な顔をした。 | A dubious expression appeared on Reisen's face. | |
「狐か狸……。どうしてそんな嘘を吐くのですか? 狐や狸が人間を騙すのなら、人間の姿に化ける筈です。妖怪兎に化けたって何にも得は無いじゃないですか」 | "A fox or a tanuki... Why did you lie to her like that? If that's what happened, they probably would have taken the form of a human. What would they accomplish by pretending to be a youkai rabbit?" | |
「いい? 鈴仙。驚かないで聞いて」 | "Reisen. Don't be too shocked, but listen to what I have to say." | |
「はい」 | "Okay." | |
「神社に居る妖怪兎は、恐らく貴方と同じ月の兎よ」 | "The youkai rabbit at the shrine is probably a moon rabbit, like you." | |
「何ですって? どうしてそんな事が判るのですか?」 | "What!? How do you know?" | |
「貴方には話していなかったけど、例月祭の時、神社の方に月の羽衣が降りていくのを見たの」 | "I didn't tell you before, but during the festival, I saw someone come down to Earth using a lunar veil close to the shrine." | |
「⁉」 | "!?" | |
鈴仙もその昔、地上に逃げてきた時は月の羽衣を使用したらしい。その羽衣は今でも永遠亭に仕舞ってあるが、もう月に行く事は無いと決めて封印してある。 | Reisen had used a lunar veil when she fled the moon those years ago. Her lunar veil is still at Eientei, but as she has no intention to return, it's kept sealed away. | |
月と地上を行き来する手段は沢山あるが、月の羽衣はその手段の中では非常に原始的で時間もかかる。主に月の兎達が利用する手段である。 | There are many ways to travel between Earth and the moon, but as the lunar veil is the most primitive, it's fairly time-consuming. It's a method that's primarily used by the moon rabbits. | |
「その月の兎がどういう目的で地上に降りてきたのか判らないから、まだ永遠亭の場所を知られては不味い。だから巫女には嘘を言って追い返したのよ」 | "I don't know why she's decided to come here, so I don't want to let her know about Eientei. That's why I chased away that shrine maiden with those lies." | |
「そんな、月の兎が……今、神社に?」 | "You mean, a moon rabbit is... at the shrine, now?" | |
もしかしたら鈴仙の知り合いかも知れない。だとしても、すぐに連絡を取るのは危険である。何が起こるのか判らない。私は月の使者から逃げ隠れている逃亡者であり、鈴仙も月面戦争から逃げ出した兎である。基本的に居場所は知られたくない。 | Maybe it was one of Reisen's acquaintances. Even so, bringing her into the fold so quickly would be dangerous. Nobody can say what might happen. I was a fugitive on the run from the emissaries of the moon, and Reisen had fled the moon during the Lunar War. Basically, neither of us wanted to be found. | |
「な、何があったのかしら……。どうすれば良いのかしら。私も何か罰を受けるのでしょうか?」 | "I-I wonder what happened. What we should do. I wonder if I'd be punished, too...?" | |
鈴仙は持っているお茶を置くのも忘れて、怯えているように見えた。 | Reisen had forgotten to set down the tea service earlier, and I could see it trembling in her hands. | |
「鈴仙。慌てる事は何一つありません。私の言う通りにすれば、永遠亭には何一つ問題は起こらないでしょう」 | "Reisen. There's nothing for you to be afraid of. Just do as I say, and nothing will happen to Eientei, I'm sure of it." | |
「で、では、まずは何をすれば良いのですか?」 | "B-But first, what should we do?' | |
「まずは、そのお茶をここに置いて、それをゆっくり飲みなさい」 | "First, I want you to set the tea down here and drink it slowly." | |
鈴仙は笑顔を取り戻し、お茶をゆっくり飲んだ。落ち着きを取り戻した様子で、再び「何をすれば良いのですか?」と訊いてきた。 | Reisen's smile returned, and she slowly sipped some tea. Once she'd regained her composure, her question of "What should we do?" returned as well. | |
「まずは、月にいる兎と連絡を取り現状を探る事です」 | "First, you should ask the rabbits on the moon and try to get some information." | |
「はい、判りました」 | "Okay!" | |
「それで、この前の鈴仙の話だと『新しい勢力が月を支配しようとしている』と言っていたわね。その勢力について、何でもよいから詳細や首謀者の名前を聞き出して欲しいの」 | "You said earlier that some new force is trying to exert itself on the moon. I'd like you to find out anything you can about that force, or who's behind it." | |
「お安いご用です。もっとも、兎に判る程度の話しか知り得ませんが」 | "That's an easy request. Still, the information's only as good as the rabbits it comes from." | |
兎は嘘、噂、ゴシップの様な物は大好きであり、いまいち話に信憑性がない。だが、火の無い所に煙は立たぬ、噂から真実を推測する事は容易である。 | Rabbits love lies, gossip and rumors, so it's hard to take much stock in what they might say. Still, there's no smoke without fire, and there's usually a kernel of truth at the heart of any rumor. | |
「でも絶対に、神社にいる月の兎の事に触れては駄目よ。たとえ、向こうから持ち出してきたとしても」 | "But, you absolutely must not talk to the rabbit at the shrine. Even if she tries to talk to you." | |
「え、どうしてですか?」 | "But, why?" | |
「噂がぶれてしまうからです。私の言う通りにしないと何が起きても知らないからね」 | "Because that will just start more rumors. Make sure you do as I say. Who knows what will happen if you don't." | |
鈴仙は部屋を出て満月に向かって話しかけ始めた。一見危ない人の様だが、月の兎はああやって遠く離れた兎同士会話が出来るのである。その姿を眺めながら、私は次の一手を考えていた。 | Reisen left the room and started speaking while facing the full moon. This method seems doubtful to the uninitiated, but this is how the rabbits can speak to each other over long distances. I watched her and planned our next move. | |
さて、月を支配しようとする新たな勢力とは一体何なのだろうか。 | Just what could this new power trying to gain control of the moon be? | |
もし、その勢力が前回の月面戦争のように外の人間であれば特に問題はない。その昔、人間は月面に旗を立てて、月を自分達人間の物だと言った時代があった。人間は自分の科学力を盲信していて、月ですら自分のものだと思ったのだろう。 | If it were an influence from the humans of the outside world, like in the last Lunar War, it wouldn't be a problem. Long ago, the humans had made it to the moon's surface and claimed it as their own by planting a flag. They were probably impressed by their own science and thought the moon really was theirs. | |
しかし、蓋を開けてみると月の都の科学力とは雲泥の差であった。月面に基地を造ると豪語していた人間も、基地どころか建造物を創るような段階まで至らずに逃げ帰ってきたのだ。人間の惨敗だった。 | But, if you know where to look, the moon's technological prowess was far beyond that of the Earth's. The humans had spoken of building a base on the moon, but in the end they ran back home before ever deciding on a place or even acquiring the means to do such a thing. It was a terrible defeat for the humans. | |
外の世界では、月面着陸は大成功の様に報道されているが、惨敗だった時は報道されていない。最初の月面到達以来、人間は負け続きだったのでそれ以降月面には行っていない事になっている。本当は、何度も月に行っては月面基地開発に失敗している事を、月と通じている私達は知っていた。 | The humans' lunar landings were reported as a great success in the outside world, but their failures were not. The humans kept losing after their first landing, so eventually they stopped returning to the moon. And we, who'd remained in contact with the moon, knew how every time they tried to establish a base, they'd failed. | |
人間は大して成長していない。むしろ退化している位である。再び月を侵略開始しようと、月の都にとって大した恐怖ではないだろう。 | Humans rarely seem to learn. In fact, it's more likely they're moving backwards. Even if the humans decided to launch another expedition, it wouldn't create much of a stir in the lunar capital. | |
しかし、今回は人間ではないようである。どうやら月の都の中で何かが起きたのではないかと思われる。 | However, it seems that it's not a problem with humans this time. I have a feeling that some sort of internal affair may have sprung up. | |
「ねえ……永琳。何やら騒がしいわね。どうしたのかしら」 | "Um... Eirin. It's noisy tonight, isn't it? I wonder what's happening?" | |
後ろから不意にか細い声で話しかけられた。 |
A soft voice spoke out unexpectedly behind me. It was Kaguya Houraisan, princess of the moon, and the mistress of Eientei. | |
「輝夜……。月の都に急激に動きがあったかも知れない」 | "Kaguya... it seems something may have happened all of a sudden in the lunar capital." | |
「ふーん。やっぱり、さっきのは月の羽衣だったのね」 | "Hm. So, that was a lunar veil earlier, after all." | |
「輝夜にも見えていたのね」 | "Ah, so you saw it, too?" | |
「見えていたけど、何なのか判らなかったので、どうでも良いかなと思っていたのよ。ああ、綺麗だなぁって感じで」 | "I did, but I couldn't tell what it was, so I didn't think much of it. It was very beautiful, though." | |
輝夜は逃亡者の割には暢気な性格だった。昔はそんな事は無かった筈なのだが……長い間平穏な日々が続きすぎたのかも知れない。 | Kaguya had a very laid-back personality for a fugitive. This hadn't always been the case... perhaps she'd just led a peaceful life for too long. | |
「その月の羽衣を使って降りてきたのは、どうやら傷ついた月の兎だったらしいの。今は神社にいる」 | "It seems that a wounded youkai rabbit was the one using the veil. She's at the shrine, now." | |
「ふーん、傷ついた兎が一匹ねぇ……。なんか昔を思い出すわね」 | "Hmm, a lone youkai rabbit... It seems like that's happened before, a long time ago." | |
「昔? ああ、鈴仙の事ね」 | "A long time ago? Oh, you mean Reisen." | |
「あの時も私達は警戒したわねぇ。蓋を開けてみればなんて事も無かったけど」 | "We were both very suspicious that time, too. But in the end, it turned out to be no problem at all." | |
鈴仙が最初にこの家を訪れたのも、三十年位前のこんな満月の夜だった。竹林を |
It was a full moon, like tonight, on the night Reisen first came to this manor over thirty years ago. When Tewi, who watched over the forest, told us an intruder from the moon had appeared, we spent a long time worrying over whether to meet her, or what else we might do. | |
「永琳、あの時は悩んだけど、結果として会って良かったじゃない。鈴仙は完全に私達の味方だわ。だから今回の月の兎にも会ってみたら?」 | "Eirin, we were worried that time, as well, but we were better off for having met her. Reisen is truly our ally. So, why don't we go meet this moon rabbit, too?" | |
「輝夜は自分が逃亡者だという自覚が足りない。月の使者に見つかったら今度はただじゃ済まされない筈よ。用心するにこした事はない」 | "Kaguya, you don't seem to be fully aware of your position as a fugitive. I don't think you'd be able to get off easily if we were found by the moon's emissaries. There's nothing wrong with a little caution." | |
輝夜は「永琳は心配性ねぇ」と言って、お茶を飲み始めた。 | Kaguya simply replied, "Eirin, you love to worry," and began to drink some tea. | |
「ねぇ、じゃあ鈴仙の時は何で会ったの?」 | "Well, why did you decide to meet with Reisen, then?" She asked presently. | |
「その時は、月の様子を知りたかったからよ。月の兎には特殊な能力があるからね」 | "Because I wanted to know what was happening on the moon. Moon rabbits have that special ability, after all." | |
「もし、鈴仙が月の使者に私達を引き渡そうとする兎だったらとか考えなかったの?」 | "Didn't you think about what might happen if she decided to turn us over to the emissaries of the moon?" | |
考えない訳がない。今回もそれを考えて用心しているのだから。 | Of course, I did. In fact, that is the reason why I'm being so cautious now. | |
「もし私に逆らうようだったら、兎一匹位私の手でどうとでも……」 | "If she'd decided to turn against me, then a single rabbit wouldn't be too much for me to... " | |
「冷たいのね」 | "How cold." | |
気が付くと窓の外に鈴仙の姿は無かった。もう月との交信は終わったのだろう。 | I realized that Reisen had disappeared from outside the window. She must have finished her conference with the moon. | |
「失礼します。あ、輝夜様もいらしたのですか?」 | "Excuse me. Oh, Princess Kaguya is here, too." | |
「あら鈴仙、もう月との交信は終わったの?」 | "Ah, Reisen. Have you finished your conference with the moon?" | |
「ええ、終わりました。大変な事が判りましたよ」鈴仙は輝夜の方をちらっと見た。 | "Yes. I've found out something important." Reisen stole a glance towards Kaguya. | |
「えー……っと、後の方が良いですか?」 | "Ummm... perhaps I should come back later?" | |
「続けて構わないわ。輝夜も大体判っているから」 | "Please, go on. Kaguya knows most of what's going on, after all." | |
「そうですか、では、まず現在の月の都の状態から報告します。簡単に言うと、『地上からの侵入者』の痕跡が見つかって大騒ぎだそうです」 | "I see. Well, I'll start with the current state of affairs in the capital. Basically, there's a big uproar over the discovery of traces of invaders from the Earth." | |
「地上からの侵入者?」私は、月の内部分裂だと思っていたのだが……また外の人間の仕業なのだろうか。 | "Invaders from the Earth?" I'd thought this was surely some sort of internal squabble, but... it seems to be the work of the humans from outside again. | |
鈴仙の話によると、月の都に地上からの侵入者があったらしい。その侵入者が目論んでいるのは、月の都を乗っ取る事だそうだ。 | According to Reisen, there seems to have been another invasion from the Earth. The invader's objective appears to have been to occupy the lunar capital. | |
「そこまでは良いんですが、問題はこの後の話です」 | "Which is all well and good, but the next part is the real problem." | |
「そんなに勿体ぶらなくても良いわ」 | "Now, please don't make assumptions like that." | |
「その侵入者側に協力している月の兎がいるという噂があって、兎が次々と不当な裁判にかけられているらしいのです」 | "There's a rumor that some of the moon rabbits are helping the invaders, and the rabbits are being unfairly put on trial, one after another." | |
「なんていう事……まるで、魔女狩りね」お茶を飲みながら輝夜は言った。 | "How terrible... It's like some sort of witch hunt," Kaguya said as she drank her tea. | |
私には話の先が殆ど見えていた。私の想像が正しければ、鈴仙が大変な事と言うのもよく分かる。 | I could see where this conversation was going. If I was right, Reisen knew the gravity of what she was saying, too. | |
「それで私がスパイの筆頭の様な扱いを受けているんだって! 地上と繋がりが深いから」 | "And they're all talking about me like I'm some sort of spy! All because of my connection to Earth." | |
想像通りである。まあ確かにそう思われても仕方がないだろう。鈴仙は元々月の都を裏切って逃げて来た兎だし、それに今でもちょくちょく交信を行っているのである。 | Just as I'd thought. Well, not like there's any helping it. Reisen did originally betray the moon to come here, and she still talks to the other rabbits fairly often. | |
「なるほどね。今の話で、神社に居る月の兎の正体が判明したわね」 | "I see. I think I know who that rabbit in the shrine is, now." | |
「え? なんでですか?」 | "What? How do you know that?" | |
「スパイ扱いされて拷問を受けていた兎が逃げ出してきたか、本当にスパイ兎なのか、どっちかでしょう。だとすると、会ってみる価値はあるかも知れないわね……」 | "Well, she's either run away because she was wrongly accused of being an anti-Lunarian spy, or she really is one. Which might make it worth our while to try to meet her..." | |
「あ、そうそう、もう一つですね……。その地上からの侵略者ってのがどうも……」 | "Oh, right, one more thing... The invaders are supposed to be..." | |
鈴仙の様子が少しおかしかった。ちなみにその話の続きも想像済みである。 | Reisen was acting a little odd. Naturally, I could imagine what she was about to say. | |
「言うまでもないわ、鈴仙。その侵略者は私と輝夜の二人って事になってるのでしょう? 鈴仙がスパイで、侵略者は私達」 | "No need to say it, Reisen. Of course, the invaders are myself and Kaguya, right? If Reisen is the spy, of course we'd be the masterminds." | |
笹の葉が風で揺れる音が、海の波のうねりのように聞こえた。 | The sound of the wind through the bamboo forest was like that of the swelling of waves at sea. | |
輝夜は絶句していた。それはそうだろう、輝夜はそろそろ月の都の人達は自分を受け入れてくれるだろう、と暢気に考えている様子だったのだ。そんな甘い考えも、有らぬ疑いをかけられては絶望的と言わざるを得ない。また住む場所を替えて、人間から身を隠さなければいけないとしたら最悪である。 | Kaguya remained speechless. Well, of course, Kaguya had likely presumed optimistically that the people of the moon would be able to accept her again soon. Even if that assumption was naive, it's certainly not unnatural to experience some despair after being hit with such unwarranted suspicions. Just the notion of going back into hiding from humans and moving from place to place would be distressing. | |
鈴仙は落ち着かない様子で私に問いかけた。 | Reisen, now visibly agitated, implored of me: | |
「お師匠様! 私達は一体どうすれば良いのでしょう?」 | "Master! What should we do?" | |
「さっきも言ったでしょう? 私の言う通りにすれば何も心配する事はありません。この程度の事は予想済みです」 | "Didn't I tell you before? If you do as I tell you, there will be nothing to worry about. I've accounted for something like this in my plans." | |
安心させる為の嘘ではない。いつかこの様な日が来る事は想像していた。私達を利用して月の民を扇動する輩が現われる事を。 | It wasn't just a lie to calm her down. I'd imagined a day like this might come, that one day someone might appear on the moon who wished to try to use us for their own ambitions. | |
「まずは情報を集めるのです。本当に侵略者など居るのか、居るとしたら何処の誰なのか。それが判るまでは私達は今まで通り隠れ住んで居れば良いのです」 | "First, gather information. Find out if there really are any invaders, and if so, who they are. We should stay hidden until we know that much." | |
「で、でも、月から刺客が来たりしたら……」 | "But, but what if an assassin comes from the moon..." | |
「ここは見つかりません。てゐが月の使者を寄せ付けない様にしてくれているのですから。それに、月の使者に私の味方がいます」 | "They won't be able to find this place. Tewi will make sure of that. Besides, I have my own allies among the emissaries of the moon." | |
鈴仙は驚いた顔をして「味方……ですか?」と言った。 | Reisen looked surprised. "Allies...?" | |
そうです。恐らく今は月の使者のリーダーをやっている筈です」 | "Yes. She's probably their leader by now." | |
と言ったものの正直、味方になってくれるのか心配だった。 | Though, to be honest, I was a bit worried about whether she'd really turn out to be an ally. | |
あの二人のお姫様とは、千年以上前に別れてから一度も会った事が無かった。それでも私が教育したその二人のお姫様なら、私の言っている事を信じる筈である。特に妹の方は賢かったし、今はそれに |
I hadn't met either of those two princesses since the day we'd parted over a thousand years ago. Still, I'd expected they'd be willing to listen to what their old tutor would have to say. The younger one had been particularly sharp, and I really had no choice but to depend on them. | |
「だとしたら心強いですね」 | "Well, that's reassuring, then." | |
「でも、私達は鈴仙と違って交信する手段がありません。貴方に言伝を頼んでも良いのですが、さらにスパイ容疑が濃くなる可能性があります」 | "But, unlike you, Reisen, we have no way to keep in contact. I wouldn't mind having you relay messages for us, but it would lend credence to the theory that you're a spy." | |
鈴仙の表情が曇った。 | Reisen's expression became serious. | |
「大丈夫ですよ。既に疑われてるから、これ以上疑われたって平気です」 | "That's okay. Some people already think I'm a spy, so I don't care if more people do." | |
「貴方が平気でも、私達は平気ではありません」 | "You may not care, but we do." | |
「では……どうしましょう?」 | "Then... what should we do?" | |
「ここは神社にいる月の兎に事情を話し、協力して貰うのが一番無難です」 | "We'll ask the rabbit at the shrine about what's going on. It will be best for us if she decides to cooperate." | |
鈴仙は手を叩き「あ、忘れてました」と言った。 | Reisen clapped her hands and exclaimed, "Oh, I forgot about her." | |
「その兎も、月の羽衣を持っているのだから月に帰る事も出来ます。それで手紙を渡して頂くのです」 | "That rabbit has a lunar veil, so she can go back to the moon. I'll have her deliver a letter for me." | |
私は手紙を書いた。 | I wrote a letter. | |
書き手が八意永琳である事を証明する為に二人のお姫様の小さな頃の思い出話から書いた。 | As proof that it really was from Eirin Yagokoro, I opened with reminiscences about the princess' youth. | |
途中で誰かに読まれたり改竄される事を恐れて量子印を付けた。量子印は、量子の特性により中身を読んだ人の数が判る特別な印鑑である。これを発明したのは私である。いまだ私しか作れないので、これも本人証明になる。その他にも二重三重に仕掛けを施し、最後に薬草で封をした。 | As I wrote, I became afraid that somebody might read it or alter it en route, so I affixed a quantum seal. A quantum seal is a special type of seal that uses the state of the subatomic particles inside the letter to keep track of how many people have read it. This device was an invention of mine, and since I'm still the only person who can make one, it also served as proof that I wrote the letter. I set two or three other devices to it as well, and finally sealed it with medicinal herbs. | |
残念ながらこの手紙の返事が来る事は期待できない。表向きには月の使者は私を捕まえなければいけない筈である。この手紙に返事を書く事は、二人のお姫様にとっても危険な事だからだ。 | Unfortunately, I can't expect a response to this letter. Officially, the moon's emissaries are charged with my arrest. Writing a response to this letter would be a dangerous thing for the princesses to attempt. | |
満月は竹の背丈より低い位置まで落ち、うっすらと東の空が明るくなり始めていた。夜が明けたら神社に向かうつもりである。 | The full moon dipped below the tops of the highest bamboo trees, and the eastern sky began to glow with a faint light. Once day broke I would head for the shrine. | |
いつの間にか月面戦争に巻き込まれている事を考え、私を利用している犯人をこの手で捕まえてやると心に誓ったのだった。 | Thinking upon how I'd been dragged into another lunar war, I vowed to catch the culprit who was trying to use us to their own ends by my own hand. |
- ↑ Under the assumption that Eirin's true identity is Omoikane, and the Watatsuki sisters represent Toyotamahime and Tamayorihime, this relationship holds true.
< | Aphorism | Cage in Lunatic Runagate | Second Chapter | > |
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