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t͡ɕiɽɯno (♫) Cirno Chiruno, Chillno More Alternative Spellings | |
Cirno Fairy of the IceMore Character Titles | |
Species |
Ice Fairy |
Abilities |
Manipulating cold |
Age |
Implied to be over 80,[1] immortal |
Location |
Cold areas, Misty Lake near Scarlet Devil Mansion |
Music Themes | |
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Appearances | |
Official Games | |
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Print Works | |
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Miscellaneous Works | |
"Like I care! I'm the fairy who shall soon lord over Gensokyo! I can go anywhere and do anything I want!"
— Cirno (Hidden Star in Four Seasons Stage 2)
Cirno (チルノ Chiruno) is an ice fairy who first appeared on the second stage of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. In comparison to other fairies, she is relatively strong; however, compared to the vast majority of Gensokyo's residents, her strength is subpar. She displays traits on par with that of a child, and stars as the main protagonist of Great Fairy Wars, and one of several protagonists in Touhou Hisoutensoku and Hidden Star in Four Seasons.
General Information
Cirno first appeared as Stage 2 Boss in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, and again as the Stage 1 midboss in Perfect Cherry Blossom. She then appears as one of the many playable characters in Phantasmagoria of Flower View and again in Touhou Hisoutensoku. She made an appearance as a background character in Hopeless Masquerade and then appeared as the Stage 1 midboss in Double Dealing Character. She also was a Day 1 Boss in Impossible Spell Card and later became a playable character in Hidden Star in Four Seasons.
While her age is unknown, she is one of the only characters in Phantasmagoria of Flower View that realized what was going on had happened sixty years prior as well. This implies that she has been around for at least sixty years.
Cirno is a childish, confident fairy who appears to have a superiority complex. She proclaims herself to be "the strongest" on three separate occasions in Phantasmagoria of Flower View. In the game's manual, she is labeled as "9. baka" (⑨. バカ, lit. "9. Idiot") in an explanation of the game screen's layout. She was again labeled as such in the manual for Touhou Hisoutensoku.
Her superiority complex makes her say and do things that could be considered "idiotic". In Hidden Star in Four Seasons, when Cirno received power from Okina Matara and was warned that it could be too much for her body to handle, she ignored Okina and just asserted that the power was entirely her own. Okina began to suspect Cirno was intentionally playing the fool, but eventually came to the conclusion that she is just a dumb fairy. In Visionary Fairies in Shrine, Cirno faced Okina once again alongside the rest of Gensokyo's fairies; despite being very clearly outmatched, Cirno insisted that Okina was "bluffing", leading Clownpiece to wonder if she really is just an idiot. [2]
Despite this, Cirno does have some intelligence. In Phantasmagoria of Flower View's story mode, she was capable of recognizing that she was endangered in her battle against Yuuka. She can read and also count (she shows knowledge of rounding and fractions in Great Fairy Wars).
Among other things, she enjoys using her abilities to freeze frogs, then watch them revive while thawing out in the water. However, about one in every three attempts fails, shattering the frog to pieces.[3]
- Manipulating cold

Cirno has the ability to manipulate cold to the point of being able to freeze water. However, even while saying "manipulate", when coldness is in an omitted state, it seems like her surroundings are chilly even in summer. In battle, she uses this ability to attack others with icicles, huge ice cubes, or wieldable weapons like swords, but also to freeze her opponents or their danmaku.[4][5] However, despite being able to freeze something hot like flaming danmaku, she is unable to freeze lasers.
How she exactly manipulates cold is unclear, but Reisen Udongein Inaba, in one of her quotes in Touhou Hisoutensoku, speculates that when Cirno does it, she warms up inside as a result. This would mean that she just absorbs the heat in the surroundings instead of "creating" cold from nothing.
Official Profiles
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○湖上の氷精 チルノ 能力:冷気を操る程度の能力 2面ボスです。雪ん娘です。 頭のほうはあまり良くありません。そもそも子供です。霊夢や魔理沙に取ってあの程度の妖怪は軽くあしらわれるのです。 いたずら好きで、いつもは蛙を瞬間で凍らせては、水につけて生き返らして遊んでいます。3回に1回は失敗して蛙は無残にも砕け散ります。 カードアタック 全4種 |
Ice Fairy of the Lake Cirno Ability: Manipulating cold Stage 2 boss. A girl of snow. Her intellect is not very developed. She's just a child. To Reimu and Marisa, she can be easily defeated. She likes playing tricks and often toys with frogs. She freezes them instantly, then watches them revive as they thaw in the water. She tends to fail one out of every 3 attempts, however, and the poor amphibian shatters to pieces. Total of four card attacks. |
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○氷の妖怪 チルノ 一面の中ボス、寒いところ大好きな氷の妖怪。 主に冷気を操る程度の能力を持つ 特に目的があって霊夢たちを攻撃しているわけではなく、ただそこに居たから攻撃しただけである。 夏でも冬でもチルノから冷気を出しているため、チルノの周りは寒い。 |
Youkai of the Ice Cirno Stage 1 midboss, a youkai of ice that likes cold places. Mainly she possess the ability to manipulate of cold. She didn't have any specific reason for attacking Reimu and company, so she attacked them just for being there. Cirno radiates chilling air from herself, whether it be summer or winter, so the air around her is always cold. It's cold in the spring as well of course. Autumn too. |
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○氷の小さな妖精 チルノ 種族:妖精 普段は湖を根城としている氷の妖精。 花が咲き乱れてからというもの、様々な者が湖を通り、さらに妖精達もいつもにもまして騒いでいたので、自分も一緒に騒ぐことにした。 |
Small Fairy of the Ice
Species: Fairy An ice fairy who usually stays at the lake, which is like her headquarters. She's basically just a fairy, so she's an idiot who loves pranks. Since the flowers are blooming so much, lots of people are coming to the lake; this leads to the fairies being even more troublesome than usual, so she decided to join them and be a bother as well. |
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○氷の妖精 チルノ
小さな妖精はいつものように興奮していた。 今日は山よりも大きいアレを見たからである。 勿論、実際には山よりも遥かに小さいのだが、 視覚から感じる印象は大差はない。 すぐに霧に包まれ見えなくなってしまったが、彼女は確信していた。 アレは、大妖怪「だいだらぼっち」に違いない。 普段はどこに住んでいるのか判らないが、 珍しい妖怪を見たと興奮したのもつかの間 妖怪の山から巫女が下りてきた。 「この辺で巨大ロ……、大きな動く物を見たりしていない?」 巫女はそういうと、霧の中探し始めたのである。 小さな妖精は何故か焦燥感に駆られ、 自分が先に見たんだから自分の物だと思う様になった。 「だいだらぼっちなんて見てないよ」 そう答え、巫女を牽制した。 彼女はただの好奇心から自分で大妖怪を探そうと思ったのである。 |
Fairy of the Ice, Cirno
The small fairy was as agitated as usual. Because today, she had seen something bigger than the mountain. Of course, in reality, it was much smaller than the mountain, but from her impression, there wasn't that big of a difference. It was soon hidden in mist and disappeared from sight, but she was certain. It was definitely the great youkai "Daidarabotchi". She didn't know where it normally lived, but a moment after she became excited by seeing a rare youkai, the shrine maiden descended from the Youkai Mountain. "Have you seen any giant robo... anything big moving around here?" Asking that, the shrine maiden started searching in the mist. The small fairy found itself driven on by an odd irritation, thinking that she saw it first, so it was her thing. "I didn't see any Daidarabotchi." Saying that, she diverted the shrine maiden. From nothing more than simple curiosity, she decided to search for the great youkai here. |
自信過剰で身の程知らずの子供、というイメージのキャラクターでしたが、その後の作品にも多数登場し、息の長いキャラになるとは思いませんでした。ちなみにチルノにはバカというイメージが付いていますが、それは花映塚のマニュアルの所為で、つまり僕の所為です。ごめんね。 |
Before EoSD, mobs didn't have any designs set in stone, but in EoSD I decided it was time to give those mobs a concrete design that lines up with the current Touhou design philosophy, and I gave one of them a special personality, that one special mob was Cirno. An overconfident child who doesn't know her place, that's the image of her character. She made multiple appearances throughout the series, and she's still relevant as of today, which I had never expected at the point I made her. FYI, the impression of Cirno being an idiot resulted from the line in PoFV player manual, in other words, it was my act leading to all this. I'm sorry. |
Name | Translated | Comments | Games | Usage | ||
Total: 16 | ||||||
「アイシクルアタック」 | "Icicle Attack" | PoFV | Charge attack | |||
「アイシクルフォール」 | "Icicle Fall" | Related: Cirno's Ice Sign "Icicle Fall" (EoSD/Soku) | PoFV | EX attack | ||
アイシクルシュート | Icicle Shoot | Soku | Default 236B/C | |||
フロストピラーズ | Frost Pillars | Soku | Alternate 236B/C | |||
冷凍光線 | Freezing Beam | Soku | Alternate 236B/C | |||
フリーズタッチミー | Freeze Touch Me | Soku | Default 623B/C | |||
アイシクルライズ | Icicle Rise | Soku | Alternate 623B/C | |||
アイシクルソード | Icicle Sword | Soku | Alternate 623B/C | |||
真夏のスノーマン | Midsummer Snowman | Soku | Default 214B/C | |||
アイスチャージ | Ice Charge | Soku | Alternate 214B/C | |||
アイスキック | Ice Kick | Related: Cirno's Cold Body "Super Ice Kick" (Soku) | Soku | Alternate 214B/C | ||
リトルアイスバーグ | Little Iceberg | Soku | Default 22B/C | |||
アイシクルボム | Icicle Bomb | Soku | Alternate 22B/C | |||
フローズン冷凍法 | Frozen Technique | Soku | Alternate 22B/C | |||
「アイスバリア」 | "Ice Barrier" | FW | Charge attack | |||
パーフェクトサマーアイス | Perfect Summer Ice | Aided by Okina Matara's back doors; also used by Reimu, Marisa and Aya | HSiFS | Fixed/Sub-type B | ||
ヴァカンスの生命 | Vitality on Vacation | Aided by Okina Matara's back doors; also used by Reimu, Marisa and Aya | HSiFS | Sub-type E |
Spell Cards
Name | Translated | Comments | Games | Stage | ||
Total: 22 | ||||||
氷符「アイシクルフォール」 | Ice Sign "Icicle Fall" | Her Easy version of this Spell Card is commonly mocked. Related: Hail Sign "Hailstorm" |
EoSD Soku |
St. 2: E/N Story | ||
雹符「ヘイルストーム」 | Hail Sign "Hailstorm" | EoSD | St. 2: H/L | |||
凍符「パーフェクトフリーズ」 「パーフェクトフリィィィズ!」 |
Freeze Sign "Perfect Freeze" "Perfect Freeeeeeeeze!" |
Signature move | EoSD PoFV Soku GoM 100BM |
St. 2: E/N/H/L Use Use — 2nd Market | ||
雪符「ダイアモンドブリザード」 | Snow Sign "Diamond Blizzard" | EoSD StB |
St. 2: N/H/L St. 2 | |||
凍符「フリーズアクトレス」 | Freeze Sign "Freeze Actress" | Used only in the earliest demo version; not present in subsequent demos or full release | PCB | St. 1: H/L | ||
霜符「フロストコラムス」 | Frost Sign "Frost Columns" | PCB Soku |
St. 1: H/L Use | |||
凍符「コールドディヴィニティー」 | Freeze Sign "Cold Divinity" | PoFV | Use | |||
凍符「マイナスK」 | Freeze Sign "Minus K" | StB Soku GoM |
St. 2 Story — | |||
氷符「アイシクルマシンガン」 | Ice Sign "Icicle Machine Gun" | Soku | Use | |||
氷符「フェアリースピン」 | Ice Sign "Fairy Spin" | Soku | Use | |||
氷塊「コールドスプリンクラー」 | Ice Clump "Cold Sprinkler" | Soku | Use | |||
冷体「スーパーアイスキック」 | Cold Body "Super Ice Kick" | Soku | Use | |||
氷符「ソードフリーザー」 | Ice Sign "Sword Freezer" | Soku | Use | |||
凍符「フリーズアトモスフェア」 | Freeze Sign "Freeze Atmosphere" | Soku | Use | |||
冷符「瞬間冷凍ビーム」 | Cold Sign "Insta-Freeze Beam" | Soku | Use | |||
吹氷「アイストルネード」 | Blowing Ice "Ice Tornado" | Soku | Use | |||
氷塊「グレートクラッシャー」 | Ice Clump "Great Crusher" | Soku | Use | |||
「パーフェクトフリーズ」 | "Perfect Freeze" | Related: Freeze Sign "Perfect Freeze" | FW | Use | ||
氷符「アルティメットブリザード」 | Ice Sign "Ultimate Blizzard" | DDC | St. 1: H/L | |||
氷符「パーフェクトグレーシャリスト」 | Ice Sign "Perfect Glacialist" | ISC | St. 1 | |||
氷王「フロストキング」 | Ice King "Frost King" | ISC GoU |
St. 1 — | |||
氷符「クールサンフラワー」 | Ice Sign "Cool Sunflower" | HSiFS | Use |
Character Design
Her known name is "Cirno"/"Chiruno" (チルノ), which has a currently unknown origin. It's likely based on the Japanese pronunciation of the English word "chill", chiru (チル) . Her name appearing as "Chilno" in Eastern and Little Nature Deity supports this possible origin. The earliest known official romanization of "チルノ" is in her midboss name on the top left on the screen in Perfect Cherry Blossom as "Cirno".
Her design in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom and Double Dealing Character shows that Cirno has aqua-colored eyes and hair. She wears a blue ribbon, light pink blouse, blue jumper dress and seems to be wearing white socks. She also has icicle-shaped wings. In Phantasmagoria of Flower View and Touhou Hisoutensoku's official art, her ribbon is green instead of blue and her sprite in Phantasmagoria of Flower View still keeps the blue ribbon. In Great Fairy Wars, her bow is once again blue. Her blouse has been changed to white and she seems to have bigger eyebrows (because she was drawn by Makoto Hirasaka). It's been said that Cirno is one of the easiest designs ZUN has done.[6]
Her alternative outfit in Phantasmagoria of Flower View is same as her normal outfit, except her bow is a darker shade of green, her blouse appears light purple, and her dress is purple as well.
Her appearance in Hidden Star in Four Seasons gives her tanned skin, a flowery vine wrapped around her body, and a sunflower ribbon around her neck. This flowery vine is called the Japanese Morning Glory(Ipomoea Nil) which was introduced to Japan from China during the Heian period, and were massively bred and sought-for during the edo period. This design is a reference to the character "Tanned Sakura" from the Marvel vs. Capcom series, who in turn is a reference to the character Evil Ryu, a corrupted version of Ryu.[7] The sunflower on her chest may be a visual reference to Evil Ryu's hole in his chest.
In the Trial+ version of Perfect Cherry Blossom, she appears with a white sash bow around her waist. This only applies to her portrait, her boss sprites lacks the extra detail. Notably, this has been the only time Cirno had this extra accessory, it has since been gone and never appeared in any other future games or print works.[8]
- Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
- Main article: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Story
Cirno's first ever appearance in the Touhou Project was in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil as the second stage boss. During the events, she attacked Reimu Hakurei and Marisa Kirisame who were just passing by, out of instinctive aggression. She was helplessly shot down. Her spell card Ice Sign "Icicle Fall" on Easy mode is considered one of the easiest spell cards in all of Touhou, as there is an obvious gap right in front of Cirno that'll get the spell card cleared quickly and simply.
- Perfect Cherry Blossom
- Main article: Perfect Cherry Blossom Story
Cirno unusually reappeared as the first stage midboss of Perfect Cherry Blossom, and can be easily defeated. Cirno did not have any good reason to attack the heroines other than that they were there, as stated in her official profile. On Easy and Normal difficulty, she does not have a spell card to use, and thus uses a simple danmaku pattern. However, on Hard and Lunatic difficulties, she makes use of the spell card Frost Sign "Frost Columns", which has danmaku going in different directions and causing explosions of projectiles.
- Phantasmagoria of Flower View
- Main article: Phantasmagoria of Flower View Story
In Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Cirno aimlessly wanders about, apparently unconcerned by the flower incident and seeing the flowers as just something else for her to freeze and play with. Through her dialogue, her true childish nature is revealed, leaving no doubt that she really isn't smart at all. She really wasn't meaning to do anything but play games.
- Double Dealing Character
- Main article: Double Dealing Character Story
Much like in Perfect Cherry Blossom, Cirno is the stage 1 midboss of Double Dealing Character, and still did not have any good reason to attack the heroines other than that they were there. On Easy and Normal difficulty, she does not have a spell card to use, and thus uses a simple danmaku pattern. However, on Hard and Lunatic difficulties, she makes use of the spell card Ice Sign "Ultimate Blizzard", which is basically a harder version of her non-spell attack. In this game, she was given a completely new sprite design, reused later on in Impossible Spell Card, to keep up with the current Touhou Project art style.
- Hidden Star in Four Seasons
- Main article: Hidden Star in Four Seasons Story
Cirno is one of the protagonists of this game, and is most notably wearing a tan. Okina Matara gives random people in Gensokyo power without their knowledge with the purpose of bringing out their best to see if they are worthy of being Okina's servant, or alternatively, to merely cause a show of power. Due to this, Cirno remained strong even in the midsummer heat, which caused Cirno to fall into delusions of grandeur and attempt to "conquer" Gensokyo and become its new "Supreme Overlord". She fights her way through various inhabitations of Gensokyo until she eventually ventures into the Land of the Backdoor and encounters Okina Matara, where she reveals to Cirno that her tan is merely a result of her overflowing with magic energy due to her supercharged rampage beginning to spread to her appearance, and that she won't be able to hold herself together for much longer if she continues on, advising her to stop before her sense of self completely breaks down.
- Shoot the Bullet
In Shoot the Bullet, Aya Shameimaru encountered Cirno on stage 2 and took photos of her danmaku.
- Touhou Hisoutensoku
- Main article: Touhou Hisoutensoku Story
Cirno heads out, thinking that she has seen a daidarabotchi. She gets ready to leave when Sanae Kochiya asks her if she has seen a giant human-shaped object. Cirno denies seeing a daidarabotchi, which causes Sanae to be suspicious and fights Cirno. Later, Cirno passes by the Scarlet Devil Mansion when she overhears Hong Meiling mumbling about the Taisui Xingjun. Cirno becomes interested in finding the Taisui Xingjun, but focuses back on the daidarabotchi after beating Meiling. At the entrance of the Underground Geyser Center, Cirno meets Marisa Kirisame, who tells her that the daidarabotchi is inside the Underground Geyser Center (which was a complete lie). Once inside, Cirno is intercepted by Utsuho Reiuji. Utsuho attempts to eradicate the "foreign substance", but Cirno manages to escape being incinerated to death. After escaping, Cirno runs into Marisa, who tells her about a giant youkai in the Forest of Magic. Cirno then runs into Alice Margatroid. When Cirno tells her about a daidarabotchi, Alice realizes that Cirno is talking about her Goliath Doll, and lets Cirno fight with it.
- Great Fairy Wars
Cirno is the protagonist and the only playable character of Great Fairy Wars, who only has one "shot type". Unlike other games, Cirno is able to freeze danmaku. Almost any bullet will freeze if it comes in contact with the ice resulting in long, elaborate chains of ice. The bomb is not that regular, it is named the "perfect freeze" which will also freeze all the bullets that are on the screen.
Following Strange and Bright Nature Deity volume 2 special "Great Fairy Wars", after the Three Fairies of Light destroyed her home, she charges off for vengeance on them. After battling through the various fairies and two of the three fairies, she finally meets the Three Fairies of Light. Cirno is not afraid even though they are with three. Cirno eventually wins and they become friends.
On the Extra stage, Cirno decides to fight a youkai to prove she's the strongest. After passing through strong fairies, she instead encounters a human: Marisa Kirisame. Not taking things easy, Marisa decides to play with her using her "non-deadly lasers". After a harsh battle, it appeared that Cirno was defeated, but it surprised Marisa that she was able to put up a good fight. However, Marisa states that she let her guard down a bit. They both went home to settle.
- Hopeless Masquerade
Cirno made a background cameo appearance in Hopeless Masquerade on the Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum and Youkai Tanuki Forest stage. She is seen floating and occasionally making a shocked expression.
- Impossible Spell Card
Presumably from hearing or seeing a wanted sign about the mischief-making amanojaku Seija Kijin, Cirno appears to be one of the many youkai that tries to capture her. She uses spell cards that are considered impossible to dodge.
- 100th Black Market
In 100th Black Market, Cirno appears as the one of the 2nd market bosses. Her ability card, her portrait, can be acquired.
- Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red
Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red writes about a certain incident where Cirno got eaten by a giant toad. When interviewed by Aya Shameimaru about it, she tries to convince her to spin the story in a different way and is turned down.
- Strange and Bright Nature Deity, Oriental Sacred Place
Cirno appears every now and again to join the Three Fairies of Light on their pranking adventures. One of the extra chapters leads directly into the events of Great Fairy Wars as well.
- Visionary Fairies in Shrine
Cirno appears semi-regularly throughout the events of Visionary Fairies in Shrine. On a hot summer day, she gets tricked by the Three Fairies of Light into freezing water to help them make shaved ice. Through this event, she gets introduced to Clownpiece. During the events of Hidden Star in Four Seasons, she showcases her resistance to the summer heat and invites the Three Fairies of Light to play in the Garden of the Sun. Over the night, her power gradually weakens and she finds a bed of snow in the Forest of Magic to sleep in. Approximately a year later, she was part of the fairy team tackling the Stone Cherries incident.
Three Fairies of Light
All of the members of Three Fairies of Light – Sunny Milk, Luna Child and Star Sapphire – are both a friend and an enemy of Cirno. With Luna, she is later seen with Cirno in Wild and Horned Hermit watching Moriya Shrine's cold fusion experiment.
Eternity Larva
Eternity and Cirno are implied to have known each other before the events of Hidden Star in Four Seasons. Eternity notices Cirno's tan before they fight to see who the summer belongs to. Eternity also appears in Cirno's ending.
Minor Relationships
- Daiyousei
Daiyousei is first seen (presumably) associated with Cirno in Strange and Bright Nature Deity Chapter 13 when both of them were playing hide and seek. After meeting and talking with the Three Fairies of Light, Cirno appears to have completely forgotten about Daiyousei. She was later seen attacking Cirno in Fairy Wars.
- Letty Whiterock
Nothing is known about Cirno's relationship with Letty Whiterock. She appears to dislike being grouped up with her as she explains her superiority when interviewed by Aya Shameimaru in Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red. She is also briefly seen talking to Letty during Silent Sinner in Blue.
- Rumia, Wriggle Nightbug and Mystia Lorelei
Rumia, along with Wriggle Nightbug and Mystia Lorelei, seem to get along and appear together to help during various events prepared by the Three Fairies of Light, although Rumia appears to be of no help. It is unknown whether they are friends or just happened to be in the same place at the same time (Twice).
- Reimu Hakurei
Reimu Hakurei is one of Cirno's targets for her pranks in Oriental Sacred Place. She later helped the Three Fairies of Light in supporting the Hakurei Shrine against Myouren Temple.
- Giant Toad
The Giant Toad is a toad that once ate Cirno because she was freezing all the other toads.
Cover of Touhou Hisoutensoku, featuring Cirno's silhouette.
Cover of Fairy Wars, featuring Cirno's silhouette.
Cirno in the Strange Creators of Outer World Vol. 2 cover
Cirno artwork from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Cirno artwork from Perfect Cherry Blossom
Cirno artwork from Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Cirno artwork from Touhou Hisoutensoku
Cirno artwork from Great Fairy Wars
Cirno's colors from Touhou Hisoutensoku
Cirno about to be eaten by a giant toad from Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red
Cirno suggesting an "alternate take" on the article about the giant toad to Aya Shameimaru
Cirno from Who's Who of Humans & Youkai - Dusk Edition
Tanned Cirno from Who's Who of Humans & Youkai - Everlasting Edition
Cirno as seen in Oriental Sacred Place
Cirno attempting (and failing) to sell water-flavored shaved ice in Oriental Sacred Place
Depiction of Cirno (with a tan) from Visionary Fairies in Shrine
Cirno's sigil in Grimoire of Marisa
Cirno's sigil from Touhou Hisoutensoku
Depiction of Cirno on ability card in Unconnected Marketeers
Additional Information
- Even though Cirno isn't the final boss of Touhou Hisoutensoku and Great Fairy Wars, she appears as the silhouette on both jewel cases. Along with Sumireko Usami, she's the only character to appear as the silhouette for two games' jewel cases in the Windows games.
- Cirno is one of two characters that gained a new portrait in a mainline game despite not being playable in it. The other is Yuyuko Saigyouji in Ten Desires.
- Cirno's alternate color palette in Touhou Hisoutensoku resembles that of Alice Margatroid's and Reimu Hakurei's color palette from PC-98 era.
- Shibata Masahiro's manga series "Sarai" seems to be a big inspiration for many of the characters from EoSD. Sarai is a manga about superpowered maids fighting youkai and monsters in a dystopian future. The series was published from 1997 to 2007 in Japan only.
- Cirno shares the same name with Cirno from Sarai.
Official Sources
- 2002/08/11 Embodiment of Scarlet Devil - Stage 2 dialogue; おまけ.txt
- 2003/08/17 Perfect Cherry Blossom - キャラ設定.txt
- 2005/08/11 Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red - Article and Interview: Cirno
- 2005/08/14 Phantasmagoria of Flower View - キャラ設定.txt
- 2005/12/30 Shoot the Bullet - Stage 2 Spell Card comments
- 2006/12/27 Perfect Memento in Strict Sense - Ice Fairy: Cirno
- 2007/09/26 ~ 2007/10/26 Strange and Bright Nature Deity - Chapters 13-14
- 2008/05/22 Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth - Chapter 12
- 2009/07/28 The Grimoire of Marisa - Cirno's Spell Cards
- 2009/08/15 Touhou Hisoutensoku - Cirno's Scenario
- 2009/08/26 Oriental Sacred Place - Chapter 4
- 2010/08/14 Great Fairy Wars - Route A, B and C dialogue; Extra stage dialogue
- 2010/09/25 Wild and Horned Hermit - Chapter 2
- 2010/10/26 Oriental Sacred Place - Chapter 11
- 2010/12/25 Oriental Sacred Place - Chapter 12
- 2013/05/26 Double Dealing Character - キャラ設定.txt
See Also
- ↑ As shown in Phantasmagoria of Flower View she was aware of the last 60 year cycle, which implies she was alive at the time it happened. As a note, Phantasmagoria of Flower View was released in 2005
- ↑ Visionary Fairies in Shrine - Chapter 15
- ↑ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil - Cirno's profile
- ↑ Touhou Hisoutensoku - Cirno's Spell Cards
- ↑ Great Fairy Wars - Cirno's Perfect Freeze spell card and Ice Barrier skill
- ↑ Notes on ZUN's Genyou Denshou Lecture - Wayback Machine (Archived September 17, 2019)
- ↑ Who's Who of Humans and Youkai in Gensokyo - Tanned Cirno
- ↑ Portraits used in the Trial+ version of Perfect Cherry Blossom
- Pages using Tabber parser tag
- 100th Black Market
- Characters playable in Touhou
- Characters
- Characters playable in a fighting game
- Characters playable in a multiplayer Touhou
- Characters in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
- Characters in Perfect Cherry Blossom
- Characters in Phantasmagoria of Flower View
- Characters in Shoot the Bullet
- Characters in Touhou Hisoutensoku
- Characters in Fairy Wars
- Returning 1st Windows Generation Characters
- Characters in Double Dealing Character
- Characters in Impossible Spell Card
- Characters in Hidden Star in Four Seasons
- Characters in 100th Black Market