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Here we can explain slow mode, 16/32 bit, getting a good MIDI library, and so on.
16/32 bit: If you have a slow computer/poor graphics card, you want to use 16 bit. A slow of over 2% is not so good.
In the game options screen, there is a "Slow Mode" (Shotslow?) option. It causes the game to slow down when there are lots of bullets on the screen. This invalidates replays and high scores.
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Disable vertex buffers
Disable fog
Only use 16 bit textures
Disable Gouraud shading
Don't color composite all textures (eh... no idea. テクスチャに一切のカラー合成をしない)
Start in reference rasterizer mode
Clear backbuffer every time (every frame, I guess)
(again, no idea. "Only display the bare minimum?" 必要最低限のものを残して表示しない)
Turn off depth test
Force 60 fps (I need to have this one checked in order to save replays.)
Don't use DirectInput
Window style: Fullscreen / Window
Draw interval: Every frame (normal) / 1/2 / 1/3
Screen mode: 32bits / 16bits
Pad left/right play (size of dead zone on analog stick, maybe?)
Pad up/down play
Confirm pad direction key (press direction key on pad and it displays here. For
testing the settings above, I guess.)
Perfect Cherry Blossom
Left column
Disable vertex buffers
Disable fog
Force 16 bit textures
Don't use DirectInput for pad input
Read BGM into memory
Window style: Fullscreen (recommended) / Window
Effect quality: Worst / Medium / Beautiful (recommended)
Right column
Don't color composite all textures
Turn off depth test
Start in reference rasterizer mode
Draw screen surroundings every time (redraw the area outside of the playing field each frame, I guess)
Don't take VSYNC (Don't wait for VSYNC?)
Screen mode: 32bits (recommended) / 16bits
Draw interval: Every frame (normal) / 1/2 / 1/3
Bottom area
Pad left/right play
Pad up/down play
Confirm pad direction key (this one doesn't seem to work for me.)
Imperishable Night
A well translated version of the configuration can be found here
Left column
Disable vertex buffers
Disable fog (not recommended)
Force 16 bit textures
Don't use DirectInput for pad input
Read BGM into memory
Window style: Fullscreen (recommended) / Window
Effect quality: Worst / Medium / Beautiful (recommended)
Right column
Don't color composite textures (forbidden)
Turn off depth test (not recommended)
Start in reference rasterizer mode (forbidden)
Draw screen surroundings every time
Don't take VSYNC (not recommended)
Screen mode: 32bits (recommended) / 16bits
Draw interval: Every frame (normal) / 1/2 / 1/3
Bottom area
Pad left/right play
Pad up/down play
Confirm pad direction key (this one doesn't seem to work either.)
Phantasmagoria of Flower View Demo Version
There's a translated config.exe here (in English). (The other .exe are mistranslated.)
Subterranean Animism
Do not use DirectInput
Enable slow shot
Left side, first frame - Window mode
Full screen (640x480)
Window (640x480)
Window (960x720)
Window (1280x960)
Ask every time you start the game
Left side, second frame - Screen mode
32 bits (Recommended)
16 bits
Left side, third frame - Drawing interval
Every frame (Recommended)
1/2 frames
1/3 frames
Left side, fourth frame - Gamepad
If the input is not sensitive enough, decrease the slider. If the input is too sensitive, increase the slider. (Default: 600)
Right side, frame - Input latency
Stable (This usually does not work well)
Normal (Uses less CPU power)
Auto (Automatically detects the fastest response) *Recommended
Fast (Use if Auto does not work properly)
Right side, notes
With the input latency setting, you can fine-tune the input response. "Stable" and "Normal" are the original responses. "Auto" will give you the fastest input if you're using the machine's full performance. "Fast" is similar to "Auto", although the screen may have some trouble. *The draw distance "Every frame" is not valid outside*
Right side, button
Reset to defaults
Exit without saving
Save and exit
There's a couple things I couldn't figure out entirely what they were trying to say so I used a literal translation. Most everything is straightforward, though.
If you prefer, you can download a translated EXE here