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Curiosities of Lotus Asia/Chapter 04
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< | Chapter 03 | Curiosities of Lotus Asia | Chapter 05 | > |
今日は「香霖堂」に珍しい客が訪れた。その客とは、とあるお屋敷のメイド・十六夜咲夜。 そして、彼女の所望品は「ちょうど良いティーカップを二組」。 少々複雑な注文に霖之助は応じるのだが、見繕ったティーカップは無惨にも割れていた……。 「東方」シリーズ原作によるオリジナル連載、新キャラクター登場の第三話前編! |
An unusual client came to Kourindou today. Her name was Sakuya Izayoi, a maid from a certain mansion. And her request was "the perfect pair of teacups". Rinnosuke complied with this slightly complicated request, but his chosen set of teacups were tragically broken... New characters debut in the first part of Chapter 3 of an original story based on the Touhou series! | |
完全で瀟洒なティータイム 前編 | Perfect and Elegant Tea Time First Half | |
外の世界の物であるストーブがしゅんしゅんと音を立てている。よく判らないスイッチは付いているのだが、押しても何も起きないので使い方は僕オリジナルである。最近は火の勢いが良すぎる時もあり、少々危険だ。 | My heater from the outside world has been making whistling noises. It has some switches I don't quite understand, but since I press them and nothing happens, I'm using it in my own original way. Lately, the fire has been too strong at times, so it gets a little dangerous. | |
火といえば、最近幻想郷は |
Speaking of fire, there has been an increase of cremations in Gensokyo lately. Until now cremations were almost never performed to dispose of dead human remains – well, those probably ended up as youkai food. Maybe it's because the youkai are attempting to act more civilized so that the ones that would eat rotten meat seem to be decreasing as of late. If you see it from the side of the humans in Gensokyo, those remains simply can't be left neglected, for both sanitary and spiritual reasons, so apparently there's little choice but to cremate them. | |
それは同時に、新たに妖怪が生まれる機会を減らしてんじゃないだろうか? ……人間が人間以外になるチャンスは少ない。あったとしても、そのほとんどは死んだ時なのだ。火葬では、 |
On the other hand, wouldn't that reduce the opportunities for new youkai to be born? ...Humans don't have many chances to be anything but humans. And if they do, those are mostly after they die. If they are cremated, it would be difficult for them to become Jiang Shi, Vampires, or other such beings. | |
まぁそれは良い事かも知れない。その上、灰となる事で新しい妖怪に生まれる時もある、特に幽霊にはなりやすいかも知れない。そういえば最近は幻想郷に幽霊が増えてきた気がするのだが、これも火葬の影響なのか、そうじゃないのか……。でも、最近の幽霊は陽気で楽しそうであるな。だが、そもそも幽霊というのは幻想郷にとっての――。 | Well, maybe that's a good thing. And besides, there are times when youkai can be born from ashes. Phantoms, specially, might be easily formed this way. Speaking of which, it feels like there has been an increase of phantoms in Gensokyo lately. Maybe this is an effect of the cremations, and maybe not... However, the phantoms these days sure are cheerful and high-spirited. But after all, phantoms, as far as Gensokyo is concerned... | |
――カランカラン。 | Knock, knock. | |
誰か来た。でも「いらっしゃいませ」と言うのをためらった。大抵、来訪者の方から騒がしく喋り始める上に、客でもないからだ。 | Someone had arrived, but I hesitated in saying “Welcome.”. Usually the visitors are the ones to start with the boisterous talk, because they usually are not customers. | |
「誰かいます?」 | “Is someone there?” | |
「ああ? あぁ、いらっしゃいませ。何か御用ですか?」 | “Huh? Ahhh, welcome! How may I help you?” | |
「ちょうど良いティーカップを探しているんだけど、ここに置いているかしら?」 | “I'm looking for just the right kind of teacups. Would you happen to have some here?” | |
そこにはメイド姿の少女(しかも頻度は低いがお得意先である!)が立っていた。珍しく予想が外れたのだ、といっても、予想は一種類しかないから、お客が来れば常に外れだが。 | There was a girl with the appearance of a maid standing there. (Although the frequency is low, I DO have real customers!). My expectation was unusually off, but that's because I always have only one expectation. If a customer shows up, it will always be wrong. | |
「ええ、もちろん有りますよ。どんなカップをお望みですか?」 | “Yes, I surely do. What kind of cup would you like?” | |
「ちょっと小さめで、かわいらしくて、白くて……。そう、 |
“A small, pretty, white one... You see, the kind of white cup that would look nice with dark liquids, and it can't be too heavy. But the real issue is the shape, which should be a little complex... Well, I'll decide about that when I see them. Oh, and I need a pair of them.” | |
「えーと、そうですねぇ」 | “Err, I see...” | |
注文が複雑だ。まるでカップ鑑定人の認定試験の様である。これはかなり難しい問題だ。商品の山の中で、カップのあった場所を思い出しながらでは少々難しすぎるかも知れない。 | A complicated request. It almost seems like an exam for a Cup Expert certification. This is a rather difficult problem. Solving it while I try to remember just where the cups are in the piles of merchandise might be a little too difficult. | |
「……カップはいろいろ有るんですが、紅茶用ですよね?」 | “...Well, I have all kinds of cups. It's for drinking black tea, right?” | |
「まぁ、そんな様な紅茶風用ですわ」 | “Well, it's in the same style as cups for black tea.” | |
「紅茶用は確かこのへんに有った様な……」 | “The cups for black tea were around here, I believe...” | |
幻想郷では紅茶や |
Black tea and coffee are major luxury items in Gensokyo. It's been established that the youkai that drifted here naturally brought with them foreign countries' cultures and things like tools and books. Even if Gensokyo is isolated as an area, it's very international in spirit. | |
さて、一つのアンティークケースを発見した。確かこのケースには、僕のお気に入りが二組入っていた筈である。 | Well, I just found an antique case. I'm sure that in this case were two cups that I liked. | |
「あったあった、これならきっと気に入って頂けると思う……!!」 | “Here it is! I think these will be to your lik...” | |
ケースを開けてみて |
I was astonished when I opened the case. Those weren't the shapes I was expecting to see inside. There was a teacup, and something that once was a teacup lying there in several broken pieces... Yes, one of my favorites was cruelly broken. | |
「どれですか?」 | “Which ones?” | |
「あ、いや。ちょっと」 | “Err, no, just a moment.” | |
Even in my disappointment, I noticed that there was a single sheet of paper inside the case. What could that be? I reached for the paper, but... | |
「ふーん、これは魔理沙の字っぽいわね? 『すまん』だって? どういう意味かしらね」 | “Hmm, this appears to be Marisa's writing, yes? ‘Sorry’? What does that mean?” | |
「!?」 | “!?” | |
何が起きたのだ? |
What just happened? Why wasn't I holding the paper? And I really mean “Why?”. This girl was holding it before I realized it. | |
「はい。お返ししますわ」 | “Here, please have it back.” | |
手渡された紙を見た。その紙には「すまん」とだけ書かれてある。……魔理沙の奴、今度遊びに来たらどうしてくれようか。 | I looked at the paper she handed me. The only thing written there was a 'Sorry'. ...That Marisa, what should I do to her the next time she comes by? | |
さて、僕はすぐに混乱から復帰していた。理解できない事は気にしない様にしている。そうでもないと幻想郷で生きてはいけない。 | I quickly recovered from my confusion. I shouldn't bother too much with things I don't understand. If you don't do that, you can't live in Gensokyo. | |
「そうね。あなたの言う通り、確かに気に入ったわ。これ、頂けるかしら?」 | “Yes, just like you said. I really like these. Can I take them?” | |
前言撤回。僕はまたしても混乱した。割れたカップを気に入るのか? | I take that back. I'm still confused. She liked the broken cup? | |
「え? そ、そうですか? まぁ僕のお気に入りですし……、それにあまり普通じゃないですしね」 | “Huh? I-is that so? Well, I do like them... but they are not exactly normal.” | |
小さいといえばこの上なく小さいし(何しろ破片だからだ)、重くもない。注文通りである。 | As for small, they are as small as they get (because they are in pieces), and they aren't heavy. Just as requested. | |
「かわいいし、紅いお茶にも映えそうだし。お嬢様の注文にぴったりだわ」 | “They are so pretty, and they will look wonderful with black tea. They are exactly what the Mistress wished for." | |
まぁ触れると血は出そうだが……。 | Yeah, but you may bleed if you touch them... | |
――カランカランカラッ。 | Knock-knock-knock. | |
「ちょっと! |
“Hey! Sakuya, are you in there?” | |
今度は |
This time I wasn't wrong. It's usual for the noise to begin in less than 3 seconds after the door opens. And of course, this red one is not a customer. | |
「あれ? 霊夢じゃない。いつ神社に戻ってきたの? それにお嬢様まで……。」 | “My, it seems to be Reimu. When did you return to the shrine? And you brought the Mistress, too...” | |
「戻ってきたの? じゃないでしょ! 人が居ないと思って神社に勝手に上がり込んで! おまけにこいつ置いてかれたら、何されるか判ったもんじゃない」 | “Who cares when I returned?! What's with going inside the shrine when there's nobody there!? And on top of that, you leave this one there doing I don't know what.” | |
「何もしてないわよ。神社にちょうど良いカップも無かったし、ティータイムにもならなかったわ」 | “We did not do a thing. There were no suitable cups at the shrine, so we could not have a proper tea time.” | |
「勝手に上がり込んでお茶もへったくれも無いでしょ!」 | “I won't treat people that come inside on their own to tea!” | |
どうやら、他人の家に勝手に上がり込むのは幻想郷の少女たちの伝統らしいな。 | It seems that entering other people's homes at will seems to be a tradition among the girls of Gensokyo. | |
ちなみにお客様の名前は咲夜。それと霊夢が連れて来たお嬢様はレミリアという。咲夜はレミリアお抱えのメイドだが、このお嬢様、見ての通り吸血鬼である。今回は散歩中に神社に立ち寄ったらしい。 | By the way, the name of the customer is Sakuya. And this mistress that Reimu brought along is called Remilia. Sakuya is a maid in Remilia's service. But, the mistress is quite obviously a vampire. It seems like they were taking a walk and decided to stop by the shrine. | |
「散歩中でも、お茶の時間は必須なの。当然素敵なカップでね」 | “Even during a stroll, tea time is indispensable. And with fine cups, of course.” | |
「レミリア。だいたい、何であんた昼間にうろちょろしてんのよ。吸血鬼のくせに。 |
“Remilia, in the first place, why are you walking about in the middle of the day, even though you're a vampire? Shouldn't you be inside a coffin?” | |
「私だって日光浴見くらいはするわ。ちなみに棺桶は死人が入る物。あなたは何か勘違いしてるわ」 | “I can still have a sunbath viewing. And by the way, coffins are for holding dead people. You seem to have a misunderstanding.” | |
日光浴見とは、日光浴をしている人を鑑賞する事らしい。 | A sunbath viewing apparently consists of appreciating the sight of other people sunbathing. | |
「とにかく、悪魔の居る神社とか噂されたらどうするのよ!」 | “Anyway, what am I going to do if rumors of a devil at the shrine start to spread!?” | |
「何もしないわよ。それに |
“You don't have to do anything. Besides, the offertory box was empty.” | |
「でも、神様の居ない神社よりは |
“But that may be because it is a godless shrine. Right, Mistress?” | |
「神様不在って言うなー!」 | “Don't call it godless!” | |
博麗神社の由来を知っているのはどうやら僕だけの様だ。ここは霊夢の名誉挽回の為にも教えてやろうかと思ったが……、どうでも良いと却下されてしまった。寂しい。 | I'm probably the only one that knows about the origins of the Hakurei Shrine. I thought about telling them now to restore Reimu's honor, but... it's not really important, so I rejected that notion. How sad. | |
「そうそう、咲夜。素敵なティーカップは、見つかった?」 | “Oh, right, Sakuya. Did you find the fine teacups?” | |
「ええ、見つかりましたとも。たいへん素晴らしい品ですわ」 | “Yes, I believe I did. They are quite splendid.” | |
そうだった、僕はまだ混乱している最中だったのだ。何しろそのカップ、片方はこなごなである。 | And then I was immersed in confusion again. What am I going to do about that cup? Its pair is in pieces. | |
「お嬢様、これで見えますでしょうか?」 | “Here, Mistress. Can you see them?” | |
咲夜はケースの |
Sakuya opened the lid of the case, and lowered it so that her mistress could see. | |
Why is a broken cup acceptable? Maybe this is some kind of riddle. That's it; there must be a meaning behind the broken pair. For example, the black tea and the cup pieces would represent a pond of blood and a mountain of splinters, like it was a choice between two kinds of Hell... For a devil and her maid, that must certainly be it! | |
だが、カップを見たレミリアも疑問と困惑の表情をしていた。それは予想以上に人間的な反応だった。 | However, when Remilia saw the cups, she showed a doubtful and disturbed expression on her face. That was a more human reaction than I expected. |
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