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Double Dealing Character/Story/Marisa A's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Extra Scenario |
> |
Stage 1
淡水真珠の涙 |
Tears of Freshwater Pearls | |
霧の湖 |
BGM: ミストレイク |
BGM: Mist Lake | |
Cirno ENTERS | ||
Cirno DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
ちょっと肌寒いな |
It's a bit chilly. |
??? |
あなたは! |
Hey, you! |
Wakasagihime ENTERS | ||
淡水に棲む人魚 |
Mermaid Living in Fresh Water | |
Wakasagihime |
私を退治しに来たのですね? |
Have you come to exterminate me? |
Marisa |
ん? それにしても人魚か |
Hm? Anyway, a mermaid, huh? |
Wakasagihime |
よし! そろそろ |
Okay! The dawn of the reign of us youkai |
BGM: 秘境のマーメイド |
BGM: Mermaid from the Uncharted Land | |
Wakasagihime DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
ああ所詮は半分魚だ 刺身…… いやいや |
She was just a half-fish after all. Sashimi... Nah, |
Stage 2
柳の下の生首 |
Severed Head Under the Willows | |
柳の運河 |
Canal of Willows | |
BGM: 運河を行き交う人妖 |
BGM: Humans and Youkai Traversing the Canal | |
Sekibanki ENTERS | ||
Sekibanki LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
こんなところにも 柳の下なんて幽霊の旦那の |
So, youkai are showin' up And here I thought the seats under the willows |
??? |
意外と沢山居るのよ |
You'd be surprised how many are here. |
Sekibanki ENTERS | ||
ろくろ首の怪奇 |
The Rokurokubi Horror | |
Sekibanki |
人里近くに住む妖怪も |
As well as how many dwell near the Human Village. |
Marisa |
おっと |
Hey, |
Sekibanki |
私も見ても怖がらない |
I won't let you get away |
Marisa |
お前程度の妖怪なんて |
But I'm already tired |
Sekibanki |
そんな傲慢が妖怪の |
This insolence is what |
BGM: 柳の下のデュラハン |
BGM: Dullahan Under the Willows | |
Sekibanki |
夜も昼も恐怖で |
I'll make you too scared to walk around, |
Sekibanki DEFEATED | ||
Sekibanki |
な なによあんた |
Wh-What's with you? |
Marisa |
当たり前だ さてと……悪い子には |
'Course I am. Now, then... The punishment for |
Sekibanki |
あーいや 最近の人間はバンカラなのねー! |
Uh, no, Humans these days are so rough! |
Marisa |
逃げたか…… 八卦炉で炙ってやろうと |
She escaped, huh? And here I thought I could |
Stage 3
十五夜の妖獣 |
Beast Youkai of the 15th Night | |
迷いの竹林 |
BGM: 満月の竹林 |
BGM: Bamboo Forest of the Full Moon | |
Kagerou Imaizumi ENTERS | ||
Kagerou Imaizumi LEAVES | ||
??? |
私を退治しに来たのね? |
You've come to exterminate me, haven't you? |
Kagerou Imaizumi ENTERS | ||
Marisa |
あー |
Ahhhh, |
竹林のルーガルー |
The Bamboo Forest's Loup-Garou | |
Kagerou |
貴方に私が倒せるかしら? |
Do you think you can defeat me? |
Marisa |
うーん そのツヤの良い髪の毛 |
Hmm, That glossy hair |
Kagerou |
え? |
Huh? |
Marisa |
跡形も無く丸焼きにしてやるぜ |
I'm gonna to burn ya to a crisp |
BGM: 孤独なウェアウルフ |
BGM: Lonesome Werewolf | |
Kagerou |
ふふふ この月に祝福されたこの地で |
Hehehe. You'll regret the bad luck you had |
Kagerou Imaizumi DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
狼女か…… 何故本気を出さなかった? |
A werewolf, huh...? Why didn't ya fight seriously? |
Kagerou |
え? |
Huh? |
Marisa |
その動きにくそうな服を脱げば |
I bet you'd get stronger |
Kagerou |
だって…… |
But... |
Marisa |
狼の癖に? まあいいや 半分獣なら思う存分炙れるな |
Hairy? Eh, that don't matter anyway. Since you're half-beast, I can cook ya to my heart's content. |
Kagerou |
ひー |
Eek, |
Marisa |
全身アフロにしてやるぜ そこまでする必要は無いか…… |
I'm gonna give ya a full-body afro. I don't have to go that far... |
Stage 4
嵐の中の不協和音 |
Dissonance Within the Storm | |
幻想郷上空(嵐) |
Skies Above Gensokyo (Storm) | |
BGM: マジカルストーム |
BGM: Magical Storm | |
Yatsuhashi Tsukumo ENTERS | ||
Yatsuhashi Tsukumo LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
急に雲が現れたと思ったら 確実にこの中に悪い奴がいる |
I thought these clouds appeared suddenly, There's gotta be a bad guy in here. |
??? |
みーつけた |
I spy~ |
Benben Tsukumo ENTERS | ||
古びた琵琶の付喪神 |
Tsukumogami of an Aged Biwa | |
Benben |
私の相手になってくれそうな人 |
Someone who looks like they could be my opponent. |
Marisa |
さっそく見つけたぜぇ 好戦的な妖怪がいるところを |
Well, I sure found ya quick. Guess I just gotta search in places |
Yatsuhashi Tsukumo ENTERS | ||
Yatsuhashi |
ちょっと待ってよ 後から来て横取りだなんて狡いわ |
Wait a sec. First come first served, |
Benben |
良いじゃないの それにさっきの戦いをみてたけど この付喪神使いを倒すのは |
And why's that? You saw her first, ...to defeat this tsukumogami user. |
Marisa |
おっと 上等だ |
Woah. Perfect, |
Benben |
最強の付喪神は二人も要らない あんたは下がってなさい |
We certainly don't need two almighty tsukumogami. Could you step back, please? |
Yatsuhashi |
ふーん まあいいや じゃあねー |
Hmm. Well, whatever. See you laterー |
Yatsuhashi Tsukumo LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
む |
Hey, |
Benben |
待ちな! |
Hold it! |
BGM: 幻想浄瑠璃 |
BGM: Illusionary Joururi | |
Benben |
何もかも逆さまな 最強の道具が誰なのか |
In this world of social upheaval Who is the strongest tool? |
Benben Tsukumo DEFEATED | ||
Benben |
うーん 降参よー |
Nngh. I surrenderー |
Marisa |
大口叩いて弱いときたもんだ そんなチンケな道具で |
Ya sure talk big for a weakling. I didn't think such a shoddy tool would be |
Benben |
残念だけど仕方が無い |
This is unfortunate, but I can't do much about it. |
Marisa |
付喪神…… だったんだっけ? |
Tsukumogami...? What was that? |
Benben |
さあ 先に行っていいわよ |
Well, go on ahead. |
Marisa |
あそこ? |
That way? |
Benben |
え? 私達の力はあそこから |
Huh? Our power is overflowing |
Stage 5
何もかも逆さまな世界 |
A Completely Inverted World | |
空中逆さ城内部 |
Floating Inverted Castle - Interior | |
BGM: 空中に沈む輝針城 |
BGM: The Shining Needle Castle Sinking in the Air | |
Seija Kijin ENTERS | ||
Seija Kijin LEAVES | ||
Seija Kijin ENTERS | ||
??? |
何だ? ここはお前達のような人間が 即刻立ち去れい! |
What? This isn't a place Leave at once! |
Marisa |
いやだ こんな面白そうなもん見つけて |
Not happenin'. This place is too interestin' |
逆襲のあまのじゃく |
Counterattacking Amanojaku | |
Seija |
……ほう 自我を持っている様だな お前も我々の仲間になるか? |
...Ah. It seems to have gained a sense of self. Will you become our ally as well? |
Marisa |
仲間……だと? |
Whaddya mean "ally"? |
Seija |
我々は 姫の |
We are a force of resistance. We'll use the princess's treasure |
Marisa |
お おおう |
O-oh. |
Seija |
お前もまだ生まれて間もない |
You, too, must be a weak youkai, |
Marisa |
よ 妖怪だってぇ? 馬鹿にするな |
Y-Youkai? Are ya makin' fun of me? |
Music stops | ||
Seija |
まあよい |
Well, fine. |
Marisa |
幻想郷をひっくり返すなんて |
There's no way I'd agree with somethin' like |
Seija |
そうか残念だな…… |
Oh, that's unfortunate... |
BGM: リバースイデオロギー |
BGM: Reverse Ideology | |
Seija |
持ち主が天に落ちていく姿が |
The last thing it sees will be |
Seija Kijin DEFEATED | ||
Seija |
くう 時期尚早だったか |
Ugh. Maybe my attempt was premature. |
Marisa |
何だよ もっと熱い闘いが繰り |
Man, I thought you were going to |
Seija |
ますます仲間に欲しくなった 我らの手に秘宝がある限り |
This just makes me want your power As long as we have that treasure, |
Marisa |
秘宝……だと? |
Treasure, ya say? |
Seija |
次の |
Maybe our next approach |
Seija Kijin LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
あっ 待て! 秘宝……か そういえば私の目的は そうだ |
Hey, wait! Treasure, huh...? That reminds me. My goal was to Yeah! |
Stage 6
小さき者の大きな野望 |
The Small One's Great Ambition | |
輝針城 天守閣 |
Shining Needle Castle - Castle Keep | |
BGM: 針小棒大の天守閣 |
BGM: The Exaggerated Castle Keep | |
Seija Kijin ENTERS | ||
Seija Kijin DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
外はすっかり晴れたようだな ……何だか気が大きくなるな |
Hey, it totally cleared up outside. ...Kinda feels like I could do anythin' I wanted. |
??? |
だーれ? |
Who's theeere? |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna ENTERS | ||
??? |
あら巷で有名な魔法使いさん もしかして私と一緒に |
Oh, it's that famous magician I've heard so much about. Could you perhaps be here to |
Marisa |
いや あー そうだ思い出した |
No, uh... Right, I remember. |
??? |
あはははは 貴方の心が力を渇望しているのが |
Ahahaha! I can see that your heart |
Marisa |
なん……だと? |
What? How...? |
??? |
人間の味方がいるって |
Having a human ally would be |
小人の末裔 |
Descendant of the Inchlings | |
Shinmyoumaru |
我々小人の一族はその身体的特徴から 味方する者も殆どいない |
Thanks to the physical traits of the inchlings, There's almost nobody who wants to ally with us. |
Marisa |
お前は小人だったのか…… |
You're an Inchling...? |
Shinmyoumaru |
大きくなる力を得た今こそ もちろん貴方も賛同してくれるよね? |
Now that we've gained a greater power, You surely agree, right? |
Marisa |
うーん ひっくり返す……か 家の中が散らかるから |
Umm. Turn it upside-down...? It'd make a total mess of my house, |
BGM: 輝く針の小人族 ~ Little Princess |
BGM: Inchling of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess | |
Shinmyoumaru |
では何故秘宝の力を望む? |
Then why do you desire my treasure's power? |
Marisa |
そもそも秘宝が何なのか |
I don't know what your |
Shinmyoumaru |
面白い事を言うね それが出来るのが |
How amusing. That power can be easily granted |
Marisa |
打ち出の……小槌だと!? |
The Miracle... Mallet!? |
Shinmyoumaru |
そうだ! 全ての力弱き者に さあ、 |
Yes! A treasure that can grant the power Now, my treasured mallet! |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
Ending No. 09 (Bad Ending) | ||
If player has not continued | ||
Ending No. 03 (Good Ending) |
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> |
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