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Double Dealing Character/Story/Marisa B's Scenario
< | Prologue | Story | Extra Story Extra Scenario |
> |
Stage 1
淡水真珠の涙 |
Tears of Freshwater Pearls | |
霧の湖 |
BGM: ミストレイク |
BGM: Mist Lake | |
Cirno ENTERS | ||
Cirno DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
ちょっと肌寒いな |
It's a bit chilly. |
??? |
あなたは! |
Hey, you! |
Wakasagihime ENTERS | ||
淡水に棲む人魚 |
Mermaid Living in Fresh Water | |
Wakasagihime |
私を退治しに来たのですね? |
Have you come to exterminate me? |
Marisa |
ん? それにしても人魚か |
Hm? Anyway, a mermaid, huh? |
Wakasagihime |
いつも無視するんだもん そろそろ |
You always ignore me. Isn't it about time us youkai |
BGM: 秘境のマーメイド |
BGM: Mermaid from the Uncharted Land | |
Wakasagihime DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
ああ所詮は半分魚だ 全部魚にした方が |
She was just a half-fish after all. Wouldn't she be stronger |
Stage 2
柳の下の生首 |
Severed Head Under the Willows | |
柳の運河 |
Canal of Willows | |
BGM: 運河を行き交う人妖 |
BGM: Humans and Youkai Traversing the Canal | |
Sekibanki ENTERS | ||
Sekibanki LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
こんなところにも 柳の下なんて幽霊の旦那の |
So, youkai are showin' up And here I thought the seats under the willows |
??? |
意外と沢山居るのよ |
You'd be surprised how many are here. |
Sekibanki ENTERS | ||
ろくろ首の怪奇 |
The Rokurokubi Horror | |
Sekibanki |
人里近くに住む妖怪も |
As well as how many dwell near the Human Village. |
Marisa |
おっと |
Hey, |
Sekibanki |
私も見て怖がらない |
I won't let you let away |
Marisa |
いやビックリしたぜ |
Actually, ya did surprise me there |
Sekibanki |
その生首 |
Do you want to... |
BGM: 柳の下のデュラハン |
BGM: Dullahan Under the Willows | |
Sekibanki |
もう一度見てみる? |
See me do that again? |
Sekibanki DEFEATED | ||
Sekibanki |
怖がってくれたかしら? |
Were you scared? |
Marisa |
いやまあ そうでも無いな |
Well, uh... Not really. |
Sekibanki |
がっくし 最近の人間は肝が据わってるわね |
Urrgh... Humans these days are so fearless. |
Marisa |
まあ私は特別だからな 里で暴れるなよ? |
Well, I'm just special. Don't cause a racket in the village, okay? |
Stage 3
十五夜の妖獣 |
Beast Youkai of the 15th Night | |
迷いの竹林 |
BGM: 満月の竹林 |
BGM: Bamboo Forest of the Full Moon | |
Kagerou Imaizumi ENTERS | ||
Kagerou Imaizumi LEAVES | ||
??? |
私を退治しに来たのね? |
You've come to exterminate me, haven't you? |
Kagerou Imaizumi ENTERS | ||
Marisa |
あー |
Ahhhh, |
竹林のルーガルー |
The Bamboo Forest's Loup-Garou | |
Kagerou |
貴方に私が倒せるかしら? |
Do you think you can defeat me? |
Marisa |
自信ありげだな 何か罠でも張っているのか? |
Ya look pretty confident. Didja set a trap or somethin'? |
Kagerou |
ふふふ |
Hehehe. |
Marisa |
何の話だ? はっ 迷いの竹林で満月だと? |
So what? Uh... A full moon in the Bamboo Forest of the Lost? |
BGM: 孤独なウェアウルフ |
BGM: Lonesome Werewolf | |
Kagerou |
そう いまや竹林は ここで私と闘うなんて |
Yes. Now is the time when I feel sorry for you, |
Kagerou Imaizumi DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
狼女か…… 湖の人魚といい今日は ろくろ首はどうか判らんが…… |
A werewolf, huh? I've been meetin' a lot of half-humans today. Not sure about rokurokubi, though... |
Kagerou |
湖の人魚って…… |
A mermaid in the lake?... |
Marisa |
そうだ |
Yeah. |
Kagerou |
それなりにね 間違って食べようとした |
Somewhat, Though I also tried to eat her once |
Marisa |
ふーんそうか 普段大人しい妖怪同士で |
Hmm, I see. A bunch of normally quiet youkai, |
Kagerou |
あの子が暴れるとは 気弱で虫も殺せない |
That girl, attacking people? That girl is so timid that |
Marisa |
あー? |
Huh? |
Kagerou |
それに最低でも私は自分の |
Besides, the most I did was |
Marisa |
うーん そうか…… |
Hmm... I see... |
Stage 4
嵐の中の不協和音 |
Dissonance Within the Storm | |
幻想郷上空(嵐) |
Skies Above Gensokyo (Storm) | |
BGM: マジカルストーム |
BGM: Magical Storm | |
Benben Tsukumo ENTERS | ||
Benben Tsukumo LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
急に雲が現れたと思ったら 確実にこの中に悪い奴がいる |
I thought these clouds appeared suddenly, There's gotta be a bad guy in here. |
Yatsuhashi Tsukumo ENTERS | ||
??? |
ちょっとまって |
Wait a sec. |
古びた琴の付喪神 |
Tsukumogami of an Aged Koto | |
Yatsuhashi |
私の相手をしてくれない? |
Why don't you fight with me? |
Marisa |
付喪神だな? きっとこういう奴を辿っていけば |
A tsukumogami, huh? If I follow someone like you, |
Benben Tsukumo ENTERS | ||
Benben |
こらこらそいつは私の獲物だぞ? 横取りとは感心しないねぇ |
Now, now. That's my prey, you know. Swiping her away is not very admirable behavior. |
Yatsuhashi |
ふーんだ それにさっきの戦いをみてたけど こいつは姉さんの直線的な |
Hmmph! I saw you fighting her before, anyway. Your plain, linear music |
Marisa |
お おう 二人相手でも構わないぞ? |
Ah, um... I don't mind fighting both of you at once... |
Yatsuhashi |
うーん 私は一人で人間と闘って |
Well... It's always been my dream to |
Benben |
あっそう まあいいや じゃあ後はよろしく |
Well, whatever. I'll leave the rest to you. |
Benben Tsukumo LEAVES | ||
Marisa |
なんだ |
Huh, |
BGM: 幻想浄瑠璃 |
BGM: Illusionary Joururi | |
Yatsuhashi |
道具だからって 大人しき者が力を得る 道具だって世界を支配できる! |
Don't underestimate me just The meek have gained power Even mere tools can rule the world! |
Yatsuhashi Tsukumo DEFEATED | ||
Yatsuhashi |
わーお こりゃ無理だー |
Wowー I can't stand up to that. |
Marisa |
さっき変な事を 下克上の世界……とか |
You said something A "world of social upheaval," or something? |
Yatsuhashi |
だって…… 最高じゃない |
I mean... Isn't that awesome? |
Marisa |
それで人間に逆襲した |
So does that mean you're taking |
Yatsuhashi |
人間だけじゃないわ |
Not just humans. |
Marisa |
はん! いやまて…… ミニ八卦炉が勝手に その話 |
Hah! Wait, hold on... Is this why the Mini-Hakkero Could ya tell me more |
Yatsuhashi |
今まで大人しかった妖怪達ほど そういう世界が出来つつあるの 空中に浮かぶ逆さ城…… |
Even the youkai who've been docile up until now That's the kind of world it's turning into. All of our power comes from there, |
Stage 5
何もかも逆さまな世界 |
A Completely Inverted World | |
空中逆さ城内部 |
Floating Inverted Castle - Interior | |
BGM: 空中に沈む輝針城 |
BGM: The Shining Needle Castle Sinking in the Air | |
Seija Kijin ENTERS | ||
Seija Kijin LEAVES | ||
Seija Kijin ENTERS | ||
??? |
何だ? ここはお前達のような人間が 即刻立ち去れい! |
What? This isn't a place Leave at once! |
Marisa |
いやだ ミニ八卦炉がおかしくなった原因が |
Not happenin'. The reason my Mini-Hakkero's been goin' crazy |
逆襲のあまのじゃく |
Counterattacking Amanojaku | |
Seija |
何の話だ? |
What are you talking about? |
Marisa |
お前は付喪神を操って さっきそう聞いたぜ |
You've been controllin' the tsukumogami. I heard it from |
Seija |
付喪神……? ははん |
From a tsukumogami? Haha. |
Marisa |
ん? |
Huh? |
Seija |
付喪神などおまけでしかない 下克上だ! 強者が力を失い どのみち被支配者の人間には |
The tsukumogami are nothing but a bonus. Social upheaval! The strong shall lose their power It doesn't have much to do with you, |
Marisa |
下克上だと? |
Social upheaval? |
Seija |
なあに 人間にとっては |
Why? For humans, it would be a world |
Marisa |
違う違う 下克上は私にとっての反逆だ |
No, no. For me, "social upheaval" means a revolt. |
Seija |
ほう…… 我ら力弱き者達が 気にも留めたことがないと |
Ah... If the thought of how much we, the weak, has never crossed your mind, |
BGM: リバースイデオロギー |
BGM: Reverse Ideology | |
Seija |
何もかもひっくり返る逆さ城で |
In this inverted castle where everything is turned upside-down, |
Seija Kijin DEFEATED | ||
Seija |
くう 時期尚早だったか |
Ugh. Maybe my attempt was premature. |
Marisa |
ほら強者だろ? その程度の力で世の中をひっくり |
I told ya I was one of the strong. I'm surprised you could even think of flippin' the world |
Seija |
まだだ 我らの手に秘宝がある限り ……多少の代償に目を瞑れば |
Not yet. As long as we have that treasure, ...As long as we can turn a blind eye to the price. |
Marisa |
あっ 待て! いくらでも強くなれる…… 面白いじゃないか ちょいと後を付けるか |
Ah, wait! You can become as strong... Now, don't that seem interestin'. I'll just go ahead and follow her. |
Stage 6
小さき者の大きな野望 |
The Small One's Great Ambition | |
輝針城 天守閣 |
Shining Needle Castle - Castle Keep | |
BGM: 針小棒大の天守閣 |
BGM: The Exaggerated Castle Keep | |
Seija Kijin ENTERS | ||
Seija Kijin DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
外はすっかり晴れたようだな こんな所に居る奴が |
Hey, it's totally cleared up outside. In a place like this, how could anyone think |
??? |
だーれ? |
Who's theeere? |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna ENTERS | ||
??? |
あら巷で有名な魔法使いさん 来るべき時が来たのね |
Oh, it's that famous magician I've heard so much about. You came at just the right time. |
Marisa |
お前が下克上を企んでいるのか |
Are you plottin' to overturn society? |
??? |
最初の だが諦めないよ! |
The first obstacle is you, who has fought a hundred battles... But I won't give up! |
小人の末裔 |
Descendant of the Inchlings | |
Shinmyoumaru |
小人の一族がどのような 貴方達に判らせるまで! |
I won't rest until you all know the inchling race has endured! |
Marisa |
お前は小人だったのか…… |
So you're an inchling...? |
Shinmyoumaru |
大きくなる力を得た今こそ |
Now that we've gained a greater power, |
Marisa |
ふん 小人になんて負ける筈が無い 大体 自分が弱いって判ってるから かかってこい! |
Heh. There's no way I'd lose to an inchling. Ain't the whole reason you want to overthrow society Bring it on! |
BGM: 輝く針の小人族 ~ Little Princess |
BGM: Inchling of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess | |
Shinmyoumaru |
あはははは だが私の手には夢幻の力がある それが秘宝『打ち出の |
Ahahaha. However, I have the power of dreams here in my hand. This is our treasure, the "Miracle Mallet"! |
Marisa |
打ち出の……小槌だと!? |
The Miracle... Mallet!? |
Shinmyoumaru |
あわてふためくがいい さあ、 |
You're right to be scared. Now, my treasured mallet! |
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
Ending No. 10 (Bad Ending) | ||
If player has not continued | ||
Ending No. 04 (Good Ending) |
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> |
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